Bibliography: Books, Manuscripts, Journals
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Captain's Log: H. M. S. Beagle. Kew, United Kingdom: National Archives ADM 51/3055: Records of the Admiralty, Captains' Logs.
Master's Log: H. M. S. Beagle. Kew, United Kingdom: National Archives ADM 52/4002: Records of the Admiralty, Masters' Logs.
Ship's Log: H. M. S. Beagle. Kew, United Kingdom: National Archives ADM 53/236: Records of the Admiralty, Ships' Logs.
1927 South America Pilot. Part III. Comprising the West Coast of South America from Cabo tres Montes to Panama Bay, including the Islas Galápagos and other Off-Lying Islands. Second edition. London: Hydrographic Department, Admiralty.
1892 “General sketch of the expedition of the Albatross from February to May 1891. The Galápagos Islands.” In Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 23(1):56-74. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology. Includes:
1873 “A Cruise Through the Galapagos.” In The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. XXXI. pp. 579-84. Boston: James R. Osgood and Company.
1786 Diccionario Geográfico-Histórico de las Indias Occidentales ó América. 5 volumes. Madrid: Imprento de Benito Cano.
1812 Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies. First English edition, translated by G. A. Thompson. London: James Carpenter.
1835 “Remarks on some of the Galapagos Islands.” In Nautical Magazine, Vol. 5. pp. 66-68. Glasgow: Brown, Son & Ferguson.
1851 The New Navy List and General Record of the Services of Officers of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines. London, Whitehall: Parker, Furnivall, and Parker.
1853, 55 (same as above)
2002 E-mail letter dated 15 May.
Untitled (Whaling). In The Friend, Vol. V, No. VIII, pp. 60-61. Honolulu: Samuel C. Damon.
See also Camillas, below.
1930 Bulletin: New York Zoological Society, XXXIII, No. 4, July-August. Contains the following features:
Includes paintings by Wilfred S. Bronson and rear cover map of Nourmahal Route through Galápagos.
1928 The Gull Monthly Bulletin. Vol. 10, No. 8, August. San Francisco: Audubon Association of the Pacific
Narrative of the 1960 Field Trip of the Denver Museum of Natural History to the Galápagos Islands. Pictorial No. 19. Denver: Denver Museum of Natural History.
Photo of Darwin monument on Isla San Cristóbal.
“Hancock Expedition to the Galápagos Islands, 1933: General Report.” In Bulletin of the Zoological Society of San Diego, No. 10 (May). San Diego: Zoological Society of San Diego.
Course of Velero III chart on rear cover.
1934 Charles Darwin's Diary of the Voyage of H. M. S. “Beagle” Edited from the MS by Nora Barlow. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1994 Recollections of the Crash of a B-24. Online ms.
1923 Williams Galápagos Expedition. Zoologica: Scientific Contributions of the New York Zoological Society, Vol 5. No. 1 (December 31). New York: New York Zoological Society.
Galápagos: World's End. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, The Knickerbocker Press.
Includes John Tee-Van's “Diagrammatic Chart of the Pacific Bottom.”
1926 The Arcturus Adventure: An Account of the New York Zoological Society's First Oceanographic Expedition. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, The Knickerbocker Press.
1981 The Arcturus Adventure: An Account of the New York Zoological Society's First Oceanographic Expedition. Reprint of 1926 edition. New York: HarperCollins.
1988 Galápagos: World's End. Reprint of 1924 edition. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications
1535 “Letter to His Majesty ... describing his Voyage from Panamá to Puerto Viejo.” In Coleccion de Documentos Ineditos relativos al Descubrimiento, Conquista y Organizacion de las Antiguas Posesiones Españolas de América y Oceania. Tomo XLI, Cuaderno II. Madrid. Imprenta de Manuel G. Hernandez (1884, pp. 538-544).
1869 A Thousand Miles' Walk across South America. Boston: Lee and Shepard; New York: Charles T. Dillingham.
1973 Galapagos Archipielago del Ecuador. Quito: Impreso en Imprenta Europa Cia. Ltda., for the Charles Darwin Foundation and World Wildlife Fund.
1936 Underliga Mäniskor och Underliga Djur (Strange People and Strange Animals). Stockholm: Geber.
1917 Las Islas Encantadas, ó el Archipielago de Colon. 2nd Edition. Guayaquil: Libreria e Imp. “Gutenberg” de Elicio A. Uzcátegui. 1917 on cover, but 1918 on title page.
1960 Report on a Biological Reconnaissance of the Galápagos Islands During 1957. Paris: publication details unknown.
2011 The Last Buccaneers in the South Sea: 1686-1695 Raleigh, NC:
1963 “La Reproduction des Oiseaux de Mer del îles Galápagos en 1962.” In Alauda 31, pp. 81-109.
1968 Galápagos: The Flow of Wildness. Volume 1, Discovery; Volume 2, Prospect. San Francisco: The Sierra Club.
1970 Galápagos: The Flow of Wildness. Volume 1, Discovery; Volume 2, Prospect. San Francisco & New York: The Sierra Club & Ballantine Books (paperback edition of the above).
1987 Racing Through Paradise: A Pacific Journey. New York: Random House.
1816 A Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean. Volume 4. London: G. & W. Nicol.
History of the Buccaneers of America. London: Payne and Foss, Pall-Mall.
Same as Volume 4, Part I (pp. 1-326) of Chronological History (above).
Both contain John Russell's revised version of Herman Moll's 1699 Galápagos chart.
1826 Voyage of H. M. S. Blonde to the Sandwich Islands in the Years 1824-1825. London: John Murray.
1586 Miscelánea Antártica. 1951 Reprint. Lima, Peru: Universidád Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
1847 “Notes of a Terrapin Hunt.” In The Friend, Vol. V, No. X, pp. 73-74. Honolulu: Samuel C. Damon.
1966 “The Marine Iguana of the Galápagos Islands, Its Behavior and Ecology.” In Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences Fourth Series, vol. XXXIV, No. 6, pp. 329-376. San Francisco: California Academy of Sciences.
1821 Narrative of the Most Extraordinary and Distressing Shipwreck of the Whale-Ship Essex of Nantucket, which was attacked and finally destroyed by a large Spermaciti-Whale in the Pacific Ocean, with an Account of the Unparalleled Sufferings of the Captain and Crew, during a space of Ninety-three days at Sea, in open boats, in the years 1819 & 1820. New York: W. B. Gilley.
“Chase's Narrative of the Most Extraordinary and Distressing Shipwreck of the Whale-Ship Essex.” Reprint of the 1821 Narrative … . In The Loss of the Ship Essex, Sunk by a Whale: First-Person Accounts. Nathaniel & Thomas Philbrick, editors. New York: Penguin Books.
See also Nickerson.
1832 “New Colony.” In Christian Register, May 12. Vol XI, No. 19. Boston.
“Drowned islands downstream from the Galapagos hotspot imply extended speciation times.” In “Letters to Nature,” Nature 355, 16 January 1992.
Includes W. M. White's Galápagos Bathymetry Chart.
1720 See John Harris' Navigantium … excerpts link below.
A Pioneer Heritage. Los Angeles: Saturday Night Publishing Company.
In Fraser's Table of scientists and guests, all Column 1 (Oaxaca) & some Column 2 (first Velero III voyage) data has been added from the above.
1860 Remarks on Board Bark Vigilant of New Bedford, Frederick P. Cole, Master. Manuscript journal. Salem, Massachusetts: Phillips Library, Peabody Essex Museum. Canberra, Australia: Microfilm PMB 22.
1875 “Galapagos Archipelago.” pp. 499-515 in Around the World. Glasgow: William Collins & Son
Rattler: Log kept by Captain James Colnett (5 January, 1793 to 1 November, 1794). ADM55/100 London: National Archives.
Galápagos sections: 24 June, 1793 to 10 July, 1793 and 12 March, 1794 to 16 May, 1794.
Complete log available for PDF download (59.5 Mb) from the National Archives. Cost (February, 2017): £ 3.45.
A Voyage to the South Atlantic and Round Cape Horn into the Pacific Ocean, for the Purpose of Extending the Spermaceti Whale Fisheries, and other objects of commerce, by ascertaining the ports, bays, harbours, and anchoring births, in certain islands and coasts in those seas at which the ships of the British merchants might be refitted. London: W. Bennett.
Includes Aaron Arrowsmith's first Chart of the Galapagos.
The Enchanted Islands: A Five-year Adventure in the Galápagos. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons.
Note: The above sub-title appears on the dust jacket of this edition only, and is not repeated in the printed text.
1948 The Enchanted Islands. London: Geoffrey Bles.
Return to The Island. London: Geoffrey Bles.
Endpapers in both books show island sketch maps..
A Voyage to the South Sea, and Round the World, Perform'd in the
Years 1708, 1709, 1710, and 1711, by the Ships Duke and Dutchess of Bristol. 2 vols. London: B. Lintot & R. Gosling.
Contains several island profile sketches.
Compare Cooke's Galápagos description with that of Woodes Rogers.
ca. 1933 A Visit to the Cocos and Galapagos Islands on board the “Blue Dolphin” 1933. Undated typescript ms. privately printed.
2010 The Lion and the Giraffe: A Naturalist's Life in the Movie Business. Albany, GA: Bear Manor Media.
Adventures in the Pacific; with Observations on The Natural Productions, Manners and Customs of the Natives of the Various Islands; together with Remarks on Missionaries, British and Other Residents, Etc., Etc. Dublin: William Curry, Jun. and Co.
Compare the Porter, Coulter and Melville descriptions of Patrick Watkins' fate.
1686 “A Short Account of My Voyage Round this Terestiall Globe of the World from Virginia to England and through the Great South Sea.” In Miscellanea Curiosa. Richmond, Virginia: Virginia Historical Society Mss1. T8525a3, Vol IV (letter written by Cowley describing his voyage).
ca. 1687 “The Voyage of Capt. Cowley. Papist.” In Lambeth Ms. 642: Codex Chartaceus. London: Lambeth Palace Library.
Compare the above two mss.
ca. 1688 Cowley's Voyage Round the World. London: British Library. Sloane MS. 1050.
ca. 1698
“A Journal kept by Capt. Wm. Cowley on board the Ship Nicholas of London Capt. John Eaton Commander. A Voyage from Gorgona Island … to … Holland.” and
“An abstract of a journal kept by Capt. Cowley from Cape Charles … to … the Island of Gorgona.”
In William Hacke, Handwritten Journal of Pirate Bartholomew Sharpe. New York: Morgan Library. Ms. MA 3310.
“Cowley's Voyage Round the Globe.” In A Collection of Original Voyages … . Published by Capt. William Hacke. London: James Knapton.
p. 9 (facing). Map by Herman Moll.
See also Woram: The Seven Manuscripts of William Ambrosia Cowley.
1955 Cloud of Islands: By Sail to the South Seas. New York: Hastings House.
1991 Malaspina and Galiano. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
ca. 1825 See Joerger, Pauline King
See also William Ambrosia Cowley's “Voyage” for his passing reference to Dampier.
1675 Letter to Colonel William Helyar. Walker-Heneage/Helyar Papers, DD/WHh, 1090/2/60. Taunton: Somerset Records Office.
16__ The Adventures of William Dampier, with others who Left Capt. Sharpe in the South Seas and travaled back over land through the country of Darien. Sloane Ms. 3236. London: British Library.
1697 A New Voyage Round the World. Describing particularly, The Isthmus of America, several Coasts and Islands in the West Indies, the Isles of Cape Verd, the Passage by Terra del Fuego, the South Sea Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico; the Isle of Guam one of the Ladrones, Mindanao, and other Philippine and East-India Islands near Cambodia, China, Formosa, Luconia, Celebes, &c. New Holland, Sumatra, Nicobar Isles; the Cape of Good Hope, and Santa Hellena. THEIR Soil, Rivers, Harbours, Plants, Fruits, Animals, and Inhabitants. THEIR Customs, Religion, Government, Trade, &c. Illustrated with Particular Maps and Draughts. London: James Knapton.
Comparison of Sloane Ms. 3236 & 1697 Knapton edition.
1697 Second edition.
1698 Third edition.
1699 Fourth edition, with “Vol I.” on title page, published concurrently with Voyages and Descriptions.
1703 Fifth edition.
1717 Sixth edition.
1729 Seventh edition (complete text), published as Vol. 1 of Dampier's Voyages.
1699 Voyages and Descriptions. Vol. II. In THREE Parts, viz. 1. A Supplement of the Voyage round the World, Describing the Countreys of Tonquin, Achin, Mallacca, &c. Their Product, Inhabitants, Manners, Trade, Policy, &c. 2. Two Voyages to Campeachy ; with a Description of the Coasts, Product, Inhabitants, Logwood-Cutting, Trade, &c. of Jucatan, Campeachy, New-Spain, &c. 3. A Discourse of Trade-Winds, Breezes, Storms, Seasons of the Year, Tides and Currents of the Torrid Zone throughout the World : With an Account of Natal in Africk, its Product, Negro's &c. Illustrated with Particular Maps and Draughts. London: James Knapton. (Includes index to volumes 1 & 2, Errata, catalog.)
1700 Second edition.
1705 Third edition.
1729 Fourth edition, published as Vol. 2 of Dampier's Voyages.
1703 A VOYAGE to New Holland, &c. In the Year, 1699. Wherein are described, The Canary-Islands, the Isles of Mayo and St. Jago. The Bay of All Saints, with the Forts and Town of Bahia in Brasil. Cape Salvadore. The Winds on the Brasilian Coast. Abrohlo-Shoals. A Table of all the Variations observ'd in this Voyage. Occurrences near the Cape of Good Hope. The Course to New Holland. Shark's Bay. The Isles and Coast, &c. of New Holland. Their Inhabitants, Manners, Customs, Trade, &c. Their Harbours, Soil, Beasts, Birds, Fish, &c. Trees, Plants, Fruits, &c. Illustrated with several Maps and Draughts; also divers Birds, Fishes, and Plants, not found in this part of the World, Curiously Ingraven on Copper-Plates. VOL III. London: James Knapton.
1709 Second edition, published concurrently with A Continuation of a Voyage to New-Holland.
1729 Third edition, published in Vol. 3 of Dampier's Voyages.
1709 A CONTINUATION OF A VOYAGE TO NEW-HOLLAND, &c. In the Year 1699. Wherein are described, The Islands Timor, Rotee and Anabao. A Passage between the Islands Timor and Anabao. Copang and Laphao Bays. A Description of the Coast of New-Guinea. The Islands Pulo Sabuda, Cockle, King William's, Providence, Garret Dennis, Ant. Cave's and St John's. Also a new Passage between N. Guinea and Nova Britannia. The Islands Ceram, Bonao, Bouro, and several Islands before unknown. The Coast of Java, and Streights of Sunda. Author's Arrival at Batavia, Cape of Good Hope, St. Helens, I. Ascension, &c. Their Inhabitants, Customs, Trade, &c. Harbours, Soil, Birds, Fish, &c. Trees, Plants, Fruits, &c. Illustrated with Maps and Draughts: Also divers Birds, Fishes, &c. not found in this part of the World, Ingraven on Eighteen Copper-Plates. London: by W. Botham; for James Knapton.
1729 Second edition, published in Vol. 3 of Dampier's Voyages.
Dampier's Voyages. A four-volume edition (first edition of the collected works). London: James Knapton.
Vol 1: Seventh edition of New Voyage.
Vol 2: Fourth edition of Voyages and Descriptions (but edition number not cited on title page).
Vol 3: Third edition of New Holland, plus second edition of A Continuation, plus Lionel Wafer's A New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America.
Vol 4: Collected voyages of Funnell, Cowley, Sharp, Wood, and Roberts.
1906 Dampier's Voyages: Consisting of a New Voyage Round the World, a Supplement to the Voyage Round the World, Two Voyages to Campeachy, a Discourse of Winds, a Voyage to New Holland, and a Vindication, in answer to the Chimerical Relation of William Funnell. (Half-title given as The Voyages of Captain William Dampier.) Edited by John Masefield. Limited edition of 1,000 copies. Two volumes. London: E. Grant Richards. New Voyage from sixth (1717) edition. Tonquin, Campeachy, and Discourse credited to a sixth (non-existent) edition, but probably from Vols. 2 & 3 of Dampier's Voyages (1729) edition. New Holland is from Vol. 3 of same. Vindication et al taken from National Archives, folio 232.
1927 A New Voyage Round the World. With an Introduction by Sir Albert Gray, K. C, B., K. C. London: The Argonaut Press. A reprint of 1729 edition, Dampier's Voyages, Vol 1.
1931 Voyages and Discoveries. Edited and with introduction and notes by Clennell Wilkinson. London: The Argonaut Press. A reprint of 1729 edition, Dampier's Voyages, Vol 2.
1968 A New Voyage Round the World. Unabridged, unaltered republication of the 1927 Argonaut Press edition. With a new introduction by Percy G. Adams. New York: Dover Publications (paperback).
1970 A New Voyage Round the World. Argonaut Press #2. Amsterdam: Nico Israel and New York: Da Capo Press. A facsimile of 1927 edition, A New Voyage Round the World.
1971 Voyages and Discoveries. Argonaut Press # 11. Amsterdam: Nico Israel and New York: Da Capo Press. A facsimile of 1931 edition, Voyages and Discoveries.
See Pellegrini for Vanity Fair caricatures.
See Sambourne for Punch cartoons.
See Comparison of chapter titles for various Journal editions.
1831-36 Diary. (See Nora Barlow and Richard Darwin Keynes for details.)
Journal and Remarks. Volume III, in Narrative of the Surveying voyages of His Majesty's Ships Adventure and Beagle. London: Henry Colburn.
Journal of Researches into the Geology and Natural History of the various Countries Visited by H. M. S. Beagle. London: Henry Colburn.
Galápagos chapter.
Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the various Countries Visited by H. M. S. Beagle. London: John Murray.
Galápagos chapter.
Geological Observations on the Volcanic Islands and Parts of South America Visited during the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle. London: Henry Colburn.
Galápagos chapter only.
1890 Journal of Researches into the Natural History & Geology of the Countries Visited During the Voyage Round the World of H. M. S. Beagle. A New Edition with Illustrations by R. T. (Robert Taylor) Pritchett … London: John Murray.
The Voyage of the “Beagle”: Journal of Researches … (First edition to use this title.) London: Amalgamated Press Ltd.
Complete text or Galápagos Archipelago chapter.
2008 Charles Darwin: the Beagle Letters. Edited by Frederick Burkhardt with an Introduction by Janet Browne. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press
2001-02 News Releases pertaining to Jessica Oil Spill. Various sources, as indicated.
[1874] Nimrod of the Sea, or The American Whaleman. Boston: Charles E. Lauriat Co. 1924 reprint.
2001 Peter Deilmann Cruises Presents the Galapagos Alexandria, VA: Peter Deilmann Cruises (tourist brochure).
1817 A Narrative of Voyages and Travels, in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres: Comprising Three Voyages Round the World; Together with a Voyage of Survey and Discovery, in the Pacific Ocean and Oriental Islands. Boston: E. G. House.
[1684] Journal du Voyage fait a la Mer de Sud … . (Journal of a Voyage into the South Seas in 1684 and the following years with the Filibusters). 1930 English translation by Marguerite Eyer Wilbur. Cleveland: Arthur H. Clark.
1991 Galápagos Islands: A Philatelic Study. Hastings, New Zealand: Privately printed.
2013 Piratas en Galápagos (1680-1720). Quito, Ecuador: Editorial Ecuador (solo en español).
2002 Plundering Paradise: The Hand of Man on the Galápagos Islands. New York: HarperCollins.
1926 The South Seas of To-Day: Being an account of the Cruise of the Yacht St. George to the South Pacific. London: Cassell and Company, Ltd.
1964 “Goats and Hawks — A New Theory of Predation on the Land Iguana.” In Animal Kingdom, LXVII, No. 2. March-April (pp. 51-56). New York: New York Zoological Society.
1899 Diary, 21 June 1897 - 8 February 1898. In Rothschild & Hartert (Section III, pp. 104-135).
Voyage autour du monde, exécuté par ordre du Roi, sur la corvette de Sa Majesté, La Coquille, pendant les années 1822, 1823, 1824 et 1825. Paris: Arthus Bertrand.
Includes J. M. Hacq chart of six locations, three in Galápagos.
1835 (Constitution of Ecuador)
1839 Decreto Legislativo del 12 de Abril de 1839. Published in El Registro Autentico N°. 72, p. 570.
1892 October 12 Decreto on Island Names and other matters.
1971 Decreto Supremo Nº 959 de 28 de Julio de 1971.
1973 Decreto Supremo Nº 164 de 18 de Febrero de 1973
2005Derrotero de la Costa Continental e Insular del Ecuador, 4th Edition. Ecuador: Instituto Oceanográfico de la Armada (INOCAR). (PDF download, p. 161, gives details on Arrecife Schiavoni.)
2013Frederick Ritter: My Evil Paradise Floreana—Report of an adventurous and extraordinary Life on Galapagos.
1960 Galapagos. London: Macgibbon & Kee.
1961 Galapagos: The Noah's Ark of the Pacific. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company.
1985-95 Oral Histories of Galapagueños. Unpublished.
2013Galápagos: A Human History. Campbell, CA: FastPencil.
The Buccaneers of America: A True Account of the Most Remarkable Assaults committed of Late Years upon the Coast of the West Indies by the Buccaneers of Jamaica and Tortuga, both English and French. London: William Crooke.
See also Ringrose, Basil.
ca. 1914 Undated reprint edition of above. London: George Routledge & Sons. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co.
“Darwin in Galápagos: His Footsteps through the Archipelago.” In Notes of the Royal Society, Vol 54, No. 3, pp. 343-368. London: The Royal Society.
See map of Chatham Island (Isla San Cristóbal), showing points visited by Darwin.
1936 Letter to C. T. Munson. 25 April. Unpublished. Private collection.
ca. 1944
Debunking the Baroness. Puerto Ayora, Galápagos: Unpublished manuscript.
Also appeared in Robert Reiss's Doctor Yank as “The Story of the Baroness and Other Settlers Of The Galapagos Before WWII (as narrated by Mr. Finnsen [sic, Finsen] who lived on one of the islands)” [pp. 41-47].
1831-36 Ship's Log: H. M. S. Beagle. Kew, United Kingdom: National Archives. ADM 51/3055: Records of the Admiralty, Ships' Logs.
List of Documents Sent to the Hydrographer of the Admiralty Sept 16, 1844. Sailing Directions and Nautical Remarks referring to the Coasts of South America, and the Galapagos Islands, intended to be incorporated with the Directions and Remarks published by the Admiralty on the authority of Captain Phillip Parker King, R. N. OD 46, S. A. 2/8. Taunton, UK: United Kingdom Hydrographic Office
Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of his Majesty's Ships Adventure and Beagle, between the Years 1826 and 1836, describing their Examination of the Southern Shores of South America, and the Beagle's Circumnavigation of the Globe. London: Henry Colburn.
Volume 1: Proceedings of the First Expedition, 1826-1830, under the Command of Captain P. Parker King, R. N., F. R. S.
Volume 2: Proceedings of the Second Expedition, 1831-1836, under the Command of Captain Robert Fitz-Roy, R. N.
Chapters II & XXI, Ship's Company & FitzRoy's account of the Galápagos Islands.
Volume 3: (see Charles Darwin, 1839 above)
[un-numbered volume] Appendix to the Second Volume.
Table of Latitudes … in Appendix.
1911 “At The Crossroads of Commerce” In Bulletin of the Pan American Union, Vol. XXXII, January, pp. 222-239
General Account of the Scientific Work of the Velero III in the Eastern Pacific, 1931-41.
“Part I: Historical Introduction, Velero III, Personnel”
“Part II: Geographical and Biological Associations”
“Part III: Ten-Year List of the Velero III Collecting Stations”
Los Angeles: University of Southern California Press.
Table of scientists and guests on Oaxaca voyage and those Velero III voyages identified as “Allan Hancock Pacific Expedition of [date]” in Part III of Fraser's General Account … (pp. 272-365).
Race With Extinction: Herpetological Field Notes of J. R. Slevin's Journey to the Galapagos, 1905-1906. Herpetological Monograph No. 1. Lawrence, Kansas: Herpetologists' League. Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas.
Cover chart shows course of the schooner Academy (Trueb 1982).
2008 Resolución 0037: Plan de Acción Para el Manejo de Visitantes y la Protección de los Recursos de la Reserva Marina de Galápagos. (Plan of Action for the Management of Visitors and the Protection of the Galápagos Marine Reserve's Resources). Santa Cruz, Galápagos: Galápagos National Park Service.
2013 The Galápagos Affair: Satan Came to Eden
(General info describing film, included here for its historical interest)
1930 In Quest of the Sun: The Journal of the “Firecrest.” London: Hodder and Stoughton.
1941 Letter to parents, placed in barrel at Post Office Bay.
1956 Moana (Vastness of the Waters). [but Moana: The Vastness of the Sea on dust jacket.] London: Elek Books.
1957 Vastness of the Sea: Adventures in the Mysterious Depths). Boston & Toronto: Little, Brown and Company.
1924 The Pirates' Who's Who: Giving Particulars of the Lives & Deaths of the Pirates & Buccaneers. Boston: Charles E. Lauriat Company.
2004 Voyage Around the World on the Frigate La Vénus, during the Years 1836-1839. Unpublished English Translation of du Petit Voyage Autour Du Monde ….
2004 Writing On Walls. Online ms.
2009 Darwin in Galápagos: Footsteps to a New World. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
1975 Four Galápagos Islands. Reprinted from The Geographical Journal 141, Part 1 (March): 76-91.
Tales of Fishing Virgin Seas. New York: Grosset & Dunlap.
Photo of Grey's schooner Fisherman on our Ships page.
“Exploration Made in August and September, 1946 [sic] by Capt. de Gueydon Commander of the Brig Le Genie.”
Transcript of a written report to an unidentified “Admiral” cited in Slevin's The Galápagos Islands: A History of Their Exploration.
A Collection of Original Voyages: Containing
I. Capt. Cowley's Voyage round the GLOBE.
II. Captain Sharp's Journey over the Isthmus of Darien, and Expedition into the South Seas, Written by Himself.
III. Capt. Wood's Voyage thro' the Streights of Magellan.
IV. Mr. Robert's Adventures among the Corsairs of the Levant; his Account of their Way of Living; Description of the Archipelago Islands, Taking of Scio, &c.
Published by Capt William Hacke. London: James Knapton.
1995 Alae Supra Canalem: Wings over the Canal. Paducah, KY: Turner Publishing Co.
1863 “The Man Without A Country.” In The Atlantic Monthly. Vol XII, No. 74, December. pp. 665-679. Boston: Ticknor and Fields.
1826 Extracts from a Journal, written on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, in the years 1820, 1821, 1822. Edinburgh: Archibald Constable & Co.
1959 “The Lust-Mad Empress of Galapagos.” In Man's Daring Action, August. New York: Condor Publishing Company, Inc.
1909 Mandskapet fra Bark “Alexandra” (The Crew of the Bark “Alexandra”). London: Duckworth and Company.
1899 Diary, 21 June 1897 - 8 February 1898. In Rothschild & Hartert (Section II, pp. 86-104).
Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca, or A Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels. Consisting of above Six Hundred of the Most Authentic Writers … . 3rd ed. London: T. Osborne, H. Whitridge el al.
Excerpts describing visits to Galápagos on voyages not otherwise listed here.
“Galápagos 1946: Last Flight Out: A Brief History of the U. S. A. F. Shutdown of the Island's Military Complex.” In 51st Fighter Squadron Newsletter. Volume III, Number 1, April.
Also in Caribbean Breeze II, Volume 2, Number 1, p. 8. Ottumwa, Iowa: Antique Airfield Press.
1959 Filiate Science Antrorse: Together with Science we Move Forward. Seattle, Washington: Privately circulated brochure.
1972 Challenging the Deep: Thirty years of Undersea Adventure. New York: William Morrow & Co., Inc. London: George G. Harrap & Co., Ltd.
[1622] The Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins Knight, in his Voyage into the South Sea. Anno Domini 1593. London: John Jaggard. 1933 Argonaut Press reprint edition.
1863 Dictionary of Dates Relating to All Ages and Nations … .11th Edition, Revised and Greatly Enlarged by Benjamin Vincent. London: Edward Moxan & Co.
1851 Quito, Ecuador: Letter dated 3 de Julio de 1851.
1836 February 20 letter to Charles Lyell. Complete text in Walter F. Cannon's “The Impact of Uniformitarianism: Two Letters from John Herschel to Charles Lyell, 1836-1837.” In Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 105, No. 3, June 1961. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society.
1958 “Captured at Sea By a Murderous Crew” in March 10 Life Magazine (pp. 127-138). Chicago: Time, Inc.
“Archeological Evidence of Pre-Spanish Visits to the Galápagos Islands.” In American Antiquity, Volume XXII, Number 2, Part 3, October. Salt Lake City, Utah: Society for American Archaeology.
Contains Detail map of James Bay.
1985 The Enchanted Islands: The Galapagos Discovered. Dover, New Hampshire: Tanager Books.
1917 “The Pacific's Key to Panama: Whose Hands Should Hold the Key to Our Canal's Western Gateway and What Are We Going to Do About it?” In Sunset, The Pacific Monthly, Vol. 39, No. 5, November, pp. 36-37. San Francisco: Sunset Magazine, Inc.
Drømmen om Galapagos: En Ukjent Norsk Utvandrerhistorie. [trans: The Galápagos Dream: An Unknown History of Norwegian Emigration.] Oslo: Grødahl & Søn Forlag A.s.
Includes hand-drawn chart of Isla Santa María by Christensen & Stub.
1974 The Circumnavigators: Small Boat Voyagers of Modern Times. Englewood Cliffs, NY: Prentice-Hall.
1854 “A trip to the Galapagos Islands.” in The Pioneer, or California Monthly Magazine, Vol. 1 (February), pp. 97-103. San Francisco: W. H. Brooks & Co.
1934 Isles of Escape: being the adventures of Roydon Bristow. London: G. Bell & Sons, Ltd.
1992 A Buccaneer's Atlas: Basil Ringrose's South Sea Waggoner. A Sea Atlas and Sailing Directions of the Pacific Coast of the Americas, 1682. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
1905-06 Field Notes of Joseph Hunter, California Academy of Sciences Galápagos Expedition. Typescript (232 pages) of his unpublished journal. San Francisco: California Academy of Sciences Special Collections.
1689-90 Report of Juan Martín Ibáñez, pilot of the ship San Francisco Javier. In Villena's Historia Marítima del Perú: Siglos XVII y XVIII. Tomo IV.
1692 Report of Gregorio de Igarza, Captain of the ship Sacramento. In Villena's Historia Marítima del Perú: Siglos XVII y XVIII. Tomo IV.
Inventario Cartográfico de los Recursos Naturales, Geomorfológia, Vegetación, Hídricos, Ecológicos y Biofísicos de las Islas Galápagos, Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador: INGALA.
160-page book, plus 24 maps.
1985 Galápagos: A Natural History Guide. Calgary, Canada: University of Calgary Press.
1993 Galápagos: A Natural History. Second edition. Calgary, Canada: University of Calgary Press.
2003 Observations of Theodor Wolf, August - November 1875 & May - July 1878. Online ms.
1971 To the Sandwich Islands on H. M. S. Blonde. Manuscript journal of Robert Dampier. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii.
1936 Westward Bound in the Schooner Yankee. New York: W. W. Norton & Co.
1939 Sailing to See: Picture Cruise in the Schooner Yankee. New York: W. W. Norton & Co.
1949 Yankee's Wander World: Circling the Globe in the Brigantine Yankee. New York: W. W. Norton & Co.
1955 Yankee's People and Places. New York: W. W. Norton & Co.
1726 A General History of the Pyrates, from their First Rise and Settlement in the Island of Providence, to the Present Time … to which is added, A Short Abstract of the Statute and Civil Law, in Relation to Pyracy. 4th edition, Vol 1. London: T. Woodward.
The History of the Pyrates … Intermix'd with a Description of Magadoxa … To the Whole is Added an Appendix … . 1st edition, Vol II. London: T. Woodward.
1982 “Changes in the Biology of Santa Cruz Island between 1935 and 1965.” In Noticias de Galápagos No. 35, pp. 7-12.
1700 “A full and true Discovery of all the Robberies, Pyracies, and other Notorious Actions, of that Famous English Pyrate, Capt. JAMES KELLY, who was Executed on Fryday the 12th of July 1700. With an Account of his joyning with Capt. KIDD, and other remarkable Pyrates in several parts of the World: with all the most material Passages of his Life, to the time of his Death.” London: Broadside printed after his execution.
1960 Brethren of the Coast: Buccaneers of the South Seas. New York: St. Martin's Press.
1814 “A Voyage Round the World by Captain Woods [sic, Woodes] Rogers and Stephen Courtney, in 1708-1711.” Volume 10 (of 18), Chapter X, pp. 337-399 in A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery and Commerce by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time. Edinburgh: William Blackwood.
1988 Charles Darwin's Beagle Diary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2002 Galápagos. Smithsonian Natural History Series. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Where the Whalers Went: An Index to the Pacific Ports and Islands Visited by American Whalers (and some other ships) in the 19th Century. Canberra: Pacific Manuscripts Bureau, Australian National University.
Use link at top of Ships page to display table based on Langdon data.
1983 The Wittmers of Floreana. Sacramento, CA: Unpublished Manuscript.
Note Sulla Storia Naturale delle Isole Galápagos. Extract from Galápagos: Studi e Ricerche Spedizione “L. Mares-G.R.S.T.S.” Firenze: Gruppo Ricerche Scientifiche e Tecniche Subacquee.
Contains Galápagos map (p. 18) from Lanza 1974.
Le Isole Galápagos: Con la Spedizione Mares – G. R. S. T. S. all'Arcipelago di Colombo. Firenze: Istituto Geografico Militare.
Contains Galápagos map (facing p. 584).
1982 Notes on the Natural History of some Minor Galapagoan Islands. English-language extract from Galápagos: Studi e Ricerche Spedizione “L. Mares-G.R.S.T.S.” Firenze: Gruppo Ricerche Scientifiche e Tecniche Subacquee.
1973 El Archipiélago de Colón (Galápagos): Descubrimiento, Exploraciones Cientificas y Bibliografia de las Islas. 3rd edition. Puebla, México: Editorial José M. Cajica Jr.
1964 “Notes sur la Reproduction des oiseaux aux îles Galápagos.” In Alauda 32:2 pp. 81-96.
1961 “Epitaph for the ‘Albatross’ In Life Magazine, May 19, pp. 121-126 Ship photo.
2002 E-mail correspondence (on island names, etc.). Oslo, Norway.
2004 “Galápagos: A Brief History.” Oslo, Norway. Unpublished manuscript.
2005 “The Galápagos Islands Flag and Coat of Arms.” In Nordisk Flaggkontakt, No. 41, Autumn. Oslo, Norway.
2006 “The Last Days of a Paradise.” Oslo, Norway. Unpublished manuscript.
2007 “The Last Cruise of the Schooner Chance.” Oslo, Norway. Unpublished manuscript.
2006 Historical Chronology of Galapagos 1535-2000. Guayaquil, Ecuador: Privately printed.
1869 “King Pat, the Crusoe of the Galápagos.” In Ballou's Monthly Magazine. Volume XXIX, No. 6 (June), pp. 528-534. Boston.
ca. 1790 Manuscript 126, Document 11, Malaspina Expedition (1789-1794). Naval Museum, Madrid.
The Malaspina Expedition: 1789-1794. The Journal of the Voyage by Alejandro Malaspina.
Volume 1: Cadiz to Panama.
Volume II: Panama to the Philippines.
Volume III: Manilla to Cadiz.
London: The Hakluyt Society, Series III, vols. 8 (2001), 11 (2003), 13 (2004). Edited by Andrew David, Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, Carlos Novi, Glyndwr Williams. Translated by Sylvia Jamieson.
Leon Mandel – Field Museum Galapagos Expedition: December 19, 1940–March 10, 1941. Chicago. Privately printed edition of 500 copies.
Endpaper map of Galápagos Islands.
1909 Yachting on the Pacific: Together with Notes on Travel in Peru, and an Account of the Peoples and Products of Ecuador. London: Duckworth and Company.
1892 “Discovery of the Galapagos Islands.” In Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, XIV pp. 314-316. London: Royal Geographical Society.
1907 English translation History of the Incas by Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa.
“Journal de bord du 19 Mai 1686 au 8 Juin 1690,” and
“Journal de bord du 8 Juin 1690 au 4 Septembre 1690, tenu par F. Massertie, avec plans et profils.”
Journal de bord d'un Flibustier, 1686-1693: D'aprè un manuscrit de la Bibliothèque Nationale. 1894. Edouard Ducéré, Editor. Bayonne, France: A. Lamaignère.
1997 A Collection of 81 War Stories of Life in the 40th Bombardment Group during World War II. Meridian, ID: Privately printed.
1834 Letter to Hon. Dutee J. Pearce, House of Representatives, Washington. pp. 713-714, in “On the Expediency and Importance of Authorizing a Naval Expedition to Explore the Pacific Ocean and South Seas. To the House of Representatives February 7, 1835.” Document No. 578, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, 1835. In American State Papers. Documents – Legislative and Executive of the Congress of the United States from the Second Session of the twenty-first to the First Session of the twenty-fourth Congress, commencing March 1, 1831, and ending June 15, 1836. Selected and Edited, under the Authority of Congress by Asbury Dickens, Secretary of the Senate, and John W. Forney, Clerk of the House of Representatives. Volume IV. Naval Affairs. Washington, 1861: Gale's & Seaton.
1939 The Saga of “Cimba”. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company.
1988 “The English Place-Names of the Galápagos.” In The Geographical Journal 154, part 2 pp. 234-242.
“The Encantadas or, Enchanted Isles.” In Putnam's Monthly Magazine, Vol. III (March, April, May issues). New York: G. P. Putnam & Co.
Compare Melville's introductory verses with original verses in Spenser's The Fairie Queen.
Compare descriptions of Patrick Watkins:
His appearance and the “Fatherless Oberlus” letter, in Porter and Melville.
His fate, in Porter, Coulter and Melville.
1856 “The Encantadas or, Enchanted Isles.” In The Piazza Tales. New York: Dix & Edwards.
The Encantadas or, Enchanted Isles. Grabhorn Press limited edition reprint, with introduction, critical epilogue and biographical notes by Victor Wolfgang von Hagen. Burlingame, CA: William P. Wreden.
Includes map by Mallette Dean.
1798 Journal of Archibald Menzies, Surgeon R. N., Containing Proceedings of H. M. S. “Discovery” Capt. George Vancouver, at the Sandwich Islands and on the N. W. Coast of America, Feb. 21, 1794 to March 18, 1795. Unpublished Manuscript. Bib ID: 567866, mfm G 22915. Canberra: National Library of Australia, pp. 248-256.
1934 “ Love, Jealousy Add to Mystery of Death on ‘Enchanted Isles.’ ” Newspaper report in November 20 edition.
n. d. Let's See if the World is Round. English translation of the Danish Monsunens Siste Rejse (Monsoon's Last Voyage). London: Travel Book Club (circa 1938).
1934 “ Galapagos Death Puzzle Linked to Island ‘Empress.’ ” Newspaper report in November 21 edition.
1711 A View of the Coasts, Countries and Islands Within the Limits of the South-Sea-Company. Containing an Account of the Discoveries, Settlements, Progress and Present State; Together with the Bays, Ports, Harbours, Rivers &c. … The Whole Collected from the Best Authors, as well Manuscripts as Printed. London: J. Morphew.
1980 Parque Nacional Galápagos, Guia a los Sitios de Visita del/Guide to the Visitor Sites of. Puerto Ayora, Isla Santa Cruz, Galápagos: Parque National Galápagos (1st edition).
1996 Guia a los Sitios de Visita/Guide to the Visitor Sites of the Parque Nacional Galápagos. Puerto Ayora, Isla Santa Cruz, Galápagos: Parque National Galápagos (3rd edition).
1998 Destination Galápagos. Nordland, Washington: Turtle Press.
1832 A Narrative of Four Voyages to the South Sea, North and South Pacific Ocean, Chinese Sea, Ethiopic and Southern Atlantic Ocean, Indian and Antarctic Ocean. From the Year 1822 to 1831. New York: J. & J. Harper.
“Tabula Moderna Alterius Hemisphaerii: the Oldest Surviving Map of the Pacific?” In The Globe, No. 71. Parkes 2600 ACT, Australia: Australian and New Zealand Map Society.
Includes Lorenz Fries' “Tabula Moderna Alterius Hemisphaerii” map.
1852 “Capture of the George Howland.” Three unsigned news reports, dates as indicated.
1934 “DOUBTS IDENTITY OF GALAPAGOS PAIR.” November 20 news report.
Both in The New York Times. New York: New York Times.
Castaway Island. Philadelphia: Penn Publishing Company.
Contains Map of the Galapagos Islands by “Hugh Liborges” and
a Map of The Island [Isla Santa María] by illustrator F. A. Anderson.
ca. 1876 Account of the Ship Essex Sinking, 1819-1821. Holograph ms. in the Thomas Nickerson Collection, 1819-1876, Folder 1. Nantucket, Massachusetts: Nantucket Historical Society.
“Nickerson's ‘Desultory Sketches.’ ” Reprint of ca. 1876 ms. in The Loss of the Ship Essex, Sunk by a Whale: First-Person Accounts. Nathaniel & Thomas Philbrick, editors. New York: Penguin Books.
See also Chase.
1815 “Midshipman Cowan.” Obituary notice in Niles Weekly Register—Supplement to Volume Seven. Baltimore, MD: Hezikiah Niles.
2013 A Seven-Year Search for Nicholas Oliver Lawson. Vlissingen, Netherlands: Unpublished research paper.
1835 Ship's log of the whaler Hector. New Bedford, CT: New Bedford Free Public Library.
Geology of the Galapagos Islands. Unpublished manuscript [Note: Title appears on p. 14]. San Francisco: California Academy of Sciences.
Contains his hand-drawn Charles Island map and others.
PDF & other-format downloads of the Geology ms.
1953 “A Stone Carving on the Galapagos.” In American Antiquity, vol. XVIII, No. 3, January, p. 270. Salt Lake City: Society for American Archaeology.
1994 Letter dated 23 October.
1983 Clinker Islands: The Mysterious Galapagos. Burbank, California: Great Western Publishing Co.
1993 Clinker Islands: A complete history of the Galapagos Archipelago. Bradenton, Florida: McGuinn & McGuire.
1934 Third Galapagos Trip of the Velero III in the Winter of 1933-1934: From the Log Book of the “Medicine Man” of the Trip. Privately printed.
1932 Galapagos Island Trip: December 4, 1931 to February 27, 1932. Unpublished manuscript. San Diego: Zoological Society of San Diego.
Voyage Autour Du Monde Sur La Frégate Vénus Pendant Les Annees 1836-1839 (Voyage Around the World on the Frigate La Vénus, during the Years 1836-1839. Paris: Gide et Cie.
Multi-volume set, includes La Relation du Voyage, L'Atlas Pittoresque, Histoire Naturelle, La Physique (by M. de Tessan), Atlas Hydrographique.
L'Atlas Pittoresque contains two lithographs of Post Office Bay by Mesnard.
1953 Westward Ho with the Albatross. Chapter 7: “The Isles of Eternal Spring.” New York: E. P. Dutton & Co.
2000 In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex. New York:Viking.
April 1 Radio message from Neptunus Rex to Commander, SUBRON 3. Coco Solo, Canal Zone.
April 24 letter to Captain Dudley W. Knox, Office of Naval Operations. Washington, DC: Naval Historical Center.
To the South Seas: The Cruise of the Schooner Mary Pinchot to the Galapagos, the Marquesas, and the Tuamotu Islands, and Tahiti. Philadelphia: John C. Winston Company.
With Galápagos Islands chart by Russell Lyons.
1815 Journal of a Cruise made to the Pacific Ocean, by Captain David Porter, in the United States Frigate ESSEX, in the years 1812, 1813, and 1814. Containing Descriptions of the Cape de Verd Islands, Coasts of Brazil, Patagonia, Chili, and Peru, and of the Gallapagos Islands; also, A full Account of the Washington Groupe [sic] of Islands, the Manners, Customs, and Dress of the Inhabitants,&c. &c. Two volumes in one. Philadelphia: Bradford and Inskeep.
Journal of a Cruise made to the Pacific Ocean, by Captain David Porter, in the United States Frigate ESSEX, in the years 1812, 1813, and 1814. Second Edition. To which is now added, The Transactions at Valparaiso, from the period of the Author's arrival until the capture of the Essex; The Fate of the party left at Madison's Island, under Lieut. (now Major) Gamble; And an Introduction, in which the charges contained in the Quarterly Review, of the first edition of this Journal, are examined, and the ignorance, prejudice, and misrepresentations of the Reviewer exposed. Two volumes. New York: Wiley & Halstead.
With foldout map by Hooker, not present in 1815 edition.
Compare descriptions of Patrick Watkins:
His appearance and the “Oberlus” letter, in Porter and Melville.
His fate, in Porter, Coulter and Melville.
A Voyage in the South Seas, in the years 1812, 1813, and 1814. With particular details of the Gallipagos and Washington Islands. By Captain David Porter, of the American Frigate, the Essex. London: Sir Richard Phillips & Co.
A heavily abridged version of Porter's Journal with foldout map by Neele & Son.
Journal of A Cruise. Edited by R. D. Madison. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press.
A reprint of the combined 1815 and 1822 editions.
“Cruise of the Essex.” In Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Vol. XIX, August, 1859, pp.289-310.
Summary of Porter's Journal, with “Catching Turtle” engraving, several others. New York: Harper Brothers.
1920 Galápagos and Juan Fernández Islands. Handbooks prepared under the direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office - Nos. 140 (Galápagos) and 143 (Juan Fernández). Bound as one volume. London: H. M. Stationery Office.
n. d. Welcome to the Galápagos Islands. Quito: Ninachumbi Publishers.
1893 A Universal Geography: The Earth and its Inhabitants. New York: Appleton & Co.
1893 Nouvelle Géographie Universelle, la terre et les hommes. Paris: Hachette et Cie.
With Galápagos charts by Charles-Eugène Perron in Chapter VI, pp. 265-273 (Appleton) and p. 467 (Hachette).
1970 A Social Visit Extraordinary. Sacramento, CA: Unpublished Manuscript.
2000 Doctor Yank: Memoirs of a Military Dentist. Paducah, Kentucky: Turner Publishing Company.
1946 Galapagos, las últimas islas encantadas. Quito: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana.
Voyage of the United States Frigate Potomac under the Command of Commodore John Downes, during the Circumnavigation of the Globe, in the Years 1831, 1832, 1833 and 1834 … . New York: Harper & Brothers.
Galápagos Islands chapter.
See also Francis Warriner.
1925 Letter pasted on rear of Christensen & Stub chart. Oslo, Norway: Zoologisk Museum.
1685 The Buccaneers of America: The Second Volume, Containing the Dangerous Voyage and Bold Attempts of Captain Bartholomew Sharp and Others Performed upon the Coasts of the South Sea for the Space of Two Years. From the Original Journal of the said Voyage. London: William Crooke.
ca. 1914
Undated reprint edition of above. London: George Routledge & Sons. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co.
See Esquemeling, John for details.
South Sea Waggoner. Greenwich, England: National Maritime Museum, ms. P.32.
The ms. contains a crude Galápagos chart, apparently added some years later.
See Howse & Thrower for a modern edition of the Ringrose translation.
1931 Dr. Ritter auf der Galapagosinsel. (“Dr. Ritter of the Galápagos Islands.”) Berlin: Verlag con M. Willahn.
“Adam and Eve in the Galapagos.” In Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 148, No. 4 (October, pp. 409-418).
“Satan Walks in the Garden.” In Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 148, No. 5 (November, pp. 565-575).
“Eve Calls It a Day.” In Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 148, No. 6 (December, pp. 733-743).
Concord, New Hampshire: Atlantic Monthly Company.
April Letter to Captain Hancock.
24 August Letter to Captain Hancock.
1935 Friedrich Ritter † Als Robinson Auf Galapagos. (“The Robinson [Crusoe] of Galápagos.”) Leipzig: Grethlein & Co Nachf.
1936? Dr. Fr. Ritter † Het Treurspel op de Galapagos-Eilanden. (“The Tragedy of the Galápagos Islands.”) Haarlem: N. V. Uitgevers-Bedrijf “Eigen Volk.” (An undated Dutch translation by L. Th. Domhoff.)
1936 Voyage to Galápagos. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co.
1957 To the Great Southern Sea. London: Peter Davies.
A Cruising Voyage Round the World.
1928 reprint. New York: Longmans, Green & Co.
1970 reprint of 1928 edition: New York: Dover Publications
Compare his Galápagos description with that of Edward Cooke.
1944 “My Day.” United Feature Syndicate: March 27 & April 3 newspaper columns.
1938 Third Presidential Cruise of the U. S. S. Houston. Printed on board the U. S. S. Houston.
See also U. S. Government Papers.
1930 “Mountain Party on Indefatigable Island.” See Astor Expedition.
1924 “Man and the Galapagos.” In William Beebe: Galápagos: World's End (pp. 332-417).
1899 “A Review of the Ornithology of the Galápagos Islands, with notes on the Webster-Harris Expedition.” In Novitates Zoologicae, Vol VI, #2, August, pp. 85-205. Tring, United Kingdom: Walter Rothschild Zoological Museum.
“On the Avifauna of the Galapagos Archipelago.” In Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, Vol. IX, pp. 447-510. London: Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer.
Footnote pertaining to island names.
Outline Chart of the Galapagos Islands by Edward Weller.
1572 Historia de los Incas. Göttingen, Germany: Göttingen University Library Ms. 1572.
[1907] History of the Incas. Translated and edited by Sir Clements R. Markham. London: Hakluyt Society.
[1999] History of the Incas. Paperback reprint of 1907 Hakluyt Society translation. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications, Inc.
1940 “How to Conquer the United States.” In New Current Digest. August. Tokyo (no other information available).
1932 By a Modern “Robinson Crusoe:” Experiences in Back-to-Nature Existence on Floreana Island. In American Weekly (newspaper, no other information available).
“Account of a Voyage to Madeira, Brazil, Juan Fernandez, and the Gallapagos Islands, performed in 1824 and 1825 …” In Edinburgh Journal of Science. Vol 5, No. 10, pp.195-214. London: Edward Lumley.
Google Earth view of John Cowan's gravesite, as reported by Dr. Scouler (p. 211).
Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Herald During the Years 1845-51, Under the command of Captain Henry Kellett, R.N., C.B.; being A Circumnavigation of the Globe, and Three Cruizes to the Arctic Regions in Search of Sir John Franklin. London: Reeve and Co.
Chapter V, pp.54-62 covers the ship's visit to Galápagos.
1849 “Notes on the Island of Cocos, and two of the Galapagos.” In Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Vol 19: pp. 20-22. London: Royal Geographical Society.
A Narrative of the Briton's Voyage to Pitcairn's Island; including an Interesting Sketch of the Present State of the Brazils and of Spanish South America. 2nd edition. London: Law and Whittaker.
Includes a sketch of Kicker Rock by the author.
2014The Queen of Floreana.
Fregatten Eugenies Resa Omkring Jorden Åren 1851-1855. Stockholm: Adolf Bonnier.
Includes the author's Galápagos map.
Log of the Schooner “Academy” On a Voyage of Scientific Research to the Galapagos Islands 1905-1906. San Francisco: California Academy of Sciences, Occasional Papers, XVII.
Table of localities visited.
Map showing schooner's track in Galápagos.
Log includes Giffen map of Galápagos Islands.
Letter to Waldo Lasalle Schmitt, dated August 29. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution, Waldo Lasalle Schmitt Papers, Box 31, Folder 26, Joseph Slevin letters 1935-1953.
Includes James Bay map with possible location of Lt. Cowan grave.
1955 “Charting the ‘Enchanted Isles’.” In Essays in the Natural Sciences in honor of Captain Allan Hancock on the Occasion of his [80th] Birthday. July 26, 1955. Los Angeles: University of Southern California Press (pp.99-109).
1959 The Galápagos Islands: A History of Their Exploration. San Francisco: California Academy of Sciences, Occasional Papers, XXV.
1844 A Narrative of the Life, Travels and Sufferings of Thomas W. Smith. Boston:?
2004 Gravesites of Galápagos Fishermen. Puerto Ayora, Galápagos. Online ms.
1995 “Geographical Characteristics of the Galápagos Islands.” In Noticias de Galápagos, 55, July 1995 (pp. 18-24).
1996 “A summary of geographical characteristics of the Galápagos Islands.” In Journal of Biogeography, vol. 23, No. 5, September 1996 (pp 619-624). [Updated ms.]
2007 Sortable Table of Island Locations, derived from data in above and other documents.
1996 Bibliografía de Galápagos, 1535-1995, Galápagos Bibliography. Quito: Fundación Charles Darwin.
[ca. 1600]
The Fairie Queen. 1981 Reprint from several mss. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Compare verses with Melville's use of them in The Encantadas.
1881 November 8 Letter to Stephen A. Hurlbut, U. S. Minister in Lima, Peru.
1988 Galápagos: Discovery on Darwin's Islands. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.
1921 The Cruise of the Dream Ship. London: William Heinemann, Ltd.
1935 Satan Came to Eden. London: Jarrolds Limited.
1936 “Satan Came to Eden.” In Hearst's International combined with Cosmopolitan. Book excerpts in April, May, June issues. New York: Hearst Magazines, Inc.
Satan Came to Eden. New York and London: Harper & Brothers.
Compare her account of Dr. Ritters's death with that written by Margret Wittmer.
1984 “Darwin and the Galapagos” in Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. Vol. 21, nos. 1 & 2, pp. 29-59. London: Academic Press. (PDF download).
1987 “Darwin and the Galapagos: Three Myths” in Oceanus, Vol. 30, no. 2, pp.79-85. Woods Hole, MA: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. (PDF download).
(With Sketch Map of Darwin's route in both).
1930 “Vegetation of Indefatigable Island.” See Astor Expedition.
1745 A True and Impartial Journal of a Voyage to the South-Seas, and Round the Globe, In His Majesty's Ship the Centurion, Under the Command of Commodore George Anson. London: S. Birt, J. Newbery, J. Collyer.
1932 “Melville's Use of Some Sources in The Encantadas.” In American Literature, vol. III, No. 4, January, pp. 432-456. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press.
1971 Darwin's Islands: A Natural History of the Galápagos. Garden City, New York: The Natural History Press.
The Galápagos Tortoises in their Relation to the Whaling Industry: A Study of Old Logbooks.
Appendix: Logbook Records of Tortoises Taken from the Galápagos Islands by Certain Whaleships from 1831 to 1868. New York: New York Zoological Society. New York Aquarium Nature Series pamphlet. Also in Zoologica 4, 3, pp. 55-135.
Use link at top of Ships page to display table based on Townsend data.
1930 “Astor Expedition to the Galapagos Islands.” See Astor Expedition.
1983 The Galapagos Affair. London: Jonathan Cape, Ltd. & New York: Random House.
Galapagos Grab by Nazis Feared. April 11 news report.
See Lorenz & Nuggerud Note 2 for a bit more background information.
1944 Report of Joint Army-Navy Air Mission … Galapagos Islands
1942 John F. Mast Accident Report, plus crash site photos and assumed flight path.
1942-47 Aircraft Accidents in Galápagos During WWII Occupation.
1943 Report of Searching Expedition on Pinzon Island, 30 October 1943.
1945 “Galapagos Oasis.” in The Caribbean Breeze, February, pp. 14-15. Albrook Field, Canal Zone (APO 825): Sixth Air Force.
1947 Study of the U. S. Air Forces' Galapagos Islands Base. 28 October report prepared by Major Paul H. Harrison, Historical Office.
1988 Memories. Newsletter of the 40th Bomb Group Association. Issue #19, January (PDF Download).
1994 Recollections of the Crash of a B-24. (Walter S. Beebe).
Ecuador. Bulletin No. 64, 1892 [Revised to April 1, 1894]. Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office.
(includes Fleming map of Ecuador with Galápagos inset.)
1953 “Foundering of the MV Princess Pat.” Washington, DC: United States Coast Guard.
1944 Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the 78th Congress, Second Session. Volume 90—Part 5: June 13, 1944 to August 24, 1944 (pages 5825 to 7302). Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office.
1942, April 4 Memorandum from Commander Paul F. Foster to Franklin D. Roosevelt. Franklin D. Roosevelt Library Digital Archives.
1942, April (4?) Memorandum from Commander Paul F. Foster to Franklin D. Roosevelt. Franklin D. Roosevelt Library Digital Archives.
1942, November 20 Memorandum from Alexander Wetmore, Smithsonian Institution. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Archives. Record Unit 7006. Alexander Wetmore Papers, 1898-1976. Box #90.
1942, December 9 War Department Order from John R. Daily, Adjutant General.
1944, February 5 Memorandum for the President from the Secretary of State (CH = Cordell Hull).
1944, February 9 Memorandum for the Secretary of State from the President.
1944, March 14 Inter-American Defense Board Resolution XIV.
1944, March 30 Memorandum for the President from the Secretary of State.
1944, April 1 Memorandum for the Secretary of State from the President.
Deck Log, U. S. S. Bowditch. 30 April-14 October. RG 24, Stack 470. College Park, MD: National Archives and Records Administration.
The deck log is the source for the 2002 Galápagos Track of locations visited by the ship.
1942-48 Index to the Gorgas Hospital Mortuary Death Records, 1906-1991. Record Group 185. Washington: U. S. National Archives.
1942 Field Monograph of Galapagos Islands. Washington: U. S. Navy Department Office of Naval Intelligence. [On file at College Park, Maryland: National Archives and Records Administration, Document ONI-78, Item 23c, Record Group 38.]
1947 Building the Navy's Bases in World War II, Vol. II, Part III, Chap XVIII, pp. 1-4, 15, 36-37. Washington: United States Government Printing Office.
1852 See Notes for details.
1931 “Statement by Dr. Temple Utley regarding the death of Captain Paul Edvard Bruun.” August 6. Guayaquil: Unpublished.
1938 A Modern Sea Beggar. London: Peter Davies.
A Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and Round the World; in which the coast of north-west America has been carefully examined and accurately surveyed. Undertaken by His Majesty's Command, … . London: G. G. and J. Robinson, J. Edwards.
Includes chart by I. Stockdale with Galápagos inset,
Engraving by Benjamin Pouncy of Albemarle Island.
The Voyage of George Vancouver, 1791-1795. London: The Hakluyt Society. A 4-volume reprint edition, edited and with an introduction by W. Kaye Lamb.
The editor's Introduction cites Galápagos survey charts by James Johnstone.
1996 Ortelius Atlas Maps: An Illustrated Guide. Westrenen, Netherlands: H&S Publishers BV.
To Galápagos on the Ara: 1926. Mount Vernon, New York: Privately printed by William Edwin Rudge for the author.
See Watercolors by William E. Belanske.
1997 “First Report of Penguins Nesting on Isla Floreana.” In Noticias de Galápagos, 58, May 1997.
1973 La Isla de los Gatos Negros. Madrid: Ediciones del Espejo (en español)
1993 Isle of the Black Cats (Galápagos). Quito: Ediciones Libri Mundi
1897 Manuscript contract between Villamil and Gill. Guayaquil: Privately owned.
1835 Letter to the Prefect of the Department of Guayas.
1967 Galápagos. Au bout du monde. Paris: Berger-Levrault.
ca. 1700 Journal abstract published in Navigation aux Terres Australes, cited in James Burney: Chronological History of Voyages. Volume 4. London: G. & W. Nicol.
1977 Historia Maritima del Perú: Siglos XVII y XVIII. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Histórico-Maritimos Del Perú.
Excerpts from Ecuador the Unknown: Two and a half years' travels in the Republic of Ecuador and Galapagos Islands. New York: Oxford University Press.
Additional excerpts in which Walter Finsen is featured.
1945 South America Called Them. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
1949 Excerpt from Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press.
“The Chronology of the Darwin Memorial Expedition, and the Plans for the Darwin Research Station.” 4-page typescript letter to G. T. Corley-Smith. Puerto Ayora, Galápagos: Charles Darwin Research Station Library. 1, Vertical File 506, CDRS/ECCD, I-Z.
Photos of von Hagen's Darwin monument on Isla San Cristóbal.
1982 The Galapagos Revisited: Return to the Enchanted Isles. Online ms.
Treasure of the Tortoise Islands. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company.
Summary of details pertaining to settler Walter Finsen.
1985 Galápagos. New York: Delacorte Press/Seymour Lawrence.
1704 A New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America. Giving an Account of the Author's Abode there, The Form and Make of the Country, … The Indian Inhabitants, … With Remarkable Occurrences in the South-Sea and elsewhere. To which are added, The Natural History of those Parts, by a Fellow of the Royal Society: and Davis's Expedition to the Gold Mines, in 1702. 2nd edition. London: James Knapton.
Cruise of the United States Frigate Potomac Round the World During the Years 1831-34. New York: Leavitt, Lord & Co.
Galápagos Islands chapter.
See also J. N. Reynolds.
1994 The Beak of the Finch. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
2002 Human Introduction of Animals to the Galápagos Islands. San Francisco. Online ms.
1809 Ship's Log: Whaleship Cyrus. Nantucket, Massachusetts: Nantucket Historical Society.
1936 What Happened on Galápagos? Unpublished English translation of German manuscript.
Floreana Adventure. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co.
Her account of the 1943 Cerro Azul eruption.
Compare her account of Dr. Ritters's death with that written by Dore Strauch.
With Nichols' sketch map of Floreana.
1964 Letter to Miriam Reif, on the disappearance of her sister Saydee Reiser.
1989 Floreana. Oswestry, Shropshire, UK: Anthony Nelson. Reprint of Floreana Adventure
2013 Floreana: A Woman's Pilgrimage to the Galapagos. London: Moyer Bell. Reprint of Floreana Adventure
Ein Besuch der Galápagos-Inseln: Sammlung von Vortraegen fuer das deutsche Volk. (A Visit to the Galápagos Islands: A Collection of Presentations for the German People.) Heidelberg: Wilhelm Frommel.
See Jäger, Heinke for notes compiled from Wolf's work.
1991 “Who Killed the Iguanas?” In Noticias de Galápagos. No. 50, pp. 12-17.
1992 “That First Iguana Transfer.” In Noticias de Galápagos. No. 51, pp. 20-22.
2000 “The Year of the Tortoise: Dating the Maps of the Galápagos Islands.” In Mercator's World, May/June, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 48-53.
2001 History and Discovery on the Web. Denver: Paper delivered at the 42nd Annual conference of the Society for the History of Discoveries.
2002 “Virtual Collecting: The Virtues of Electronic Cartography.” In Mercator's World, January/February, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp.16-21.
The Galápagos Track of H. M. S. Beagle. Rockville Centre, NY: Online ms.
2003 Portraits in the Round: Busts of Charles Darwin. Rockville Centre, NY: Online ms.
2004 The Legend of Irish Pat. Rockville Centre, NY: Online ms.
2005 Charles Darwin Slept Here. Rockville Centre, NY: Rockville Press.
2006 Chronology of the Seth Parker Voyage. Rockville Centre, NY: Online ms.
The Seven Manuscripts of William Ambrosia Cowley. Rockville Centre, NY: Online ms.
2009 The Galápagos Post Office. Rockville Centre, NY: Online ms.
2011 On the Origin of “Galápago”. Rockville Centre, NY: Online ms.
2013 Why are there no Cormorants at Bahía Cormorant? Rockville Centre, NY: Online ms.
Who Was Walter Finsen? Rockville Centre, NY: Online ms.
2014 Plagiarising Paradise. Rockville Centre, NY: Online ms.
Putting Galápagos on the Map. Rockville Centre, NY: Online ms.
Dating a Lava Flow at Beagle Crater. Rockville Centre, NY: Online ms.
2015 Take Me To Your Mirador. Rockville Centre, NY: Online ms.
The Great Inca at Floreana. Rockville Centre, NY: Online ms.
The Galápagos Charts of the 1793 Santa Gertrudis Survey. Rockville Centre, NY: Online ms.