Bibliography Texts

Round the

William Ambrosia Cowley

This page contains the complete text of “Cowley's Voyage Round the Globe” which appeared in William Hacke's Collection of Original Voyages published in London in 1699 by James Knapton. Chapters III-VI edited from a typed transcript, courtesy Antony Wenman Cowley. The Galápagos section below is highlighted. The four small island insets in left and right margins are on a single sheet in the book. Hacke's “Epistle Dedicatory” and the Preface segment pertaining to Cowley are also included.

to the
Right Honorable
Lord Somers, Baron of Evesham, and Lord High Chancellor of England.

My Lord,

The Multiplicity of Favours your Lordship has been pleas'd upon all Occasions to confer upon me, cannot but engage me to lay hold on all Opportunities to make my Publick Acknowledgment of 'em, not that I would pretend to the least Retribution hereby, that being a Matter as little possible to be done, as it has been ever remote from my Thoughts to conceive it.

But, my Lord, I beg leave of your Lordship, in a more particular manner, to testifie my most grateful Resentments of that Liberty you were pleased to allow me, to expose this Voyage of Cowley's round the Globe, to Publick View, under the Patronage of your Great Name, not doubting but the same innate Goodness in your Lordship, that made it acceptable in the Manuscript, will render it no less so in the Print.

My Lord,

It was in farther Presumption of your Favour, that I have adventured to subjoin hereunto the other Voyages and Adventures that follow, humbly intreating your Lordship to pardon it in me, and to vouchsafe your Favourable acceptance of them, which your Lordship, out of a particular, tho' undeserved Regard on my part, has been always pleased to do of whatever came from,

My Lord, Your Lordships Most Humble, and most Devoted Servant,
William Hacke.


This Book, being made up of the Voyages and Adventures of several persons, at different Times and upon different Occasions, 'twill be convenient to say something of each of them respectively.

The First is a Voyage round the Globe, made by Capt. Cowley, who went from Virginia in Company with Capt. Dampier, in Capt. Cooks Ship, [see Dampier's Voyages, Vol 1, p.69.] He continued in that Ship till such time as Capt. Eaton, whom they had met with in the South Seas, went away from Capt. Cook for the West-Indies: and Cowley took this opportunity of leaving Cook and Dampier, who were for a longer stay, and went on Board Eaton's Ship (of which see Dampi. ib. p. 132, 133. [sic, pp. 131-132]) The rest of the Voyage he made partly in Eaton's, and partly in a Dutch Vessel, as will be seen by the Relation itself; which I have published with very little alteration from the Original Journal, given me by Cap. Cowley, but for the ease of the Reader, I have contracted it in such places as contained nothing but plain Sailing. The Descriptions are as the Author left them with me at his going abroad again, and had he been here, I doubt not but I could have had them considerably enlarged by him, but the Reader has them in their own Simplicity and Brevity.


The Author's departure from Virginia, and arrival at the Isle of Salt, of Cape Verde. With his Account of it, and the Inhabitants. They go to St. Nicholas-Isle, and their Entertainment there. Sail for St. Jago, and their Design. Fail to seize a Dutch East-India Ship there. Take a Ship at Cape Sierra-Leone well stored with Provisions.

To omit the Particulars of my going from England to America, in August, 1683, I departed from Cape Charles in Virginia, lying in the Latitude of 36 degrees North, and in the Longitude of 305 deg. in the good Ship called the Revenge, of 8 Guns and 52 Men, § Capt. John Cook Commander, they pretending to me that I should navigate the Ship to a port in the Island of Hispaniola, called Pettiguavaz, where a French Man was Commander, and that that was their Commission Port: So that when we came to Sea, I began to shape my Course accordingly for the said Port.§§ But they told me that they were not bound thither, but first to Guiney, and then when they had got a better Ship to the great South-Sea in America: I was thereupon forced to alter my Course again, steer'd away E.S.E. for Cape de Verde Islands, lying in or about the lat. of 15 deg. North. In the Month of September we made the Island of Salt, where we came to an Anchor: Here were no Fruits nor good fresh Water, but plenty of Fish, and the Land affordeth Goats, tho' they are very small: But, as for human kind, we found no more than five Men upon the Island, viz. 4 Officers and one Boy to wait on them: One being a Governor, who is a Mullatoe; two Captains and one Lieutenant: They were all black, but scorn to be counted any other than Portuguese; for if any Man call them Negro's, they will be very angry, saying that they are Portuguese. In this Island there is abundance of Salt which is made naturally by the Sun near the Sea-side; The Salt-Ponds being near two English miles long.: Our English Ships come often hither to load Salt for the West-Indies.

§ Dampier states that our whole crew consist{ed} of about 70 men.

§§ Dampier states they departed from Achamac (the modern Accomac, Virginia) 37° 45' N., or about 120 miles north of Cowley's 36 degrees. His “ … when we came to Sea” implies the ship departed from Chesapeake Bay, reaching the sea (Atlantic Ocean) some 50 miles to the south. Cowley's Choice of Reference Point for Longitudes describes his longitude notations.

After that we had rode at an Anchor five or six days at the forementioned Island, we weighed and stood to the westward for the Island of St. Nicholas, where we were kindly entertain'd by the Governor, who was really a white Man, but the other People were all black: This Island being also one of Cape de Verds, which do all belong. to the King of Portugal. Here it was that we digged three Wells, in order to get fresh Water to water our Ship, and traded with the Inhabitants for Goats and Fruit, such as Plantans and Monano's; as also for Wine, which is made on this Island, but it is not very good. We rode at the S.E. side of this Island; and, having watered our Ship, a general Consultation was held amongst the Officers, to consider whether we should sail directly to the South-Sea in this Ship, or sail to Guiney, or any other Place to get a better Vessel, and such as had more Accommodations: At length, after long. Deliberation, 'twas concluded, that we should sail to the Island of St. Jago, and try if we ccould meet with any Foreign Ship in that Road, with no other intention than presently to board her, cut her Cable, and run away with her; upon which we got up our Anchors in haste and sailed from the said Road.

We made it our Care to stand to the Eastward, for the Island of St. Jago, which lies in the lat. of 16 deg. North; this same being also one of the Cape de Verde Islands. Upon our approaching near it, before we came into the Harbour, over a Point of Land, from our Top mast head we saw a Ship at an Anchor in the Road; she proved to be a Dutch Vessel, and one of their great East-India Men of 50 Guns, and about 400 Men, as we were informed afterwards by some of the same Ships Company. Most of the Men were got on shoar, but seeing a strong Ship standing in toward the Road, they instantly repaired all on board, clapping a [s]pring upon the Cable, heaved her broad-side to us, strook out here Ports alow, and presently running out her lower tier of Guns, was ready too [sic] receive us; who, by this time, being got something too near him, and seeing so many Guns and Men, whereas we had no more than 8 Guns and 52 Men, we thought it more advisable to bear away before the Wind; the Hollander at the same time sending 10 shot after us, but all in vain, for we got presently to Sea Again. Hereupon we came to a resolution to sail to the Coast of Guiney, and as soon as we arrived upon the Coast near Cape Sierra Lione, we alighted on a new Ship of 40 Guns, which we boarded and carried her away. We found she was very fit for so long a Voyage, for she was well stored with good Brandy, Water, Provisions, and other Necessaries. From hence we sailed to another Place in Guiney called Sherbro, to water our Ship, trimming all our empty Casks which we had in our old Ship, for we intended not to water again till we came into the South-Sea, at the Island of Juan-Fernandes, which lies in the lat. of 33 deg. 40 min. S.


They sail for the South Seas: The reason of the redness of the Sea. Arrive at Pepys's Island; with an Account of it; their Sailing, Storms, are driven further South than any Ship before, where it was extream cold: Meet with Capt. Eaton and sail to Juan-Fernandez, with something observable concerning it. Sail to the Coast of Arica. Take a Timber Ship; sail to the Isle of Lobos; take three Ships with Provisions, but no Money. Discover strange Islands, and the Author gives then Names. They anchor and find plenty of Fish and Fowl, the latter exceeding tame. Seek for Water. Find some at Cape Tres-Pontas, and bury their Capt. Cook: Miscarry in their Design upon Realejo. The two Ships break Consort at St. Miguel, and how the Author disposed of himself.

Pepys Island It was now the Month of December when we set sail from the lat. of 8 deg. North, steering away S. by W. till we came into the lat. of 12 deg. South, then we steer'd away S. W. by W. till we came into Soundings on the Coast of Brazillia, where we had 80 fathom water on a sandy Bank; then we steer'd away S. W. finding the Sea as red as Blood about the lat. of 40 deg. South, which was occasioned by great Shoals of Shrimps, which lay upon the water in great patches for many Leagues together: We saw also an innumerable company of Seals, which would rise out of the water and blaff like a Dog, with abundance of large Whales, there being more in these Southern Seas, as I may say, by a hundred to one, then we have to the Northward of us. We held our Course S. W. till we came into the lat. of 47 deg. where we saw Land; the same being an Island not before known, lying to the Westward of us. It was not inhabited, and I gave it the Name of Pepys Island. We found it a very commodious place for Ships to water at and take in Wood, and it has a very good Harbour, where a thousand sail of Ships may safely ride: Here is great plenty of Fowls, and we judge, abundance of Fish, by reason of the Grounds being nothing but Rocks and Sands.


The new Year being now come, when we had taken a view of this Island, and that the Wind was so extraordinary high that we could not get into it to water, we stood to the Southward, shaping our Course S. S. W. till that we came into the lat. of 50 deg. South, then we steer'd S. W. by W. resolving not to sail through the Magellan Streights; till at last we came into the lat. of 53 deg. where making the Land of Terra del Fuogo, but finding great ripplings in the Water near the Streights of Lemaire, and fearing some danger, we resolved to sail about all; that is, thro the Passage that Capt. Bartholomew Sharpe did discover in the Year 1681 when he came out of the South Seas, and found that Land which the Dutch called Staten Land, when he discovered the same to be an Island, and gave it the name of Albemarle Island: Then haling away S. W. we came abreast with Cape Horn the 14th Day of February, where we chusing of Valentines, and discoursing of the Intrigues of Women, there arose a prodigious Storm, which did continue till the last Day of the Month, driving us into the lat. of 60 deg. and 30 min. South, which is further than any Ship hath sailed before South; so that we concluded the discoursing of Women at Sea was very unlucky, and occasioned the Storm.

Juan Fernandez Towards the beginning of the Month of March, the Wind coming up at South, we were soon carried into warm Weather again; for the Weather in the lat. of 60 deg. was so extream cold that we could bear drinking 3 quarts of Brandy in 24 hours each Man, and be not at all the worse for it, provided it were burnt: We steer'd away N. by E. till we came into the lat. of 40 deg. South, where we came up with Capt. John Eaton, who commanded the Ship Nicholas of London, where at first being glad of each others good Company, we sailed in Consortship to the Island of Juan Fernandes, in the lat. of 33 deg. 40 min. South, where we found plenty of excellent fat Goats, good Fish,, and abundance of very good Timber, with incomparable good Water. Here is such great plenty of Fish, that one Man may catch enought in a Days time to suffice 200 Men. Capt. Bartholomew Sharpe was here in the Year 1680, and finding no People on it, he called it Queen Catherines Island; and when he sailed away did leave one Man on shoar, which was a Mosquito Indian, who lived here alone near 4 Years. Now this Man when he saw our Ships, presently fansied us to be English, and thereupon went and catch'd two Goats and dress'd them against our Men came on shoar; there being several of our Ships Company who were at the leaving of this Indian there by Capt. Sharpe, and among others Capt. Edmond Cook and Mr. William Dampier: Here we met with flaws of Wind, that come often from the Mountains, which would have driven us from our Anchors, we letting one Anchor fall into 60 Fathom, and carried the other into two Fathom Water: This Island is naturally fortified, so that with 100 Men and 100 l. charge, it might be defended from 1000, if it should be invaded. It lies 110 Leagues due West from the Port of Valparayso.

We weighed our Anchors from this Island and steer'd away N. N. E. till we made the high Land of Arica, lying in the lat. of 18 deg. South and some odd min. Being before the Bay with our two Ships, the one of 40 Guns, and the other of 26 Guns, we held a Council, whether we had best go into Arica Bay, or go down lower on the Coast: But the Result was, That it would be more to our Advantage to sail down as low as Cape Blanco, and there to wait for the Spanish Plate Fleet coming towards Panama; whereas if at that time we had but gone into Arica Bay, we had found a Ship there with 300 Tuns of Silver on board; but in company we took one Ship which was bound to Lima, laden with Timber, tho' we knew she had no Money on board; however we were forced to take her, by reason she should not discover us: She had thirty Men on board, which stock'd our Ship with more Mouths than we desired, by reason of our Water.

It was in the lat. of 10 deg. South that this Ship fell into our hands, when we steer'd away North for the Island of Lobos, lying in the lat. of 7 deg. South. Being come to an Anchor, we put our sick Men on shoar at this Island, here being plenty of good Fowls, tho' they taste fishy; but there is no fresh Water on this Island nor Wood: Here we heeled our Ships and scraped them, and having lain here about a Week, much troubled that we were out of Action, we called a Council, to advise what was best for us to do: Wherein it was concluded, That we should forthwith sail from hence to take a Town which Lay 8 deg. N. lat. named Truxillo, lying ten miles within Land from the water-side: We had then but 200 Men that we could land, and all of them weak enough; but the next morning that we should sail, we heaving our Vial to the Capstane to get up our Anchors, some of our People being on shoar espied three sail of Ships, which we run out and took; they being all laden with Flower, Fruit and Sweet-meats. But they having had Advice of our being in the South-Seas, had put all their Silver (so much as their Ships-Plate) on Shoar: However, the Provisions were very welcome to us, so that now we sought for a place to erect a Magazine, to lay up our Stores in security for a reserve, and to lie still 5 or 6 Months, to make them think that we had been sailed out of the South-Sea. Thereupon we stood away to the Westward, to try if we could find those Islands which the Spaniards calls Gallappagos or Enchanted Islands,§ when after 3 weeks sail we saw Land, consisting of many Islands; and I being the first that came to an Anchor there, did give them all distinct Names.

§ In three of his ms. journals (Sloane 1050, 54 & Pepys 2826), Cowley wrote “We sailed away to the westward to see if we could find those islands called the Gallipoloes, which made the Spaniards laugh at us, telling us they were enchanted islands, and that there was never any but one Capt. Porialto that had ever seen them, but could not come near them to anchor at them.” This may be the source of the legend that the islands were “las encantadas” on early Spanish maps. However, no such maps have ever been found.

The first that we saw, lay near the lat. of 1 deg. 30 min. South; we having the Wind at South, and being on the Northside thereof, that we could not sail to get to it, to discover what was upon it. This Island maketh high Land, the which I called King Charles's Island: and we had sight of three more which lay to the Northward of this, that next it I called Crossman's Island; The next to that Brattles; and the third, Sir Anthony Dean's Island. We moreover saw many more to the Westward; one whereof I called Eure's Island; another, Dassigny's; [Dassigneys on map] and another, Bindlos's. § Then we came to an Anchor in a very good Harbour, lying toward the Northernmost end of a fine Island, under the Equinoctial Line: Here being great plenty of Provisions, as Fish, Sea and Land Tortoises, some of which weighed at least 200 Pound weight, which are excellent good Food. Here are also abundance of Fowls, viz. Flemingoes and Turtle Doves; the latter whereof were so tame, that they would often alight upon our Hats and Arms, so as that we could take them alive,

§ None of these names (Eure's, Dassigny's, Bindlos's) appear in any Cowley manuscript, and may very well have been added by William Hacke or Herman Moll, without Cowley's knowledge.

Cowley chart

they not fearing Man, until such time as some of our Company did fire at them, whereby they were rendred more shy. This Island I called the Duke of York's Island; there lying to the Eastward of that (a fine round Island) which I called, The Duke of Norfolk's Island. And to the Westward of the Duke of York's Island, lieth another curious Island, which I call'd The Duke of Albemarle's; in which is a commodious Bay or Harbour, where you may ride Land-lock'd: And before the said Bay lieth another Island, the which I call'd Sir John Narborough's: And between York and Albemarle's Island lieth a small one, which my Fancy led me to call Cowley's enchanted Island; for we having had a sight of it upon several Points of the Compass, it appear'd always in as many different Forms, sometimes like a ruined Fortification; upon another Point, like a great City, &c. This Bay or Harbour in the Duke of York's Island I called Albany Bay; and another Place York Road. Here is excellent, good, sweet Water, Wood, &c. and a rich Mineral Ore. From hence we sailed to the Northward, where we saw three more fine Islands; the Eastermost of the three I called the Earl of Abington's Island: Then Sailing along between the other two, I call'd the Westermost by the Name of the Lord Cullpepper's, and the Eastermost by that of the Lord Wenman's. All of them that we were at, were very plentifully stored with the foresaid Provisions, as Tortoises, Fowls, Fish and Alguanaes (Guano's) large and good; but we could find no good Water on any of all these Places, save on that of the Duke of York's Island.

After that we had laid up, and put on shoar at Albany Bay, and other Places, 1500 Bags of Flower, with Sweet-meats, &c we sailed to the Noathward [sic] again, to try a second time amongst the Islands, if we could find any fresh Water, if ever we should have occasion to touch hereafter amongst them; but it happened so, that we fell in with such a very strong Current, that when we would have sailed back again to the Duke of York's Island to have watered our Ship, we could not stem it. This made us steer away N. N. E. and the first Land that we made upon the Main was Cape Trespontas, where we coming to an Anchor, sent our Boat on shoar to see to get some Water; and upon the Eastermost shoar in the said Bay we found great plenty and very good, with which we water'd our Ship. The first day we buried our Captain, named John Cook: The second day there came down three Spanish Indians, taking us for Spaniards, which our Men brought on board; after which we examined them what was the People of Realejo, whether they were numerous, and what force. But our Long Boat being gone on shoar to get Beef, whilst they were hunting, a Party of Spanish Indians came down and set the Boat on fire, driving the Boat's Crew upon a Rock, which they were forced to keep for their Castle till we sent another Boat with 20 Men to rescue them. We led those three Indians along. with Ropes about their Necks, and having rescued our Men, one of the three by the Water-side slipt his Neck out of the Collar, got from our Men, and run to the Town of Realejo, and gave the Spaniards notice of our coming: This made them remove all their best Effects out of the Town, and arm themselves at all the Places near it. We found it now necessary to turn all our Prisoners away to shift for themselves, before we set sail for Realejo; but coming there and landing, to the Number of about an hundred Men, we took their Look-outs, who told us the News, that the Indian had been there from Porto-Velas two days before. This made our Men return on board again, very much discouraged that they were descried.

We set sail from hence to the Gulf of St. Miguel, where we took two Islands; one was inhabited by Indians, and the other was well stored with Cattle; but for Gold and Silver, we got but little. Here we staid and careened our Ship, and here Capt. Cook's Ship and Capt. Eaton's broke Consortship. And both the Vessels were no sooner re-fitted, but I left Capt. Cook's Ship and got on board of Capt. John Eaton, where I was in like manner entertained as his Master, to Navigate the said Ship to any Port or Place, as he should direct.§

§ Cowley actually left Captain Davis's ship. Cook had died in July, and Davis was elected Captain on July 18, 1684. Cowley joined Eaton about one month later.


They sail to Gorgona, and resolve for the East-Indies. An Account of their Sailing. Arrive at Guana (Guam of the Ladrones) and its appearance. With their Adventures with the Indians there. Friendly with the Spanish Governor: Guana described. Presents between them. They supply the Governor with some Powder; they Cruise. Receive more Presents of the Spaniards; of Trade to the Phillipines. Are set upon, but beat the Indians, who are described here, and their Arms. Intelligence from two Indians. Treacherous. They sail away. Strong Current. Nutmeg Island. Sail for Luconia.

We in our Ship, towards the middle of August, set sail from the Gulf of Miguel, steering away for Cape St. Francisco, where we chased a Ship, which got away from us. Then we bore up to 7 deg. South Lat. and finding that the country was alarmed, we stood into Paita Bay, which lies at the lat. of about five deg. South, where we took two Ships at an anchor; but the Spaniards would not ransom them, nor give us anything for them; which enraged our Captain to that degree that he commanded our Men to either sink or burn them; which was our farewell to that Coast.

For then [sic, From there?] we sailed to Sharp's Island, alias Gorgona, and watered our Ship for the East Indies. When we had so done, and taken in Wood also at the said island, which lies at the lat. of 3 deg. and 15 min. North and in the long. of 305 deg. we steer'd away W.N.W. till we came to the lat. of 13 deg. North. Then we steer'd away West until we came as low almost as the Rocks of St. Bartholomew, lying near the long. of 240 deg. Then we sailed into 15 deg. North lat. till that we thought we were past those Rocks and Dangers. Then we got into lat. of 13 deg. again, which lat. we held until we made the Island of Guana, which is one of the Ladrones, lying in the lat. of 13 deg. North, and in the long. of 150 deg. according to our Log. We had had a Trade Wind for most part ever since we sailed out of lat. 10 deg. North, having now a very sick Ship, no man being free from the Scurvey and in a consuming Condition.


It was the 14th of March, about seven in the morning when we saw land and it proved to be the Island of Guana. It bore west from us and I observed at 12 a clock and found ourselves in Lat 13 deg and 2 min not meddling with the Diurnal variation. The land maketh indifferent high at W.N.W. and appears with a great many trees on high land. We having made out in our sailing by judgement 7646 miles. That is to say departed so many miles from Gorgona or Sharp's Isle, by loss made out in longitude which is about two thousand five hundred and forty nine leagues.

The next day being Sunday we sailed about the S.W. part of the island. At the west end whereof lieth a small island about five miles off shore with a reef running off from the great island to the small, and to the eastward thereof lieth an isthmus from the great island which maketh a fair bay, but no anchoring until you come a little way off shore. The danger that lieth in the bay is discernible, and it floweth about five foot. We came to an anchor in the bay and sent a boat ashore with a flag of truce. But when we came near we found the natives had burnt their houses and ran away by the light of them. However we felled some cocoa nut trees and brought a hundred or two on board to refresh our men who were exceedingly weak. But it fell out that as we were put off with our boat that there appeared a party of Indians out of the bushes with their launces, seeming as if they designed to attack us, but we called to them and told them that we were their friends, though they would scarce believe us, till at length we having a flag of truce one of the Indians went into the wood and having peeled a stick so it appeared white. He advanced towards us, when one of his two mates feeling he had no cap to compliment our men, called him back and gave him one for that end.

From Sunday 15th to Monday 16th we lying at anchor went on shore and got some cocoa nuts, and had a free trade with the Indians that day until next morning, being the 17th when our men going over to the low island, which lieth on the west side of Guana, there the Indians fell upon our boat with stones and launces, upon which we made some shots at them, and killed and wounded some of them, but our men in the boat got no harm.

Two days after the governor of the island being a Spaniard came down to a point of land not far from the Ship, and sent his boat on board with a letter written in Spanish, French and Dutch demanding in the name of the King of Spain what we were, wither we were bound and from wence we came. Our answer was written in French, that we were employed by some gentlemen of France upon discovery of unknown parts of the world. The messenger being got on shore was sent again on board immediately to desire our Captain to come to the shore side and talk with him which our commander did taking with him 20 men double armed. Upon our landing the Spaniard fired a volley, and we answered with 10 guns. We quickly came to a right understanding of one another and satisfied the governor that we had killed some of the Indians in our own defence, and he gave us toleration to kill them all if we would. Then we sent ashore for some cocoa nuts.

The island of Guana is in length about 14 leagues and lieth in the Lat of 13 deg and 3 min N. The land is plentifully stored with Cocoa nuts, potatoes, yams, papas, plantans, mananoes, sower sops, oranges, and lemons, and some honey. They having a trade with Manilha in the East Indies, they report that sometimes there arrives two Ships in a year from the south part of Mexico, and 8 from Manilha which do bring them sugar and tobacco, silks and other commodities. The Spaniards in the year 1648 built a Ship at this island (as they afirm) burthen about 160 tuns, and sent her to Manilha to trade. They told us also they have about 600 soldiers here. On Wednesday about 12 of the clock came on board one of the Spanish Captains being sent on purpose by the Governor, and continued until 12 the next day, which was the 19th. This Captain bought us 10 hogs, abundance of potatoes, plantans, oranges, and papaes and red pepper in token of their friendship. In return whereof our Commander sent the Governor by him a diamond ring for a present valued at 20 pounds, and gave the bearers each man a sword.

Next day the Governor sent on board again a Captain, a Jesuit and a Friar to see our Captain desiring him withall to spare him some powder by reason he had was wars with the Indians, and our Commander spared him 4 barrels of powder, and offered him 4 great guns, but they refused the guns and only accepted the powder. They bought a box along with them, wherein was about sixteen hundred pieces of eight in gold and silver to pay for them, but our Captain would not take a penny. Wherefore upon return of the money the Governor presented our Captain with a diamond ring worth 50 pounds.

We went out cruising the following day with our man of war Canoa, chased some Indians, and made them forsake their boat and get on shore. We thereupon took their boat with all their furniture in it, and that boat served afterwards to carry a Guard with our Canoa when we set on any shore for water or cocoa nuts.

The Governors boat on the 22nd came on board us and brought us some cocoa nuts, potatoes, and chocolate, a piece of plate and six china cups. A French Jesuit being the messenger who taught us to make milk of the cocoa nuts by scraping of them and putting water in them, and then squeezing them which will cause them to look like milk and receive a very pleasant taste.

These Indians before we came revolted from the Spaniards, and seeing us at first coming into the road did take us for the great Ship that comes from Acapulco, that carrieth always abundance of silver for the Philipine Islands especially to the city of Manilha on the Island of Luconia, that being the greatest place of trade, the Spaniards say in all of the East Indies. The Spaniards have in all the East Indies this Ship in her outward bound voyage very seldom carries less than 1500 souls and her sailing crew being 400. The others they leave at the Phillipine Islands to recruit their plantations there, and strikes a great dread upon these Indians. They have seven decks but bring seven Ships cargo from Manilha to Acapulco, and she always in her outward and homeward bound voyages toucheth at this Island of Guam for wood, water, and fresh provisions. When we approached the island we stood in with the Spanish colours flying and at last some of the natives came off to our Shipside calling to us friends or not. Our answer was friends. Then they they came on board us and bought us potatoes, mananoes, cocoa nuts, and plantans selling them to us for old nails and old iron, but they being treacherous we trusted them not for we had always our small arms ready, and our great guns loaden with round ball and cartridges. Sometimes we should have our deck full with those infidels, but we were always in arms having our swords and pistols by our sides with some sentinels standing abaft before them. However having tarried here for some time we thought these infidels had forgot our first saluting of them so them came frequently on board, and we had free liberty to go ashore anywhere on the island, not only by the Spaniards but also by the Indians, who invited some of our people to go fishing with them with a sean [sic] which had like to have cost them very dear. For whilst some of our men were on shore and the boat near the shore with ten men in her, these infidels brought their sean round the boat thinking thereby to draw both men and boat ashore, but our people that were in the boat being provided with firearms let go in amongst the thickest of them and killed a great many of their number. While the others seeing their mates fall run away. Other men which were on the shore meeting them saluted them also by making holes in their hides. We took our boat immediately thereupon and went on board, most of our well men being on shore, and seeing many of these infidels boats lying along. our Ships side did not know what design they might have on board our sick men. But as it fell out they were boats which came from the governor with more presents for our refreshment.

These Indians are a people of a very large stature some of them being 7 foot and a half high they going stark naked having nothing at all before their private parts. They never bury their dead but let them lie in the sun to putrefy and rot. They have no arms but launces and slings. The sharp ends of their launces are made with dead mens bones. Whereupon the decease of a person, his bones make 8 launces, or his leg bones two and of his thighs as many and his arms afford four which being cut like to a scoop and jagged like the teeth of a saw or eel spear. If a man happened to be wounded with one of those launces if he be not cured in seven days he is a dead man. We took four of these infidels prisoners and brought them on board binding their hands behind them but they had not been long. there when three of them leaped overboard into the sea swimming away from the Ship with their hands tied behind them. However we sent the boat after them and found a strong man at the first blow could not penetrate their skins with a cutlas. One of them had received in my judgement fourty shots in his body before he died and the last of the three that was killed had swam a good English mile first not only with his hands behind him as before but also with his arms pinioned.

But to return again to the Spanish Governors kindness. He sent us moreover the succeeding days by one of his Captains and an Alferus thirty hogs, some pompkins, green trade, potatoes and rice as a present and our Captain presented him with six small guns while most of the men were in the meantime busy at work to root our Ship, heel and scrape her.

When we had gone through the aforesaid work we fell to watering our Ship and while that was going on there came two Indians to our people who were born in Manilha under pretence to barter with us. But we secured them both and they told us that the major part of the Indians were run away to another island ten leagues off, insinuating withall the weakness of the Spaniards in this Island, and would have had us to cut them off and plunder the Island of its riches. But our Captain would hear of no such base action.

We had not done watering the Ship when there came near a hundred of these Indians about us with their launces and slings and brought with them some fresh cocoa nuts but our people knowing their treachery we fired about 20 guns at them not to hit them which made them run away and they appeared no more that day.

The month of March had quite spun out before we had made an end of watering our Ship and supplied ourselves with cocoa nuts and other necessaries but on the 1st of April we weighed our anchor from the bay and stood off along. the shore towards the governors seat. And next day being come up with the fort we fired three guns to salute it which the governor answered again with three more and on the third sent his captain on board with some provisions for our commander. When we sailed away from the Island it bearing from us at 9 E by North distance 45 miles as it did W.N.W. upon our first making it and appeared in this manner

Guam Bay map

Nutmeg Island On the fourth of April we, sailed W by S, 88 miles distance run from the Island 133 miles, and the day after 73 miles W, departed from the Island 206 miles. From which day I kept no constant account by reason we had calms and little winds. And when we had got to the length of St Bartholomews Rocks, we shaped our course W.N.W. there being half a point variation to the Eastward, till we came in the latitude of 20 deg 30 mins North where we fell in with a parcel of Islands lying to the Northwards of Luconia, and we sailed between the second and third of the northernmost of them. The 23rd day of April being thursday we met with a very strong current like the race of Portland which would throw our Ship about and about. Distance to Guana from these islands 560 leagues or thereabouts. At the third of the northernmost Islands we sent our boat onshore to get some fish near it if we could, and discover the island, where they found an abundance of nutmegs growing, but no people upon the place. However upon the approach of night they did not stay long. ashore to go up within land. They observed abundance of rocks, sands, foul ground near the shore, saw a great many goats upon the island but they brought but few on board. After we got through these straits we sailed away S.W. for Luconia.


They arrive at Canton in China: Neglect the taking of 13 rich Tartar Ships. They sail for Manhila; and their design to arrive at Bantam; take an Island; are in danger among the Banks of Paragoa; and arrive in the North of Borneo. The Natives are afraid of them; but they seize the Queen and others. Borneo described. Articles of Peace between its King and the Spaniard. Of the Isles of Naturah: The Crew Factious: The Author &c. buy a Boat and sail for Java; arrive at Cheribon in Java; and hear News from England of K. Charles's Death. They lost a Day; Go to Batavia; their Entertainment there: The Place described. The Javans kill the Dutch at Japara, and the Consequences thereof. The Dutch Design upon the English at Sillebar, with a Story of Amboyna.

We reckoned by Sunday April 26 at 12 of the Clock that Cape Bojadore bore from us East, after which we came up with Cape Mindato where we had the S.W. Monsoon or contrary wind, which made us steer away N.W. for Canton in China, where we lay and refitted our Ship. And whilst we here here came 13 sail of Tarter Ships thither out of which we might have laden our Ships with plunder of the best goods of China. But our men being under no government said they came for gold and silver and not to be made pedlars to carry packs at their backs but alas had reason but ruled them we might all have made our fortunes and have done no christian prince nor their subjects any harm at all. Of these goods the Tartars had taken about two years before from the Chinese in a war they waged with them, and they had layed them up near Canton to be Shipped off as they saw convenient, which they now did all of them without molestation.

We set sail from Canton for the city of Manilha to wait for a Tartar Ship which we informed was laden one half with silver, but though we were so fortunate to have a sight of her yet she outsailed us she being clean and we as foul as we could be. However we gave her chase the whole day though to no pupose. Hereupon we bore to an island near the north end of Luconia, till the winds came up fair to carry us to the southward viz to Bantam which was our designed port, we not knowing then that Bantam was taken from the English by the Dutch. And these islands we got store of fruit as cocoa nuts and guanas and found one indian at a goat island who told us of an island which lay not far from us where was an abundance of beeves. Thither we hasted with our boat and 30 men took it and found the same to be a very plentiful island inhabited by about a 1000 people. However our stay was not very long. here for the wind coming up a NE before the middle of September, we sailed away to the southward, making our course SS.W., til we came to the Lat of 10 deg N. Coming up with the Banks of Paragoa we were infested in such a manner, that we thought we should have lost our lives there, we sailing three days amongst them together. But at length God was pleased to bring us out of those dangers so that we stood into an island at the north end of Borneo where we haled our Ship ashore, and erected a tent, planting ten guns for our defence, in case of any onset by the natives. Here we laid up our goods and went to seek out the natives to trade with them, and they were very much afraid of us as having never seen any white men before. However we came up with one of their boats which was full of women, among whom was the queen of the country and her retinue, who when they saw our complexion leapt overboard into the sea. But we got them out again and made them more friendly before we parted company. For on our offer of civility to them they presently grew fond of us.

The Island of Borneo is very large being in shape like an oval. Extending from 4 deg S Lat to 9 deg N, and it reaches in longditude 12 deg. This great island is governed by one king. But formerly it had two viz the king of the north, and the king of the south. But in the process of time he of the north was vanquished by the other of the south by which means it was reduced to one entire monarchy. The land is plentifully stored with good food and rich comodities as diamonds, pepper, camphire and fine wood as speckled-wood and ebony. Cloves may be purchased here at a very reasonable rate,they being brought hither from the adjacent islands by stealth. The beasts of the country are large elephants, tigers, panthers, leopards, antelopes and wild hogs tho' the natives eat no hogs flesh being all Mahometans; neither do the publickly drink any wine. For if it be discovered the K. [King] would instantly command the Offender's head to be chop'd off. The Spanish governor of Manilha having found the sweet riches of Borneo, hath made perpetual peace with this great King, who was always at war before. The Articles whereof were, that the king of Borneo should have war with all nations and people that were at war with the king of spain. Which we no sooner understood than we went by the name of Spaniards all the while we lay here. The natives brought us fish in great plenty, with oranges, lemons, mangoes, plantans and pineapples beside which there are many more things. Here are abundance of excellent bezar-stones, some musk, civett etc.

The year was now drawing to a close, and we yet set sail from this small island which lay near the north end of Borneo as aforesaid (steering away S.W. for the Islands of Naturah ). Those islands lying in the Lat of 4 deg N. We found they were not much inhabited. They are a great cluster of them together. However our stay there was but short for we sailed to the island of Tymon where finding the Ships company factious and not under command of their captain, myself with Mr Hill and 18 men more, joined our forces together and bought a large boat which we sailed to the Island of Java. It being distance 300 leagues and near the Straits of Sunda. We had the luck to come up with our Ship again as also a Dutch vessel of whom enquiring for news that the Hollander told us that Bantam had been long. taken by the Dutch from the English. The wind being then in our teeth to sail to Batavia we bore away for Cheribon. A factory belonging to the Dutch lying to the eastward of Batavia upon the island of Java, where we were kindly received by the governor having liberty to buy what we pleased with our money. There we had more bad news viz that King Charles II was dead in England, and that his brother James Duke of York was proclaimed king and crowned in his stead, which made me alter the name of the Duke of York's Island in the South Sea to that of King James and my description of the same. Here I cannot omit taking notice, that when we arrived at Cheribon, we lost a day in the month and likewise a day in the week for we reckoned it was saturday when it was sunday though we writ every day. This must come to pass by reason we sailed by the way of the west, wereas if we had sailed by the way of the east, we had gained a day. But going by the way of the west we lost one which should have made the leap year one day in four year.


After we had stayed at Cheribon to refresh our selves for some time, we thought to divide our twenty men int three parties two of which resolved to sail to Bengal, and the third to stay with me. We knowing Batavia was the likeliest place to transport ourselves from, hired a vesel to carry us all from Cheribon to Batavia where lies the Hollanders magazine for India. We all arrived there safely and were courtously received by John Compase the General. He promising me passage for myself, Mr Hill, and my other friend, which was all my party the which afterwards he generously performed. This city is very strong having high stone walls about it and four stately sundials within it. In which is a strong castle commanding the whole city having a double wall about it and several entrenchments. They having great trade here by Shipping from all parts of China. The inhabitants of Batavia consisting of more than one half of China men makes it a great factory. This Island of Java hath one Emperor who is natural lord of it, and the ajacent island and under him are sundry kings and princes. Though they are all under slavery to the pollotic Hollanders, they not daring to do anything in war or peace without their leave. As to matter of war whether it was when the Dutch took Bantam from the English I know not, but the Dutch got the Emperors Crown as a pawn for some demand that they had upon him. But it happening that some great man amongst the Dutch took a stone of prodigous value out of the said crown. This incensed the Javans to that degree against the nation that on Feb. 14 this year there came news from Japara to the city of Batavia that the Javans had fallen upon a party of Hollanders and had killed 80 of their number. The chief of whom were Francis Van Tack and Jeremiah Van Fleet who (as an addition it seems to the other provocations) being sent by the General of Batavia to fetch 500,000 rix dollars that the Emperor was Indebted to the Hollanders. When they came to Japara to the Emperors court he desired them to go and sit in a council, which they had no sooner done, than the Javans came and set the place on fire where they were, and those that came out in expectation of saving their lives were slain by the Javans as those that stayed in were burnt. Now from Batavia the General was sending four or five Ships of war with soldiers to get satisfaction for the wrong done them, which if this accident had not fallen out, as far as I could understand, those Ships had been sent to the west coast of Sumatra to Sillebar where our English had a fortress. There were then of us English in Batavia to the number of twenty, which would have adventured to Sillebar but the Dutch would not permit us to go thither tho' we had bought a sloop to carry us away, which they took not only from us, but paid us no more than the prime cost without any regard to the charges we had been at in fitting her out. Neigh they proceeded so far as to put the men in prison that sold us the sloop, and upon our demanding the reason why they were so very unkind to us, they replied to us that they had an act of fifty years standing that no person belonging to any factory of the Dutch should presume to sell any Ship or other vessel to any foreigners. But we found the main reason was we should not go to Sillebar to strengthen our own people. These Ships and soldiers were designed to sail to Sillebar to demand a great sum of money that they said the King of Sillebar owed the Dutch. Though they did not design to take it in specie, but would be payed with pepper. So that if that design had gone on the English would have had no occasion for their factory in Sillebar. The intent of the Dutch was to get the pepper trade into their own hands by this subtle wile, not seeming to disturb the English fort but the country round it. I heard moreover (but dont afirm it for truth) that part of the Island of Amboina in the West Indies where the English were so cruelly murdered by the Dutch was all sunk under water.


The Author and his two Companions imbarque for Holland; and their Sailing. Sea Fish, Currents, and Remarks upon them. High Land discovered. The Death of their Captain, and his Successor. Appearances of Land. Arrive at the Cape of Good Hope. Hear News from divers Parts. Something of the Natives. They steer for Tafel-Bay: The appearance of Land. Their Anchoring and Bearings. The Dutch Town there described. The Hodmantods and their Habitations. The Impudence of the Women. Their Apparel, Colour, Marriages, Worship and Burials.

But to return to our longed for Passage to Europe; We found two Ships in Batavia Road which were bound for Holland; whereupon I and Mr. Hill my other consort, imbarqued; and as we were putting out of the Road saw our Ship, under the command of Capt. John Eaton coming in: However, we held our course, but finding the wind very sharp turned it down to Bantam, to take in fresh provisions for our voyage: When we had taken in some cows, we steered away for Princes Island where we lay for a fair wind three weeks: But about the end of March, we set sail from thence with the wind at N.W. and being without, we shaped our course for Cape Buena Esperanca, or the Cape of Good Hope, steering away W.S.W. having had a pleasant passage; and on Tuesday the 18th May we made the land call'd Point Primicra, bearing from us N.W. distant 12 Leagues, it being a high flat Land with some small Hammocks thereon; we had the wind at N.E. being distant from the Cape 560 miles, the Land trending away S.W. by W. I had made out in Longitude from Princes Island 74 deg. and 4 min. We having had no observation since Saturday the 15th day. The fish that came aboard our Ship near the Island of Mona the 30th of March, left us now; when we judged ourselves to be in the Lat. of 30 deg. and 47 min. South. It was now the 18th of May, from whence to the 19th we had sailed but 96 miles; but observing next Day we found our latitude that we had a very strong current that had driven our Ship to the southward 34 miles than we judged ourselves to be. For we thought we had been in the Lat 30 deg and 41 mins, whereas we found ourselves in the Lat of 34 deg and 15 mins. Our course having been S.W. by W 40 miles. I argued the reason with the chief mate of the Ship and he told me that he did once happen in this place and they lay a trie with three mainsails and the wind at W.S.W. three days and when they took their observation found the Ship driven to Windward 200 English Miles and likewise in the Lat of 36 deg and 36 min they say and they often find the like. Sometime the current setting to the westward and then to the eastward. The variation of the compas in this place is as they tell me 12 deg westerly. We having had no amplitude since the seventh day of May, and then I found it to be 22 deg. It was in the lat. of 28 deg 10 min and longditude by reckoning of 70 —— 25 deg. variation.

From thence to Thursday May 27th nothing happened remarkable, on which day we had the wind very furious, it blowing extreme hard at W.S.W. We lay at a Trie with our Main Sails, and found ourselves at the Lat. of 30 deg. 2 min. South, coming in with the Land, which made very high with very small Hammocks. We had beem driven for 40 miles off the place where we made the land at the first coming in with it, being gone to the north 92 Miles, since we made our last Observation; and now the current went to the Eastward. Only I am here to Note, That the Winds were very furious at W. and W. by N. that we could not carry sail, for several days with very full sea: We reckoned ourselves distant from the main 94 miles, and found we were in the lat. of 35 deg. 34 min. But on the 29th at 12 a clock we went about, and finding the wind veer to the W.S.W. stemmed N.W. her topsails having been set, and was so leewardly a Ship, that she could not make her way better than N. by W. with this Sea: And to increase our difficulties this Day we were brought to one Pint of Water a Man per Diem; our water being but little in the Ship and we fearing withall lest we should lose our passage about the Cape, thought to bear away for the Island of Mayota or Joanna, our Captain at the same time being sick and lame with the Gout, and of whose Death some of us were not a little apprehensive, and not without reason, for he did not survive that night. But for his concerns my Lord van Heldine, with the other officers, as Steersman, Boatswain, Gunner and Carpenter, took a just Account of what he had, for the use of his widdow, then living in Middleburg in Zeeland.

Next day about Ten in the morning, we heaved his Corps over Board, when there was a council of War, held by the officers of the two Ships Salida and Critsman wherein 'twas resolv'd, that Captain Tominall, Commander of the Critsman, should command the Salida; and Captain Tominall's chief mate command the Critsman. While the steersman of the Salida should act as Upper Steersman on board the Critsman, namely steerman Houdin; but his unwillingness to go there made the men gather together tumultuously and declare that they would keep him, whereas my Lord Van Heildine commanded him to go; which made the other fly into a passion with him and charge him with some default, insomuch that they came both to very high words. However the men stuck so to Houdin, that he continued on board his old Ship.

It was now become the first day of June when we saw the land at 10 leagues distance. It appeared like a round hill flat. at the top, and bore from us N.N.E. with a smaller hill to the eastward of it. We reckoned it to be the Cape land of Buena Esperanea, we having had the wind east this 24 hours. A very fresh gale. Our Ship running 8 knots till six in the morning when the wind came up North little wind. The next day we were before the harbour of the Cape it bearing from us East and with the wind at North fair weather. We having sailed to the northward since yesterday noon 25 English leagues. The variation here is 6 deg. Wednesday 3rd at night about six o'clock we came to an anchor in the bay before the castle in 9 fathom water. We having had the wind at WN.W. steered into the bay at ESE so we were within the point of land. When SE by E afterwards SE for half an hour we having little wind. There lieth a low island in the bay so that as you go in you may sail on either side thereof. There is also a rock or ledge at some distance from the island on the south side in the bay where lay seven Ships. Six whereall were bound to India, and one to Holland. We had three days since lost the company of the other Ship the Critsman, but this afternoon saw a Ship at sea which we thought must be her, she being not yet come in. We also heard that the Francis Maria was lost with 400 men on board. I was told moreover that the King of England had taken the Duke of Monnouth and that he was beheaded. Beside that there was a caract of Portugal cast away upon the reef, having aboard at that time 4000000 of guilders in gold which was sent as a present by the King of Siam to the King of Portugal. Likewise the former Dutch Ships struck upon the same reef, they say they never knew so little water there before. This day came down four of the natives of the place they being the foulest men that I ever saw. Dancing naked and shaking their private parts with an offer to the Hollanders that they should lie with their wives for a bit of rolled tobacco. They had nothing to cover their bodies but a sheep skin hung over their shoulders.

Cape of Good Hope We stayed no longer here than till the morrow, when finding the wind at North we steered for Tafell-Bay bearing from us east and the land making upon the point with two low hills to the north of Tafell Berg. To the northward of the lowland bluff with an appearance almost like the South Foreland in England. Whereas to the southward of the Tafell Berg lieth the land about two thirds as high as the Tafell Berg. Very ragged with small hammocks higher than the rest. And to the southward of that lieth a round hill which maketh a good bay. The northernmost land is called Lyons-Head. Then the Devils-Hill lies behind Table Hill or Table-Hill or in the Dutch Tafell-Berg and the Lyons Head. The longditude of this Island 82 deg and 25 mins. But the Ship outran our expectations 3 degrees more if the longditude as laid down right in the maps as cannot be expected. For I reckoned to be before the Ship two deg, for she was three deg before me. The latitude of the Cape must be falsely laid down to be 34 deg 30 min whereas it lies but in 34 deg 20 min S.

I having set down the course as steered yesterday but not minding the variation of the compass (whereof we had one to set to the variation which we had not altered since we had 15 deg variation) and finding but 7 deg. Our course in the bay was S 71 deg E. When we came to an anchor in the bay in 9 fathom of water the top of the Lyons Hill bore from us WS.W. but we lay too far off in the road. If we had been further in it would have been much better riding but then we should have brought the top of the Lyons Hill to bear from us W by S and the castle bears SSE. We having heard that we were like to have war with France by their six Ships that came from Holland.

It cannot be thought but that we must have been very desirous to go ashore, which I did the very next day with my two friends. The town which is inhabited by the Dutch is small but the houses are built very low by reason that in the months of December, January and February they are visited with great gales of wind. There is not above an hundred of those houses in all the town but they have a very strong castle with about 80 good guns mounted therein. There is also a very spacious garden, with most pleasant walks which is maintained by the Dutch East India Company, and in which is planted almost all manner of fruit trees and incomparable good herbs. This garden is about one English mile in length and a furlong. in breadth. This is a great rarety that I saw at the Cape that it far exceeded the East India Companies garden that is at Batavia. They have also an abundance of very good sheep here but very few black cattle, and not many fowls. We walked moreover without the town to the village inhabited by the Hodmandods, so called by the Hollanders, to view their nasty bodies and the nature of their dwellings which we found to be as followeth. When we came hither we were scarce able to endure the stench of them and their habitations. They build their houses round (with their fireplace in the middle of them) almost like the huts which are built in Ireland by the wild Irish. The people lying in the ashes and having nothing under them but a Ships [sic] skin.

The men have but one stone in apearance which is very strange but the women are more to be admired. They have a flap of skin that covered their nakedness, but are so ignorant or I may say brutish, that they will not stick to prostitute themselves nor do whatever else you would have, for the least recompense imaginable and of this I am an eye witness.

Their apparel is a sheeps skin (as I have already said) over their shoulders with a leathern cap upon their heads as full of grease as it can hold. Their legs are wound about with guts of beasts (from ankle to the knees) well greased. These people called the Hodmandods are born white but make themselves black with sut [sic] and besmear their bodies all over so that by frequent repitition their skins become almost as black as negroes.

Their children are of a good comely shape when they are young. Their noses in form resemble a negroes. When they marry the women cutteth off one joint of her finger. And if her husband die and she marry again she cutteth off another joint, and so many men as she marrieth so many joints she loseth.

There are people that will eat anything that is foul. If the Hollanders kill a beast they will get the guts and squeeze the exvrements out and then without washing or scraping lay them upon the coals and before they are well hot through they will take them and eat them. If a slave of the company's should have a mind to have carnal knowledge of one of their women that he but give her husband a bit of tobacco roll about 3 inches long. he will fetch her forthwith to the slave and calls her to lie with him.

Their men not giving the least jealousy yet they will beat their wives if they lie with the Hodmadods themselves. But they value it not for them to do it with any man of another nation.

They are worshippers of Dame Luna and when they expect to see the moon there will be thousands of them by the sea side dancing and singing. But if it be dark weather so the moon appears not, they will say that their god is angry with them. Whereas on the contrary when the said luminary shines they will say he is not angry.

There happened at this time we were amongst them that one of the Hodmadods had drank himself dead in the fort. With the other Hodmadods came with oil and milk and put them into his mouth, but finding they could get no life into him they began to make preparation for his burial which was in the following manner. They came with knives and shaved his body arms and legs through the thick skin. Then they digged a great hole and set him in it upon his breach, clapping stones about him to keep him upright. After came a company of their women howling about him and making a most horrid noise. Then they covered the mouth of the hole and left him in a sitting posture. But to return on board again.

Sunday June 6th we had wind at the N.W., a fresh gale, when there came into the bay a Ship from Amsterdam called the Speredike, burthen about 800 tuns, and the next day the wind continued at the same point, we having done nothing but caulking work between decks and clapped a fish to the foremost. But the following 24 hours we had it at N.W. by N it blowing hard right into the bay with thick misty weather during which time we took our water casks out of the main hatch to the floor, and cleared the limbers midships. Wednesday 9th proved also to be misty and foggy weather with the wind at N.W., little wind, and we came to take our water for our voyage. The wind continued at N.W. the succeeding day with the same weather and indeed the fogg [sic] was as great as small rain. We had gotten in 36 liggers of water already thinking this day to get all our water on board. But on friday the wind coming to SE, a fresh gale, we got up our yards and topmasts and the same day came on board of us some Portugese, they being cast away upon the reef of Cape St Julian, and brought along. with them a parcel of very large fat sheep. At the same time the Ship called the Burs of Amsterdam set sail for Batavia on the Island of Java, and at there going off gave us 9 guns. The wind continued on Satuday 12th at SE, a fresh gale, when a Ship called the Clover-Blade of Delf set sail also for Batavia and that we got in all our water, and sent our boat ashore forward for our voyage. Next day the wind came to N.W., thick foggy weather, a fresh gale, we got now all our wood on board and we were in a manner ready to sail in the first fair wind. That day the Ship called The Freight of Flushing came also into the bay she being a vessel of 60 guns and 1400 tuns and had 80 men aboard and a stump nose. The wind held in the same corner still, and the weather is dull, however we had got our men and everything else in excellent readyness and among our company there happened to be one gentleman soldier who had been in the Duke of Monmouth's army and told us how it went with them in the fight and more news than it would be pertinent of me to take notice of in this place.


They leave the Cape and sail away for Holland. Their Course; News; strange Voice in the Sea. A Story of a Goat on Board. The Death of one of their Men, &c. Leave the Isle of Ascention. Try their Captain and acquit him. The Death of the Captain. Ambrottio's, no such Sand. Strong Current. They lost Ground: See Land: Touch at Farley: Meet a Scotch Vessel, and the Stories she told them. The Author not permited to go on Board an English Ship for London. He arrives at Helford Sluice: From thence the Author went to Roterdam, and so a Passenger in the Anne Jatch to London.

At length tuesday June 15th came, the wind backed S.W. being a small gale we set sail at 8 'oclock in the morning, with 5 Ships more in company three being bound for Holland and the other three to Batavia whose names were these The Cowmburgh, The Rocker, The Toseser whereas ours for Holland were the Salida, the Critsman, and the Emeland of Engemere. At 2 o'clock we parted drinking of healths and firing by us to the number of three hundred guns.

Next day at 6 in the morning we found the flat. land called Tafell-Berg bore from us SE by S distance 10 leagues and the Ship having made our course from thence to 12 o'clock N.W. 15 miles. We observed that we had sailed from yesterday morning 8 o'clock to 12 o'clock this day but 45 miles the wind having schrunk [sic] upon us. Coming up at N.W.. We made our course N.W. by W, distance sailed 45 miles. Departure to the westward 37 miles. From thence nothing befell us remarkable until tuesday June 29th when we had the wind at SE. Distance sailed 96 miles. We had no observation but I judged we were in the latitude 9 deg 54 mins S. Departure 68 miles. Made our course N 45 deg W and made out in longditude 6 deg 34 min, and did reckon we were in the londitude 21 deg 26 min departure. The Cape 914 miles. This day it was that I spoke to an English man which had sometime belonged to a Dutch East India Ship that told me he was in company of two English Ships that came from the coast of Cormandel, one named the Resolution and the other Defence, and they lost them in a storm. That the Resolution was very leaky in so much that they could hardly keep her above water. He told me also that there were some English commanders that sailed in the King of Siam's service to cruise upon the subjects of the King of Kelling-Candath. That the English East India Company was not resisted by the moors, but that the interlopers were much encouraged, and one Mr Dean being chief of the English interlopers did live in great splendour, never going out without 70 or 80 moors to attend him.

We had moreover this day great feasting on board us, and the commanders of the other two Ships returning on board their vessels we gave them some guns which they returned again. But it is strangely observable that whilst they were loading their guns they heard a voice in the sea crying out 'Come help, Come help a man overboard' which made them forthwith bring their Ship to thinking to take him up, but heard no more of him. Then they came on board us to see if we had not lost a man, but we nor the other Ship had not a man wanting for upon strict examination we found that all three Ships we had our compliment of men, which made them all conjecture that it was the spirit of some man that had been drowned at the latitude by accident.

We had for the next 24 hours a good wind, a fine moderate gale at SE, judging ourselves in the longditude of 20 deg 41 min. Nothing remarkable only we had a she goat on board us which had been bought from Batavia and had two young kids sucking of her (I think) of about three weeks old when she was brought on board or a month at most. However she grew bigger and bigger every day and all that our people could conjecture concerning her was that it proceeded from the water. But shortly after to the amazement of us all she brought forth four young ones.

From hence we passed to the 4th July being Sunday when we had the wind at ESE. Distance run 118 miles, and found ourselves in the lat. of 14 deg and 50 min S. Course N 45 deg W. Departure from the Cape 1225 miles. We made our longditude 21 deg 28 min judging ourselves to be in the longditude of 16 deg 32 min. The weather was fair. We threw one man overboard. He was an old Dane, who dying in the night and being stiff before anybody knew that he was dead. It was no sooner percieved but some made haste to call the doctor and the minister to him, while others were busy in rifling his chest so as to get what he had saved. Yet fortune did not favour them for they were quickly compelled to return what they took out of his chest with shame.

We came up with the Isle of Ascenion on the 12th and next day we took a new departure from thence and nothing extraordinary happened until the 20th when we had the wind at ESE. Sailed 92 mile course N 45 deg with our departure 65 miles. We had now crossed the equinoctial line and found we were in 15 deg N lat. And now we called a council of all our captain his acusation was, he had hired five men to murder a person of quality and his lady, with some others that we had on board and then to run away with the Ship. The purser was the main acuser but upon the whole we found that he could make nothing out of the matter and was a great rogue. Immpudently denighing now that he had told the said purser as before he confidently afirmed it. It was now thursday 22nd when we sailed with the wind at ESE 90 miles. We have made our course N 46 deg W and found ourselves in the Lat of 2 deg 25 min N. Difference of latitude 62 min. Departure 64 miles. From Ascenion 718 miles. We had made out the longditude 11 deg 56 min judging ourselves to be in the longditude of 355 deg 56 min and all of this when we had very good weather from the Cape. Now it was that I cut the same line which I did when I departed from Virginia in the year 1683 and continued to the westward until I came to the same place from wence I sailed having compassed the terestial globe of the world and cannot but note here once more that I have been further to the southward than any man (that I ever heard of) before me in this voyage having reached so far as 60 deg 30 min S lat. And so it happened that being bound to go north about Scotland to Holland in this voyage I passed some 60 deg N also. I mention this as no extraordinary thing.

We met with no other memorable occurence until the 2nd August, when we had the wind at S.W. a fresh gale. Yet no observation. But by judgement in the lat. of 10 deg 58 min N. And that on this morning Captain Tominal departed this life being sick with a pain in his belly but three days. His head steerman was created captain in his stead. Which office at first was by the men refused him. However at length by the persuasion of the other two captains that went on board to reconcile that affair, he was by the Ships company accepted.

We judged ourselves on the fourth day to be within 12 leagues of the Abrottios or sand that is laid down 30 deg N lat. But for my own part I conclude there is no such thing there. For I could hear of no man that had ever seen any such thing. Nay on the contrary a pilot that had made 16 voyages from Brazill has been pilot to the King of Portugal's carract tell me there was no such sand. Neither can I find any of the Dutch East India Men who had often sailed this way going and coming from India could give me any account of it.

On Saturday the 15th at about 10 of the clock at night we had a violent storm, and we had like to be on board of the Critsman for we were so near him, that we could not wear our Ship but were forced to lay our sails aback, and thereby had like to have overset our own Ship or lost our mast. However by good luck she fell off again and filled our sails thereby saving us from that great danger we were in.

At length when Sunday 19th came, when the weather being somewhat clearer about 12 o'clock I saw land as did also two more of our men. I supposed it to be the Island of Shetland but our captain would not believe it. However at 6 of the clock, at night, the Critsman's people saw land also and let the flagg [sic] away, which made our captain very angry that he should see it before and would not believe it but our men seeing their flagg weigh [sic] fell a laughing and shouting at the captain which still perplexed him more. By 6 o'clock on Monday evening the land bore from SE by E distance about 13 leagues according to my judgement it, being clear when I first saw it. We came up with the Isle of Farley by the 22nd, steered on, and the 25th had the wind round the compas. We having sailed 32 miles that day SS.W. found ourselves in 30 fathom of water judging that we were between the west end of the Dogger Bank and the Well. Thick weather. We had no observation but judged us to be in the lat. of 54 deg 32 min N. At the same time we came up also with a Scotch Ship, who steered so that we ran him on board on his quarter, and had not we lessened sail we had certainly sunk him. Two passengers that were on board him leaped out into our Ship to save their lives. Though as it happened the gentlemen were more scared than hurt. This Ship was called The Lyon of Leith and the crew told us that the Turks lay within Plymouth Sound and also at Dartmouth, and victualed and careened there and came out and took over an hundred sail of Hollanders and a Dutch man of war of 36 guns that said was also taken by them. Which caused the Hollanders to speak very ill of the English nation though I found afterwards there was not a word of truth in it, and why they should invent such an idle story unless it were to make the English rediculous I know not.

Our sailing next day was with the wind at ESE and we found ourselves at the lat. of 52 deg 35 min N. Difference of latitude 57 min. Departure 66 miles. I judged us to be on the Well Bank we having 19 fathom of water. At the same time we came up with two Ships, one was a Dane, the other an Englishman who belonged to London. Her masters name was Radford and dwelt then at the Whale tavern in Lower Shadwell. With him I sent my quadrant, and myself and my two friends would have gone with him also, but the Dutch lord told me he could not let me go saying he should not be able to answer it to The States. On the 27th we had but little wind. Distance sailed 9 mile. Course S, judging ourselves in the lat. 53 deg 26 min. Fair weather. However on Tuesday morning September 28th we came before the Maes with the wind at ENE. When it was the day we saw the Brille church and the Grave's sand. And we came to an anchor in 10 fathoms of water and there rode til the pilot came on board. When we weighed in for the Maes. We got over the sand and the shallow that goes to Helford Sluice [Hellevoetsluis] next day having 4 fathom at high water. And on Thursday the 30th got bread and beer on board having laid at an anchor in 10 fathom of water before the entrance of Helford Sluice. Being got into the haven having been 7 months on our passage from Batavia hither. Three days after our arrival one of my two mates died. Then I made no great stay here but went to Rotterdam where I found the Ann Yacht. In her I came a passenger for England and thro' the infinite mercy of God arrived at London October the 12th next ensuing.