In 1708, the ships Duke and Dutchess set out from Bristol, England, with the following officers (and others of course) in charge:
The Duke and Dutchess captured many vessels off the coast of South America, one of which was the French-built Havre de Grace. Edward Cooke was appointed as its captain, and the ship was re-named the Marquis. Rogers and Cooke both wrote accounts of the voyage when they returned to England, and although their titles refer to a “Cruising Voyage,” or simply a “Voyage,” their “cruise” was in fact a privateering expedition.
The authors' descriptions of the Galápagos Islands are compared below.
* = Footnote from 1928 Longmans, Green reprint edition.
Rogers' latitude notation in degrees and seconds should be read as degrees and minutes. Thus, his 00°. 37" S. should be 00°. 37' S. , and so on.
Words [in brackets] inserted for clarification, as needed.
The maps showing the voyages of Rogers and Cooke are based on the descriptions in their books, which are not always clear. Therefore, there is no guarantee of their accuracy.
A Cruising Voyage Round the WorldCaptain Woodes Rogers |
A Voyage to the South Sea, …Capt. Edward Cooke |
Rogers' book is not divided into chapters |
Chap. XIII: The Description of the Town of Guayaquil, from what we saw, and were told by an English-Man, who had liv'd there some Time, and came in to us. |
May 17. This Morning we saw the Land bearing S. S. W. about 10 Leagues distant. It seems a large Island, and high Land: We tack'd and stood E. by S. Wind at S. by E. to turn up to Windward for the Island. Our Men in both Ships continue very ill; we have near 60 sick, and the Dutchess upwards of 80. We had a good Observation, Lat. 00°. 37" S. |
Tuesday 17. The Land we saw shew'd like eight or nine Islands near together; but the Weather being hazy, could not well discern. The main Body of them bore S. by E. distant eight Leagues. Latitude per Observation and Estimation 30 Min. South, Meridian Distance from Santa Clara 500 Miles West. This being one of the Galapago; Islands, it appears they are laid down wrong in most of the Charts; for the Body of this Island lies in about one Degree South, and Meridian Distance from Santa Clara 8 Deg. 20 Min. West. At Six in the Evening the West End of the Great Island bore S. by W. distant six Leagues. |
May 18. At 6 last Night the End of the Island bore S. by E. distant about 5 Leagues. Edward Downe died at 12 at Night. When Day broke we were within 4 Leagues of 2 large Islands almost joining together, having passed the other that we saw yesterday. We sent our Boat ashore to look for Water, and agreed with our Consort where to meet in case of Separation. They turn'd towards an Island we saw to Windward, and left us to try this Island for Water: All our Prizes were to stay near us under Sail by a remarkable Rock. § § Isla Cinco Dedos |
Wednesday 18. In the Morning discover'd another large Island bearing about S. E. from the Body of the Land seen the Day before, which at this Time look'd like one great Island, as did the other to Windward. The Duke and some of the Prizes being to Leeward, we bore down, and ran near the Shore, sounding several Times, but had no Ground, and as we came in, faw several Thorough-Fares, and fmall Islands, which, at a Distance, look'd like one entire Land. The Duke's Boat went ashore to seek for Water, and Capt. Dover and he came Aboard us, where it was agreed, that Capt. Rogers, with the three Prizes, should keep to Windward of that Island, 'till our Return, the Boats to seek for Water, and we, with the Havre-de-Grace, to turn up to Leeward of the other Island which lay to Windward, to see if we could find a Harbour and Water; and then to join them as soon as possible. Accordingly at Noon I made Sail to Windward, and took a rough Draught of the Islands, as they shew'd to us at Sea, which is here inserted, the Longitude and Latitude as above, Plate 8. Numb. 1.
May 19. Yesterday in the Afternoon the Boat return'd with a melancholy Account, that no Water was to be found. The Prizes we expected would have lain to Windward for us by the Rock, about 2 Leagues off Shore; but Mr. Hatley in a Bark, and the Havre de Grace, turn'd to Windward after our Consort the Dutchess; so that only the Galleon and the Bark that Mr. Selkirk was in staid for us. We kept plying to Windward all Night with a Light out, which they follow'd. At 5 in the Morning we sent our Boat ashore again to make a further Search in this Island for Water. About 10 in the Morning James Daniel our Joiner died. We had a good Observation, Lat. 00° 32". S. |
Thursday 19. Ply'd to Windward, and at Noon the Island we design'd for, bearing E. S. E. half E. distant one League, saw another to the Southward, bearing E. by S. distant eight Leagues. The great Island we came from the Day before, ran farther to the Southward, than it had look'd to do at first, and we faw much Wood on it. That we were making towards, look'd like a barren Island. |
May 20. Yesterday in the Afternoon came down the Dutchess and the French Prize. The Dutchess's Bark had caught several Turtle and Fish, and gave us a Part, which was very serviceable to the sick Men, our fresh Provisions that we got on the main Land being all spent. They were surpriz'd as much as we at the Galleon, and Hatley's Bark being out of Sight, thinking before they had been with us. We kept Lights at our Top-mast's Head, and fir'd Guns all Night, that they might either see or hear how to join us, but to no Purpose. Capt. Courtney being not yet quite recover'd, I went on board the Dutchess, and agreed with him and his officers, to stay here with the Havre de Grace and Bark, whilst I went in quest of the missing Prizes. At 6 in the Morning we parted, and stood on a Wind to the Eastward, judging they lost us that way. Here are very strange Currents amongst these Islands, and commonly run to the Leeward, except on the Full Moon I observed it ran very strong to Windward; I believe 'tis the same at Change. May 22. Yesterday at 3 in the Afternoon we met with the Galleon under the East Island, but heard nothing of Mr. Hatley's Bark. At 9 last Night Jacob Scronder a Dutch-man, and very good Sailor, died. We kept on a Wind in the Morning to look under the Weather Island for Mr. Hatley, and fired a Gun for the Galleon to bear away for the Rendevous Rock, which she did. May 23. Yesterday at 3 in the Afternoon we saw the Weather Island near enough, and no Sail about it. We bore away in sight of the Rock, and saw none but our Galleon; we were in another Fright what became of our Consort, and the 2 Prizes we left behind; but by 5 we saw 'em come from under the Shore to the Leeward of the Rock. We spoke with 'em in the Evening; we all bewail'd Mr. Hatley*, and were afraid he was lost: We fir'd Guns all Night, and kept Lights out, in hopes he might see or hear us, and resolved to leave these unfortunate Islands, after we had view'd two or three more to Leeward. We pity'd our 5 Men in the Bark that is missing, who if in being have a melancholy Life without Water, having no more but for 2 Days, when they parted from us. Some are afraid they run on Rocks, and were lost in the Night, others that the 2 Prisoners and 3 Negroes had murder'd 'em when asleep; but if otherwise, we had no Water, and our Men being still sick, we could stay little longer for them. Last Night died Law. Carney of a malignant Fever. There is hardly a Man in the Ship, who had been ashore at Guiaquil, but has felt something of this Distemper, whereas not one of those that were not there have been sick yet. Finding that Punch did preserve my own Health, I prescribed it freely among such of the Ships Company as were well, to preserve theirs. Our Surgeons make heavy Complaints for want of sufficient Medicines, with which till now I thought we abounded, having a regular Physician, an Apothecary, and Surgeons enough, with all sorts of Medicines on board. Our Owners believed so too, and did often at home set forth the uncommon Advantage we had in being so carefully provided for this tedious Voyage; but now we found it otherwise, and had not sufficient Medicines to administer for the Recovery of our sick Men, which so many being sick in both Ships, makes it a melancholy Time with us. * It was not until Rogers returned to England that he learnt that Simon Hatley, after losing company of the Duke and Dutchess, sailed to the coast of Peru, and after great privations, surrendered to the Spaniards. He afterwards returned to England, and served as Shelvocke's second Captain in his “Voyage round the World,” 1719-22. An incident in this voyage—the shooting of a black Albatross by Hatley—has been immortalized in Coleridge's “Ancient Mariner.” May 21 [sic, 24]. Yesterday at 5 in the Afternoon we ran to the Northward, and made another Island, which bore N. W. by W. distant 5 Leagues; and this Morning we sent our Boat ashore, to see for the lost Bark, Water, Fish or Turtle. This day Tho. Hughes a very good Sailor died, as did Mr. George Underhill, a good Proficient in most parts of the Mathematicks and other Learning, tho' not much above 21 Years old: He was of a very coutreous Temper, and brave, was in the Fight where my Brother was kill'd, and served as Lieutenant in my Company at Guiaquil. About the same time another young Man, call'd John English, died about the Haver [sic] de Grace, and we have many still sick. If we had staid in the Harbour, we should in all probability have lost near half of our Men. We had a good Observation, Lat. 00°. 14". N. May 25. Yesterday at 6 in the Evening our Boat return'd from the Island without finding any Water, or seeing the Bark. About 4 in the Morning we stood to another Island, that bore about N. E. distant 4 leagues, and the Dutchess went to view another to the S. W. of it. Last Night Peter Marshall a good Sailor died. This Morning our Boat with Mr. Selkirk's Bark went to another Island to view it. We had an Observation, Lat. 00°. 35" N. |
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday [20-22], we spend in plying among the Islands, where the Boats which went ashore, found abundance of Tortoises, large Rock-Fish, and Guanos. These Creatures last nam'd, are larger here, than in other Parts of the West Indies, and of several Colours, some black, some yellow, &c. as also of several Sizes, and one Sort of them has no Prickles on the Back. We shoot them among the Rocks, they are eaten by the Sea-man, and reckon'd good Meat, though their Deformity made me loath to eat them. See the Draught, Plate 8, Numb. 2. Our Pinnace went ashore to look for Water, but found none on the great Island, which is most a Rocky dry Ground, and looks as if there had lately been an Earthquake. Some Trees grow on the Rocks, have a good Scent, but no leaves. Cowley's Voyage gives the following Account of these Islands. The first that we saw, lay near the lat. of 1 deg. 30 min. South; we having the Wind at South, and being on the Northside thereof, that we could not sail to get to it, to discover what was upon it. This Island maketh high Land, the which I called King Charles's Island: and we had sight of three more which lay to the Northward of this, that next it I called Crossman's Island; The next to that Brattles; and the third, Sir Anthony Dean's Island. We moreover saw many more to the Westward; one whereof I called Eure's Island; another, Dassigny's; and another, Bindlos's. Then we came to an Anchor in a very good Harbour, lying toward the Northernmost end of a fine Island, under the Equinoctial Line: Here being great plenty of Provisions, as Fish, Sea and Land Tortoises, some of which weighed at least 200 Pound weight, which are excellent good Food. Here are also abundance of Fowls, viz. Flemingoes and Turtle Doves; the latter whereof were so tame, that they would often alight upon our Hats and Arms, so as that we could take them alive, they not fearing Man, until such time as some of our Company did fire at them, whereby they were rendred more shy. This Island I called the Duke of York's Island; there lying to the Eastward of that (a fine round Island) which I called, The Duke of Norfolk's Island. And to the Westward of the Duke of York's Island, lieth another curious Island, which I call'd The Duke of Albemarle's; in which is a commodious Bay or Harbour, where you may ride Land-lock'd: And before the said Bay lieth another Island, the which I call'd Sir John Narborough's: And between York and Albemarle's Island lieth a small one, which my Fancy led me to call Cowley's enchanted Island; for we having had a sight of it upon several Points of the Compass, it appear'd always in as many different Forms, sometimes like a ruined Fortification; upon another Point, like a great City, &c. This Bay or Harbour in The Duke of York's Island I called Albany Bay; and another Place York Road. Here is excellent, good, sweet Water, Wood, &c. and a rich Mineral Ore. From hence we sailed to the Northward, where we saw three more fine Islands; the Eastermost of the three I called the Earl of Abington's Island: Then Sailing along between the other two, I call'd the Westermost by the Name of the Lord Cullpepper's, and the Eastermost by that of the Lord Wenman's. All of them that we were at, were very plentifully stored with the foresaid Provisions, as Tortoises, Fowls, Fish and Alguanaes (Guano's) large and good; but we could find no good Water on any of all these Places, save on that of The Duke of York's Island. I have added this out of Cowley's Voyage, as being a more particular Relation than we could give, having miss'd of the Place where he says there is good Water, and therefore not come to an Anchor in any of them; yet we continu'd plying from one to another, in Hopes of succeeding, 'till |
May 26. Last Night our Boat and Bark return'd, having rounded the Island, found no Water, but Plenty of Turtle and Fish. This Morning we join'd the Dutchess, who had found no Water. About 12 a Clock we compar'd our Stocks of Water, found it absolutely necessary to make the best of our way to the Main for some, then to come off again; and so much the rather, because we expected that 2 French Ships, one of 60, and another of 40 Guns, with some Spanish Men of War, would suddenly be in quest of us. |
Thursday, May 26. In the Morning, Capt. Rogers and Capt. Dover came Aboard; and having consulted together, resolv'd to run in for the Island Plata to water, and so come off again, for fear of meeting with two French Ships, one of 60, and the other of 46 Guns, and the Spanish Men of War, who we were advis'd would be suddenly in search of us; but if we could find Water in any of the Islands going in, we design'd to sit there, and not go near the Main, our Ships being out of Order, and our Men sickly and weak, and we had lately bury'd several Men. Some Days before this, we lost Mr. Hatley, who was with five or six white Men, four Blacks, and an Indian, with little or no Provision of Water, and never a Boat, and knew not what became of them. |
May 27. At 6 last Night the Body of the Eastermost Island bore S. E. by S. distant 4 Leagues, from whence we took our Departure for the Main. Last Night died Paunceford Wall, a Land-man. A fresh Gale at S. E. with cloudy Weather. |
Friday, May 27. Seeing no more Islands hoisted in our Pinnace, Course E. N. E. Latitude per Estimation, 0 Deg. 45 Min. North, Meridian Distance from Santa Clara, 8 Deg. 25 Min. West. Saturday held the same Course, and Sunday East. |
![]() ![]() May 1709 track of the Duke, based on Rogers' text (pp. 151-154 in 1928, 1970 reprint editions). | |
May 30. Fair Weather with moderate Gales from the S. S. E. to the S. by E. We are forced to water the Bark and Galleon every Day with our Yall [sic]: 'Tis a very great Trouble to hoist our Boat out daily; now that our Men are so very weak. Senior Morell, and the other Prisoners, tell us, that it frequently proves Calm between these Islands and the Terra firma, at this time of the Year, which if it should now happen, but for a few Days, would very much incommode us for Want of Water. Had we supplied our selves well at Point Arena, we should, no doubt, have had time enough to find the Island S. Maria de l'Aquada, reported to be one of the Gallapagos, where there is Plenty of good Water, Timber, Land and Sea Turtle, and a safe Road for Ships. This was the Place we intended for, and would have been very suitable to our Purpose, which was to lie some Time concealed. It's probable there is such an Island, because one Capt. Davis,* an Englishman, who was a buckaneering in these Seas, above 20 Years ago, lay some Months and recruited here to Content: He says, that it had Trees fit for Masts; but these sort of Men, and others I have convers'd with, or whose Books I have read, have given very blind or false Relations of their Navigation, and Actions in these Parts, for supposing the places too remote to have their stories disprov'd, they imposed on the Credulous, amongst whom I was one, till now I too plainly see, that we cannot find any of their Relations to be relied on: Therefore I shall say no more of these Islands, since by what I saw of 'em, they don't at all answer the Description that those Men have given us.
* Edward Davis, chosen to command the Buccaneers in the South Sea in 1684. |
Monday, May 30. The Officers of The Duke came Aboard to consult about the properest Place to careen and water at, and agreed to go to the Island Gorgona, to see whether any Spanish Ships were there, and thence to Mangla or Madulinar, where are some Indians, Enemies to the Spaniards, who, as the Pilots inform'd us, seldom came there, nor could thence get Intelligence of us; and if we could trade with the Indians, might have Swine and Fowls, good Water, Tortoises, Plantans, and other Refreshments. These Days saw many Boobies, Men of War, Albacores, Bonitos, Dolphins, Flying Fishes, and large Granpusses; the like we saw on Tuesday. |
Rogers' book is not divided into chapters |
Chap. XXIV: The Voyage continu'd from the Island Gorgona; Value of Prizes; Tacames Bay and Village; Galapagos Islands … |
August 30. [excerpt, in Tecames Road] … we must proceed as we agreed for the Gallapagos to get Turtle to lengthen our Provisions, and then for the Coast of Mexico to look for the Manila Ship bound for Acapulca. |
Sept. 6. This day I had Capt. Courtney, Capt. Cooke, and Capt. Dampier aboard, who dined with us. Capt. Cooke complain'd of his Ship being crank, and that we need not have tack'd so near the Shore, since we might easily fetch the Gallapagos without tacking. All agree to this exept our Pilot, [i.e., Dampier] who is very positive of seeing other Islands about 100 or 110 Leagues from the Main under the Equinox. He tells us he was at them formerly when he was a Buccaneer, and has describ'd 'em in one of the Volumes he calls his Voyages, and says that those Islands we were at lay to the Westward of them; but he must be mistaken, or we had seen them in the last Runs to and from these Islands. |
Tuesday and Wednesday, 6 and 7, Wind at South, several Sorts of Fish playing about the Ships, and some Fowls; met Aboard The Duke, and agreed to keep to Windward as much as possible, and settle all the Ships Accompts, for fear of losing Company, and to have Copies on Board each Ship of the Particulars of the others, Course W. by S. recon'd we were directly under the Equinoctial. This Morning caught a large Bonito, and at Three in the Afternoon made one of the islands Galapagos, or Tortoise Islands, being one of the same we saw when here before. It bore W. S. W. distant 12 leagues, and at Eight in the Evening W. S. W. distant three Leagues; ply'd from that Time all |
Sept. 8. We are run over and beyond where our Pilot affirm'd the Islands were, and no sight of them; so we all agree that the Islands he was at when a buccaneering can be no other but those we were at, and are going to now; the nearest part of them lies 165 Leagues to the Westward of the Main Land. |
![]() Thursday and Friday, September 8 and 9, without being able to weather it, by Reason of a strong Current setting right on the Body of the Island, which I reckon lies in 1 Deg. 10 Min. of South Latitude, Meridian Distance from Cape St. Francisco 7 Deg. 30 Min. West. This last Day made an End of our Plantans, every Man being allow'd four a-Day, instead of Bread, since we left Tacames. At Night weather'd the Island, and |
Sept. 10. The 8th we made one of the Gallapagos Islands, and in the Morning hoisted out our Pinnace; Capt. Dover and Mr. Glendall went in here for the Shore. The Dutchess's Pinnace return'd very soon laden with Turtle. |
Saturday, September 10. In the Morning stood close in for the Head-land, sending our Boat ashore for Water and Tortoises. Some Time after came to an Anchor in 35 Fathom Water in a Bay, where we had the Wind right off the Shore, the Southermost Point of the Island bearing S. S. W. and the Rock in the Offing W. by S. being very remarkable, ragged, and looks white with the Dung of Fowls, and when in the Bay, resembles a Sail, the Eastermost Part N. E. by E. we being at Anchor about a Mile from the Shore. The Island shews very rocky, we could see nothing green on it, only some scrubby dry Trees without any Leaf, and several sandy Bays, which made us hope for Plenty of Tortoises, but little Likelihood of Water. Coming about to Windward, we saw two Islands to the Southward. The Island we were at, we call'd Marqueses Island, and is represented Plate 11. Numb. 6. At Night our Boat came Aboard, bringing 13 Tortoises taken ashore, some weighing 200 l. their Kind between a Green and a Hawks-bill. The other Boats got near 50 each, and the Dutchess's several Land-Tortoises, but no Water. Saw some Widgeons, and many Land Doves, and small Birds, some of them very tame, as also several Guanos of various Colours. On the Shore our Men saw several Jars, and some of the Wreck and Rudder of a Vessel, suppos'd to have been cast away, and guess'd to be the Prize lost when here before, but that the Rudder was too small for her. Above the Place where we rode, was a Pit full of good Salt, some of which our Boats brought off. ![]() |
Anchorages described by Rogers (below) and Cooke (above). Complete track of September visit at bottom of this page. | |
Sept. 11. Yesterday we came to an Anchor in about 30 Fathom Water, about 2 Miles off Shore, being rocky at bottom. In letting go the Anchor the Buoy Rope was immediately cut off, and our Ship drove; so that we thought our Cable was also cut, but after driving about half a Mile the Ship rode very well. In the Evening our Boats that left us after we came to an Anchor, return'd laden with excellent good Turtle: We sent our Yawl and some Men ashore to turn those Creatures in the Night, but to no purpose, because we afterwards found they only came ashore in the Day. I sent away our Pinnace, and Lieut. Frye to sound out a better anchoring Place, while we hove up the Anchor, and came to sail. Our Boat return'd, and by 10 a Clock we had our Ship again to an Anchor within less than a Mile off the Shore, right against a white sandy Bay. The outermost great Rock [Kicker Rock] being near the Middle of the Island, bore N. by E. [sic, probably, NE] distant 6 Miles; the little Rock appearing like a Sail [Roca Cinco Dedos] bore W. by S. about 4 Miles. Here we rode very smooth in good sandy Ground; the Wind amongst these Islands generally blows from the S. E. to the S. by W. I went ashore in the Pinnace, and carried Men to walk round the Sandy Bay to get Turtle. The Island is high like the rest, but some low Land on this side down to the Sea; it's very rocky, dry and barren, with out Water, like those we have already seen. Sept. 12. This Morning I sent to the Dutchess, who was at an Anchor a good distance from us, to know how they were stock'd with Turtle. At 10 the Boat return'd with an Account they had about 150 Land and Sea Turtle, but not generally so large as ours: We had no Land Turtle as yet, but about 150 Sea Turtle; the Marquiss had the worst Luck. |
Sunday and Monday, September 11 and 12, only fetched more Tortoises from Shore, and Capt. Dover told me, they had about 100 of the Land-Tortoises Aboard, and The Duke, he believ'd, as many more. |
Sept. 13. The Dutchess's People having inform'd us where they got their Land Turtle, I sent our pinnace, which at Night return'd with 37, and some Salt they found in a Pond; and the Yawl brought 20 Sea Turtle, so that we are very full of them. Some of the largest of the Land Turtle are about 100 Pound Weight, and those of the Sea upwards of 400: The Land Turtle lay Eggs on our Deck; our Men brought some from the Shore about the bigness of a Goose's Egg, white, with a large thick Shell exactly round. These creatures are the ugliest in Nature, the Shell not unlike the Top of an old Hackney Coach, as black as Jet, and so is the outside Skin, but shrivel'd and very rough; the Legs and Neck are long, and about the bigness of a Man's Wrist, and they have Club Feet as big as one's Fist, shaped much like those of an Elephant, with 5 thick Nails on the Fore Feet, and but 4 behind; the Head little, and Visage small, like a Snake, and look very old and black; when at first surpriz'd, they shrink their Neck, Head and Legs under their Shell. Two of our Men, with Lieut. Stratton, and the Trumpeter of the Dutchess, affirm, they saw vast large ones of this sort about 4 Foot high; they mounted 2 Men on the Back of one of them, who with its usual slow Pace carried them, and never minded the Weight: They suppos'd this could not weigh less than 700 Pound. I don't affect giving Relations of strange Creatures so frequently done by others already in print; but where an uncommon Creature falls in my way, I shall not omit it. The Spaniards tell us they know of none elsewhere in these Seas. This Morning we began heeling our Ship, and found that abundance of Worms had enter'd the Sheathing; we scrub'd, clean'd and tallow'd as low as we could. |
Tuesday 13. our Boat return'd with 28 Tortoises, two Men having been left ashore to turn them; some weigh'd 400 Pounds. We took here a very good Sort of Fish, whose Name I know not, but is represented Plate 11. Numb. 7. ![]() |
Sept. 14. Yesterday Afternoon we sent a Boat ashore for Wood, they brought off the Rudder and Boltsprit of a small Bark; we fancy'd it might be Mr. Hatley's that we lost amongst these Islands when here before, but on view perceiv'd it to be much older. We also found 2 Jars, and a Place where Fire had been made on the Shore, but nothing to give us farther Hopes of poor Mr. Hatley. Our Pinnace came aboard and brought about 18 Bushells of Salt, and 18 Land Turtle more; the Men commend them for excellent Food, especially the Land Turtle, which makes very good Broth, but the Flesh never boils tender: for my own part, I could eat neither sort yet. Having got as much Turtle on board, as we could eat while good, we agreed to make the best of our Way to the Coast of Mexico, and this Morning our Consort and the Marquiss were under Sail by 8 a Clock, but we lying farther in were becalm'd, and could not follow them. We caught a good quantity of Fish here, which we split and salted for our future Spending. About 12 a Clock, being calm, we weighed our Anchor, and with the Help of our Boats and Ships Oars got off the Shore. | Wednesday, September 14. at Eight in the Morning, the Dutchess, Marquis, and small Prize, weigh'd, ran out, and lay by for The Duke, who could not come out all the Evening, by Reason it was calm under the Shore. In the Evening made Sail to the Westward, designing to run over to the Island that bore W. N. W. |
Sept. 15. We had a fine Breeze, came up to the rest, and agreed to lye by with our Heads to the Eastward, till Midnight, being in sight of the Island and Rock where we lost poor Hatley, when last here. In the Morning we stood to the Westward amongst the Islands. |
Thursday, September 15. in the Morning were got up within a League of the Island, being one of those we were at when there before, and lying in 1 Deg. 5 Min. of South Latitude, therefore did not send our Boats, but ran through between the two Islands. Had no Observation, the Sun being in the Zenith, Latitude per Estimation, 1 Deg. 10 Min. South, Meridian Distance from Cape St. Francisco, 8 Deg. 39 Min. West. Considering the Sun was directly over our Heads, the Weather was cold, occasion'd, as I believ'd, by the Southerly Winds, which are the coldest in those Parts. In the Evening saw Islands all round us, therefore thought to have run out N. W. or as we could with Security; but seeing them so thick, concluded to hale upon a Wind, and ply to Windward all night, because it look'd as if we had been surrounded by Land; yet sounding, had from 40 to 60 Fathom Water. |
Sept. 16. At 4 a Clock in the Afternoon we sent our Yawl for Capt. Cooke and Capt. Courtney, with whom we agreed to bear away, seeing so many Islands and Rocks to the Westward, we did not care to incumber our selves amongst them in the Night. By 6 we found the Remedy worse than the Disease, and at Mast head could see all low Rocks almost joining from Island to Island, that we seem'd Land-lock'd for three Parts of the Compass, and no Way open but to the S. E. from whence we came, so we resolv'd to return that Way, and made short Trips all Night, keeping continual Sounding for fear of Shoals, and had from 40 to 60 Fathom Water. In the Morning we had got far enough to Windward to return. We could have no Observation by the Sun, being in our Zenith, tho' we find the Weather here much colder than in any Latitude within 10 Degrees of each side the Equinox. |
Friday, September 16. got out the same Way we came in, lying by some Time for the Dutchess to take more Tortoises; and so we continu'd all Night, for Fear or running on some Islands or Rocks, being wholly unacquainted there. |
Sept. 17. Yesterday Afternoon I went a-board the Marquiss, being brought too between the two Islands, in sight of the rendezvous Rock I have so often mention'd: Mean while the Dutchess (not being so well provided with Turtle as we) sent her Boat a-shore on another Island, where they got her Lading of excellent Turtle, leaving a vast Number a-shore that they could not bring away. We have as many a-board as we have Room for, being, as we suppose, enough to last us to the Tres Marias, if they live. At 7 we all join'd, and agreed to lie by, till 2 in the Morning, when we again jogg'd on with an easy Sail till Day-break. We were a-breast of the Thorowfare, where we tried for Water the last time. I order'd a Gun to be fir'd at a venture, to see if it were possible Mr. Hatley could be there alive, and then seeing or hearing us, might make a Smoak a-shore, as a Signal, but we had no such good Luck; so that our Hopes of him are all vanish'd, and we finally conclude, that we can do no more for him than we have done already. |
Saturday, 17. in the Morning made Sail again, and soon after saw many more Islands to the Westward, and some to the Northward of us, Course North, Latitude per Estimation 22 Min. South, Meridian Distance from Cape St. Francisco, 8 Deg. 50 Min. West. After Noon steer'd N. W. found a long Ridge of Islands running away to N. W. and faw two of them farther to the Northward; we lay by most Part of the Night. |
The 18th and 19th we saw several more Islands, one of 'em a large one, which we supposed reach'd near the Equinoctial, and abundance of small Islands betwixt us; the 19th at Noon, we had an indifferent good Observation. Lat. 2°. 2". N. |
Sunday, September 18. at Three in the Afternoon saw a small high Island upon our Lee-bow, and many Sea-Fowl flying about it; at Four we saw another bearing N. W. the first distant about six Leagues, made Sail to get to the Westward of it before Night. The Westermost of these two small Islands, I take to be in the Latitude of 50 Min. North, and Longitude from Cape St. Francisco, 9 Deg. 56 Min. West. Monday 19. Course N. W. Latitude per Estimation, 1 Deg. 49 Min. North, Meridian Distance from Cape St. Francisco, 11 Deg. 1 Min. West. |
The Gallapagos Islands need no further Description than I have at several Places given of them; only that I believe, as others before have observed, that the Turtle come a-shore in the sandy Bays of these Islands, all the Year round. We saw in all (some that we searched and others that we viewed at a Distance, at both times) no less than 50, but none that had the least Appearance of fresh Water. The Spanish Reports agree that there is but one that has any; which lies about Lat. 1°. 30". S. Sen. Morell tells me, that a Spanish Man of War employed to cruize for Pyrates, was once at an Island that lies by it self in the Lat. 1°. 20 or 30" S. They call it S. Maria de l'Aquada, a pleasant Island and good Road, full of Wood, and Plenty of Water and Turtle, of both sorts, with Fish, &c. lying about 140 Spanish Leagues West from the Island Plata, but I believe it's at least 30 Leagues more, and that it's no other but the same Island, where Capt. Davis the English Buccaneer recruited, and all the Light he has left to find it again is, that it lies to the Westward of those Islands he was at with the other Buccaneers, which as I have before examin'd, can be no other than these Islands we have been twice at. We had no occasion to look for this Islnad the second Trip, tho' I believe it's easy to find it without farther Directions. Here's most sorts of Sea Birds amongst these Islands and some Land Birds, particularly Hawks of several sorts, and Turtle Doves, both so very tame that we often hit them down with Sticks. I saw no sort of Beasts; but there are Guanas in abundance, and Land Turtle almost on every Island: 'Tis strange how the latter got here, because they can't come of themselves, and none of that sort are to be found on the Main. Seals haunt some of these Islands, but not so numerous, nor their Fur so good as at Juan Fernando's. A very large one made at me 3 several times, and had I not happen'd to have a Pike-staff pointed with Iron in my Hand, I might have been kill'd by him; (one of our Men having narrowly escap'd the Day before.) I was on the level Sand when he came open-mouth'd at me out of the Water, as quick and fierce as the most angry Dog let loose. I struck the Point into his Breast, and wounded him all the three times he made at me, which forc'd him at last to retire with an ugly Noise, snarling and shewing his long Teeth at me out of the Water: This amphibious Beast was a big as a large Bear. | |
Sept. 22. The Marquiss had sprung a large Leak, for want of good Caulking at first in Gorgona: I went aboard with our Carpenter, who assisted theirs, and with a Piece of Lead nail'd over the Leak (being in the Water's Edge) soon stopt it, and we made Sail again in a little time. Wind at S. by E. We had a good observation. N. Lat. 6°. 9". Every Day as we leave the Equinoctial more distant the Heat encreases very much. |
Thursday, September 22. Ever since the Monday before, the Marquis kept the Pump continually going, having sprung two Leaks, not being well caulk'd at Gorgona, therefore this Morning war'd her on the other Tack; Capt. Rogers came Aboard, we stopp'd one Leak, but could not find the other, being about the Stern. War'd again, and stood to the Westward. For these three Days made nearest a N. W. Course, Latitude per Observation, 6 Deg. 15 Min. per Estimation, 6 Deg. 11 Min. Distance from Cape St. Francisco 15 Deg. 23 Min. Could not be quite exact in my Reckoning, having lost our Log-Lines, and got no others as yet. |
![]() ![]() September 1709 track of the Duke, based on Rogers' text (pp. 190-193 in 1928, 1970 reprint editions). |