Maps and Charts
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HMS Beagle Surveys between 1826 and 1839. Taunton, England: United Kingdom Hydrographic Office.
Galápagos Islands. Chart in six sections, as follows:
L 945 No. 1: South part of Indefatigable, Barrington, Chatham (detail view, NE corner), Charles (detail view, showing offshore islets), Hood.
L 946 No. 2: South part of Albemarle (detail view, SW corner).
L 947 No. 3: North part of Indefatigable, N. & S. Seymour (not yet named). Large inset shows Culpepper and Wenman.
L 948 No. 4: Narborough, north part of Albemarle, James, northwest segment of Indefatigable.
Detail view, to compare with Admiralty Chart 1375.
L 949 No. 5: East part of Bindloe, Tower (detail view, Beagle track past island).
L 950 No. 6: Abingdon and Bindloe Island.
Indefatigable (from L 945-948)
Detail views, to show possible track of Lt. Sulivan in yawl.
Detail views, to show possible tracks of Mr. Chaffers in longboat.
Note: See 1886 entry below for additional details on the above series.
Galápagos Islands. Eight detail views, as follows:
L 951: Charles Island: Post Office Bay area.
L 952: Albemarle Island: Tagus Cove area.
L 953: Northwest corner of Chatham Island.
L 954: Fresh Water Bay, Chatham Island.
L 955: Gardner Bay, Hood Island.
L 956: East side of James Island, Sulivan Bay, Bartholomew Island.
L 957: West side of James Island, James Bay, Albany Island.
L 958: Iguana Cove, Albemarle Island.
1887, 89
Pacific Ocean: Anchorages in the Galápagos Islands. Chatham Island: Approaches to Wreck Bay, Surveyed by Commander J. Wood, H.M.S. Pandora, 1849. London: British Admiralty Chart #1376.
With Six Insets:
Galapagos Islands Surveyed by Capt. Robt. Fitz Roy R. N. and the Officers of H. M. S. Beagle, 1836.
Compare James Bay lagoon with other charts.
Inset shows “Bartholomew I.”
See FitzRoy, 1835 to view chart with track of HMS Beagle.
Chart used as source for 1942 U. S. Hydrographic Office chart.
Compare with U. S. Hydrographic Office chart.
1886 Detail view of Charles Island, showing addition of Cormorant Pt. to the chart. (see also 1932-1948)
Galápagos Islands, Surveyed by Captain FitzRoy, R. N. and the Officers of H. M. S. Beagle, 1836, with Additions and Corrections to 1926.
“Published at the Admiralty 9th Augt. 1886” and “Large Correction, 8th August 1930” printed on bottom of chart. Numerous small corrections, 1932-1948 also listed.
Note: Chart grid displays approximate areas covered by Admiralty charts L 945-950 cited above.
JPEG2000 image
1987 Archipiélago de Colón (Galapagos Islands) from the Ecuadorian and United States Government Charts to 1985. With additions and corrections to 1987.
Admiralty Chart 1375 † | ||||
Islands: | ||||
Narborough, Albemarle, James, Indefatigable, Barrington, Charles | ||||
Hood, Chatham | ||||
Abingdon, Bindloe, Tower | ||||
Insets Show: | 1841 | 1886 | 1948 ‡ | 1987 § |
Academia, Bahia | • | |||
Academy Bay | • (1935) | |||
Conway Bay | • | |||
Culpepper & Wenman | • | |||
Darwin Bay | • (1927) | |||
Eden I. | • | |||
Freshwater Bay | • | • | ||
Gardner Bay (–) | • | |||
Iguana Cove | • | • | ||
Isabel, Bahia | • | |||
James Bay | • | • | ||
Naufragio, Bahia | • | |||
Post Office Bay (–) | • | |||
Stephens, Bahia | • | |||
Sulivan Bay | • | • | ||
Tagus, Caleta | • | |||
Tagus Cove (–) | • | |||
Terrapin Road | • | • | ||
Villamil | • | |||
Webb Cove (+) | • | |||
Wreck Bay (–) | • | |||
Wreck Bay (+) | ||||
† Images were scanned from the 1886 edition of chart (with corrections to 1948). ‡ (19xx) indicates inset is from US Government plan of that date. § 1987 edition uses modern names (Fernandina, Isabela, etc.), misspells Sulivan Bay as Sullivan Bay. • Inset appears on chart with this date. (–) Removed from ADM 1375, added to ADM 1376 in 1887. (+) Added to ADM 1375 in 1887. |
2002 Architectural Drawings for restoration of Manuel J. Cobos Hacienda and Jail. San Cristóbal, Galápagos: Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural.
1917 “Map of The Island.” [Isla Santa María] In Perry Newberry's Castaway Island. Philadephia: Penn Publishing Company.
ca. 1535
Untitled vellum chart of Pacific coast from Guatemala to Northern Perú. Chart 9 in Nautical Charts on Vellum in the Library of Congress, compiled by Walter W. Ristow and R. A. Skelton. Washington: Library of Congress, 1977.
Compare coastline with modern map.
Detail views show that Galápagos Islands were added to chart at a later date.
MrSID Image
“Chart of the Galapagos, Surveyed in the Merchant-Ship Rattler, and Drawn by Capt: James Colnett, of the Royal Navy. in 1793 1794.” Engraved by T. Foot, Weston Place, St. Pancras. London. Published 1st January 1798 by A. Arrowsmith, Charles Street, Soho.
In James Colnett's A Voyage to the South Atlantic and Round Cape Horn into the Pacific Ocean .
Detail view of Rattler track near Charles Island.
Compare Arrowsmith detail with Google Earth view of islets off East coast of Floreana.
Detail view, showing McGowen's Reef.
Compare James Bay lagoon with other charts.
Compare central area with 1820 chart.
Compare Albemarle on Arrowsmith & Hooker charts.
“Chart of the Galapagos, Surveyed in the Merchant-Ship Rattler, and Drawn by Capt: James Colnett, of the Royal Navy. in 1793 1794.” Engraved by T. Foot, Weston Place, St. Pancras. London. Published 1st January 1798 by A. Arrowsmith, Rathbone Place.
JPEG2000 image
“Chart of the Galapagos, Surveyed in the Merchant-Ship Rattler, and Drawn by Capt: James Colnett, of the Royal Navy. in 1793 1794.” Engraved by T. Foot, Weston Place, St. Pancras. London. Published 1st January 1798 by A. Arrowsmith, 10 Soho Square.
Detail view: Lord Chathams Isle.
1817 “Chart of the Galapagos, Surveyed in the Merchant Ship Rattler & Drawn by Capt. James Colnett R. N. in 1793 & 1794.” Taunton, England: United Kingdom Hydrographic Office. [See Notes page for further details.]
“Chart of the Galapagos, Surveyed in the Merchant-Ship Rattler, and Drawn by Capt: James Colnett, of the Royal Navy. in 1793 1794. Additions & Corrections to 1817.” Engraved by T. Foot, Weston Place, St. Pancras. London. Published 1st January 1798 by A. Arrowsmith, 10 Soho Square._____ Hydrographer to His Majesty.
Compare Charles Isle on all five Arrowsmith charts.
Compare Charles Isle on Arrowsmith and Fyffe charts.
Compare Norfolk/Indefatigable on all five Arrowsmith charts.
Compare Norfolk/Indefatigable on Arrowsmith charts with Fyffe 1815 (Porters Isle) and Vandermaelen 1827 (Infatigable [sic]).
Compare central area with 1798 chart.
Cartouche, with Dower's I. added.
South America, from Original Documents, including the Survey by the Officers of H. M. Ships Adventure and Beagle. Dedicated to Captain R. Fitz Roy, R. N. by John Arrowsmith.
Inset shows Galapagos Islands. By the Officers of H. M. S. Beagle. 1835.
1930Untitled rear cover map of Nourmahal Route through Galápagos. Bulletin: New York Zoological Society, XXXIII, No. 4, July-August. New York: New York Zoological Society.
ca. 1796
Carte des Ìles Sandwich d'après la reconnnoissance qui en à été faite dans les differentes Relaches de la Corvette la Découverte et de sa Conserve le Chatham Commandés par le Cap. Vancouver en 1792, 1793 et 1794 et redigée sous sa direction par le Lieutenant Joseph Baker.
Partie des Ìles Gallapagos inset shows track of HMS Discovery in Galápagos.
See also James Johnstone.
Compare with same area on Johnstone chart.
Course of Velero III: Galápagos Islands
On rear cover of Banning's “Hancock Expedition … .”
Unattributed “Sketch Map Of Galápagos Islands.” In Williams
Galápagos Expedition. Zoologica: Scientific Contributions of the New York Zoological Society, Vol 5. No. 1 (December 31). New York: New York Zoological Society.
p. 2. Plate A. Sketch Map shows
Route of the Noma and
detail view above shows Wheeler Rock east of Daphne Major
(See also p. 17 text citation).
1924 Indefatigable, Daphne & Tower Islands. Unattributed models in Beebe: Galápagos: World's End.
ca. 1860 Galapagos Islands. N°. XCVI. On large sheet, also showing New Zealand, Sandwich Islands, Papuan Archipelago.
The Gallapagos Islands Discovered and Described by Capt. Cowley in 1684. In John Harris' Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca (Volume 1, p. 79, 2nd and 3rd editions).
Bowen's map is based on a Herman Moll map in “Cowley's Voyage Round the Globe” but with
Text Commentary about Captains Woodes Rogers and [Edward] Davis added at bottom.
Compare Bowen and Moll maps.
Compare five versions of this map.
Compare with modern map.
MrSID Image
A New & Accurate Map of Mexico or New Spain together with California, New Mexico &c. In A Complete System of Geography. Being a Description of All the Countries, Islands, Cities, Chief Towns, Harbours, Lakes, and Rivers, Mountains, Mines, &c. of the Known World … London:William Innys, et al.
Map inset shows “The Gallipago Islands.”
MrSID Image
1816 See John Russell for Galápagos map facing p. 145, in Burney's A Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean and History of the Buccaneers of America.
Isla Santa Maria del Archipelago de Colon (Ecuador.)
Hand-drawn chart of Isla Santa María on page 54 of Stein Hoff's Drømmen om Galapagos.
See also Letter by Enrique Ribadeneira pasted on back of chart.
1948 Sketch maps of Floreana and Santiago on endpapers of both Conway books.
The Galápagos archipelago and its location in the Pacific with respect to Central America. §
Unattributed chart in the authors' Three Adventures: Galápagos, Titicaca, The Blue Holes. New York: A & W Visual Library.
§ Chart actually shows location with respect to South (not Central) America.
1684 Tracks of Batchelors Delight and Nicholas drawn on Moll's Galápagos chart in Morgan Library Ms. 3310.
Carta Espherica que comprehende una parte del Archipielego de los Galapagos. Madrid: Museo Naval.
See Torres y Guerra for the 1793 versions of this chart.
2007 Darwin in Galápagos. Google Earth images from NASA satellite photos, showing places where Darwin went ashore.
Google Earth “Flyover” of locations visited by Darwin.
2006 Puerto Ayora & Charles Darwin Research Station. Google Earth images from NASA satellite photo of Puerto Ayora, Isla Santa Cruz, Galápagos.
1940 Galapagos Islands. In 1940 Grabhorn edition of Melville's The Encantadas.
Title | Number | Date | Scale |
Archipielago de Colon (Galapagos Islands) | 22ACO 22000 | † | 1:60,000 |
Isla San Cristobal & Approaches | 22XCO 22521 | Sep. 29, 1984 | 1:60,000 |
Approaches to Canal de Santa Fe | 22XCO 22523 | Sep. 29, 1984 | 1:60,000 |
Isla Espanola (Hood Island) & Approaches | 22XCO 22524 | Apr. 26, 1975 | 1:60,000 |
Isla Santa Maria & Approaches | 22XCO 22526 | Sep. 8, 1984 | 1:60,000 |
Southern Coast of Isla Santa Cruz including Isla Santa Fe | 22XCO 22528 | Aug. 2, 1980 | 1:60,000 |
Isla Isabela to Isla Santa Maria | 22XCO 22529 | † | 1:60,000 |
Southern Approaches to Canal de Pinzon | 22XCO 22531 | † | 1:60,000 |
Puerto Villamil to Punta Cristobal | 22XCO 22532 | Mar. 16, 1985 | 1:60,000 |
Western Approach to Bahia Isabel | 22XCO 22533 | Oct. 19, 1985 | 1:60,000 |
Bahia Isabel & Approaches A. Bahia Isabel Anchorage B. Caleta Tagus | 22XCO 22541 | Feb. 16, 1985 | 1:60,000 1:20,000 1:10,000 |
Western Approach to Estrecho de Bolivar | 22XCO 22542 | Jul. 20, 1985 | 1:60,000 |
Northern Coast of Isla Isabela | 22XCO 22543 | Aug. 24, 1985 | 1:60,000 |
Northern Approaches to Canal de Isabela | 22XCO 22544 | Sep. 14, 1985 | 1:60,000 |
Approaches to Bahia de Perry | 22XCO 22545 | Jun. 12, 1976 | 1:60,000 |
Eastern Approach to Canal de San Salvador | 22XCO 22547 | Jun. 5, 1976 | 1:60,000 |
Baltra, Mosquera, North Seymour (outline shown on 547, but not yet published) | 22XCO 22548 | † | 1:60,000 |
Northern Coast of Isla San Salvador | 22XCO 22549 | † | 1:60,000 |
Isla Pinta & Isla Marchena Plan: Isla Genovesa | 22XCO 22551 | Sep. 1, 1979 | 1:60,000 1:30,000 |
† Chart not available for study. |
1722 Carte D'Amérique dressée pour l'usage du Roy.
A General Map of the World or Terraqueous Globe. Map shows “Galapagos or Inchanted Is.”
Detail view of islands (Map is in two sections).
Pacific Ocean: Galapagos Islands. Constructed by G. W. P. Edwardes Midshipman … H. M. S. Daphne. Taunton, United Kingdom: United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, Chart L5843.
Sketch of Daphne Isles (See Notes page for details.)
“Darwin in Galápagos: His Footprints through the Archipelago.” In Notes of the Royal Society, Vol 54, No. 3, pp. 343-368. London: The Royal Society.
Map of Chatham Island (Isla San Cristóbal), showing points visited by Darwin.
Captain's Log: H. M. S. Beagle. Kew, United Kingdom: National Archives ADM 51/3055: Records of the Admiralty, Captains' Logs.
Master's Log: H. M. S. Beagle. Kew, United Kingdom: National Archives ADM 52/4002: Records of the Admiralty, Masters' Logs.
Ship's Log: H. M. S. Beagle. Kew, United Kingdom: National Archives ADM 53/236: Records of the Admiralty, Ships' Logs.
Positions and bearings recorded in these logs illustrate the Galápagos segment of the voyage.
Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of His Majesty's Ships Adventure and Beagle between the Years 1826 and 1836, … Appendix to the Second Volume London: Henry Colburn.
HMS Beagle track from Callao, Peru to Galápagos.
1894 “Map of Ecuador” with Galápagos inset. In Ecuador: Bulletin No. 64. Washington, DC: Bureau of the American Republics.
Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions: General Account of the Scientific Work of the Velero III in the Eastern Pacific, 1931-41. Los Angeles: University of Southern California Press.
Part I: Historical Introduction, Velero III, Personnel.
Part II: Geographical and Biological Associations.
Part III: A Ten-Year List of the Velero III Collecting Stations.
Chart showing voyages of Velero III, derived from data in Part III.
1522-25 “Tabula Moderna Alterius Hemisphaerii.” In Frederik Muller: Tabula Moderna Hemisphaerii …
1748 “Nueva y Correcta Carta del Mar Pacífico ó del Sur.” In Don Jorge Juan and Don Antonio de Ulloa's Relación Histórica del Viage a la America Meridional hecho de Orden de S. Mag. Seconda Parte, Tomo Quarto @ p. 484). Madrid: Antonio Marin.
A Chart of the Gallepagos Islands. Taunton, England: United Kingdom Hydrographic Office. Chart #103, Shelf Pa.
Compare Porters Isle on Fyffe 1815 with Arrowsmith 1817 (Indefatigable) and Vandermaelen 1827 (Infatigable [sic]).
Compare Charles Isle on Fyffe chart with earlier and later Arrowsmith charts.
Detail view of Dowers's Isle.
Detail view of Porters Isle.
1622 Mar del Sur, Mar Pacifico Inset shows Galápagos detail.
Pacific Ocean: The Galapagos Islands. In Slevin 1931 Log of the Schooner “Academy.”
Compare Tower Island with two Admiralty Charts.
1700 Plan de La Côte du Nort de L'Isle de Tabac Une des Galapes dans La Mer du Sud (Map of the North Coast of the Isle of Tabac, One of the Galápagos Islands in the South Sea).
A Description of the Islands of Gallapagos, delineated exactly according to the prescription of Mr. William Ambrose Cowley. London: British Library [Add. 5414. 27].
Detail view of northern tip of present Isla Isabela.
A general draught of the Islands of Gallapagos; then followest the said Islands described severally, and also Esqr. Pepyses Island, originally described by William Ambrose Cowley. London: British Library [Sloane, 45. part ii.]
The Ms. contains the 16 illustrations listed here.
Title | Number | Folios |
Islands of Gallapagos. A generall draught shewing the latitude and longitude … . | i. | 38v-39 |
King Charleses Island described. | ii. | 40v-41 |
A description of King James ye Seconds Island. | iii. | 42v-43 |
A description of the Duke of Norffolks [sic] Island. | iv. | 44v-45 |
A description of ye Duke of Albemarles Island. (Narbrough & Cowley's Enchanted Island also shown.) | v. | 46v-47 |
A description of ye Earle of Abingtons Island. | vi. | 48v-49 |
A description of the Lord Cullpepers Island. | vii. | 50v-51 |
A description of the Lord Wainmans Island. | viii. | 52v-53 |
A description of Sr John Narbroughs Island. | ix. | 54v-55 |
A descrion [sic] of Capt John Bindlos Island. | x. | 56v-57 |
Mr. William Ewreses Island described. | xi. | 58v-59 |
Sr Anthony Deans Island described. | xii. | 60v-61 |
Mr. Richard Crossmans Island described. | xiii. | 62v-63 |
Mr. Nicholas Brattles Island described. | xiv. | 64v-65 |
Mr. Phillip Dassignys Island described. | xv. | 66v-67 |
A description of Mr. Secretarie Pepyses Island: discovered by Wm. Ambrose Cowley | xvi. | 68v-69 |
ca. 1698 “The Islands of Gallappagos: discover'd by Capt. Cowley: A. 1684.” In Morgan Ms. 3310. New York: Morgan Library.
Carte des Iles Gallapagos d'aprés les observationes faites par Vancouver en 1791, par Davidson et le Capt. B. Hall en 1822. (Routes re-drawn & colored)
Plan de la Baie Albany.
Plan de Mouillage de L'Ile Hood.
All in Duperrey, Voyage Autour du Monde … . Hyd. Fr. N°. 725 N°. 42.
Compare James Bay lagoon (Hacq's “Baie Albany”) with other charts.
1931-41 Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions. See C. McLean Fraser.
1934 “Probable Route of Doomed Pair.” Chart in Hancock's “Galapagos Islands Mystery Deaths Solution Given.” November 21 Los Angeles Times feature describing discovery of bodies of Lorenz and Nuggerud on Isla Marchena. Los Angeles.
Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca, or A Compleat Collection of Voyages and Travels: Consisting of above Four Hundred of the Most Authentic Writers … .
1st ed. London: Thomas Bennet, John Nicholson, Daniel Midwinter.
Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca, or A Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels. Consisting of above Six Hundred of the Most Authentic Writers … .
2nd ed. London: T. Woodward et al.
Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca, or A Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels. Consisting of above Six Hundred of the Most Authentic Writers … .
3rd ed. London: T. Osborne, H. Whitridge el al.
A Field Guide to the Birds of Galapagos.
Revised edition. London: William Collins Sons & Co., Ltd.
pp. 8-9. Untitled map of Galápagos Islands. (Map also appears as back cover illustration on Noticias de Galápagos, since issue No. 46.)
1956 Archeological Site: James Bay, James or Santiago Island, Galápagos. In “Archeological Evidence of Pre-Spanish Visits to the Galápagos Islands.” American Antiquity, Volume XXII, Number 2, Part 3, October, p. 14. Salt Lake City, Utah: Society for American Archaeology.
“Gallapagos Islands.” In David Porter's Journal of A Cruise. 2nd edition. New York: Wiley and Halsted.
Bainbridge Rocks in their original location.
Unnamed island seen by Lt. Downes (the modern Genovesa)
Compare Hooker's detail view of James & Rábida with Neele & Son chart.
Compare Albemarle on Arrowsmith & Hooker charts.
Chart of the West Coast of South America Extending from Truxillo to Panama, with Plans of the Principal Harbors. Drawn Chiefly from the Surveys made by Captns Fitz Roy, Kellett, Sir E. Belcher & Lieut. Wood, R. N.
Detail view of Galápagos Islands section of map.
1989 Series of 24 maps, plus 160-page Inventario Cartográfico. Quito, Ecuador: INGALA.
Title | Sub-Title | Scale | Comments |
Santa María-San Cristóbal | Mapa de Recursos Hídricos | 1:100,000 | black & white |
Isabela Sur | |||
Santa Cruz | |||
Pinta-Marchena-Genovesa | Mapa Ecológico | Hoja 1, b&w | |
Isabela Norte-Fernandina | Hoja 2, b&w | ||
Isabela Sur-Fernandina | Hoja 3, b&w | ||
Santa Cruz-Baltra-Santiago-Rábida-Pinzón | Hoja 4, b&w | ||
San Cristóbal-Sante Fe | Hoja 5, b&w | ||
Santa María-Española | Hoja 6, b&w | ||
Pinta-Marchena-Genovesa | Mapa Formaciones Vegetales | Hoja 1, color | |
Isabela Norte-Fernandina | Hoja 2, color | ||
Isabela Sur-Fernandina | Hoja 3, color | ||
Santa Cruz-Baltra-Santiago-Rábida-Pinzón | Hoja 4, color | ||
San Cristóbal-Sante Fe | Hoja 5, color | ||
Santa María-Española | Hoja 6, color | ||
Pinta-Marchena-Genovesa | Mapa Geomorfológico | Hoja 1, color | |
Isabela Norte-Fernandina | Hoja 2, color | ||
Isabela Sur-Fernandina | Hoja 3, color | ||
Santa Cruz-Baltra-Santiago-Rábida-Pinzón | Hoja 4, color | ||
San Cristóbal-Sante Fe | Hoja 5, color | ||
Santa María-Española | Hoja 6, color | ||
Santa María-Santa Cruz-San Cristóbal | Mapa Morfo-Pedológico | 1:50,000 | color |
Mapa de Formaciones Vegetales y Uso Actual del Suelo | |||
Mapa de Aptitudes Agricolas |
Number † | Title ‡ | Date | Scale |
20 | Archipiélago de Colón (Provincia Insular de Galápagos) (Dalrimple is on this chart.) | 1983 | 1:600,000 |
20 | Archipiélago de Colón (Provincia Insular de Galápagos) (Dalrimple not on this chart.) | 1991 | 1:600,000 |
21 | Islas Galápagos y Puertos. Insets show: A: Bahía Academia, B: Punta Espinosa, C: Caleta Aeolian, D: Puerto General Villamil, E: Caleta Tagus, F: Islas Plaza, G: Bahía Naufragio, H: Bahía Sullivan [sic, Sulivan] and Isla Bartolome (Magnifying-glass icon on enlargement view shows satellite photo of indicated island.) | 1992 | 1:600,000 |
200 | San Cristóbal, Española | 1992 | 1:100,000 |
200 0 | Aproximación a Puerto Baquerizo Moreno [San Cristóbal] | 1984 | 1:30,000 |
200 0 1 | Bahía Naufragio [San Cristóbal] | ||
200 0 2 | León Durmiente [off San Cristóbal] | ||
200 0 2 1 | Punta Pitt detail [San Cristóbal] | ||
200 1 | Aproximación a Isla Española | 1990 | 1:50,000 |
201 | (currently not used) | ||
202 | San Salvador, Santa Cruz | ||
202 0 | Aproximación a Isla Seymour e Isla Baltra (inset shows Canal de Itabaca) | 1988 | 1:40,000 |
202 0 1 | Canal Norte [Seymour, Mosquera, north Baltra] | ||
202 0 2 | Caleta Aeolian [Baltra] | ||
202 0 3 | Islas Plaza, Rocas Gordon | ||
202 1 1 | Bahía Sullivan [sic Sulivan], Isla Bartolomé | ||
203 | Santa Fe, Santa María | ||
203 0 | Aproximación a Puerto Isidro Ayora [Santa Cruz] | 1985 | 1:35,000 |
203 0 2 | Bahía Academy [Santa Cruz] | ||
203 1 | Aproximación a Isla Sta. María, Bahía Post Office – Compare detail view with HMS Beagle survey. | 1990 | 1:50,000 |
204 | (currently not used) | ||
205 | Isabela Parte Norte, Fernandina | ||
205 0 | Aproximación a Canal Bolívar, Isla Fernandina, Isla Isabela | 1987 | 1:30,000 |
205 0 1 | Tagus Cove [Santa Cruz] | ||
205 0 2 | Punta Espinosa [Fernandina] | ||
206 | Isabela Parte Sur | 1992 | 1:100,000 |
206 0 1 | Bahía Cartago | 1992 | 1:15,000 |
206 0 2 | Bahía Elizabeth | 1992 | 1:15,000 |
206 1 | Aproximación a Puerto Villamil | 1986 | 1:30,000 |
206 1 1 | Puerto General Villamil | ||
207 | San Cristóbal, Santa Cruz | 1992 | 1:100,000 |
† Spaces inserted to indicate chart is a detail view derived from 3-digit chart above. Empty boxes indicate charts not available for study. ‡ Name [in brackets] added, if necessary for further identification. |
Survey of the Galápagos Islands. Taunton, England: United Kingdom Hydrographic Office. Ms. 231/7.
See also Joseph Baker.
Compare with same area on Baker chart.
1974 Carta dell' Arcipelago de Colombo o delle Galápagos. Map facing page 584, in Le Isole Galápagos: Con la Spedizione Mares – G. R. S. T. S. all'Arcipelago di Colombo. Firenze: Istituto Geografico Militare.
South America, as Divided amongst the Spaniards and the Portuguese, the French and the Dutch. By Samuel Dunn, Mathematician.
Map shows Gallapagos Islands, with Longitude West from Ferro.
Compare with maps by Robert Sayer 1775 &
John Reid 1796.
1917 “Map of the Galapagos Islands.” In Perry Newberry's Castaway Island (p. 300). Philadelphia: Penn Publishing Company.
1917 “The Galapagos Islands.” In Gifford Pinchot's To the South Seas (facing p. 98). Philadelphia: John C. Winston Company.
1723 “Les Isles de Gallapagos.” In Voyage aux Terres Australes, A La Nouvelle Hollande. Rouen, France: Machuel.
1941 Route of the Mandel Expedition Through the Galápagos Islands. In Mandel's Leon Mandel—Field Museum Galápagos Expedition.
1914 “Archipiélago de Galápagos.” In Richard Enock's Ecuador (p. 300). New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.
n. d. Islas Galapagos: Notes on Anchorages. Quito: Discover Galapagos with Galapagos Cruises.
1892 Plate IV Lithograph: Galapagos Islands: Showing Explorations of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer “Albatross.” In Alexander Agassiz: “General sketch of the expedition of the Albatross from February to May 1891. The Galápagos Islands.”
Nova et aucta orbis terrae descriptio ed usum navigantium emendate accomodata.
Detail view shows two island groups, both labeled “y: de los galopegos” (one may be Isla del Coco). Source for Ortelius Americae Sive Novi Orbis plate in his Theatrum Orbis Terrarum.
Compare Galápagos on Mercator and Ortelius charts.
1934 “Route followed by South Sea Victims” [Nuggerud & Lorenz] map in “Love, Jealousy Add to Mystery of Death on ‘Enchanted Isles.’ ” Newspaper report in November 20 edition.
“A Map of the World Shewing the Course of Mr. Dampier's Voyage Round it. From 1679 to 1691.”
MrSID Image
“A Map of the Middle Part of America.”
Both maps in Dampier: A New Voyage Round the World. London: James Knapton.
“Middle Part of America” variant in Johnson: History of the Pyrates, Vol II. London: T. Woodward.
“The Gallapagos Islands, Discovered by Capt. John Eaton.” In “Cowley's Voyage …” in A Collection of Original Voyages, published by Capt. William Hacke. London: James Knapton.
Apparent source for subsequent chart by Emanuel Bowen.
Compare Moll and Bowen maps.
Compare Moll and Russell maps.
Compare five versions of this map.
“Map of South America, According to the Newest and most Exact Observations.” Undated.
Cartouche with dedication.
Inset shows view of Potosi.
Moll's opinion of the competition is printed in lower center of map.
Compare Galápagos Islands with the following Moll map.
A New & Exact Map of the Coast, Countries and Islands within ye Limits of ye South Sea Company …
Moll's opinion of the competition is again printed in lower center of map.
Compare Galápagos Islands with the previous Moll map.
MrSID Image of map, less insets at top
1980 Parque National Galápagos, Guia a los Sitios de Visita del/Guide to the Visitor Sites of. Puerto Ayora, Isla Santa Cruz, Galápagos: Parque National Galápagos (1st edition).
1996 Guia a los Sitios de Visita/Guide to the Visitor Sites of the Parque Nacional Galápagos. Puerto Ayora, Isla Santa Cruz, Galápagos: Parque National Galápagos (3rd edition).
Compare James Bay lagoon with other charts.
Parque National Galápagos, Guia a los Sitios de Visita/Guide to the Visitor Sites. 3rd edition. Puerto Ayora, Isla Santa Cruz, Galápagos: Parque National Galápagos
Compare James Bay lagoon with other charts.
1925 S. S. Arcturus at the Galapagos Islands from the Sea of Sargasso. Oceanographic Exploration Expedition of the New York Zoological Society. Designed, drawn and printed in Lithography, and Published by Howard Moorepark, New York City 1925.
2002 March 12 Satellite photo of Galápagos Islands. Washington, DC: NASA Visible Earth Directory of Images, VE Record ID 12295.
Composite photo of Galápagos Islands, showing underwater detail.
2006 Puerto Ayora & Charles Darwin Research Station. Google Earth images from NASA satellite photo of Puerto Ayora, Isla Santa Cruz, Galápagos.
2010 Compare Satellite view of James Bay lagoon with earlier charts.
Maps included with various issues of National Geographic Magazine, as indicated by Month, below. An inset on each map shows the Galápagos Islands. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society.
October. Map of South America
(Map shows Tower Island as Tover.)
December. Pacific Ocean.
(First known occurrence of the name Baltra on a map.)
December. Pacific Ocean.
(Same inset as 1936 map.)
October. Pacific Ocean.
(Same inset as 1936 map.)
1950 October. Pacific Ocean.
1960 February. Pacific Ocean.
“Gallapagos Islands.” In David Porter's A Voyage in the South Seas. London: Sir Richard Phillips & Co.
Chart is a copy of Hooker chart, but adds
Phillips's I. label to island (Rábida?) off south shore of James Island.
Compare Neele & Son's detail view of James & Rábida with Hooker chart.
1961 “Floreana.” Sketch map in Margret Wittmer's Floreana Adventure (p. 7).
1905-06 “Charles Island.” In his unpublished Geology of the Galapagos Islands.
Americae Sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio. In Theatrum Orbis Terrarum.
Map shows two island groups labeled “Ins. de los
galepegos” and “Ins. de los
galopegos.” Probably derived from
Mercator 1569.
Compare Galápagos on Mercator and Ortelius charts.
Compare with the 1587 edition.
MrSID Image of entire map
JPEG2000 Image of entire map
Typus Orbis Terrarum. In Theatrum Orbis Terrarum.
Map shows two island groups with single “Ye de los galopegos” label between them.
Americae Sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio. In Theatrum Orbis Terrarum.
Second version, repeats nomenclature given above.
Americae Sive Novi Orbis, Nova Descriptio. In Theatrum Orbis Terrarum.
Compare with the 1570 edition. The 1587 map duplicates the two island groups on the 1570 and 1579 editions, but here only one is labeled “Ins. de los
galepegos.” The former “Ins. de los
Galopegos” is now “Ins. de Cocos.”
1589 Title not given, cited in El Archipiélago de Colón. Carlos Manuel Larrea 1973.
2001 Bathymetry Maps of the Galápagos Islands. 2-D or 3-D format.
“The Galapagos Archipelago.” in Reclus: A Universal Geography: The Earth and its Inhabitants.
Maps of Galápagos Archipelago (Fig. 103), Albemarle (Fig. 104) & Chatham Islands (Fig. 106), plus colored version of the former from a later French edition.
1941 Sketch map showing areas searched for grave site of Lieutenant John S. Cowan. Included with April 24 letter to Captain Dudley W. Knox, Office of Naval Operations. Washington, DC: Naval Historical Center.
A Chart of the Gallapagos Islands. Taunton, England: United Kingdom Hydrographic Office. Shelf Pb, 132.
Compare James Bay lagoon with other charts.
pre 1741
“A Copy of a Spanish Manuscript …”
Includes coordinates for several islands in “The Island[s] of Gallepegos” [see Pascoe Thomas Notes for details].
A General Map of South America From the Best Surveys.
Map shows Gallapagos Islands, with Longitude West from London.
Compare with maps by Laurie & Whittle 1794, &
Robert Sayer 1775.
1602 Portion of Ricci's original Kun yu wan guo quan tu (“Great Universal Geographic Map”). Washington: Library of Congress.
ca. 1604 Portion of world map Konyo bankoku zenzu (“Map of the Ten Thousand Countries”), a Japanese copy of Ricci's Chinese original, showing island thought to represent Galápagos. Sendai, Japan: Kano Collection, Tohoku University Library.
South Sea Waggoner. Greenwich, England: National Maritime Museum, ms. P.32.
The ms. contains a crude Galápagos chart, apparently added some years later.
Compare above chart with Hacke chart in Morgan manuscript MA 3310.
See Howse & Thrower for a modern edition of the Ringrose translation.
1935, 36
Insel Floreana. Two sketch maps of Floreana:
1935: p. 255 in Friedrich Ritter † Als Robinson Auf Galapagos. (“The Robinson [Crusoe] of Galápagos.”) Leipzig: Grethlein & Co Nachf.
1936: Facing p. 36 in Strauch: Satan Came to Eden
l'Amérique Suivant le R. P. Charlevoix Jte. Mr. de laCondamine et Plusieurs autres Nouv. le Observations.
Isles Galapes section lists Mascarin, Sante, Tabac with I. de Gallego about 15 degrees to the west.
“Gallapagos Islands, Described by Ambrose Cowley in 1684.” Facing p. 145, in Burney's A Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean and History of the Buccaneers of America.
Compare Russell and Moll maps.
A Map of South America Containing Tierra-Firma, Guayana, New Granada, Amazonia, Brasil, Peru, Paraguay, Chaco, Tucuman, Chili and Patagonia.
Map shows “Galapagos or Inchanted Is.” with Longitude West from Ferro.
Compare with maps by Laurie & Whittle 1794 &
John Reid 1796.
1932 Floreana Map in “By a Modern ‘Robinson Crusoe:’ Experiences in Back-to-Nature Existence on Floreana Island.” In American Weekly (newspaper, no other information available).
Terrestrial Globe of Johannes Schöner. Reproduction of twelve globe gores in Monumenta Cartographica, Vol 1, Plates 1-3. The Hague (1925): Martinus Nijhoff.
Detail view may be Galápagos Islands (Plate 3, gore 10).
1744Galápagos Detail View from A Map of South America with all the European Settlements & whatever else is remarkable from the latest & best observations. The complete map may be seen at Birmingham Public Library's Digital Collections.
Galapagos Öarne. Stockholm: Adolf Bonnier.
Galápagos map included in the author's Fregatten Eugenies . . . book.
1931 Track of Schooner Academy in Galápagos. Based on entries in the author's Log of the Schooner “Academy.”
1938 James Bay. Map included with April 28 letter to Waldo Lasalle Schmitt indicates possible location of Lt. Cowan's grave.
2001 Aerial photos of Galápagos Islands.
Galápagos Islands, Ecuador.
p. 19, Figure 1. Chart in authors' “Geographical Characteristics of the Galápagos Islands.” In Noticias de Galápagos, 55, July 1995.
“Polynesien und Der Grosse Ocean.” Chart dated 1878, in Adolph Stieler's Hand Atlas. Gotha, Germany: Justus Perthes.
Inset shows “Galápagos In.”
A Chart shewing part of the Coast of N. W. America, with the tracks of His Majesty's Sloop Discovery and Armed Tender Chatham.
Inset shows “Part of the Gallapagos Isles.” In George Vancouver's Voyage of Discovery … .
1984, 87 Darwin's Route through the Galápagos in H.M.S. Beagle. In
1842 Carte d'une Partie de L'Archipel des Galapagos, Levée et dressée à bord de La Vénus, sous les ordres de Mr. A. Du-Petit-Thouars, … par Mr. de Tessan. (Chart of Part of the Galápagos Archipelago, prepared and drawn aboard the Vénus, by Order of Mr. A. Du-Petit-Thours, by Mr. de Tessan.) Paris(?), France: Dépôt-Général de la Marine.
ca. 1923 Diagrammatic Chart of the Pacific Bottom. In Beebe, William, Galápagos: World's End (p. 418).
See Cruz Doblado for a 1794 version of these charts.
Course of the Schooner Academy.
Cover chart on Race With Extinction (Fritts & Fritts 1982).
1946-59 Galápagos Mapping Missions. 1370th Photo Mapping Group, Aerial Survey Team #5 & 91st RSB.
1948 Chaves Island. World Aeronautical Chart: (953) Chaves Island, Galapagos Islands, South Pacific. Third Edition, November 1948. Washington, DC: Aeronautical Chart Service, U. S. Air Force.
1959 Aerial photo from Mapping Mission, showing Aeolian Cove area with overlay identifying buildings. See also U. S. Navy 1943 U. S. Naval Base map below.
Pacific Ocean: Special Map: Galapagos Islands:
Seymour Island. Corozal, Canal Zone: Corps of Engineers, Panama Canal Dept.
Compare with 1959 U. S. A. F. aerial photo.
MrSID Image of map.
MrSID Image of aerial photol
Cartago Bay (Cruiser Bay) From a Survey by U. S. S. Yorktown in 1909. Published May, 1927 with corrections; Mar. 1935; Feb. 1937. Washington, DC: Hydrographic Office, No. 2561.
Tower Island: Darwin Bay inset from a reconnaissance made by U. S. S. Marblehead in 1925, plus Darwin Bay inset on British Admiralty Chart 1375.
Pacific Ocean: The Galápagos Islands. From a British Survey in 1836 § with additions to 1942. Chart 1798. Washington, DC: Hydrographic Office. 13th edition, June 1942
§ The survey (by HMS Beagle) was actually done in 1835.
Genovesa Island detail.
Locations of AWS (Aircraft Warning Service) Stations.
Compare with Admiralty chart.
Pacific Ocean, Galapagos Islands, Baltra Island. From a Survey by U. S. S. Bowditch in 1942. [First edition, apparent source for U. S. Army map above.—JW.]
MrSID Image of map.
1946 United States Chart 5921. Eastern Approach to Canal de San Salvador. Taken from a survey by the USS Bowditch in 1942. 2nd edition, October 1946.
2002 U. S. S. Bowditch Galápagos Track drawn on 1942 chart from entries in ship's deck log, 30 April-14 October, 1942.
1942 Galapagos Islands. In Field Monograph of Galápagos Islands. Washington, DC: Office of Naval Intelligence. [On file at College Park, Maryland: National Archives and Records Administration, Document ONI-78, Item 23c, Record Group 38.]
1942 Track Chart of flight patterns and Map showing Panama and southwest approaches. In 1942 Memorandum from Commander Paul F. Foster to Franklin D. Roosevelt. Franklin D. Roosevelt Library Digital Archives.
U. S. Naval Base: South Seymour Island, Galapagos Islands. [On file at Port Hueneme, California: CEC (Civil Engineer Corps) SeaBee Historical Foundation.]
MrSID Image
“Océanique. Iles Galapagos.” No. 17 in Atlas Universel de Géographic Physique, Statistique et Minéralogique sur l'échelle de 1:1.641.836 ou d'une ligne sur 1900 toises.
Compare Vandermaelen's Ile Infatigable [sic] with Fyffe 1815 (Porters Isle) and Arrowsmith 1817 (Indefatigable).
“A New and accurate Mappe of the World, …” In The World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake. London: Nicholas Bourne.
Map shows Galápagos as single island, labelled “I. S. Crux.”
1937 Chacras en Santa Cruz: Archipielago de Colon. Puerto Ayora: Galápagos: Unpublished Survey.
1877 “Outline Chart of the Galapagos Islands.” in Osbert Salvin's “On the Avifauna of the Galapagos Archipelago.”
1925 Monumenta cartographica: Reproductions of unique and rare maps, plans and views in the actual size of the originals; accompanied by cartographical monographs. The Hague, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff.
1992 Untitled Galápagos Bathymetry Chart in Christie, Duncan et al, “Drowned islands downstream from the Galapagos hotspot imply extended speciation times.”
2016HMS Beagle Track through Galápagos.
Islas Galápagos Historical Chart: Explorer Tracks; Rutas de Exploracion. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Zagier & Urruty Publications.
Order chart from