Bibliography Texts

Manuscript Comparison:
Virginia & Lambeth Manuscripts

The left column displays the text of Cowley's letter to the unidentified “Your Grace,” the right column displays the text of the Lambeth Palace Codex Chartaceus manscript, and both mss. are complete. To the extent possible, blank space is inserted so that text in either column may be directly compared with the equivalent text in the opposite column. Click either manuscript title below to view that manuscript alone, along with explanation of edits.—JW.

Virginia Historical Society Mss1. T8525a3

May it please Your Grace to accept a short account of my voyage around this terrestrial globe of the world, from Virginia to England and through the Great South Sea.

In the Month of June in the year of 1683 there arrived in Virginia a ship having a commission from Pety Guaves [Haiti]. Pretending that they wanted a Master to carry their ship to that port, they hired me, agreeing on 500 pieces of eight for my pains.


Lambeth Ms. 642

The Voyage of Capt. Cowley. Papist.

On the 4th of August we set sail from Smith's Island [Smith Island, Maryland] lying in 37 degrees and 20 minutes latitude. We steered away East and by South until we came into the latitude of 36 degrees and 20 minutes. Then I would have shaped a course for Pety Guaves, but the captain and company told me that I was mistaken. They were not bound to Pety Guaves, but instead were bound to the South Seas where they would get gold and silver enough. I replied that it was not in my contract to go anywhere else but where I was shipped for, but I found the contract was of no effect. I was to carry the ship wheresoever they pleased to command me.

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August 4th 1683

This day we set saile from Cape Charles in Virginia lying in Latitude of 37 Degrees and 22 Minits in a Ship of Eight Gunns which had belonged to Petty:Guaves an Iland in America near Hispaniola. They haveing by them a French Commission but being all English:Men, they comeing to Virginia Pretending that they wanted a Master to goe to Petty:Guaves. I agreeing with them for 500 pieces of Eight for my Paines. But comeing to sea in the Latitude of 36 Degrees and going to alter my Course and shape a Course for the above-said Port, they told me that I was mistaken. They were not bound for Petty:Guaves, but first to Guinea to see to get a better Ship, and then into the South Sea, where we should have Gold and Silver enough. Thus was I forced to be out three Years and four Monthes, whereas I expected to be out but four Monthes.

August 1683

Then we shaped a course for the island of Sall [I. Sal, Cape Verde] where we thought to get water. But the water was not good: there we took a great store of fish, some salt and some goats.

I shapeing my Course then for the Cape Devard:Islands, the Island of Sall, which I fell in with, lying in the Lat: of 16 Degrees and 50 Minutes North. This Island being very barren, we came to Anchor on the South side of the Island. There we got Goates but very small, but abundance of fish; but a Man that is a Stranger must be carefull what fish he eates, there being many of them Poyson as the largest sort of Cavalies. There being but four Men and one Boy on that Island, which are banished from the other Islands of the Portugueses for to racke Salt and get Amber:grease. Salt being there very plenty. A Pond about three miles long and being made by the Same, and some Amber:grease is Drove up there sometimes.

September 1683

In the month of October we set sail for Saint Nicholas [S. Nicalau], lying to the westward of Sal about 30 leagues. There we came to an anchor about the southeast side of the island, where we took in water and taking store of fish and dealing with the inhabitants for wine that groeth there, and goats. When we had gotten in our water, we weighed our anchor and steered southeast, we having the wind at E North E until we came in the latitude of 7 degrees and 30 minutes or thereabouts, where we found variable winds for ten days days space.

In the Month of September we getting no Water at Sall set Saile to the Island of Saint Nickla, that lying to the West-ward of Sall about 25 Leagues. There we came to Anchor on the South-side of the Island, where we ridd in seaven fathom water, good Ground. This Island is governed by a White Man (A Portuguese). The Inhabitants thereof being all Black, yet call themselves Portugueses, for a man cannot affront them more, than in calling then Negroes. Their Land is very fertile, produceing Wine, Plantaines and Mananoes, Cockernuts which is Meat, Drink, and Clothing. The Governor, being presented by our Captaine with a Cloak, came to the Water-side bringing with him Sheep and Goates to present us, with many more to sell. At this place we digged four Wells and watered our Ship and set Saile for the Island of Saint Jago, lying in the Lat. of 14 Degrees and 40 Minuites.

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October 1683

In the Month of October we set Saile for the Island of Saint Jago lying in the Lat of 14 Degrees and 40 Minuites, for to see if we could get a better Ship. But comeing about the Point, we espied A Holland Ship which seemed to us at that Distance fit for our purpose, we resolving to goe a board of him to rights, but the commainder being on the Shore and seeing Us comeing into the Rode, came from the Shore A Board of his Ship with his long-Boat and Pinnis full of men, and clapped a Spring upon his cable, haveing his broad-side to Us. But we were got something too near him, we thought, when we saw his lower Tear of Gunns out and his Deck and Ports full of men, which made Us bear up round before the Wind, and standing to Sea, but the Hollander Capt. sending his 18l; shot after Us, so long as he thought they would reach Us. This ship was bound for the East-India with Souldiers, shee being a Ship of 60 Gunns and 400 Men, we haveing but 8 Gunns and 52 Men. Wee being got to Sea and clear of the Hollander, shaped a Course for Guinea, where wee arrived in the Month of November at the River of Syriakone [Sierra Leone] where we found two Ships at Anchor, the One a Ship of 44 Gunns and the other of 10 Gunns, who being not fearfull of Us, seeing Us a small ship, thought we would not be so impudent as to board them, was not so carefull as they should have been to get their lower Teare of Gunns out; but I having received orders from my Captain, clapped the great Ship a board on the Bow and took her with the loss of no more than 6 Men killed and wounded; and having taken her commanded the other, and wee takeing the Ship of 44 Gunns and fitting her for our Voyage into the South Sea, and giving them the other Ship with as much Goods as they would take in. We having disposed of the Other Ship, we water'd our Man of War but in part at this Place, fearing some Trapp might be laid for Us by poisoning the Water. We set Saile for Shorbrow.

November 1683

In the month of November we came upon the coast of Guinea, where we wooded and watered our ship.

In the Month of November wee arrived at Shorbrow, lying in the Lat of [blank] degrees and Long: 8 Degrees. It be a good River but the Negroes would not be kind to Us at the first, for the first 24 houres. The second Day in the Morning, the Doctor and myselfe went on Shore with an Interpreter to treat with the King for Water. But as we come on the Shore, the King was ariseing, having his Musick by his Chamber-Door; A Trumpet with a Drumm and A Bell. He that beat the Drumm had but one stick and rung the Bell with the other hand. The Trumpet was sounded with a wild squeaking voice representing some wild Beasts in the woods. The King of Shorbrow understanding that we were there to treat with

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November 1683

him, order'd Us to goe downe to the Water:side and he would come down to Us, which he did in a little time with his Musick and Guard. Every Man having with him his Armes (as Lances) which they are very expert in throwing, and bringing with them Matts to spread upon the Ground. The King being set downe, set the Doctor and myself next to him with the Mulata which was our Interpreter. And as I spake to the Interpreter to treat for Wood and Water, every word that he spake to them the King with all his Men would speake the same words again all at one time, which made me wonder ath their Manner. The King after a long Consultacon to told me the Land and Water and Wood were all his and he must be paid for Wood and Water. Then I presented Him with 4 Barrs of Iron and tenn Gallons of Brandy, a peice of Porpitanies [?], and a Trumpet, which he looked upon as a very great present. And to requite our Kindness he made his own People water our Ship and presented the Doctor and my self with each a Black-Mistress which made our Doctor much in Love with his Black-Doxey, that he stayed on shore with her 2 or 3 nights. The King invited Us up to his Palace, which was made round like to a Pigeon:house and matted about three foot from the Ground by reason that they have no Chaires or Stooles to sit on. Then He tapped the Cask of Brandy and made themselves drunk and when the King was drunk, he called for his Queen and gave here away to another and took another Wife and dedded her in two houres after. Then He called for his Men of War to exercise their Arms and to Act their Manners and Postures when they kill the Elephants and other wilde Beasts.

December 1683

And in the month of December we set sail for the South Sea, we having the winds at N East. We steered away southwest and by South until we came in the latitude of twelve Degrees South. Then we steered away SW and by W. That course carried me upon the coast of Brazil, where I had soundings of 65 fathom water and great variation of the compass. From 36 degrees the variation increased until 52 degrees.

We having watered and wooded set saile from Shorbrow for the South Sea, we stearing away S. by W. and S. S. W., till that we came into the Lat of 12 Degrees South. Then, hailing away S. W. and S. W. and by W. till that we came upon the Coast of Brazelle near the River of Plate. But finding our selves to have had the sounding of the Bank that streacheth along the Shore in 65 fathom, wee kept something near the Edge thereof. But as we sailed in 36 Degrees looking out, we saw the sea redd. Not knowing the reason but when that we came near, the Waters were covered with Shrimps in great Patches. Sometimes we should see Patches half a Mile long. This continued for the space of 10 Leagues or thereabouts. Likewise we should see Seales or Sea-Dogs rise out of the Water and bleat at Us in abundance. Likewise we should see so many Whales that we were fearfull

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December 1683

that they would endanger our Ship. We received a small blow with the Taile of One which shooke our Ship fore and aft but did Us no Damage. About the Lat of 47 Degrees and 40 Minuits, it was my fortune to discover an Island which is not laid down in Drafts of the World, the Island being well wooded and a good Harbour seems to be in it, with great Plenty of Sea-Fowles about it, which would strike at our Men. But we did not goe into it to make any Discovery of it, but what we made at Sea, two miles of[f]. There lying sunken-Rocks on the East-side and South-side made Us fearfull, we having but one ship.

January 16834 [ie, 1684]

Before the Straits of Magellan the compass varied 22 degrees, and in 58 degrees the compass varied 25 degrees easterly variation.

We having the Wind at East, we steared away S. W. till that We came in the Lat of 52 Degrees and 30 Minuits South, thinking to have gone through the Straights of Magiline, but the Wind came up at North and we haveing but one single Ship was loth to venture, but We made to the Land of Teragh-fofa, it being high and Mountainous and barren.

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We sailed in the month of February 1683 around the island called Staten Island. This island, along with the land of Tierra del Fuego maketh the Straits of Lamaire [Le Maire].


We standing to the South-Ward, the next morning came before the Straights Lamar, which is made with the Island of Teragh-foga and Statens=Island, looking upon it to be the safest Way. This Island is very delightfull to look upon at a Distance, it makeing as if it were full of Castles and Towers and Spire:Churches, it being all white, with not one green Patch belonging to it as I saw in the Month of February, we got about the Island where every thing seemed dismal.

February 16834

The 14th of the said month we had the length of Cape Horn, and there we met with a great swell of the sea coming from the northwest. The next day we had the wind at northwest blowing very hard. Then I laid the ship's head to the southward under a pair of reefed courses [shortened sails] and sometimes her main course [main sail] was reefed until we were driven into the latitude of 60 degrees and 20 minutes, which is farther than I have heard that any man hath been to the southward before me. We have had bad weather and it was very cold for the remainder of the month.

On the 14 Day of February we were a breast of Cape-Horne, lying in the Lat of 58 Degrees South, where we were chuseing Valentines. But in the Height of our Mirth the Wind sprang up at North, blowing very hard that we were not able to maintaine any Saile, and held so till the first of March, which made me think it not lucky to draw Valentines or discourse of Women at Sea.

March 16834

About the beginning of March the winds came by at South which carried us as low as Juan Fernandez. But before we came there, Captain Eaton came up with us and bore us company thither from the latitude of 40 degrees

The first Day of this Month the Wind sprange up at South at fresh Gale. We steared away North till we came as low as Baldivia, lying in the Lat of 40 Deg: South, where we came up with Captain John Eaton in the Ship Nicholas of London, being bound down lower into the South Sea. He having shared all their Bread, there we supplied him with Victuals and made Consort Ship with him and sailed downe with Him to Guanfarnandus [Juan Fernandez] together,

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March 16834

to this island lying in the latitude of 33 degrees and 40 minutes south latitude. We filled our water and wooded our ships and refreshed ourselves with fish and goat flesh. And in the month of April 1684 we set sail from the island of Juan Fernandez.

an Island lying in the Lat of 33 Degrees and 40 Minuits. This Island is well replenished with fish and Goates as any that ever I saw for the Bigness, for one Man may take as many fish in one Day as will serve a thousand Men. This Island being a Place of great Pleasure for hunting Goat's and the shore-side is lined with Seales and Sea=Lyons as thick as sheep in a fold, which made such a bleating as if a Man was in a great Fair of Cattle or Country-Town where much Cattle is. We going one Day a hunting, took about a hundred and fifty Goats and bound their Leggs, and there coming down such a flow of Wind that drove our Ships out of the Road, which made our Men hast aboard and leave the Goats behind them bound, there running so strong a Current that set us to Leward of the Island that we could not get up to it again.

With the wind at South we steered away North and by East and NNE

Being forced away, we steared away N. N. E. till that we came into the Lat of 17 Degrees South and saw the Land of Perew and the Mountains where the Silver grows, it being brought from the Mountains called Port-a-See [Potosi] down to a Town called Arecae [Arica] to be shipped of from for Lima, lyng about a 100 Leagues from Arecae. One thing I there forgott to mention of Guanfarnandus; We found an Indian:Man that had been left by Capt. Sharp in the Year 1666, having had no other Company all that time but the Goats and Seales.

April 1684

The Port called Arecae, the King of Spaine loadeth his Silver from thence once in three years. The same time the we were before the Port there was a Ship laden with silver, having above 300 Tunns aboard, which if we could have agreed to have gone in, we had taken it all, which was in April 1684. But our People was afraid to goe in, fearing that the Ship was not there, and that they should be discovered. So that we set saile down as low as Lima, where we took one Ship which was come from Penemau [Panama], laden with Timber being bound for Lima.

until we came as low as the island of Lobus lying in the latitude of 7 degrees south latitude, where we thought to water our ship. But there was no water upon the island, but there were fowls in abundance.

With this Ship we went to the Island of Lobus, lying in the Lat of 7 Degrees South, thinking to gett Water. But we found none there, nothing but Sea=fowles. Here we put our sick men on Land to Physick them; here we scrubbed our Ships and thinking we had lyen too-long idle, We called a Councell together to know what we should do, we being but a 100 Men that we could land out of both Ships. so they agreed to goe and take the Town of Truxillia [Trujillo], A Town large having about 18

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April 1684

Churches in the same and well fortified, being 10 miles up in the Country; which thing I mis-liked, but the most Voices carried it. The next Day we got our Cable to the Capestone, heaving up our Anchor and some of our men being on the Mountain's a Shore, espied 3 Saile of Ships which were come out of the Harbour that belonged to the aforesaid port of Truxillia, they having heard that we were in the Sea put all their Money on Shore.

May 1684

We being under Saile stood after these 3 ships (expecting great Riches in them), which in two houres we took. But they had put all their Money away, so much as their Ships Plate. But they were laden with Provisions which we wanted as flower, Sugars, Cheese and sweet=meates and some Wine and Brandy, and in one of the Ships we took a Ltr that had been sent by Linch the Governour of Jamaica to the King of Lima, satisfieing him that there were 3 Ships coming from London into the South Seas, which made him set a look out at the Straights of Mageline, where they espied 3 Ships coming through, which was Capt. Eton, Capt. Swan & Capt. Wall with a long-boate, which made them goe down and give their Report to Lima, which made them secure their Place and withall they gave Us an Account, that at Truxillia they were provided for Us with 3000 Souldiers Horse and Foot, which if we had gone there, we might have gott back as well as we could. We having got those 3 Ships, we left the first ship, which we had taken laden with Timber, lying at her Anchors, and in that Ship we found the Leg-bone of a Man which was 3 foot and 3 Inches long, with the Ankle-bones proportionable to the Leg-bone. I taking these Bones into my Possession, the rest of the Company quarrell'd with me for them, laying as great a Claim to them as I had. So I took them and heaved them over board.

In the month of May we steered away northwest until we came under the Line. Then we steered away West. About the end of the month we saw an island bearing southwest of us.

About the middle of May we were contriving how to secure some of those Provisions and setting Saile to the Westward to seek some Islands to put some flower on Shore, it was my fortune about 260 Leagues from the Main to see Land, which was to the South-ward of us and presently many more Islands, which made the Spaniards laugh at Us, telling Us that they were inchanted, for Capt. Perralto (A Spanish Capt.) had seen them, but never could get at them, which indeed I thought they spake truth in at first, for I saw a fair Island on my Larbord-side, which I strove to gett to but could not; but the

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May 1684

But there ran so great a current that seteth to the northward that I could not fetch it. But the land seemed very green with woods upon the high land, and plain and green on the low land, as if it had been grassy ground. I was very sorry that I could not come up with this island by reason that I do believe there was water which we wanted.

Reason was, that there goeth an extraordinary Current setting to the North-ward, which drove me to Leward of many of them which I had upon my Lee-bow.

This island I gave the name of King Charles the Second's [San Cristóbal] Island, by reason that it was the first that I saw. I judge that the body of that island may lie near one degree south latitude, but I have forgotten the longitude of them until my book comes from Holland.

Within one hour or so later I saw another brave island [unidentified, probably Santa Fe] and not long after I saw many more. But I made all the sail that I could to that island [San Salvador] which I liked best. I came to anchor under it in 7 fathoms of water. They went with the boat on shore on this island, but there was no water to be found for that end had been burned. But there was a great store of land turtle and sea turtle, and abundance of fowls not fearful of man, for they would light upon us and suffer themselves to be taken captive.

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At the eastward end of this island there are seemingly very good harbors for a hundred sail of ships to ride in. We weighed our anchor and sailed to the westernmost end of this island, where we found good water and a great plenty of turtle, both sea and land.

The first Island that I made I called K. Ch. the second his Island;

This island I named the Duke of York's Island, who is now by God's grace our present King. But the water was not very plentiful, and we must water our ships within 2 days. Captain Eaton was to the westward of us, and we seeing an island [Isabela] that was in the same direction that we saw him, we weighed from thence, thinking to water our ships at that island which we saw.

As we were sailing to the westward after Captain Eaton we came close by an island [Santa Cruz] lying on our starboard side.

The 2d Iland that I came to anchor at I called the Duke of York's Island;

It was a round island lying in the latitude of 20 minutes south which I called the Duke of Norfolk's Island. For the exact longitude of those islands according to our guessing I have forgotten. Neither can I remember until I get my papers from Holland. But when I do get them I intend to have them drawn out with their exact latitudes and guessed longitudes.

We arrived at the northwest end of this island [Isabela], where we came to an anchor in a bad place, not knowing where to find a better harbor by reason that we had not well searched the island. But we found no water there, although we were certain there was water about the island by reason of so great a resort of turtle doves, which cannot live without water. Neither did we find the harbor [Elizabeth Bay] for shipping the first time, although there is a harbor for a thousand sail of ships to ride land-locked with the help of a small island [Fernandina] that lieth northwest from the harbor. Here we found as great a store of fish and turtle and fowls as at the island formerly called the Duke of York's Island but now King James the second's Island.

the 3d, the Duke of Norfolk's Island;

This island I named the Duke of Alber Male's [sic] Island, it lying in the latitude from 15 minutes north to one degree and 30 minutes south.

the 4th the D. of Albermales [sic] Island;

Another island lying in the latitude of 20 minutes North to one degree North I called My Lord Nories' Island [Pinta], it being of the nature of the other islands but without water that we could find:

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Those islands are all very well replenished with fish, turtles and fowls in abundance, that one man may take as many or as much provisions in one day as will serve a thousand men a day. Most of the fowls are turtledoves and not fearful of man, for they would light upon us so that we could take them off our arms and heads. There were plenty of good hawks within our sight, being as tame as the other fowls and lighting upon our heads and suffering themselves to be taken by us. After being taken they were very friendly, eating what what we gave them. But we found no water on any of those those islands, save King James the Second's Island formerly called the Duke of York's Island. But a strong current ran amongst those islands so that we could not get back to King James' Island.

the 5th the Earle's of Abingtons;

likewise another island lying from one degree and 5 minutes North to two degrees North, called My Lord Culpeper's Island [Darwin]: another lying from one degree North to 15 minutes North which is called My Lord Wainman's Island [Wolf].

the 6th, Ld. Wainman's; the 7th, the Ld. Culpeppers;

Another island lying in 15 minutes South I called Cowley's Island.

the 8th my Own as Cowley's Island:

We have seen other islands, but have not been very near to them to discover them. They lie from one degree and 40 minutes South to two degrees North, differing somewhat in longitude though not by much, there being 15 of them.

the rest there being 7 more (which I have named since that I came home). There being 15 of these Islands but there is but one of them which I know that hath Water upon it, that is K. J. the 2d his Island, but provisions enough upon them all for all the Men in England (that is) fish, Turtel, Sea and Land Turtels, and fowles as Turtle=Doves and large A Guanes.

June 1684

Those Islands formerly burnt as Strombolo and Ætna doth, for the Land in some places is like to a Sinder and in other places there having been some combustable Matter as Salt-Peter which hath blown up the very Rocks, that they lie as the Ruines of the Citty of London did after it's being burnt, and some places Woods, fine and green. These Islands I look upon to be very rich in Mines, for some of the Stones which have been burnt are very heavy, much more ponderous than any Stone is in Weight, which maketh me think that there is Metal mixt with the same. It was our fortunes to goe one Day with the Boat along shore. The Sun shining, I saw a barren Mountaine not very high which shone like Gold. We sending a Negroe thither to see what it was, he brought down to Us his hands-full of fine Sulphur, which was thrown out upon the Surface of the Earth, which maketh me think that if we had dugge there, were [sic, we] should not have dugge long before that it had brought Us to the Lead, and the Lead would soon have brought Us to the Mine, which maketh me think it is a Silver Mine, by reason of it's Lat, it being under the Line or not above one Degree from it, and being but 260 Leagues to the West-ward of some of the Mines of Perew, and this I know that Sulphur is one of the Materials of all Metals. These Islands I do beleive, that I was the first that ever Anchor'd at them, for four Spanish Captains that were aboard our Ship said that [they] never knew any man that ever was upon them. Capt. Periallo saw them but could not come at them. He called them inchanted Lands. When we came first upon these Islands, the fowls were not fearfull of Us, but would light upon Us, that We could take them. Neither were they afraid of our Gunns at first, for I have seen 3 severall shoots made at one fowle and he hath not flown away, and the fourth

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June 1684

killed him. It was my fortune one time to be sailing about 6 Leagues to the North-ward of the Earl of Abingtons Island, we not having been there before. I went before the Ship, thinking to have found some good Place for the Ship to ride in and to see if that we could find any watering place. But we having sought, came again to the North-most part of the Island, thinking to wait there for the Ship. But in the Night it proved calm and there running so great a Current to the North-ward, that it had driven our Ship out of Sight, we thinking that she had been got into some part of the Isld. to Anchor, which made Us set our Oares to work to rowe round about the Island, which took Us 3 Dayes time. We having brought from the Ship no Victuals or fishing Tackle, that we were faine to shoot a Sea=fowle flying, with which we made Bait, crooking an old Nail which was our Hook, and with that we took what store of fish we would. But our Water was gone, that we were almost famished for Water, there being none upon that Island that we would faine to drink the Blood of a Fish called a Turtell. We despaired of ever seeing our Ship again, went on land upon a Mountaine to see if we could see her at Sea, but we could not. But we saw an Island at the going down of the sun. This Island was about 30 Leagues from Us, but when we came of[f] from the Mountaine we could not see the Island, but guessed at the Course, we haveing no Compas in our Boat. We caught some Fish and boiled them and the next morning we put to Sea and sailed at least 14 Leagues before we could see the Land, although it was exceeding high. But the next morning we reached it, but when we came there we were as bad to pass for water, for there was none but Salt-water, so that we were faine still to be contented with Blood. At this Island we were 7 Men in Company, and they went 2 and 2 severall ways to see for Water. I staying by the Water-side and killed a Turtell and dressed for them to eat, and I having killed a Turtell and set it up against the fire which was made against a Bank and on the other side of the Bank there was a Cave. The fire being very great, made me begin to think my self in a miserable Condition. And not haveing long to live without Water made me have many serious Cogitations in my Mind, thinking how I had spent my time and seeing that great Fire, thinking of Hell and of the manner and shapes of the Divels. But while this thought was in my mind, there came out of the Cave a large Seale looking through the Fire and roaring at me. He being like to a Bear in all respects but only his Legs, and as bigg as any Bear in the bear-garden, which made me give a Spring back, thinking that the Divel had been come for me.

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July 1684

We being left in this miserable Condition, we were resolved to go right before the Wind to the Northward, where we should in three Daies time come into the raines, where we could get Water and see if we could take a Spanish Barke and with the Bark to take some Women and Slaves to work for Us, our Wives and Children, if we got any, and goe to King James his Island and manure it for we had no other way. The next morning we were to saile, but a[s] fortune would have it our Ship came by chance to that Island, having given us over for lost. At this Island we put on shore 2000 baggs of flower for fear that we should want again. As soon as we espied our Ship we made a fire. They seeing the fire knew that it was Us that they had left at the other Island. They fired their Gunns for Joy and came before the place, sending the Boat on Shore to see how we did. But the surfe of the Sea set so against the Rocks that they had like to have been all lost that they were faine to goe aboard again. But we would not stay there for fear we should be served as before. We launched our Boat into the Sea and through the Rocks and Breakers to the Danger of all our Lives, and got well aboard. But for that trick, I shall never go so far again from my Ship at Sea. We being got aboard set saile for the Main and sailed up to the Island of Plate, where we took in Goats lying in the Lat of one Degree South. From thence to the Gulfe of Saint Michaels. We sailed from the Islands to the Main Land in 12 Degrees.

Again we were faine to go to water at Cape Tres Pontes upon the Main, where Captain Cook died and was buried on shore.

The first Land that we made was Cape-tres-pointas, where one of our Captains died which was my Capt. named John Cook. We went on Land to bury him and there came down three Indians thinking that we had been Spaniards, which 3 we took Prisoners to get what we could out of them. They told Us of a Town that was named Realea about 150 miles of which they sayd was very rich. Whilst we were watering our Ship, 20 of our Men went on Shore to kill some Beefe, they having great plenty there. But the Indians came down, they leaving no Body with the Boat to look after her, they set her on Fire. That our Men were fain to betake themselves to a Rock and keep that as their Garrison, we understanding by another small boat of ours that had been there how they were served. We went away with 2 boats and 40 Men with the 3 Indians that we had taken Prisoners with Ropes about their Necks to releive those 20 Men. But one of the Indians slipped the Rope from about his Neck and got away. We weighing our Anchor from thence to goe to take the Town of Realea, but before we could get there the Indian that got away had been there, giving them an Account of what our intent was, to take the Town, which made them remove all their Riches. The

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July 1684

Captain being dead, I having the Command till we made another Capt. I landed 100 Men thinking to have taken the Towne.

August 1684

Our Men landing in the Night, the next morning took their Sentinel, which gave them an Account of the Indian bringing the News of Us, and that they had carried all out of the Town 2 Daies before our coming, which made them return aboard again without Purchase.

We having watered our ship we went in to the Gulf of Saint Michael's [probably Golfo de Fonseca between El Salvador and Nicaragua] where we careened both our ships, and there we had another captain called Davis who brought the consort ship with Captain Eaton. He sought to get as many of Captain Eaton's men as he could, and had not Captain Eaton made fast away from that place, he would not have had men enough left to have sailed his ship.

The next Day we concluded to goe into the Gulfe of St. Michaels where we landed in the Night and took the cheif Island, it having two Towns upon it. And the next Day we took 2 other Islands, one being full of Cattle and the other plenty of fowles and hoggs. Here we lay and care[e]ned both our Ships. At this place the 2 Ships brought their Consort-Ship which made me glad, thinking that I should get clear which had been so long a Prisoner.

At this place I came aboard Captain Eaton's ship, thinking at one time or other to be redeemed from my slavery. We set sail from this place in the month of August 1684 for Cape Francisco [Ecuador] lying in the latitude of one North if I am not mistaken, and we lay there some small time. Then we turned up to the Island of Plate and from thence to the Island of Lobus lying in the latitude of 7 degrees South. Then Captain Eaton's men desired to get aboard Captain Davis's ship. Captain Eaton was resolved to go home by the way of the East Indies, so he shaped his course for King James the Second's Island to take in wood, water and turtle for our voyage. But the course was not held southerly enough, and we fell in with Wainman's Island and could not get to the Duke of Albemarle's Island.

Here I came aboard Capt. Eaton's Ship. From thence we sailed with that ship upon the Coast of Perew again. But finding that we were so alarmed upon that coast, we ran into Pita, where we took 2 Ships in the Harbour. They refuseing to ransom them, we burnt one and sunk the other, doing no other harme. We sailed from thence to Lobus, where I heaved the Gyants bones over board. There we found the Ship sunk which we had formerly left at Anchor and some Spaniards with 2 Spanish Barkes that were there a fishing, they having catched Us a fine parcel of fish for our Voyage.

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November 1684

We finding that we could doe no good on those Seas were resolved to goe and water our Ship and goe from thence to the East-India's and see what we could take from the Tartars.

After we had tried for almost a month we resolved to go to the Island of Gorgona to water and wood, which we did.

We set Sayle from thence to the Island of Gorgonia, lying in the Lat of 3 Degrees North Latitude, where we took in wood and Water for our Voyage.

December 1684

The 22nd of December we set sail from the Island of Gorgona, steering our course west NW until we came in the latitude of 13 degrees North. Then we steered away west until we judged we were near a parcel of rocks called Saint Bartholomew's Rocks. Then we sailed away to the northward until we got to 16 degrees. When we thought that we were past the danger, we sailed into our old latitude again, into 13 degrees holding our course until the month of March 1685.

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The 22th [sic] we set sayle from the Gorgonia, stearing away N. W. till that we came into the Lat of 13 Degrees, then steared away West till we came as low as the Rocks of St. Bartholomew, where to shun that danger we steared into the Lat of 17 Degrees North, keeping still a Westerly Course till we were past the Danger. Then we stood into our old Lat again of 13 Degrees, keeping our Course Dew=West till

In the month of March 1685 we arrived at the islands of the Ladrones, at one of them called Guam. All of our men were very weak for want of victuals, we having nothing but rotten flour and water in our ship. When we came to an anchor on the westernmost side of this island we went on shore and fetched some of the fruit of the land and treated with the Indians who dared not trust us, fearing that we were Spaniards, for they had burned a convent and killed 16 Spanish fathers which we afterwards understood by the Spaniards. The Spaniards had two slaves which they had gotten from the Manillas, which had given the Indians notice of their strength.

we came to the Islands of the Ladrones, it being in the middle of March 16834 where we came to Anchor on the West side of the Island. This Island is inhabited by Spaniards, keeping the Island for a watering Place, for the great Carect that saileth every year from Aquapulca to the Island of Luconia to the Citty of Manelagh [Manila], [with] more than 200 Tunns of Silver. Shee is exceeding great (the greatest that I know in the World) she carrieth outward bound about 1500 Men. She draweth 6 fatham Water, they themselves say 7 fatham, and the greatest Ship in England draweth but 23 foot. The Spaniards had fortified this Island, having a Fort of 4 Gunns and had built a very fine Convent having about 17 fathers in the same, they endeavouring to convert the Infidels that inhabit that Place. But the Infidels conspired against the Spaniards to cut them of[f], they breaking into the Convent and killed 8 of the fathers, and made War with the Spaniards.

The Spaniards had not more then 60 Soldiers within their fort and but three or four pounds of powder, according to the information from the Indians. Afterwards the Governor sent one of his captains aboard with provisions, desiring our aide, which when we understood what the Indians had done we fell on them and drove the most part of them from the island. They themselves burned their houses and goods, runing away by the light thereof. They are not built as other Indian houses are, but are built strong and with good timber, and therefore some of the fire was not out in 14 days.

The Spaniards being (when we were there) not above 60 Men, then having done this mischeif to the Spaniards and seeing our Ship coming in, thought her to be the Great Spanish Ship, and thinking that the Spaniards would revenge the injury done, set all their Houses on fire to save the Spaniards a labour. But when we came near and they perceiving that it was not the Ship, had the Courage to come on board of us, bringing with them fruit, which we bought for old Nailes and old Iron, they counting that much. Somtimes we should have our Deck full of those Salvages, they going stark-naked, not having so much as any thing to cover their private parts. But we went every man (aboard) well armed that was able to bear Arms, for the best halfe of our

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March 16845

Men was sick and kept their Cabines, oure runne from Land to Land 11 Weeks, thus came those Salvages on board every Day, thinking to have cut Us of[f]. They made signes to us to goe on fishing which we did, they having got a Scean brought it round the Boat, thinking that they had catched the fish that they wanted. But we fired amongst them, killing some. But when they saw that, they ran away. In the mean time, while that we were engaged with those Infidels, we saw 5 Saile of Boats which came from the Northward. We fearing that they should fall upon the sick men there were on board, we hasted to our Ship and when we came there it was a Spanish Capt. that was come aboard with a Ltr. written in French, Dutch and Spanish, demanding in the Name of the K. of Spaine, what we were and from whence we came, and whether [wither] we were bound. We answering that we were French, thinking that they loved the French better then the English by reason of their Religion. The Governour being come down to a point of Land and the Spanish Capt. going on Shore with the Ltr., the Governour sent him aboard again, to desire our Capt. to come on Shore to him. We manned our Boat with 20 Men double-armed and went to the Shore-side where the Governour was with about 40 Men well armed. We coming on Shore the Governour received our Capt. kindly, promising what the Land would afford we should have, which was Provision, the only thing we lacked, we being almost stired [starved?] for we had not eat any Bread in 3 Months, nor flesh except our Doggs and Catts and Rats, but the Rats were forbidden that any well-man should eat them, but reserve them for the sick men, which did comfort them somewhat. Then the Spanish Capt. told Us, how that the Infidels had revolted and killed them 8 fathers and burnt their Convent, they fearing their Storm against the Fort.

If we had not assisted them they would have lost the island of Guam. We gave them four hundred pounds of powder and many guns to defend themselves if the Indians should come again.

They being near 16000 strong, and the Spaniards wanting powder, we promised the Governour that we would assist him. He gave Us Comission to kill and destroy what we could, which we soon put in execution. The next day the Governour sent Us then good Hogs with 20 Bags of Rice with Plantaines, mamanoes and Potatoes. [A] great store, but for fruits and roots we could but goe on shore and fetch, for the whole Island is a Garden. We presented the Governour with a Diamond ring worth about £30. The next day the Governour presented our Capt. with a silver Beaker, large, worth £10 with some Chocalet and Spanish Tobacco and Japan wine for the Ships Company, and a Diamond Ring for the Capt. (of double the value of that the Capt. formerly presented) with some more Hogs and Henns and Potatoes. This

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March 16845

Island aboundeth with Cocker:Nuts which is the best tree in the World, for out of that tree an ingenious Man may build a Ship and saile her with what the Trees will produce. The tree may be called the Tree of Life, for out of that Tree we can have Meat, Drink and Clothing. The Rine that groweth over the Shell many Indians make Cloth with it, and Ropes and Match. The Shell itself will make Dish or Cup, the Water being put into it will boile any thing. The Kernel that is within the Shell being scraped and squeezed will make good Milk. You will not know but that it was just taken from the Cow, and that Milk being boiled will make good Oyle to eat with Rice and within the Kernel is a good Pleasant Water to drink and very good against the Scurvy.

But before we came away the Indians, understanding that we were not Spaniards, sent to us to treat with us for peace. Before they were asked, they told us in what month the great Acapulco ship was supposed to come there, and her strength. But we would have no peace with them, thinking an open enemy better than a private one, and we knew of their treachery before.

After that we had fired all that we could meet with of the Infidels, they would fain have made peace with Us, but we thought it better to have a Publick Enemy than a private One, so would make no peace with them, but fired amongst them, where ever we found them. The Noise of our Gunns being to them very terrible, they having no fire-Arms, but Lances made of the Bones of their freinds that are dead. The Leg-bones and Arm-bones being cut hollow like a Scoop and having teeth like to a Saw or an Eel=Spear, that when it striketh into any thing, it tears the flesh before that they can get it out. That being put upon a Staffe about 6 foot long, they throw it out of their hands at any thing that they are minded to kill. A man being wounded with one of them (if he be not cured in 7 days) is a dead Man. They are very large in Bulk and Stature. I saw one of them that was at least 7 foot high. They are great Swimmers and Divers. We having taken 4 of them Prisoners bound their hands behind them. Nevertheless, 3 of them leaped over board. Two was killed presently, but the other swam an English Mile before that he was killed. And one of them that was shot by the Ship side drove on Shore, we finding more than 20 Shot in his Body. We having many fired at him at once and we loading with Bullet and high Swan Shot. Those Infidels never work more than to build them an house. The Women sow the Rice and Potatoes, they having about 6 Days work in a year (except the boileing of their Victuals) for their fish and flesh they eat raw. We having lain at this Island for the space of 3 Weekes, and with the Provision that we had of the Spaniards, and what we had got on the Island our selves, our Men that had been so weak were all recovered again. So that we had not one Sick man there. Then We making Provision to set Saile, the Governour sent his Capt. and 2 fathers to desire Us to spare him some Powder, which we did, sending him 4 Barrels of powder on Shore with many

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March 16845

Small Arms but their Enemies we had driven away from the Island. Before that [we] came away, the Governour sent a small Trunk with Gold and Silver on board, desireing Us to pay our Selves for the powder. But we refused to take any thing for it, by reason of their Kindnesses, for we knew that if we had been minded we could have had the Island with all the Gold and Silver that they had. But then we should have been very ungratfull Guests to them that had proved so kind. Not but that ther was aprty of Men in our Ship that would have done the same.

April 1685

In the month of April 1685 we set sail from the island of Guam with the wind at northeast and all our men in health again. We steered away west southwest to get clear of a ledge of rocks called by the Spaniards Saint Bartholomew's. These rocks lieth by the relation of the Spaniards 20 leagues North and South, they being unknown to us before now. They lie to the westward of Guam two hundred leagues. When we thought ourselves clear of those rocks we sailed away to the northward, again coming in between a parcel of small islands or rocks and the south end of Formosa [Taiwan], lying in about 21 degrees north latitude. From thence we thought to sail between Luconia [Luzon, Phillipines] and China but the monsoon had come and we had the wind right in our teeth. Then we sailed to the westward, coming before the River of Canton [Guangzhou] in China, where we got between two islands to get some water and mend our ship.

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When we had mended our ship and taken in our water we set sail from thence in the month of July 1685, endeavoring to turn to windward. But what we got in the increase of the moon we lost again after the full. The winds came so furious that we could not carry sail, and we were driven from the latitude of 14 degrees into 21 degrees. And so were served three times after each other.

In this Month We took our Leave of the Island of Goan [Guam] with all our Men in good Health and steared our Course to West-ward. The next Land we made was some small Islands lying in 20 Degrees. We going between those Islands and Formosa, our Ship was thrown about as if that we had been in a wherlpoole for 20 times after each other, there being little wind and a great counter-Current. Then we steared away S. S. E. till we came up with the Island of Luconia, where we took a Ship belonging to the Tartars and plundered and sunk. Then we steared away for Canton in Grand-China, we wanting Victuals very much. But that would yield us no releife, they not trading with any Christians but the Spaniards, their king at that time. 13 Saile of Ship belonging to the Tartars, which if that we had fallen upon, we could have loaded our Ship with Silk. But it was the Mens answer to Me, when that I would have persuaded them to fall on, that they came not to be made Pedlers of to carry Packs at their Backs. For they came for Gold and Silver and not for Silks. We set saile from thence after that we had lien one Month and fitted our Ship, they not desireing trade with Us, their Country being now under the Tartar, they having been conqured 3 yeares before that we were there, which is now two years since.

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[No date given on this page.]

The manner how the Tartars conquered Grand-China. The King of China had his Country which lay towards the Tartars begirt with a Wall that was invincible. Tenn Men within the Wall could have defended it against an Army without. But this King had 5 Princes that lay to the Northward that revolted against him. The Chinese being better Merchants that Souldiers, the King could not find an Army sufficient to subdue those Princes. Therefore, he sent an Embassadour to the Cham of Tartary to invite him into his Country to subdue those 5 Princes, promising him large Satisfaction for the same. And withal that he would make a Breach in his Wall to let him into his Country, which was by the Tartar undertaken. But when the Tartar had subdued those 5 Princes, he swore them Allegiance to him. The K. of China giving the Tartar thanks, profering him the Reward promised, desired him to returne into his own Country, which he refused, sending him word he conquered them not for him but for Himself. Keeping still in the Country, conquering where He came untill He came to Cantone, where the King kept his Court, cutting of[f] the Kings head, making His Sone King in his fathers room, swearing Allegiance to Him. The Tartar shipped away from Cantone 400 Sapans [sampans] laden with Gold and Silver and the choicest Goods of China which he had plundered. The Religion of the Chineses is, they pray to the Divel. They say that God after that he had made this World thought it inconsiderable. Therefore he gave the Government to the Divel. Not that they think they goe to the Divel when they die, but if they have lived well, they shall go into the World of the Moon and afterwards removed and made a Glorious Star = = = = = but the reason that they pray to the Divel is, that He should not hurt them, for if they receive any good, they think it came from him. Therefore if that they have any Ships arrived from Sea Safe with a good Voyage, then they have the similitude of Divels set in some open place with a Banquet of Sweet-meats and all sorts of fruit that their Country will afford, which they offer as satisfaction for their good Fortune. Likewise they have a Stage before the Door where they act Plays, tossing many fire-works, they being a People much given to Plays. We set Saile for the Island of Luconia lying before the Citty of Manellagh, waiting for a Tartars Ship that was half full of Silver, which came out whilst we lay there. But we chased her a whole Day but could not come up with her, which made All the Men out of heart of taking any thing with that Ship. After that we had Chased that Ship, we sailed to an Island lying in the Lat of 20 Degrees North, where we found great plenty of Goats, staying there 48 hours to take in Goats, but finding no good place for our Ship to ride in, we took

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[No date given at the top of this page.]

in about 60 Goats and set Saile for another Island not far from that Place, which was a Spice Island where Nutmegs grow. But my self and one more saw that there were plenty, yet never divulged it, reserving it for a better Purpose. We having lien at this Island and our provision being spent, heard by some Indians that came aboard that the Spaniards had an Island about 15 Leagues from Us, full of Cattle. So we drew out 30 Men one Evening and with 2 Boats having one of the Indians with Us as a Guide, came as it was Day to the Island, landing 9 Miles from the Town, marching to the Town we met some People which we took Prisoners, but coming into the Town we began to fire and secured the Church, where we took 3 fathers and some people at Church and made it our Garrison But we loaded 5 great Shalops with Cows and Calves and Cocks and Henns and Hoggs, but we left the Island upon Condition they were to send Us 40 head of Cattle. But they breaking their word, we went and took it again, staying there 3 Daies to kill hogs and get Salt. But having little Salt, we could not take much Provision.

September 1685

In the month of October we had the wind at northeast. Then we sailed between the island of Luconia and China. The first land that we made was Palawan, an island lying northwest or thereabouts from Borneo, where we were amongst dangerous lands for eight days. At length we got into a small island lying at the north end of Borneo to water and fit our ship and get some victuals. There we got our ship on shore and got our guns on shore and stood upon our defense, for the Indians were afraid of our color, they having never seen a white man before but we could get no victuals but mussels and and one wild hog and one great snake 17 feet long. After about 14 days we made commerce with the Indians and then they brought us fish enough.

In the month of September we set saile from this Island, thinking to goe before the Straits of Malacos to attack some great Ships that had great store of Money, which came from the Citty of Manelagh being bound for Persia. But when we were abreast of the Island of Paragoa [Palawan], lying at the North end of Borneo, we were so infested with the Sands that we [were] not able to get out in a Weekes time. But getting clear we put into a small Island at the North-end of Borneo, lying there (before that we could speak with the Inhabitants) 10 Daies. Wanting food, we could get nothing but Cockles, some of them as bigg as a mans head, which we praised for good Victuals by reason that we had no other. One of our Men going on Shore killed a Snake 17 foot long, which made a gallant Kettle of Porridge. The Meat and Broth served 60 Men. We had not lien there about 10 Daies but we saw a boat and gave them Chase, and coming up with them, it was a boat with the Governours Wife and padled along with Women, they padling from Us and we rowing to come up with them, seeing our Colour white affrighted them that they leaped over board into the Sea. But we took them up, making Signes to them not to be afraid and treating them kindly let them goe, for they had never seen a white Man before, but they told their husbands how kind we were, that next Day many came aboard bringing fish and Turtles with them.

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October 1685

At this place we got out our Gunns, making a Tent on Shore to put our Goods in, mounting 8 Gunns, keeping half aboard and half on Shore. We having hailed our Ship on Shore to mend her Sheathing and Ca[u]lk her under Water, lying here till the month of November, having fish and Turtles and Monkeys neough, and sometimes we should kill a wild Boar. Here the King of Borneo sent two of his Men of War to demand what we were, he having always had War with the Spaniards till of late, that he found a Mine of Diamonds which caused the Spaniards of Manelagh to make peace with him. They being very freindly now to each other made Us goe by the name of Spaniards. He invited Us into his Harbours but we excused it. The Island of Borneo is one [of] the greatest Islands in the World. It is round or Ovel, but near as broad as long. It is, from the South end to the North end, 13 Degrees in Length, that is 780 Miles. They are all Mahometans, wearing a Mahomet-lock behind their heads. They are people that drink no Wine, although that they have of it growing, it being forbidden by their King, for he that drinks wine must loose his Head. The commodities of their Country are Rice, Wax, Sugar, Campher (the best in the World), Diamonds, Pepper, Cloves may be purchased there, although they grow not there. They grow on the adjacent Islands. We having trimmed our Ship in the Month of November, we set saile from thence stearing away South-West.

November 1685

About the begining of December we set sail from thence, ordering our course southwest until we came to the islands of Natura [Natuna Besar] lying in the latitude of four degrees and from thence we sailed to the islands of Bimone [Tioman], a spice island where I got a boat and 19 men more when I came to the Iland of Javagh [Java] lying in the latitude of 6 degrees south latitude. When I arrived at Sorogh Bone [Cirabon], there the chancellor [Governor] furnished me with a boat and 6 men, which brought me and the other five to the city of Batavia [Jakarta]. We arrived there in the month of February and

About the middle of November we arrived at the Islands of Natura. There being many of them lying in a Cluster, we went near the North end of them, lying in 4 Degrees Called Timone. I being a little disturbed that the Capt. had lost his Comand and that if we were to goe upon any Designe, though never so well laid, [the] Tag-rag-and bobtaile miust approve on it or else we must not goe. So that I was resolved to goe no farther in the Ship. Thereupon 8 of Us bought a Boat but when we had the boat 20 Men would leave the Ship, as my self, and 2 Mates, 2 Doctors, 2 Carpenters, the Bass-man and the Cooper, the rest fore-mast men, excepting the Chirurgeon (who came) with one other Gentleman. We carrying all our Chests and Cloths on Shore, the Ship set Saile and left our Company. Our Boat not being fit, we were faine to stay there 9 Daies in great Danger of the Natives. But we stood in our own Defence, the one half lying on the ground and the other walking with their Arms in their hands. Sometimes it would rain so hard for 2 or 3 Days together that we could not lie down, for we had no house to keep Us dry. At lenght [sic] our boat being fitted, we could but 10 lie down and 10 stand up. This boat proved very leaky, but we sailed 900 Miles in the Sea with her, she being open, to the Island of Java, to a Place called Serabone.

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December 1685

When I arrived at Sorogh Bone [Cirabon], there the chancellor [Governor] furnished me with a boat and 6 men,

In this Month being by our Reckoning the last of the Month, but arriving at Serabone by their Reckoning it was the first of January. As we reckoned it Saturday, it proved Sunday. Aothough we writt every Day at 12 of the Clock, missing no Day, yet we lost a Day. The reason [was] that our going to the East-Indies by the way of the west, we got the Day which maketh the Leap=Year, where as if we had gone by the way of the West [sic, East] and come around the World that way, we should have lost one Day in the Year more than the Day that we gained by going by the way of the West. We going to Serabone we found our Ship. We going in together, the Capt. and I was invited to dine with the Governour, there we were made very welcom. This Town of Serabone is very great, near as big as the Citty of London, the Dutch having a strong Castle there, they making the Javans their Slaves. We stayed here about 8 Daies. In that time I went to see the Sepulchre of the Javan's Emperours which is walled about with 7 Marble Walls, 6 of the Walls they would suffer us to come to (not but the 7). We thinking our [group] too-great to [(illegible] travel, we devided our 20 Men in 3 parts. I came away with 5 besides my self, hiring a Proe to carry us down to Batavia. We being one week [on] our way we arrived at Batavia about the middle of January. There I was brought before the General of India and examined.

January 16856

which brought me and the other five to the city of Batavia [Jakarta]. We arrived there in the month of February and

Being arrived at the Citty of Batavia, the Place where the Hollanders keep their Magazene for India, it being a place of great Strength, having a Castle with a double Wall about it and a broad River running round the outward Wall and within the Citty there being 4 Cittidals to command the strets. Likewise the Citty being being encompassed with a high Stone wall with a broad river running round the same, and one halfe mile from the Citty lieth another strong Fort, being encompassed with a river. This Citty has seldom less than 5000 Men Souldiers and the Companys servants. The one part of the Citty is very well built with good houses after the manner of Holland. The other part with mean houses being inhabited with China-men and Javans, Moores and Portingalls, there being in this Citty almost of all Nations. Rivers running through the Streets, where every Merchant hath his Goods coming to his own Door. This Citty is exceeding rich in Gold and Jewels and all manner of India-Goods, which were brought thither in great plenty. Provisions are there exceeding dear, by reason of the great Multitude of People, although the Island of Java is as plentifull as most Islnds in India, on which the Citty standeth. This Island is a very woody Land and many pleasant fruit grow on it, as Oranges, Lemmons, Mananoes, and Plantains, Mangoes, Pine-Apples, Sower-Sops, it producing likewise Pepper in Abundance, Gums, many sorts of sweet wood and abundance of bees-wax

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January 16856

The Beasts that are on this Island are Panthers, Tygers, Rhinocerots, Monkeys and Baboones. The Natives of this Island are governed by an Emperour and many Kings with Princes [in] abundance, although the Hollander does command the Empire and all his Subjects are but as Slaves to the Hollander. We staying at Batavia till the Month of March, I went to [the] Generall and desired Passage for my self and two freinds, which he granted.

March 16856

on the first of March I with two more got aboard a Dutch East India ship bound for Amsterdam.

The first Day of March we set Saile for Holand; we putting in to Bantham to take in fresh Provisions. The 23rd of March we got out of the Straits of Sunday, we having been hindered by a westerly Wind for 14 Daies. In the Month of May 1686 we arrived at Cape-Bone-Spranse [Cape of Good Hope] going in there for refreshment, which is very plenty as Mutton and Hearbes and fruit, here we lay 3 weekes. At the Cape ther is a small Twon inhabited by the Holanders, they following Husbandry for the most part. They having a staong Castle there of 80 Gunns which comandeth the Natives. The Natives are Africans, A people that are born white but take no Delight in that Colour nor in Cleanliness for they are the nastiest people in the World. Their Noses are flat like Negroes and their Hair like the hair of Negroes, they use to take Grease and Soot and rubb themselves all over to make themselvs black.

May 1686

Those People at the Cape called Hodmandods [“Hotentot” written on otherwise-blank facing recto page.] are the filthiest Creatures in the World of Man-kind. Whereas other Nations delight in Cleanliness, their whole Delight is in filthiness, for they so grease their Heads that the Hair is mat[t]ed like to the Wool that hangeth to a Sheeps taile. They having no other Clothing than a Sheeps=Skin hanging over their Shoulders, in the Winter they wear the Wool-side next them and in the Summer the Flesh-side next them. This is the Garb of the Men, having but one Stone (that is to be perceived) yet get Children enough, for if they get 4 Girles after each other they burie them alive, saying that they are not Souldiers nor can fight. The Garbe of the Women is a Sheep-skin over their Shoulders with the fat Gut of a Beast about their Necks, with the Guts of Beasts wound about their Legs from the Ankle to the Knee, so that they look like those Boots that the Carriers or Country-men make with hay about their Legs. Then they think themselves wondrous fine, the Women having a flap that groweth over their private parts and covereth

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May 1686

the whole part. It is in manner like to a Turkey-Snout that groweth over his Bill but broader. I hearing of the strangeness of Nature in those Women, went on Shore one Day with a Gentleman on purpose to see, which was not one I saw in that Manner but severall, for I was so curious that I lifted the flap up to see whether they were made like our Women underneath. We coming on Shore, they call'd Us to see if we would give them a peice of Tobacco to see that monstrous sight, being not at all ashamed thereof. The Men are well contented if that a white Man lieth with their Wives, but in an Hodmandod [“Hotentot” written directly below.] doth, they will beat him.

June 1686

They build their Houses round with long Poles sticking both ends in the ground, bending them like a Bow, covering them with Sheep-Skins, making their fire in the middle thereof, lying in the Ashes. They are Worshippers of the Moon. When they doe expect a New Moon, the Sea Shore will be full of those people, but if it prove thick Weather that they cannot see the Moon, they will say God is angry with them and they will be very sorrowfull. But if that they see the the Moon appear, they will be very merry with Singing and Dancing. If a Woman is married to a Man, then they cut of[f] one joynt of a finger and as many Husbands as they have, so many Joynts of their fingers they lose. There hapned one of the Hodmandods to drink himself dead with Rack when we were at the Cape. The Women came running to him bringing with them Milk and Oile, pouring it downe his Throat. But he coming not presently to himself, they began to provide for his Burial. They digged a Hole and set him upright on his Breech. After they had scarifed his Skin over his whole body, Armes and Legs, then covering up the hole and on a sudden the Women that were about him set up the damnablest Noise that ever I heard, which almost scarred me. The Holanders have at this place which lieth in 34 Degrees or thereabouts South Lat, a famous Garden being a Mile in length and two furlongs broad, yeilding all sorts of fruite and most sorts of Herbs, which garden is kept for the refreshments of their East Indian Ships. This Country affordeth very good wheat, Rye, Barley, and Pease, the Beasts that this Country affordeth are Elephants, Lions, Tygers, Wild Cats. There is Gold gotten likewise up in this Coutnry. While we were there, there was a Portugal-Ship cast away, whose lading was by their Report £300000. One Chest of Jewels we brought home in our Ship. There are here also Panthers and Rhinocerotes.

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June 1686

We having filled our Water and refreshed our Selves, we set Saile from Cape-bone-Spranse with our 3 Ships. The Ship named the Silida and the Cretsman and the Emland. We having been about 3 weekes at Sea, we heard a voice crying help, help, a Man overboard, which was heard by all the Ships, each Ship bringing two to see if they could take him up. But we could see no man, not knowing of any man wanting in the fleet, for the Comanders mustered their Men presently, but found none missing. The Weather being fair and the Wind good, we came up with the Island of Ascension lying in the Lat of 8 Degrees South. It being the middle of July, we saw the Land but never stopped, keeping still our Course N. W. till we came upon the Coast of New-found Land where we got a westerly wind. We stearing away E. N. E. till we came in the Lat of 60 Degrees North. Thence we steared East. The first Island that we made was the Island of Pole [illegible] near Scotland. Then we steared away S. S. E. for Amsterdam, but finding the Winds cross for Amsterdam,

The first of October we arrived at Helford Sluice [Hellevoetsluis] in Holland, and I went from thence to Rotterdam, where I found the yacht called the Ann. I went aboard and

the first of October we got into Helford=Sluce, where I with my two freinds got to Rotterdam. One of my freinds being sick, I came for England in the Anyot [Ann yacht], leaving the other two behind me, one dying there.

arrived at Greenwich on Tuesday, the 12 of October 1686.

The 12th of October 1686, I arrived at London, thus have I sailed round the whole Globe of the World, keeping still a continual Course to the West-ward, till I arrived at the same place, cutting the same Line, which I had formerly crossed in 3 yeares and 4 Months.

Now being arrived at London, I am ready at all times to serve Your Grace in whatever quality I am capable of, and shall be your most faithful servant until death.


London the this
the 25 of October