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The Plough Boy Anthology:

19th Century American Whaling

      "The Ploughboy Anthology: 19th Century American Whaling" contains transcriptions of books, articles, documents, and manuscript material telling the story of Pacific sperm whaling in the 19th century.

Access by decade of publication:

1760 1780 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830
1840 1850 1860 1870 1890 1900 1910
1920 1950 2019

Access by personal author:
(Note: will return only first instance of the author.)
Beale (1835) Beale (1839) Beechey Bennett Browne
Burney Chase Cheever Cholmondeley Crèvecoeur
Dana (1840) Dana (1841) Darwin Davis Dow
Falconer Gardner Hart Jefferson Jones
Kobbé Lay & Hussey Luce Maury Melville
Nares Olmstead Orszag Paulding Perry
Poe Reynolds Sampson Sansom Scammon
Smith Starbuck Stavers Steel Townsend
USExEx Verrill (1912) Verrill (1916) Wilkes (1844) Wilkes (1849)
Wilkes (ExEx) Williams

This site is still under construction.

William Falconer.
      An Universal Dictionary of the Marine: or, a Copious Explanation of the Technical Terms and Phrases Employed in the Construction, Equipment, Furniture, Machinery, Movements, and Military Operations of a Ship.
London: T. Cadell, 1769.


      The classic 18th century nautical dictionary by sailor/poet William Falconer.

1782 - Crèvecoeur - Letters from an American farmer

J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur,
      Letters from an American farmer: describing certain provincial situations, manners, and customs, not generally known : and conveying some idea of the late and present interior circumstances of the British colonies in North America ....
London: T. Davies, 1782.
318 p. : maps ; 22 cm.

1791 - Jefferson on the Cod and Whale fisheries

United States. Department of State.
Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826.
      Report of the secretary of state, on the subject of the cod and whale fisheries, : made conformably to an order of the House of Representatives of the United States, referring to him the representation of the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on those subjects; February 1st, 1791.:
Published by order of the Senate of the United States.
Philadelphia: Printed by John Fenno, no. 69, in High-Street., M.DCC.XCI. [1791].

1794 - Nantucket from the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society

      Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, for the Year 1794.
Vol. III.
Boston: Printed in the year 1794.
Re-printed by Munroe & Francis, No. 4. Cornhill,
Printers to the Massacusetts Historical Society, 1810.

      Pages 153 through 161 with four papers on Nantucket: the island, it's founding and history, vital statistics, and the whale fishery.
1794 - The Elements and Practice of Rigging and Seamanship.

David Steel.
      The Elements and Practice of Rigging and Seamanship.
Illustrated with Engravings.
In Two Volumes.
London: Printed for David Steel, 1794.

Full text in one volume.

      The classic late eighteenth century handbook on nautical science and text-book on seamanship. Contains many plates and tables.

1811 - A Description of Nantucket - Joseph Sansom.

Joseph Sansom.
      "A Description of Nantucket." The Port Folio.
New Series Vol. V, No. 1 (Jan. 1811).


1819 - Sampson - Is a Whale a Fish? ....

William Sampson (1764–1836).
      Is a Whale a Fish? An accurate report of the case of James Maurice against Samuel Judd, tried in the mayor's court of the city of New-York, on the 30th and 31st of December, 1818, wherein the above problem is discussed theologically, scholastically, and historically.
New-York, C. S. Van Winkle, 1819.
81 pages.



1821 - Owen Chase - Narrative of the most extraordinary and distressing shipwreck of the whale-ship Essex ....

Owen Chase (1797-1869).
      Narrative of the most extraordinary and distressing shipwreck of the whale-ship Essex, of Nantucket; which was attacked and finally destroyed by a large spermaceti-whale, in the Pacific Ocean; with an account of the unparalleled sufferings of the captain and crew ...
New York, W. B. Gilley, 1821.
128 p. 19 cm.



1828 - Lay and Hussey - A Narrative of the Mutiny, on Board the Ship Globe ....

William Lay and Cyrus M. Hussey.
      A Narrative of the Mutiny, on Board the Ship Globe, of Nantucket, in the Pacific Ocean, Jan. 1824: And the Journal of a Residence of Two Years on the Mulgrave Islands; with Observations on the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants, by William Lay, of Saybrook, Conn. and Cyrus M. Hussey, of Nantucket: the only survivors from the massacre of the ship's company by the natives.
New London, Conn., Wm. Lay and C. M. Hussey, 1828.
168 pages



1828 - On the Expediency of Fitting Out Vessels of the Navy for an Exploration of the Pacific Ocean and South Seas ....

United States. Congress.
      "On the Expediency of Fitting Out Vessels of the Navy for an Exploration of the Pacific Ocean and South Seas", 25 March 1828.
(Report No. 363, from the House Committee on Naval Affairs)
American State Papers: Naval Affairs Vol. 3, pp. 189-197.
Washington, Gale's & Seaton. 1860.

See also:
Report No. 387 (16 February 1829)
Report No. 391 (23 February 1829)
Report No. 415 (17 March 1830)
Report No. 573 (29 January 1835)
Report No. 578 ( 7 February 1835)
Report No. 620 (21 March 1836)
Exploring Expedition to the Pacific Ocean and South Seas ....

United States. Congress.
      "Exploring Expedition to the Pacific Ocean and South Seas", 16 February 1829,
(Report No. 387, from the President to the Senate)
American State Papers: Naval Affairs Vol. 3, pp. 308-317.
Washington, Gale's & Seaton. 1860.

See also:
Report No. 363 (25 March 1828)
Report No. 391 (23 February 1829)
Report No. 415 (17 March 1830)
Report No. 573 (29 January 1835)
Report No. 578 ( 7 February 1835)
Report No. 620 (21 March 1836)
1829 - On the Policy and Objects of the Exploring Expedition to the Pacific Ocean and South Seas ....

United States. Congress.
      "On the Policy and Objects of the Exploring Expedition to the Pacific Ocean and South Seas", 23 February 1829,
(Report No. 391, to the Senate from the Committee on Naval Affairs)
American State Papers: Naval Affairs, Vol. 3, pp. 336-343.
Washington: Gale's & Seaton, 1860.

See also:
Report No. 363 (25 March 1828)
Report No. 387 (16 February 1829)
Report No. 415 (17 March 1830)
Report No. 573 (29 January 1835)
Report No. 578 ( 7 February 1835)
Report No. 620 (21 March 1836)
1830 - Authorization of the Naval Exploring Expedition in the South Seas and Pacific Ocean ....

United States. Congress.
      "Authorization of the Naval Exploring Expedition in the South Seas and Pacific Ocean, and of the Purchase of and Payment for Astronomical and Other Instruments for the Same", 17 March 1830,
(Report No. 415, from the House Committee on Naval Affairs)
American State Papers: Naval Affairs, Vol. 3, pp. 546-560.
Washington: Gale's & Seaton, 1860.

See also:
Report No. 363 (25 March 1828)
Report No. 387 (16 February 1829)
Report No. 391 (23 February 1829)
Report No. 573 (29 January 1835)
Report No. 578 ( 7 February 1835)
Report No. 620 (21 March 1836)
1831 - Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts

Octavius Pickering.
      Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. By Octavius Pickering, Counsellor at Law.
Vol. 12.
Boston: Hilliard, Gray, and Company, 1835.

      The two decisions (pages 107-112) were landmarks in apprentice law as related to the cooper's trade. Both were decided October term 1831 sitting at Plymouth, Massachusetts, Chief Justice Lemuel Shaw presiding.
      The first case "Richard Randall versus Francis Rotch et al. (Randall v. Rotch, 12 Pick. 107) ended the custom and practice of a master coopers sending his apprentice on a whaling voyage while pocketing the proceeds paid to the apprentice for the voyage.
      The second case "Hiram Nickerson versus John G. Easton (Nickerson v. Easton 12 Pick. 110) was related the the first, but stipulated that once the apprentice ceased to reside with the master, the contract of apprenticeship was ended and he was entitled to earnings made on a whaling voyage.
1831 - Beechey - Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Beering's strait ....

Frederick William Beechey (1796-1856).
      Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific and Beering's strait, to co-operate with the polar expeditions: performed in His Majesty's ship Blossom, under the command of Captain F.W. Beechey ... in the years 1825, 26, 27, 28 ....
London: H. Colburn and R. Bentley. 1831
2 v. front., plates, port., maps (part fold.) 22 cm.


      Selection - Vol. 2, Chapter 6, pp. 227-241: [The Bonin Islands]

      Captain Frederick Beechey, commander of H.M.S. Blossom, is generally regarded as the modern discoverer of the Bonin Islands. The Arrowsmith charts used by Beechey included a group of islands called the Bonin Isles that had been placed on these maps in 1823 based on the work of Remusat. Beechey claimed the islands for Great Britain and named the islands of the middle cluster. Beechey did not visit the southern or northern group of islands. Because the group corresponded to the Yslas del Arzobispo that had been noted in an old Spanish pubication from Manilla with the title Navigacion Especulativa y Practica, he retained this as a parallel name for the overall group of islands.

1831 - Paulding - Journal of a Cruise of the United States Schooner Dolphin, among the islands of the Pacific Ocean ....

Hiram Paulding (1797-1878).
      Journal of a Cruise of the United States Schooner Dolphin, among the islands of the Pacific Ocean; and a visit to the Mulgrave Islands, in pursuit of the mutineers of the whale ship Globe ....
New York, G. & C. & H. Carvill, 1831.
258 pages.



1834 - Hart - Miriam Coffin; or, The Whale-Fishermen: A Tale. Vol. 1.

Joseph C. Hart (1798-1855).
      Miriam Coffin; or, The Whale-Fishermen: A Tale.
2 Vols.
New York:New York: G. & C. & H. Carvill, 1834.

Complete Vol. 1.


1834 - Hart - Miriam Coffin; or, The Whale-Fishermen: A Tale. Vol. 2.

Joseph C. Hart (1798-1855).
      Miriam Coffin; or, The Whale-Fishermen: A Tale.
2 Vols.
New York: G. & C. & H. Carvill, 1834.

Complete Vol. 2.


1834 – Matthew Fontaine Maury on the navigation of Cape Horn.

Matthew Fontaine Maury.
"On the Navigation of Cape Horn."
      The American Journal of Science and Arts.
Vol. 26, No. 1 (July 1834)
pp. 54-63

Full text.

      This article, written chiefly for mariners, discusses seasons and routes for vessels sailing around Cape Horn. For those sailing East to West the optimum time is March; it is November for vessels sailing from the Pacific around Cape Horn to the Atlantic. The extreme variability of weather and sea conditions is noted.

1835 - Information Collected by the Navy Department Relating to Islands, Reefs, Shoals, Etc., in the Pacific Ocean and South Seas ....

United States. Congress.
      "Information Collected by the Navy Department Relating to Islands, Reefs, Shoals, Etc., in the Pacific Ocean and South Seas, and Showing the Expediency of an Exploring Expedition in that Ocean and those Seas by the Navy", 29 January 1835
(Report No. 573, to the House from the Navy Department)
American State Papers: Naval Affairs Vol. 4, pp. 688-700.
Washington, Gale's & Seaton. 1861.

See also:
Report No. 363 (25 March 1828)
Report No. 387 (16 February 1829)
Report No. 391 (23 February 1829)
Report No. 415 (17 March 1830)
Report No. 578 ( 7 February 1835)
Report No. 620 (21 March 1836)
1835 - On the Expediency and Importance of Authorizing a Naval Expedition to Explore the Pacific Ocean and South Seas

United States. Congress.
      "On the Expediency and Importance of Authorizing a Naval Expedition to Explore the Pacific Ocean and South Seas", 7 February 1835.
(Report No. 578, to the House from the Committee on Communication)
American State Papers: Naval Affairs Vol. 4, pp. 707-715.
Washington, Gale's & Seaton. 1861.

See also:
Report No. 363 (25 March 1828)
Report No. 387 (16 February 1829)
Report No. 391 (23 February 1829)
Report No. 415 (17 March 1830)
Report No. 573 (29 January 1835)
Report No. 620 (21 March 1836)
1835 - Beale - A few observations on the natural history of the sperm whale ....

Thomas Beale (1807-1849).
      A few observations on the natural history of the sperm whale : with an account of the rise and progress of the fishery, and of the modes of pursuing, killing, and "cutting in" that animal, with a list of its favorite places of resort.
London: Effingham Wilson, 1835.
58 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.

      Thomas Beale's short preliminary publication to his Natural history of the sperm whale
1835 - W. - A Chapter on Whaling

      "A Chapter on Whaling,"
The New-England Magazine
Vol. 8, Issue 6 (June 1835).
pp. 445-449.

1836 - On the Expediency of Authorizing an Exploring Expedition, by Vessels of the Navy, to the Pacific Ocean and South Seas

United States. Congress.
      "On the Expediency of Authorizing an Exploring Expedition, by Vessels of the Navy, to the Pacific Ocean and South Seas", 21 March 1836.
(Report No. 620, to the Senate from the Committee on Naval Affairs)
American State Papers: Naval Affairs, Vol. 4, pp. 867-873.
Washington, Gale's & Seaton. 1861.

See also:
Report No. 363 (25 March 1828)
Report No. 387 (16 February 1829)
Report No. 391 (23 February 1829)
Report No. 415 (17 March 1830)
Report No. 573 (29 January 1835)
Report No. 578 ( 7 February 1835)
1838 - Poe - Narrative Of Arthur Gordon Pym

[Edgar Allan Poe.]
      The Narrative Of Arthur Gordon Pym. Of Nantucket. Comprising the Details of a Mutiny and Atrocious Butchery on Board the American Brig Grampus, on Her Way to the South Seas, in the Month of June, 1827. with an Account of the Recapture of the Vessel by the Survivers; their Shipwreck and Subsequent Horrible Sufferings from Famine; their Deliverance by Means of the British Schooner Jane Guy; the Brief Cruise of this Latter Vessel in the Antarctic Ocean; Her Capture, and the Massacre of Her Crew Among a Group of Islands in the Eighty-Fourth Parallel of Southern Latitude; Together with the Incredible Adventures and Discoveries Still Farther South to which that Distressing Calamity Gave Rise.
New York: Harper & Brothers, 1838.


      Poe's strange and only full-length novel published in 1838. See the article in Wikipedia for more informaiton.

1839 - Beale - The natural history of the sperm whale

Thomas Beale (1807-1849).
      The natural history of the sperm whale. Its anatomy and physiology, food, spermaceti, ambergris, rise and progress of the fhshery, chase and capture, "cutting in" and "trying out", description of the ships, boats, men and instruments used in the attack; with an account of its favourite places of resort. To which is added a sketch of a South-Sea whaling voyage; embracing a description of the extent, as well as the adventures and accidents that occurred during the voyage in which the author was personally engaged.
London, John Van Voorst, 1839.
vi, [7]-12, 393 p. front., illus., 2 pl. 20 cm.

See above: Beale's A few observations on the natural history of the sperm whale
1839 - Reynolds - Mocha Dick: or the White Whale of the Pacific ....

Jeremiah N. Reynolds (1799-1849).
      "Mocha Dick: or the White Whale of the Pacific: A Leaf from a Manuscript Journal
The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine.
Vol. 13, No. 5 (May 1839)
pp. 377-392.

1840 - Bennett - Narrative of a whaling voyage round the globe, from the year 1833 to 1836 - Vol. 1

Frederick Debell Bennett (1806-1858).
      Narrative of a whaling voyage round the globe, from the year 1833 to 1836. Comprising sketches of Polynesia, California, the Indian Archipelago, etc. with an account of southern whales, the sperm whale fishery, and the natural history of the climates visited.
London: Richard Bentley, 1840.
2 v. fronts., illus., map. (fold.) 22 cm.

Vol. 1 Complete.
See below: Vol. 2 of Bennett.
1840 - Bennett - Narrative of a whaling voyage round the globe, from the year 1833 to 1836 - Vol. 2

Frederick Debell Bennett (1806-1858).
      Narrative of a whaling voyage round the globe, from the year 1833 to 1836. Comprising sketches of Polynesia, California, the Indian Archipelago, etc. with an account of southern whales, the sperm whale fishery, and the natural history of the climates visited.
London: Richard Bentley, 1840.
2 v. fronts., illus., map. (fold.) 22 cm.

Vol. 2 Complete.
See below: Vol. 1 of Bennett.
1840 - Dana - Two years before the mast ....

Richard Henry Dana, jr. (1815-1882).
      Two years before the mast; a personal narrative of life at sea.
New York: Harper & Brothers, 1840.
483 p. ; 16 cm.

See below: Dana's The Seaman's Friend.
1841 - Olmsted - Incidents of a whaling voyage ....

Francis Allyn Olmsted (1819-1844).
      Incidents of a whaling voyage: to which are added observations on the scenery manners and customs, and missionary stations of the Sandwich and Society Islands ...
New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1841.
360 p.: ill., music; 20 cm.

1841 - Dana - The Seaman's Friend

Richard Henry Dana, jr. (1815-1882).
      The Seaman's Friend; Containing a Treatise on Practical Seamanship, with Plates, a Dictionary of Sea Terms; Customs and Usages of the Merchant Service; Laws Relating to the Practical Duties of Master and Mariners.
Boston: Charles C. Little & James Brown, and Benjamin Loring & Co., [1841].
viii, 223 pages, [5] leaves of plates, illustrations, 20cm.

See above: Dana's Two years before the mast.
1844 – Wilkes – Currents and Whaling.

Charles Wilkes.
      Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. by Charles Wilkes, U.S.N. Commander of the Expedition, Member of the American Philosophical Society, etc.
  "In five volumes, with thirteen maps."
Philadelphia: Charles Wilkes, 1849.
Vol. 5, pp. 455-502 plus chart.

Chapter of Volume.

      One chapter of Wilke's monumental 5 volume narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition.

Wilkes, Charles.
      Narrative of the United States exploring expedition. During the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. Atlas of charts. Vol. I.
Philadelphia: C. Sherman, Printer, 1850.
    2 p.l.; 55 un-numbered charts (9 double-page).


      Nautical charts from the United States Exploring Expedition (1838-1842) commanded by Lieutenant Charles Wilkes. Volume 1 has images of fifty-one of the fifty-five nautical charts that correspond to those included in the actual publication from the David Rumsey Map Collection (David Rumsey Map Center, Stanford Libraries) and other sites have been brought together into a single location.

Wilkes, Charles.
      Narrative of the United States exploring expedition. During the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842.
Philadelphia, 1849.

In Process

      Transcription of the five volumes of the Narrative and the atlas is an ongoing project. Currently volumes 1, 2 and 5 are available in a preliminary (unedited) form.

      Narrative of the United States exploring expedition. During the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. Atlas of charts. Vol. II.
Philadelphia: C. Sherman, 1858.
    2 p.l.; 51 numbered charts (13 double-page).


      Nautical charts from the United States Exploring Expedition (1838-1842) commanded by Lieutenant Charles Wilkes. Volume 2 has images of fifty nautical charts that correspond to those included in the actual publication. Most of the images are from the Library of Congress and the David Rumsey Map Collection (David Rumsey Map Center, Stanford Libraries).

Story of a whale chase in which two boats are stove and a boatsteerer survives being in a whales jaw.

"Incident of a Whaler" by an eye witness.
      The Signal of Liberty (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Vol. 4, No. 45 (Whole No. 201)
Monday, March 3, 1845.
p. 177.

Full text.

      An account of a whale chase where the Captain's boat "gets fast"; the 2d Mate's boat arrives and attempts the same before it gets stove. The boat steerer of the 2d Mates boat is rescued by the Captain's boat when the whale crashes into the boat knocking the the boat steerer into jaws of the whale. The whale dives and somehow the unfortunate boat steerer is set free but much injured. He survives but the whale was lost.

1845 – A Whaling Expedition.

"A Whaling Expedition."
      The Nautical Magazine and Naval Chronicle, for 1845.
Enlarged series, No. 3 — vol. for 1845.
pp. 135-142

Full text.

      A general description of a whaling voyage on a British whale ship in the Indian Ocean. Includes an account of the destruction of a whale boat by a whale and the death of one of the boat crew.

1845 - Darwin - Journal of researches . . .

Charles Darwin (1809-1882).
      Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle round the world, under the command of Capt. Fitz Roy, R.N.
London: John Murray, 1845.
Second edition, corrected, with additions.
x, 519 p. illus. 21 cm.

Selected text – Chapter 17 – Galapagos Archipelago. pp. 372-401.
1846 - Browne - Etchings of a whaling cruise ....

J. Ross Browne (John Ross) (1817-1875).
      Etchings of a whaling cruise, with notes of a sojourn on the island of Zanzibar. To which is appended a brief history of the whale fishery.
New York: Harper, 1846.
580 p. front., illus., plates. 24 cm.

1846 - Whale-Fisheries

      The United States Democratic Review.
Vol. 19, Issue 102 (December 1846)
pp. 453-464.

1850 - Cheever - The whale and his captors ....

Henry T. Cheever, 1814-1897.
      The whale and his captors; or, The whalemen's adventures, and the whale's biography as gathered on the homeward cruise of the "Commodore Preble
New York: Harper & Brothers, 1850.
xiii, [21]-314 p. incl. plates. 17 1/2cm.

1851 - Melville - Moby-Dick, or, The whale

Herman Melville (1819-1891).
      Moby-Dick, or, The whale.
New York: Harper & Brothers, 1851
xxiii, 634 p. ; 20 cm.

1854 - Aboard a Sperm Whaler

"Aboard a Sperm Whaler"

      Harper's New Monthly Magazine.
Vol. 8, Issue 47 (April 1854)
pp. 670-674.

1856 - Perry - Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China Seas and Japan ....

Matthew Calbraith Perry, (1794-1858) & Francis L. Hawks (1798-1866).
      Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China Seas and Japan : performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the command of Commodore M.C. Perry, United States Navy, by order of the government of the United States.
Washington: A.O.P. Nicholson, Printer, 1856.
Senate Executive Document No. 79 (33d Congress, 2d Session)
3 volumes
illustrations, plates (some color) portraits, maps (17 folded) facsimiles (2 folded) diagrams ; 30 cm.

Selected text: Chapter X: [Bonin Islands], pp.197-214.

1860 – Capt. E. C. Williams booklet to accompany his South Sea whaling voyage panorama show.

Edward C. Williams.
      Life in the South Seas: History of the Whale Fisheries, Habits of the Whale, Perils of the Chase and Method of Capture: Startling Incidents, Graphic Deleniations, Thrilling Scenes in the Life of the American Whaleman, Compiled from Various Writers and the Author's Personal Experience of the scenes described.
New York: Polhemus & De Vries, 1860.

Full text.

      Booklet prepared for Williams' Panorama of a South Sea Whaling Voyage -- a theatrical show with a moving panorama which toured in New England, New York, and Philadelphia in the early 1860s. Begins with a Moby Dick 'Extracts' section. Otherwise an anthology of texts taken from the whaling literature available in 1860 — Melville, Browne, Beale, Olmstead, Hart, Macy, etc.

1861 - Life and Adventure in the South Pacific

[John D. Jones.]
      Life and Adventure in the South Pacific. by a Roving Printer.
New York: Harper & Brothers, 1861.


Arthur Young.
      Nautical Dictionary: defining the technical language relative to the building and equipment of sailing vessels and steamers, seamanship, navigation, nautical astronomy, naval gunnery, maritime law and commerce, general and particular average and maring insurance, and other terms relating to maritime affairs.
    With an appendix containing the international regulations for preventing collisions at sea, and a vocabulary of French terms..
Assisted in the Nautical Department by James Brisbane.
Second Edition.
Illustrated with plates and numerous woodcuts.
    London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green., 1863.

      A classic 19th century nautical dictionary published when sail was giving way to steam. This dictionary has over 452 pages of text richly enhanced with more than 120 plates and woodcuts.

1865 - Stavers - Journal of Thomas Reed Stavers

Thomas Reed Stavers (1798-1867).
      Journal of Thomas Reed Stavers

Complete text of manuscript copy – courtesy of Albert Bos of the Netherlands.
1871 - The Boy's Manual of Seamanship and Gunnery.

Commander C. Burney.
      The Boy's Manual of Seamanship and Gunnery: compiled for the use of The Training Ships of the Royal Navy.
Fifth Edition.
London: Trubner & Co., 1871.

Full text in one volume.

      Fifth edition of a text-book on seamanship for boys in the Royal Navy. Contains many images and tables.

1874 - Davis - TITLE

William M. Davis (1815-1891).
      Nimrod of the sea; or, The American whaleman.
New York: Harper & brothers, 1874.
403 p. illus. 20 cm.

See also: "Huntsmen of the Sea"
1874 - Scammon - The Marine Mammals of the North-Western Coast of North America ....

Charles Scammon (1825-1911).
      The Marine Mammals of the North-Western Coast of North America, Described and Illustrated: Together with an Account of the American Whale-Fishery.
San Francisco: John H. Carmany and Company, 1874.
319, v pp. Illustrated with 27 plates.

1874 - Huntsmen of the Sea

"Huntsmen of the Sea"
      Harper's New Monthly Magazine.
Vol. 49, Issue 293 (October 1874).
pp. 650-661.

See above: William M. Davis' Nimrod of the sea.
1876 - Catalogue of Nantucket Whalers

Hussey & Robinson (Firm).
      Catalogue of Nantucket Whalers: And Their Voyages from 1815 to 1870.
Hussey & Robinson, printers and publishers, 1876.
54 pages


George S. Nares.
      Seamanship: Including Names of Principal Parts of a Ship; Masts, Sails, Yards, &c.; Knots and Splices; Fittings of Standing Rigging; Rigging of Masts; Yards and Bowsprit; Fittings of Tackles; Setting Up Rigging, Tanks, Ballast, and Provisions; Rule of Road & Vessel's Lights; Sea Terms; Managing Sails; Boat Sailing; Stowage of Anchors and Cables; To Unmoor and Proceed To Sea; Mechanical Powers; Manoeuvres; To Tack Ship; Trimming Sails; Making and Shortening Sail; Ropes and Spars Carried Away; Instructions On The Management of Boats In a Surf, &c., &c. by Captain G. S. Nares, R.N.
Revised by Captain Robert Harris.
xiv [i.e. xv], 256 p. col. front., plates (part fold., part col.) plans. 22 cm.
5th ed. rev. and enl. ...
Portsmouth, Griffin & Co., 1877.

      A textbook for young men training to become officers in the Royal Navy. Very detailed instructions for all operations on board a naval vessel generally presented in question/answer format. Many illustrations are included. Some are in color.

1878 - Starbuck - History of the American whale fishery, from its earliest inception to the year 1876

Starbuck, Alexander (1841-1925).
      History of the American whale fishery, from its earliest inception to the year 1876.
Waltham, Mass.:, The author, 1878.
768 p. vi plates, 24 cm.
"First published in part IV of the report of the U.S. Commission on Fish and Fisheries, Washington, 1878, also issued privately by the author, 1878."

Complete text of narrative; tabular section pages available via hyperlink.
1890 - The Perils and Romance of Whaling - Kobbé

Gustav Kobbé.
      "The Perils and Romance of Whaling."
The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine.
Vol. 40 (n.s. Vol. 18), No. 4 (August 1890.)
pp. 509-525.


1891 - S.B. Luce - Text-Book of Seamanship.

Stephen Bleecker Luce.
      Text-Book of Seamanship. The Equipping and Handling of Vessels Under Sail or Steam.
Revised and Enlarged by Lieutenant Aaron Ward, U. S. Navy.
With Illustrations Drawn by Lieutenant S. Seabury, U. S. Navy.
New York: Van Nostrand Company, 1891.

Full text.

      The revised and enlarged edition of a popular text on seamanship at the end of the age of sail. This work includes many execellenti plates and llustrations. Frequently republished.

1903 - Cutting in a whale - Smith

Marian Shaw Smith / H.S. Hutchinson (Firm)
      Cutting in a whale; a series of twenty-five photographs taken on board Bark California
H.S. Hutchinson, New Bedford, Mass., [1903]


      The 25 photographs that appeared in the volume published by H. S. Harrison & Co. in 1903 are brought together in this page. The photographer, Marian Shaw Smith, is associated with the publication bibliographically.

A. Hyatt Verrill
      Knots, Splices and Rope Work: A Practical Treatise Giving Complete and Simple Directions for Making All the Most Useful and Ornamental Knots in Common Use, with Chapters on Splicing, Pointing, Seizing, Serving, etc. Adapted for the Use of Travellers, Campers, Yachtsmen, Boy Scouts, and All Others Having to Use or Handle Ropes for Any Purpose. By A. Hyatt Verrill
New York: The Norman W. Henley Publishing Co., 1912.
    "Illustrated with 150 Original Cuts Showing How Each Knot, Tie or Splice is Formed and its Appearance When Complete."

"Alpheus Hyatt Verrill, known as Hyatt Verrill, (23 July 1871 – 14 November 1954) was an American zoologist, explorer, inventor, illustrator and author. He was the son of Addison Emery Verrill, the first professor of zoology at Yale University.

He authored numerous works on natural history and science fiction." — Wikipedia.

Whale Fishery of New England &mdash: 1915
State Street Trust Company, Boston.
      Whale fishery of New England: An account, with illustrations and some interesting and amusing anecdotes, of the rise and fall of an industry which has made New England famous throughout the world.
Boston, P. Walton, 1915.

Full text.

      A very readable short history of American whaling.

1915 - Cholmondeley - The history of the Bonin Islands from the year 1827 to the year 1876 ....

Lionel Berners Cholmondeley, 1858-1945.
      The history of the Bonin Islands from the year 1827 to the year 1876, and of Nathaniel Savory, one of the original settlers; to which is added a short supplement dealing with the islands after their occupation by the Japanese.
London: Constable & Co., Ltd., 1915.
viii p., 2 l., 178 p., 1 l. front., plates. 23 cm.
Notes: Maps on lining-paper.

1916 - Verrill - The Real Story of the Whaler: Whaling, Past and Present

A. Hyatt Verrill (1871-1954).
      The Real Story of the Whaler: Whaling, Past and Present.
New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1916.
xv, 248 p. front., illus. plates. 21 cm.

1925 Dow Whaleships and Whaling Plus

George Francis Dow.
      Whale Ships and Whaling: A Pictorial History of Whaling During Three Centuries.
  With an account of the whale fishery in colonial New England.
Introduction by Frank Wood, Curator of the Bourne Whaling Museum, New Bedford, Mass.
Salem, Massachusetts, Marine Research Society, 1925.
Complete with enhanced images.

      This transcription of Dow's 1925 classic collection of images of whaling ships and the whale fisheries has been amended in many cases with many images of the originals used by author. While most of these have come from the MIT Museum's Allan Forbes Collection, others have been taken from other current sources found on the internet.

1925 - Townsend - The Galapagos tortoises in their relation to the whaling industry

Charles Haskins Townsend (1859-1944).
      The Galapagos tortoises in their relation to the whaling industry.
New York: New York Zoological Society, 1926.
(New York Aquarium Nature Series.)
Reprinted from Zoologica v.4, no.3, 1925.

1958 - Gardner - Captain Edmund Gardner, of Nantucket and New Bedford: his journal and his family.

Edmund Gardner (1784-1875).
      Captain Edmund Gardner, of Nantucket and New Bedford: his journal and his family.
New Bedford, Mass.: Bullard, 1958.
109 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Edited and compiled by John M. Bullard (1890-1965).

      Complete text – transcribed and made available here with the permission of the Bullard family, New Bedford.
2019 - Joshua Orszag - Whales and War

Joshua Orszag.
      Whales and War: How the Confederates destroyed the northern whaling industry and why the union let it happen.

Complete text (by permission)

      Joshua Orszag's paper about the Civil War and the American whaling industry was a prize-winner in the High School Division of the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History Civil War Essay Contest in 2019.

Mr. Orszag has given his permission to have it included in the Plough Boy Anthology: 19th Century American Whaling collection.

Last updated by Tom Tyler, Denver, CO, USA, February 03, 2025.

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