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Ship vignette


VOYAGES FROM 1815 TO 1870.




      In publishing our list of the old whalers and their voyages, it may be well, by way of introduction, to say something of the nature and history of a business, which, so far as Nantucket is concerned, has become entirely extinct, though still pursued to some extent from New Bedford, and, in a small way, from a few other ports.

      As far as the American whale-fishery has a history at all, the island of Nantucket must be regarded as, until quite recently, its headquarters, and the people of the island as its pioneers. For if they were not the first of the New England colonists to launch in pursuit of the whale, they were, at least, the only people who, as a community, made whaling a regular branch of industry, carrying a hundred other industries in its train, and extended their operations from small beginnings in boats from the beach, until the keels of their larger ships ploughed the waters of the most distant seas, and their skilled whalemen were called upon to command and officer hundreds of other large ships, sailing from both domestic and foreign ports. Since Nantucket has declined from the dignity of a great maritime port to be but a village in point of wealth and population, known chiefly as a pleasant place of summer resort, we can, by reading over this record of the past, recall the fame and exploits of a hardy generation of mariners, most of whom have passed on, though a few still remain to read it with the keenest interest. Younger readers can form but little idea of the adventurous lives led by their ancestors in the pursuit of a calling involving such perils and hardships, of which even other classes of mariners know little or nothing. For it may be truly said of the whaleman alone, that "he goes down to the sea in ships," while others skim over it from port to port. His home is for years together in midocean, and in a literai sense he "does business on the great waters."

      It is probable that the first white settlers of Nantucket began to hunt right whales in the immediate vicinity of the island at a much earlier period than 1690, the date usually assigned. There is sufficient evidence on record to show that the first whales must have been taken earlier than this time, although not sufficient to fix the exact date.


Down to the year 1760 whales were taken in considerable numbers from the shore. At that time there was a large fleet of sea-going craft employed in the business, for it was quite early in the century that the islanders began to fit out sloops and schooners for short voyages.

      At the breaking out of the Revolution in 1775 the Nantucket fleet amounted to one hundred and forty vessels, some of which were brigs of considerable size, cruising in both the North and South Atlantic Oceans; some of them extending their voyages to the coasts of Africa and Brazil. The war of course put an end to this industry while it continued, and nearly all the vessels were lost by capture. After the peace of 1783 business was again revived, larger vessels being employed and longer voyages undertaken; very high latitudes in the Atlantic were explored, and a few years later, in 1791, the ships of Nantucket first pursued whales in the Pacific, doubling the dreaded headland of Cape Horn. The pioneer ships in the Pacific were very successful, and many others soon followed.

      At the declaration of war with England, in 1812, most of our ships were at sea. A large portion of these fell into the hands of the enemy, whose cruisers were ready to waylay them. Several of them thus taken were almost in sight of home, with rich cargoes, and great losses were thus sustained; while those ships which arrived here in safety were laid up at the wharves, to await the advent of peace. With their chief industry thus paralyzed, the people suffered the greatest distress; but as soon as peace was proclaimed, they set to work again with all their old energy, as will be seen by the list of ships fitted out in the season of 1815, at which time our list begins. From that time, the fleet increased, both in the number and size of the ships, and for the next thirty years, whaling was prosecuted with vigor and with a fair degree of success. It will be seen by our records that so lately as 1841, nine new ships were built and added to the fleet, which then numbered nearly a hundred sail.

      But meanwhile other whaling ports were growing in importance: the city of New Bedford had already outstripped us in the number of its whalers, and New London and Sag Harbor were becoming formidable rivals. The ships from these latter ports, however, mostly visited the right whaling grounds, while those from Nantucket clung to their old faith, still hunting the sperm whales in the lower latitudes of the Pacific. The latter species were becoming scarce, and the voyages, now protracted to four years, were quite often unsuccessful. Indeed, this branch of the business was already being overdone, when the great fall in the price of oil proved a serious blow to those whose ships arrived home in 1842 and 1843. Though this fall in price was only temporary, it was from this date that the whale-fishery of Nantucket


began to decline, and other causes operating in succession, it went steadily downward until it became extinct. A great fire, in 1846, destroyed an immense amount of property, and the gold fever of 1849 called away many of our best men, in the prime of life, and diverted the enterprise of our people into new channels. Meanwhile, newly discovered whaling grounds in the North Pacific were yielding rich returns in the form of right whale oil and whalebone, and the ports of New Bedford aud New London were rapidly growing in importance and wealth. A part of our fleet still continued to be employed, though many ships had been sent to California, never to return, and a few of our merchants still continued to fit vessels, but mostly for sperm oil. Those ships were fitted at large expense; the voyages were very long, and, in a majority of instances, disastrous. Gradually even the most sanguine became discouraged, and it is curious to look over our record and observe how the list shortens to a few vessels, like a rear-guard, obstinately trying their luck again and yet again, only to be disappointed, and finally tapered down to the last forlorn bark, which sailed in 1870. It is hardly to be expected that such a list as this would be absolutely withont a single error; but we have taken some pains to collect information, and have reason to believe that it is very nearly correct. A list of the really old whalers of the days before the war of the Revolution would be intensely interesting, but we regret to say that no complete or connected list can be given to reach farther back than 1815, though many disjointed facts and items might be collected and published.

      We are under acknowledgments to William H. Macy, Esq., Capt. Edward G. Austin, Messrs. Alexander Starbuck, Josiah C. Gardner and others for books and information, which have tended to increase the correctness and interest of the work which we now present.

HUSSEY & ROBINSON.           

            NANTUCKET, Mass., March, 1876.

C A T A L O G U E.

[Transcriber's Note: In this transcription the catalogue is presented in tabular form. Notes apply to the preceding vessel. Oil is in barrels. The letters b,e,h,& w following the amount in the "Other Oil" column indicates the type of oil (b=blackfish, e=elephant oil, h=humpback, & w=whale oil).]

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
BostonReuben ClasbyPacific OceanMay 16, 1815Aug 25, 1816974
LydiaJoseph McCleavePatagoniaMay 16, 1815Mar 10, 18161012w
CharlesBenjamin Worth Paciffc OceanJun 4, 1815Nov 4, 18171872
RubyAlbert ClarkBrazil BanksJun 4, 1815Oct 4, 18161512w
PresidentJonathan Swain 2dPacific OceanJun 25, 1815Jul 1, 18171778111w
LimaChristopher Wyerdo.Jun 25, 1815Dec 24, 18171824
Golden FarmerGeorge Swain 2ddo.Jun 29, 1815Dec 29, 18161115 420w
BrothersBenjamin Whippey 29, 1815Mar 19, 18171552
AtlasWilliam Eastondo.. Jun 29, 1815Jun 6, 18171372
MarthaReuben Weeksdo.Jul 2, 1815Oct 20, 18171654
LeoWilliam JoyBrazil BanksJul 2, 1815Oct 24, 1816381310w
IndustryGeorge Russell Jr.Brazil BanksJul 2, 1815Oct 6, 1816734w
EssexDaniel RussellPacific OceanJul 13, 1815Nov 19, 18161431
MinervaGeorge B. Chasedo.Jul 17, 1815Sep 8, 18171460
SamuelAriel Coffindo.Jul 17, 1815May 9, 18171646
CriterionShubael Browndo.Jul 20, 1815Apr 10, 18171410
DauphinSeth Pinkhamdo.Jul 28, 1815Jan 17, 1817102060w
John AdamsElisha Folger 31, 1815Nov 7, 18171473346w
Lady AdamsPeter Paddackdo.Aug 14, 1815May 11 , 18171168
GangesIsaiah Raydo.Aug 17, 1815Oct 17, 18171785
TarquinJames BunkerBrazil BanksAug 19, 1815Jun 5, 1817801390w
John JayDavid Swain 2dPacific OceanSep 6, 1815Juue 7, 18171410
ThomasJohn Macydo.Oct 9, 1815May 11, 18171009
Heard the country was at war and put away for home.
GlobeGeorge W. Gardnerdo.Oct 24th 1815Jan 1, 18181890125w
New. First voyage of over 2,000 barrels.
WeymouthDavid Harrisdo.Nov 22, 1815Apr 17, 18181980
Brig BelvidereReuben BaxterPatagoniaMay 18, 1815March 1, 1816840e
Brig Three SonsObed JoyPatagoniaMay 24, 1815
Lost on coast of Patagonia, outward bound.
Brig AlertSeth Folger 2dCape of Good HopeNov 16, 1815Dec 24, 1816130470w
Capt. Folger died on the voyage.
Brig William PennMatthew Nortondo.Dec 30, 1815Jan 11, 1817185485w
Brig Gen. JacksonStephen Skinnerdo.Dec 30, 1815Dec 28, 1816170570w
Brig EdwardCharles ColemanDec 30, 1815Jan, 1817173

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
GeorgeJohn FitchPacific OceanFeb 25, 1816Jul 24, 181821065w
South AmericaGeorge ClarkBrazil BanksJun 19, 1816May 26, 18181955w
FrancisBarzillai CoffinPacific OceanJul 15, 1816Sep 1, 18181805
LydiaShubael HusseyBrazil BanksJul 27, 1816Jul 21, 1817700w
VultureJesse CoffinPacific OceanAug 19,1816Jun 3, 18191532172w
FranklinGrafton Gardnerdo.Oct 6, 1816Nov 22, 1818183121w
HeroJames Russelldo.Oct 18, 1816Feb 27, 1819202533w
HycsoWilliam B. Coffindo.Nov 7, 1816Sep 8, 1818154555w
MaroJoseph Allendo.Nov 10, 1816Jul 9, 18192363
BostonReuben Clasbydo.Nov 10, 1816May 12, 1818989
RubyAlbert ClarkBrazil BanksNov 21, 1816Apr 17, 1818821236w
North AmericaAbsalom CoffinPacific OceanNov 30, 1816Nov 8, 1818234942w
Brig IndusObed JoyPatagoniaMay 19, 1816Jul 1, 18171132w
Brig BelvidereReuben Baxterdo.May 7, 1816Jun 5, 1817777w
Brig BoniffJohn H. PeaseMay 21, 1816Jun 7, 1817450w
Brig William & NancyCoffin WhippeyOct 9, 1816Oct 9, 1817150
Brig DispatchWilliam BrownAug 15, 1816Nov 19, 181770420w

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
DauphinSeth PinkhamPacific OceanMay 31, 1817Nov 16, 18191041148w
IndustryJethro CoffinBrazil BanksMay 31, 1817Jul 25, 1818896w
Golden FarmerMatthew Nortondo.Jun 1, 1817Apr 26, 18181418w
EssexDaniel RussellPacific OceanJun 11, 1817Apr 4, 18191284154w
LeoWilliam JoyBrazil BanksJun 11, 1817Sep 8, 1818804w
WilliamThomas PaddackBrazil BanksJul 3, 1817Sep 14, 181821695w
Gov. StrongObed FitchPacific OceanJul 12, 1817Oct 30, 18197331075w
IndependenceGeorge Swain 2ddo.Jul 26, 1817Nov 12, 18191388568w
New. The captain said no other ship would ever again fill with sperm oil.
SamuelAriel CoffinBrazil BanksAug 4, 1817Jul 22, 1818651595w
BrothersAlexander D. BunkerPacific OceanAug 8, 1817Nov 5, 18191506110w
TarquinGeorge BarrettBrazil BanksAug 10, 1817Apr 5, 18191931w
ThomasJohn BrownPacific OceanAug 13, 1817Jan 12, 18201000500w
CriterionShubael Browndo.Aug 18, 1817Dec 10, 18191315
LydiaElias CeelyBrazil Banks. Sep 5, 1817Aug 15, 1818665w
Broken up on arrival home.
ImprovementObadiah CoffinPacific OceanSep 7, 1817Dec 8, 1819152750w
Gen. LincolnShubael ChaseBrazil BanksSep 20,1817Aug 12, 18181206w
FactorWilliam FitzgeraldPaciflc OceanOct 8, 1817Jul 8, 18194201183w
Lady AdamsShubael Husseydo.Oct 25, 1817Oct 2, 1819124623w
PresidentJonathan Swain 2ddo.Nov 19, 1817May 7, 18201577374w
AtlasRobert M. Joydo.Nov 19, 1817Nov 11, 18191222317w
Brig William PennPeter CoffinSouth Atlantic OceanMar 6, 1817Mar 11, 1818170324w
Brig CharlesObed LuceCape VerdsMar 13, 1817
Condemned at Bonavista.
Brig Gen. JacksonStephen SkinnerPacific OceanApr 5, 1817Jan 27, 181931897w
Brig AlertDavid Cottledo.Apr 19, 1817Nov 9, 1818329333w
Brig EdwardWilliam PaddackIceland May 14, 1817Jan 1, 181830
Brig DianaCalvin Bunkerdo.May 14, 1817Sep 25, 1817100w
Brig IndusObed JoyBrazil BanksAug 15, 1817Sep 17, 18181132w
Made a ship in 1818.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
CharlesAbraham SwainPacific OceanJan 15, 1818Aug 13, 18201782
John AdamsPeter Paddackdo.Jan 15, 1818Dec 5, 1820788862w
John JayWilliam H. Coffindo.Feb 6, 1818
Got on shore at Bonavista, and returned May 6th, 1818, leaky.
MinervaSylvanus Coffindo.Feb 6, 1818Jul 25, 1819704w
Broken up on arrival home.
GlobeGeorge W. Gardnerdo.Mar 3, 1818May 29, 18202090
GangesIsaiah Raydo.Jun 22, 1818Jun 2, 18211616
MarthaReuben Weeksdo.Jun 28, 1818Jul 29, 18211620
StatesDavid Swain 2ddo.Jul 8, 1818Jun 27, 18201698
LimaAlbert ClarkPacific OceanJul 13, 1818Sep 10, 18201762177w
Golden FarmerPeter CoffinBrazil BanksJul 19, 1818Jun 20, 1819401389w
WeymouthWilliam ChadwickPacific OceanJul 26, 1818Dec 27, 18201597433w
BostonFrederick BarnardBrazil BanksAug 12, 1818Nov 25, 1819812w
RubyObed Raydo.Aug 22, 1818Feb 24, 18201300w
PeruDavid HarrisPacific OceanAug 29, 1818Dec 5, 18201146463w
PacificBenjamin Whippeydo.Aug 29, 1818Oct 8, 18201764543w
John JayJohn Bunkerdo.Aug 29, 1818May 16, 1821369100w
SamuelHezekiah PinkhamBrazil BanksSep 15,1818May l, 18201700w
Gen. LincolnShubael Chasedo.Sep 21, 1818
Ship was dismasted in a gale of wind, and abandoned at sea on the 27th of September.
PeruvianChristopher WyerPacific OceanSep 25,1818Nov 3, 1821196660w
PlanterGeorge B. Chasedo. Sep 25, 1818Sep 15, 18201890394w
South AmericaJoseph Earledo.Sep 25, 1818Oct 20, 18203781836w
IndustryAmaziah GardnerBrazil BanksOct 6, 1818Aug 21, 181966574w
EagleWilliam H. CoffinPacific OceanOct 17 , 1818Jun 12, 18212142
WilliamObed LuceBrazil BanksOct 30, 1818Feb 28, 1820113540w
EquatorElisha FolgerPacific OceanOct 31, 1818Dec 1, 1820709611w
GeorgeJohn Fitchdo.Nov 10, 1818May 19, 1821213525w
FrancisTimothy Fitzgeralddo.Nov 10, 1818Nov 28, 1821784611w
RamblerBenjamin Worthdo.Nov 21, 1818Oct 31, 18212040
Two BrothersGeorge B. Worth do.Nov 21, 1818Aug 5, 18211231158w
HycsoAmmiel Coffindo.Dec 13, 1818Jun 11, 18211560
LeoWilliam JoyBrazil BanksDec 13, 1818Jul 15, 1820600w
Brig BetseyWilliam BrownJan 18, 1818Sep 16, 18187012w
Brig EdwardLatham PaddackAtlantic OceanApr 26, 1818Jun 3, 1819420w
Brig DianaCalvin Bunkerdo.May 2, 1818Oct 6, 181840w
Brig William & NancyCoffin Whippeydo. May 4, 1818Sep 25, 1818clean.
Brig William PennBenjamin FolgerCape of Good HopeMay 29, 1818Feb 12, 181938639w
Brig EagleJoseph McCleavePatagoniaJun 4, 1818May 18, 1819806 w
Brig DispatchWilliam BrownAtlantic OceanJul 8, 1818Aug 20, 1819371 w
Brig DianaCalvin Bunkerdo.Oct 31, 1818May 27, 181972198w

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
ParagonWilliam PerkinsPacific OceanJan 7, 1819Dec 26, 18216901000w
IndusObed Joydo.Jan 25, 1819Oct 29, 1821735565w
FranklinElihu Coffindo.Jan 25, 1819Nov. 23, 1821125415w
ArkReuben Clasbydo.Feb 12, 1819Mar 27, 1822600
Broken up on arrival home.
SallyThomas PaddackBrazil BanksMar 22, 1819Aug 26, 182022487w
Thomas 2dLaban Cottledo.May 9, 1819Mar 2, 18211005w
Bark GideonJohn R. Caswelldo.May 21, 1819Jul 25, 182050920w
RoxanaFrancis Coffin 2ddo.Jun 5, 1819Feb 10, 1821191195w
George PorterDavid Cottledo.Jun 17, 1819Mar 28, 182176684w
John Adams 2dDavid Eastondo.Jun 23, 1819Feb 1, 1821511260w
AtlanticBarzillai CoffinPacific OceanJul 4, 1819Jan 18, 18221530120w
Sea LionBenjamin FolgerCape of Good HopeJul 8, 1819Mar 26, 18211087w
Eagle 2dTristram C. SwainCape of Good HopeJul 8, 1819
and was condemned at St. Domingo, after obtaining some oil.
HeroJames RussellPacific OceanJul 17, 1819Aug 5, 1821107063w
Was taken at the Island of St. Mary's by a pirate named Beneveder, and carried to Aranco, where Captain Russell and a boy were shot. Obed Starbuck, the mate, and some of the crew managed to get on board the ship, and brought her home.
TarquinMicajah GardnerBrazil BanksJun 20, 1819Apr 4, 1821500w
LeanderAriel CoffinPacific OceanJul 20, 1819Oct, 18221370200w
FosterShubael Chasedo.Jul 22, 1819Apr 12, 18221624
IndependenceGeorge BarrettNew Zealand Jul 23, 1819Jun 16, 1822215018w
Capt. Barrett died on the voyage.
ChiliAbsalom CoffinPacific OceanAug 12, 1819560370w
EssexGeorge Pollard 12, 1819
This ship was stove by a whale in November, 1820, and the captain, mate (Owen Chase), and three men were saved in the boats.
VultureJesse Coffindo.Sep 14,1819 Dec -, 18221354122w
BarclayPeter Coffindo.Oct 15, 1819Nov 22, 18211600
MaroJoseph Allendo.Oct 26, 1819Mar 10, 18222425
ReaperJedediah Fitchdo.Nov 30, 18191250300w
New. Capt. Fitch died on the voyage.
IndustryAmaziah GardnerBrazil BanksDec 20, 1819
And condemned at St. Domingo as unseaworthy. Had 339 barrels oil on board.
AuroraDaniel RussellPacific OceanDec 26, 1819Dec -, 18221630130w
WashingtonReuben Swain 2ddo.Dec 26, 1819Feb 11, 18221920
Brig Prince GeorgeGeorge Lucedo.Jan 7, 1819May 8, 1822800w
Brig was an English prize.
Brig Gen. JacksonHenry CottleSouth AtlanticMay 14, 1819May 15, 1820,25534w
Brig DianaCalvin BunkerBrazil BanksJul 17th.1819
Sch. JunoGulf of Mexico1819Jun 15, 182090

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
BostonFrederick BarnardPacific OceanJan 20, 1820Mar 17, 18221100
Golden FarmerAlfred Alleydo.Feb 5, 1820Jan 12, 18222501090w
Gov. StrongMoses Smithdo.Feb 21, 1820Nov 18, 1822917350w
Sold out.
Lady AdamsShubael Husseydo.Feb 28, 1820Oct 17, 1821113680w
CriterionSeth Coffin 14, 1820Apr 13, 18231401
North AmericaObed Wyerdo.May 17, 1820Jul 8, 1823660
Capt. Wyer died on the voyage.
HesperReuben Joy 5, 1820Sep 12, 1822900
BrothersDavid Braytondo.Jun 14, 1820Jun 5, 18231402
ImprovementObadiah Coffindo.Jun 20, 1820Apr 2, 1823805467w
AtlasRobert M. Joydo.Jul 16, 1820Apr 4, 18231601
Sold out after this voyage.
IndependenceJonathan Swain 2ddo.Jul 20, 1820Apr 8, 18232023
ColumbusDaniel Folgerdo.Jul 23, 1820Apr 1, 18231903
New. Sold out. Returned, and sold to New London in 1843.
ThomasJohn Browndo.Aug 4, 1820Sep -, 18221515
GlobeGeorge W. Gardnerdo.Aug 9, 1820May 3, 18222023
PresidentShubael Cottledo.Aug 9, 1820Nov 17, 18221355401w
FactorJohn Maxcydo.Aug 9, 1820Aug 16, 18231707
SpermoJames Bunkerdo.Aug 27, 1820Mar 24, 18231920
New. Sold out.
StatesIsaac Chasedo.Sep 4, 1820Apr 8, 18231100
DauphinZimri Coffindo.Sep 4, 1820Jul -, 18231272
FalconShubael Browndo.Oct 8, 1820Nov 8, 1822160050w
New. Capt. Brown was accidentally killed on the voyage.
Gen. JacksonJohn Fisherdo.Oct 11, 1820Jul 6, 1823860
LeoHenry Cottledo.Oct 20, 1820Jun 7, 18231108
Broken up at Nantucket on arrival home.
SamuelRobert Inottdo.Oct 25, 1820
Condemned at Rio, on her passage home in 1822, and her oil (1800 barrels sperm) shipped home.
SallySamuel Barrettdo.Nov 22, 1820Jul 9, 1823970
Broken up at Nantucket on arrival home.
OntarioAlexander D. Bunkerdo.Nov 29, 1820Nov 14, 18231948123w
LimaNathaniel Gorhamdo.Dec 6, 1820Jul 6, 18231226
PacificFranklin Chasedo.Dec 16, 1820Aug -, 18231637
PlanterJob Coffindo.Dec 20, 1820Nov 17, 18231465201w
CharlesAbraham Swaindo.Dec 20, 1820
Lost at Valparaiso, 1822 or '23, 775 barrels sperm on board.
RubyObed Raydo.Dec 20, 1820
Condemned at Oahu about 1822, 600 barrels sperm on board.
GalenSeth Pinkhamdo.Dec 32, 1820Sep 6, 1823221070w
New. Sold out.
Brig AlertPeleg BrockAtlantic Ocean1820Mar 24, 1822100255w
Brig DianaCalvin BunkerSouthern Ocean1820
for seal skins.
Schooner HuntressBurdickSouthern Ocean1820
for seal skins.
Brig William & NancyTristram FolgerWestern Islands.1820

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
EquatorJoseph BarneyPacific OceanFeb 28, 1821Jul 6, 18231443
PeruPeter Veederdo.Mar 4, 1821Apr 26, 18241525
ThomasLaban Cottledo.Jun 13, 1821Feb 12, 1824716529w
John AdamsGeorge Bunker 2ddo.Jun 23, 1821Aug 22, 18231109
The captain died; the mate and a boat's crew were lost.
WeymouthMoses Harrisdo.Jun 23, 1821Mar 25, 18241970
LionAlbert Clarkdo.Jun 24, 1821
New. Lost on the rocks going into Fanning's Island.
ConstitutionDavid Swain 2ddo.Jun 24, 1821Jul -, 18232013
RoxanaAlexander Raydo.Jul 25, 1821Jun 4, 1824117534w
Sold out.
PloughboyWilliam Chadwickdo.Jul 31, 1821May 11, 18242497
SpartanGeorge Swain 2ddo.Aug 18, 1821Nov 5, 18232090
GangesJoshua Coffindo.Aug 15, 1821Mar 31, 18241823
AlexanderGeorge Brown Chasedo.Aug 18, 1821May 2, 18242836
Greatest quantity up to this time.
HycsoAmmiel Coffindo.Aug 11, 1821May 6, 18241528
LoperWilliam H. Coffindo.Aug 20, 1821Aug 15, 18241671
GideonObed Clarkdo.Aug 21,1821444214w
Condemned at St. Bartholomew.
Sea LionAlexander Russelldo.Aug 29, 1821Apr 30, 18241567
PhenixDavid Harrisdo.Sep 10, 182118241935
GeorgeJohn Fitchdo.Oct 3, 1821Dec 10, 18241414287w
CyrusElisha Folger 8, 1821Mar 11, 18252111
EagleGeorge Kelleydo.Nov 13, 1821Aug 4, 18241566
Two BrothersGeorge Pollard
Lost on a coral reef, lat 24 N., lon. 168 W. Crew saved by the Martha, Capt. Pease.
George PorterPrince B. Mooersdo.182118241531
Sold to New Bedford.
MarthaJohn H. Peasedo.Dec 3, 1821Apr 27, 18251583
John AdamsAmmiel Joydo.Dec 12, 1821Feb 28, 18251176
OenoGeorge B. Worthdo.Dec 19, 1821Jul 24, 1824188360w

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
HeroObed StarbuckPacific OceanJan 4, 1822Feb 9, 18242173
RamblerWilliam Worth 2ddo.Jan 9, 1822Mar 22, 18241886
PeruvianEdward Clarkdo.Jan 9, 1822Apr 2, 18242161
TarquinDaniel Bunkerdo.Jan 9, 1822
Abandoned at sea near Barbadoes.
John JayAlexander Drewdo.Jan 4, 182218241250
BarclayPeter Coffindo.Jan 16, 1822Dec -, 18231810
Lady AdamsCharles Tobeydo.Mar 11, 1822
A missing ship - supposed to be burnt - all lost.
South AmericaStephen WestBrazil BanksMay 13, 1822Jul 5, 18231201734w
Golden FarmerAlfred AlleyPacific OceanJun 3, 182218241563
ParagonHenry Bunkerdo.Jun 11, 1822Jun 18, 18251858
FranklinElihu Coffindo.Jun 11, 182218241969
IndusObed FitchBrazil BanksJun 23, 1822May 4, 18231050 w
AtlanticSylvanus RussellPacific OceanJun 23, 1822Mar 19, 18251990
WashingtonReuben Swain 2ddo.Jun 23, 1822Feb 26, 18252054
FosterShubael Chasedo.Jun 24, 1822Dec 27, 18242167
KingstonAlexander Perrydo.Jul 14, 1822Dec 8, 18241807
JapanShubael Husseydo.Jul 18, 1822Oct 20, 18251915127w
LydiaJoseph Allendo.Aug 22, 1822Jul 3, 18252318
New. Sent home 70 sperm.
MaroRichard Macydo.Aug 2, 1822Apr 17, 18252350
OceanTimothy Fitzgeralddo.Aug 17, 1822Apr 27, 18251993
FrancisJosiah B. Whippeydo.Aug 17, 1822Aug 9, 18251134
Sold out this year.
EnterpriseReuben Weeksdo.Sep 3, 1822Jan 27, 1826242595w
IndependenceWilliam Plaskettdo.Sep 3, 1822Jul 24, 18251954
MariaGeorge W. Gardnerdo.Nov 17, 1822Apr 27, 18252343
BostonGeorge Joydo.Dec 18, 18221144
Sold to New York in 1824 or '25.
ThomasBenjamin F. Coffindo.Dec 18, 1822
Condemned at Oahu in 1825.
GlobeThomas Worthdo.Dec 20, 1822Nov 14, 1824372
Four of the crew of this ship, headed by Samuel Comstock, (a boatsteerer, ) mutinied on the night of January 25th, 1823, and murdered Capt. Worth, Mr. Beetle, Mr. Lumbert and Mr. Fisher, and carried the ship to one of the Mulgrave Islands with the intention of destroying her; and alter taking out most of the provisions, sails, &c., they quarrelled and shot Samuel Comstock, having previously hanged one of the mutineers. Samuel Comstock's brother George, a boy 17 years old, assisted by Gilbert Smith, (one of the hoatsteerers, ) and five of the crew, escaped with the ship, and arrived safe at Valparaiso. Commodore Hull, in command of the U. S. ships in the Pacific, sent the schooner Dolphin, Lieut. Percival, to the Mulgrave Islands after the survivors, viz.: Silas Payne and John Oliver, mutineers, Thomas Liliston, Cyrus M. Hussey, Roland Coffin, Columbus Worth, William Lay, Roland Jones, and a native of the Sandwich Islands. Lieut. Percival found Cyrus M. Hussey and William Lay, the only survivors, the others having been killed by the natives. Hussey and Lay arrived safe home and published a narrative of the mutiny. The ship was eventually broken up at Montevideo, April, 1830.
Brig DoveWilliam CollinsBay of Mexico18221823190
Brig AlertCharles RayPacific OceanJun 23, 1822Dec 23, 1824444214w

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
FalconBenjamin C. ChasePacific OceanFeb 21, 1823
Lost on the Island of Ohiteroa. Crew saved.
HesperWilliam Chasedo. Feb 21, 1823Apr 11, 18251087
Sold to New Bedford.
ChiliFrederick Barnarddo.Apr 15, 1823May 17, 18261720
Sold to New Bedford.
SwiftFrederick Arthurdo.Jun 5, 1823Oct 28, 18253020
IndusSamuel JoyBrazil BanksJun 23, 1823May 21, 18241500w
Broken up in 1824.
IndependenceWilliam WhippeyPacific OceanAug 5, 1823Aug 7, 18261875
ImprovementReuben KelleyBrazil BanksAug 8, 1823Mar 17, 18251100w
Lost on Eel Point.
RoseShubael CottlePacific OceanAug 12, 1823Nov 9, 18252160116w
South AmericaEdmund GardnerBrazil BanksAug 21, 1823May 14, 1824541427w
BrothersJames Buttondo.Aug 24, 1823
Condemned at Rio de Janeiro.
ReaperAlexander RamsdellPacific OceanOct -, 1823Mar 10, 18261854
EquatorJoseph Barneydo.Oct 2, 1823Feb 5, 18261424
Sold at New Bedford.
AuroraSeth Coffin 2, 1823Dec 22, 18261556
PacificAlbert Clarkdo.Nov 25, 1823Jul 23, 18261766456w
DauphinObed Swaindo.Dec 6, 1823Jan 28, 18261560
FactorJohn Maxcydo.Dec 20, 1823
After obtaining a full cargo of sperm oil, the ship sprung a leak off Cape Horn, and 800 barrels of oil were thrown overboard. She put into Rio and was condemned. The balance of her oil was shipped home in brig Ferox.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
BarclayPeter CoffinBrazil BanksJun 14, 1824Apr 29, 18251601600w
Thomas 2dFrederick Swaindo. Jun 25, 1824Aug 8, 18251000w
Sold out.
CriterionAlvan EwerPacific OceanJul 4, 1824Aug 8, 18261420
The captain was killed while cutting in the last whale.
LimaAbraham Swaindo.Jul 11, 1824Apr 26, 18271777
Sea LionAlexander RussellBrazil BanksAug 8, 1824Aug 12, 18251084w
Sold out in Buenos Ayres.
North AmericaFranklin ChasePacific OceanSep 3, 1824Nov, 18272080230w
Captain Chase died on the passage out, and John Ramsdell, the mate, performed the voyage. Ship sold about 1828.
OntarioAlexander D. Bunkerdo.Sep 1, 1824Mar 12, 18272250
PloughboyWilliam Chadwickdo.Sep 17, 1824Mar 3, 18272615
PeruSamuel Joydo.Sep 17, 1824Dec 11, 1827133284w
John AdamsDaniel Folgerdo.Jun 30, 1824May 25, 18271617
ConstitutionIsaac Chasedo.Jul 24, 1824May 15, 18262015
AlexanderSamuel Bunkerdo.Jul 24, 1824Jun 17, 18272844
OenoSamuel Riddelldo.Nov 4, 1824
Lost on the Feejee Islands, and the crew, with the exception of William S. Cary, were killed by the natives. He remained on the islands several years, and then escaped and came home.
HycsoReuben Coffindo.Nov 15, 1824
Lost on Huaheine Island.
SpartanPrince B. Mooersdo.Nov 22, 1824Jan 14, 18272116
PlanterClement NortonBrazil BanksNov 22, 182418251400 w
South AmericaJob Coffindo.Nov 22, 1824
Sold her oil in Pernambuco, and took freight for New York. Arrived safe, and was lost in Long Island Sound, on her way to Nantucket.
HeroNathaniel FitzgeraldPacific OceanNov 22, 1824Apr 16, 18272222
LoperObed Starbuckdo.Dec 7, 1824Oct 19, 18262006

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
FosterEdy CoffinPacific OceanJun 7, 1825Oct 16, 1827229129w
KingstonAlexander Perrydo.Jun 7, 1825Mar 11, 18282117
PeruvianAlexander Macydo.Jun 8, 1825Dec 14, 18272285
Lost the mate, Paul Bunker.
GeorgeCharles Lawrencedo.Jun 10, 1825Dec 13, 1827156269w
GlobeReuben Swain 2ddo.Jun 13, 1825May -, 18282105
GangesJoshua Coffindo.Jun 16, 1825Nov 20, 18271665
AtlanticJohn J. Gardnerdo.Jun 27, 1825Mar 21, 18282165
PresidentHenry Winslowdo.Jun 27, 1825Apr 27, 18281597
CyrusDavid Harrisdo.Jul 9, 1825Jun 2, 18282037
WeymouthMoses Harrisdo.Jul 10, 1825Jul 6, 18282048
FranklinThaddeus Coffindo.Jul 17, 1825Nov 17, 18272037
WashingtonGeorge Kelleydo.Jul 17, 1825Apr 5, 18282027
Lost the mate, David Starbuck.
MariaGeorge W. Gardnerdo.Jul 17, 1825Jun 2, 18282269
RamblerWilliam Worth 2ddo.Jul 18, 1825Nov 21, 18281875 w
OceanTimothy Fitzgeralddo.Aug 2, 1825May 18, 18281807
MaroBarzillai Swaindo.Aug 4, 1825Feb 22, 18282437
Golden FarmerGeorge F. Joydo.Aug 14, 1825Apr 4, 18281685
LydiaDavid Swain 2ddo.Sep 28,1825Aug 13, 1823228188w
PlanterHenry Bunkerdo.Sep 30, 1825Mar 21, 18282322
HarvestRichard Macydo.Oct 7, 1825May 8, 18282158
IndependenceWilliam Plaskettdo.Oct 30, 1825Aug 8, 18281850
Ran ashore at Martinique on this voyage.
ParagonDavid N. Edwardsdo.Nov 16, 1825
Sunk at sea a few days after leaving Oahu; crew saved by Rosalie of Newport.
John JayAlexander Drewdo.Dec 3, 1825Mar 21 1828910
Lost mate. Second mate killed with a knife by the captain.
EagleBenjamin A. Colemando.Dec 5, 1825May 14, 18282269
JapanShubael Chasedo.Dec 20, 1825Mar 18, 18292134
BarclayPeter CoffinBanksJul 2, 1825Jun 17, 18261946 w

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
SwiftJonathan Swain 2dPacific OceanJan 6, 1826Apr 21, 18283245
Greatest quantity of sperm oil up to this date.
MarthaBenjamin Gardnerdo.Jan 13, 1826Apr 22, 18281843
RoseShubael Cottledo.Jun 4, 1826Mar 30, 18282261
DauphinBenjamin F. Husseydo.Jul 10, 1826Mar 14, 18291517
EnterpriseObed Swaindo.Aug 1, 1826Mar 7, 18292902
ConstitutionIsaac Chasedo.Aug 1, 1826Apr 13, 1827601w
Capt. Chase would not go round Cape Horn. He went on the Brazil Banks, but returned, and accused his crew of mutiny.
SusanFrederick Swaindo.Aug 21, 1826Oct 22, 18292581121w
OrionAlfred Alleydo.Aug 24, 1826Jun 16, 18292627
OmegaAllen Tiltondo.Aug 28, 1826Dec 26, 1829218940w
PhebeMicajah Swaindo.Sep 6, 1826Feb 4, 18302597
StatiraPeter Coffindo.Sep 6, 1826Jun 9, 18292526
ClarksonJoseph Allendo.Sep 29, 1826Jun 14, 18302800
BarclayJoseph Barneydo.Sep 29, 1826Nov 19, 18281611115w
CongressBenjamin Worth 2ddo.Sep 29, 1826May 2, 18292507
John Adams 2d.Seth Cathcartdo.Sep 30, 1826Oct 15, 18281356
Pacific.David Bakerdo.Nov 4, 1826Mar 8, 18292182
IndependenceWilliam Whippeydo.Nov 8, 1826May 19, 18292044
ReaperBenjamin F. Coffindo.Nov 8, 1826Jun 23, 18291985
PhoenixWilliam Fitzgeralddo.Dec 27, 1826Jun 22, 18282234
Brig OtterRobert S. CathcartCoast of Africa.Jun 27, 1826Aug 20, 1827400

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
SarahFrederick ArthurPacific OceanMay 26, 1827Apr 19, 18303497
New. The greatest quantity of sperm oil ever brought to Nantucket on one voyage.
SpartanWilliam Pitmando.May 30, 1827Jul 1, 18292324
ConstitutionAlexander Coffindo.Jun 19, 1827Oct 13, 18301915
LoperObed Starbuckdo.Jun 21, 1827Jan 10, 18292131
PloughboyNathan Chasedo.Jun 23, 1827Jul 15, 18302522
OntarioJohn G. CoffinBrazil BanksJul -, 1827Jun 19, 18281100w
LimaCharles G. AndrewsPacific OceanAug 8, 1827Nov 3, 18301420
AlexanderSamuel Bunkerdo.Sep 13, 1827Mar 12, 18312225
HeroGeorge Alleydo.Sep 18, 1827May 1, 18302353
John AdamsGeorge ClarkBrazil Banks.Sep 18, 1827May 13, 18291517w
LydiaPeter F. ChasePacific OceanOct 13, 1827Sep 3, 18302367
AuroraFrederick B. ChacedoDec 6, 1827Dec 22, 18292023
Mary MitchellTimothy Uphamdo.Dec 13, 1827May 1, 18312432
ZoneAlexander D. Bunkerdo.Dec 13, 1827Feb 12, 18302614
New. Lost the mate. Nicholas Eastou.
AnnPrince B. Mooersdo.Dec 13, 1827Mar 28, 18302663
Brig OtterRobert S. CathcartCoast of AfricaSep 1827
Took some oil, went into St. Catharine's, sold brig and cargo. and remalned there.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
BalticWilliam ChadwickPacific OceanJan 14, 1828May 12, 18313173
Merchantman, bought.
FosterJob C. ClarkBrazil BanksApr 19, 1828Jun 30, 1829935w
AmericanDavid PaddackPacific OceanApr 19, 1828Jul 18, 1830218988w
Merchantman, bought.
CriterionAmbrose WhiteusBrazil BanksApr 19, 1828
Out ten days and returned leaking 1200 strokes per hour.
PeruvianAlexander MacyPacific OceanJun 8, 1828Oct 21, 1831196079w
Stephen G. Coffin fell from aloft and was killed.
FameJohn S. Ramsdelldo.Jun 13, 1828May 9, 18311995
Merchantman, bought.
MaroElihu FisherBrazil BanksJun 10, 1828
Ran foul of the French ship Archimedes, put into Rio and was condemned.
PeruJoseph Peasedo.Jun 18, 1828Jun 14, 1829718 w
AtlanticJohn J. Gardnerdo.Jun 20, 1828Jun 28, 18291031604w
FranklinJoseph M. ChasePacific OceanJun 22, 1828Oct 21, 18302058
PlanterIsaac BraytonBrazil BanksJun 22, 1828Jul 4, 1829991769w
CriterionAmbrose Whiteusdo.Jun 22, 1828Jun 17, 1829491 w
RoseGeorge RussellPacific OceanJun 22, 1828Jun 17, 18312079
GeorgeEdwin BarnardBrazil BanksJul 10, 1828Jun -, 18291337 w
SwiftBarzillai CoffinPacific OceauJul 13, 1828Dec 28, 18302888
MarthaSylvanus SwainBrazil BanksJul 13, 1828Jul 5, 1829324 w
John JayAbraham Swaindo.Jul 20, 1828Mar -, 1830329472w
Broken up at home.
WashingtonBarzillai SwainPacific OceanJul 24, 1828May 24, 18321774
KingstonWilliam Edwin Shermando.Jul 31, 1828May 8, 18321515
Mate died on the voyage.
GangesJoshua Coffindo.Aug 8, 1828Nov 13, 18311660
Richard MitchellEdy Coffindo.Aug 16, 1828
Zenas CoffinGeorge F. Joydo.Sep 1, 1828Nov 15, 18312732
New. Total loss on Fayal in September; saved nothing; Capt. Coffin died of consumption soon after.
CyrusBenjamin R. Husseydo.Sep 6, 1828May 2, 18322055
Capt. Hussey left at Rio, sick; came home, got well, went out again and joined the ship. Mr. Clasby, the mate, jumped overboard and was drowned.
MariaBenjamin Raydo.Sep 6, 1828Jun 10, 1832198021w
EagleBenjamin A. Colemando.Oct 5, 1828May -, 18311904
HowardPeleg Brockdo.Oct 5, 1828May 8, 18321860
PresidentCharles Robbinsdo.Oct 5, 1828Jul 16, 18311766
Came home leaky.
HarvestDavid N. Edwardsdo.Nov 17, 1828Nov 13, 18312685
OntarioJohn G. Coffindo.Dec 5, 1828Apr 24, 18322106
Capt. Coffin died June 15th, 1831, of fever, and John Pitman, the mate, finished the voyage.
OceanEdwin Coffindo.Dec 15, 1828Nov 14, 18312270
WeymouthMoses Harrisdo.Dec 23, 1828Jun 12, 18312288

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
PacificWilliam PlaskettBrazil Banks Jun 12, 1829Jun 8, 1830801607w
LoperObed StarbuckPacific Ocean Jun 21, 1829Sep 7, 18302280
Absent 14 months and 14 deys.
CongressThomas BrockBrazil Banks Jun 21, 1829Jun 1, 183071299w
Merchantman, bought.
RamblerWilliam Worth 2dPacific Ocean Jun 26, 1829Feb -, 18322240
John Adams 2dSeth Cathcart do. Jun 26, 1829Feb 28, 1831626
JapanJohn Lincolndo. Jun 30, 1829Mar 29, 18322325
EnterpriseJohn Stetsondo. Jul 13, 1829Aug 4, 18323034
PeruJoseph PeaseBrazil Bauks Jul 21, 1829Jun 2, 1830641152w
Richard MitchellDavid BakerPacific Ocean Jul 22, 1829Sep 3, 18313012
CriterionCharles T. FolgerBrazil Banks Jul 24, 1829
Put into Halifax, leaky; repaired, sailed, put back aud was condemned.
GeorgeEdwin Barnard do. Jul 26, 1829Jun 9, 18301551217w
MontanoBenjamin WorthPacific Ocean Aug 1, 1829Dec 18, 18322816
Merchantman, bought.
John AdamsGeorge ClarkBrazil Banks Aug 1, 1829Jun 7, 1830198 1/2 w
PlanterCharles Fisher do. Aug 14, 1829Jun 9, 18301591469w
DauphinBenjamin F. Husseydo. Aug 14, 1829
Lost in Saldanha Bay, Cape Good Hope. Crew saved.
FabiusThaddeus CoffinPacific Ocean Aug 31, 1829Mar 23, 18332163
Merchantman, bought.
SpartanWilliam Pitmando. Sep 20, 1829Sep 2, 18312361
OrionShadrack Freemando. Oct 7, 1829Oct 10, 18322620
PhenixJohn J. Gardnerdo. Oct 23, 1829Aug 10, 18312340
ReaperBenjamin F. Coffindo. Oct 29, 1829Apr 21, 18321808
Capt. Coffin died.
IndependenceWilliam Whippeydo. Nov 15, 1829Jun 6, 1833150621w
FosterJob C. Clarkdo. Nov 27, 1829Jan 27, 18332260
MarthaAlexander Whippeydo. Dec 10, 1829Jul 15, 18331680
SusanFrederick Swaindo. Dec 26, 1829Aug 9, 18332180
AtlanticElihu Fisherdo. Dec 30, 1829Jan 26, 18322153

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
ColumbusPeter CoffinBrazil Banks Apr 19, 1830Apr 18, 18312201550w
StatiraPrince Coffin 2dPacific Ocean May 7, 1830Oct 27, 18331104
AuroraJohn Husseydo. May 7, 1830Apr 25, 18332135
BarclayWilliam Barney Jr.Brazil Banks May 27, 1830May 9, 1831401190w
PhebeWilliam C. BriggsPacific Ocean May 28, 1830Nov 25, 18332131
Capt. Briggs died on the voyage.
AnnIsaac Braytondo. Jun 13, 1830Apr 28, 18332824
CongressThomas BrockBrazil Banks Jun 22, 1830Oct 5, 18315461363w
ZoneJohn M. RussellPacific Ocean Jun 27, 1830Sep 29, 18332430
OmegaFrederick B. Chacedo. Jun 27, 1830Jan 6, 1833257527w
Pacific.William PlaskettBrazil Banks Jul 11, 1830May 27, 1831231786w
PeruJoseph Peasedo. Jul 11, 1830Apr 2, 18311341423w
John AdamsShubael Clarkdo. Jul 18, 1830Mar -, 1831871185w
GeorgeEdwin Barnarddo. Jul 29, 1830Mar 1, 18322140 w
SarahBenjamin BarneyPacific Ocean Aug 11, 1830Jan 14, 18342093
ClarksonAlexander D. Bunkerdo. Aug 23, 1830Apr 13, 18342962
AmericanWilliam Wyerdo. Sep 15, 1830Oct 29, 18331474220w
PloughboyNathan Chasedo. Oct 16, 1830Mar 5, 18341741
HeroGeorge Alleydo. Oct 27, 1830Apr 26, 18332240
PlanterCharles FisherBrazil Banks Nov 1, 1830Feb 8, 18321669 w
LydiaDavid Swain 2dPacific Ocean Dec 5, 1830Jun 20, 18332120106w
LoperJohn Cottondo.Dec 30, 1830Aug 19, 18322170

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
LimaOliver P. WinslowPacific Ocean May 21, 1831May 11, 18341637
ColumbusPeter CoffinAtlantic Ocean May 26, 1831Mar 26, 1832151896w
PeruWilliam Brooks May 26, 1831Mar 27, 18321091405w
Constitution.Frederick Arthurdo. Jun 9, 1831Apr 11, 18321311492w
John AdamsShubael Clarkdo. Jun 9, 1831Apr 22, 18321051148w
FranklinGeorge Prince Pacific Ocean Jun 27, 1831
Capt. Prince, the mate, and five men, died of scurvy off Cape Horn. Matthew Clark, a boatsteerer, came into command. The ship was stranded on the coast of Brazil, near the river St. Francisco; but 400 barrels sperm oil were saved.
BarclayWilliam Barney Jr.Atlantic Ocean Jul 1, 1831May 8, 18321390 w
MaryDavid PaddackPacific Ocean Jul 20, 1831Mar 21, 1835261219w
Catharine.Joseph M. Chasedo. Jul 21, 1831Jan 17, 18352690
EagleJoseph PeaseAtlantic Ocean Jul 20, 1831Mar 30, 1832901510w
FameSeth Worthdo. Jul 24, 1831Apr 22, 1832741731w
Mary MitchellElihu CoffinPacific Ocean Jul 25, 1831Jan 22, 18351897
SwiftBarzillai Coffindo. Aug 3, 1831Oct 28, 18341868
Sold at New Bedford.
PacificWilliam PlaskettAtlantic Ocean Aug 17, 1831May 8, 18321071588w
BalticWilliam ChadwickPacific Ocean Sep 20, 1831Apr 29, 18352322
WeymouthMoses Harrisdo. Sep 30, 1831Feb 15, 18351552
Broken up this year.
PhenixSanford Wilberdo. Oct 10, 1831Jan -, 18342205
Richard MitchellJames Gwinndo. Nov 12, 1831Nov 16, 18341950
AlexanderJonathan Swain 2ddo. Oct 20, 1831Sep -, 18341416
Sold to New Bedford. Afterwards lost on New Zealand.
PresidentSeth Cathcart do. Nov 20, 1831Apr 14, 18341630
SpartanDavid U. Coffindo. Dec 4, 1831Dec 31, 18342140
RoseObed Starbuckdo. 1831
Stranded on the bar going out; but was got off and brought into the harbor July 31st, 1832, refltted, and sailed again in 1833.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
CongressCharles AbramsPacific Ocean Jan 13, 1832Apr 29, 1835988
FranklinJoshua Coffin 2dAtlantic Ocean May 8, 1832Apr 12, 1834921
GangesRussell S. BodflshPacific Ocean Jun 5, 1832Aug 24, 18351467
PeruvianBenjamin Coggeshalldo. Jun 10, 1832Sep 28, 18351854
FameSeth WorthAtlantic Ocean Jun 10, 1832Mar 20, 1833910w
PlanterReuben ManterPacific Ocean Jun 11, 1832Jul 1834909996w
HarvestAlexander Pollarddo. Jun 11, 1832Dec 21, 18352280
OceanElijah Parkerdo. Jun 16, 1832Nov 13, 18351490
JapanWilliam PlaskettIndian Ocean Jun 17, 1832May 6, 1834632678w
RamblerThomas DerrickPacific Ocean Jun 17, 1832Apr 3, 18351697
Zenas CoffinJohn B. Colemando. Jun 24, 1832Oct 21, 18351720
PacificJoseph CongdonIndian Ocean Jun 28, 1832Apr 1, 18341450 w
ConstitutionJames G. Coffindo. Jun 29, 1832Apr 21, 18331230
John AdamsShubael ClarkAtlantic Ocean Jul 6, 1832Mar 14, 18332241456w
ColumbusReuben Russell 2ddo. Jul 7, 1832May 21, 1834900 w
EagleCharles Smithdo. Jul 8, 1832May 7, 1833203723w
Young EagleBenjamin A. Coleman Pacific Ocean Jul 11, 1832Oct 18, 18352625
Bark PeruWilliam Brooks Jr.Atlantic Ocean Jul 28, 1832May 22, 1833126722w
GeorgeJohn C. Congdondo. Jul 31, 1832May 7, 18342100 w
OrbitJohn J. GardnerPacific Ocean Aug 3, 1832Feb 9, 18362011783w
MarinerEben Colemando. Aug 12, 1832May 15, 18362429
BarclayWilliam Barney Sep 3, 1832Jul 21, 183510064w
ReaperTristram P. Swaindo. Sep 5, 1832Mar 18, 1835195048w
Mount VernonEdwin Coffindo. Sep 15, 1832Jul 25, 18353071
HowardWilliam Worth 2ddo. Sep 22, 1832May 11, 18352070
Ammiel Joy, the mate, died on the voyage.
Charles CarrollOwen Chasedo. Oct 10, 1832Mar 3, 18362610
CyrusBenjamin R. Husseydo. Oct 3, 1832Apr 21, 18361810
MariaAlexander Macydo. Oct 10, 1832Mar 11, 18361665
AtlanticElihu Fisherdo. Oct 9, 1832Sep 14, 18351845
KingstonWilliam E. Shermando. Oct 19, 1832Oct 3, 1835484
WashingtonThomas W. Husseydo. Nov 5, 1832Dec 30, 18351538
Charles & HenryGeorge F. Joydo. Nov 25, 1832Jul 7, 18362546
LoperJohn Cottondo. Nov 25, 1832
Sunk at sea, homeward bound, with 1800 barrels sperm oil on board; crew saved.
OntarioEdwin Barnarddo. Dec 1, 1832Aug 4, 18361345
Alexander CoffinDavid Bakerdo. Dec 25, 1832May 19, 18361946
EnterpriseJohn Stetsondo. Dec 30, 1832Jun 12, 18361896
Capt. Stetson left the ship sick, and George Haggerty took command and flnished the voyage.
ThuleJosiah Smithdo. Dec 21, 1832May 30, 1835270
Capt. Smith left the ship at Talcahuano. George W. Folger, second mate, brought her home. Merchantman, bought.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
OrionMoses BrownPacific OceanJan 15, 1833Mar 3, 1836920
Capt. Brown left the ship at Payta, in charge of the mate, and returned home sick.
FameIsaac GardnerAtlantic OceanMay 23, 1833Mar 1, 18352801040w
Came home leaky, and was broken up.
MontanoDavid N. EdwardsPacific OceanJun 1, 1833Apr 10, 18363097
OmegaHenry Phelondo.Jun 11, 1833Jun 8, 18362904
FosterJosiah C. Longdo.Jun 27, 1833Nov 16, 18361408
PeruWilliam Brooks Jr.Atlantic OceanJul 4, 1833183543696w
ConstitutionJames G. Coffindo.Jul 13, 1833Apr 22, 1835140775w
John AdamsObed Luce 20, 1833Mar 13, 18351491335w
Levi StarbuckShadrach FreemanPacific OceanJul 27, 1833Oct 13, 18361885
AnnPeter Brockdo.Aug 6, 1833Oct 15, 18361845
RoseJames Davisdo.Aug 21, 1833Jan 26, 18371180
EagleJoseph PeaseAtlantic OceanAug 18, 1833Apr 7, 1835604580w
Three BrothersGeorge AlleyPacific OceanAug 25, 1833Nov 2, 18362212
FabiusBenjamin C. Chasedo.Aug 31, 1833Jul 31, 1837863
OhioCharles W. Coffindo.Aug 15, 1833Jan 8, 18372615176w
HeroPeter Smithdo.Oct 4, 1833Aug 15, 1836,1177
AuroraJohn Hussey 18, 1833May 13, 18371713
SusanFrederick Swaindo.Nov 17, 1833May 14, 18371406
IndependenceIsaac Braytondo.Nov 17, 1833
Totally lost on Starbuck's Island; had on board 1800 barrels sperm.
MarthaTristram Pinkhamdo.Nov 24, 1833Apr 19, 1837666
LydiaEdward C. Joydo.Nov 18, 1833
Took fire January 31st, 1835, and burned. Supposed to have been fired by one of the crew. The crew took to the boats, were picked up next day by bark Washington, of Hudson, Capt. William C. Clark, and landed at Payta.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
ZoneJohn M. RussellPacific OceanApr 12, 1834Sep 7, 18371475
Capt. Russell was lost overboard during a gale of wind off New Zealand.
PhebeShubael S. Russelldo.May 25, 1834Nov 21, 18371009
Sent home 115 barrels sperm.
AmericanAaron Coffindo.Jun 3, 1834Nov 21, 18371288
FranklinEdward H. Mortondo.Jun 15, 1834Jun 12, 1837160452w
PhenixIsaac B. Husseydo.Jul 6, 1834Feb 3, 18372345
Christopher MitchellSanford Wilberdo.Jul 15, 1834Aug 21, 18372843
PloughboyMoses Browndo.Jul 22, 1834Apr 9, 18381811471w
AlphaFrederick B. Chacedo.Jul 25, 1834Dec 31, 18371660
Elizabeth StarbuckObed Cathcartdo.Jul 27, 1834May 5, 18372708
PacificJoseph Congdondo. Jul 29, 1834Nov 13, 18372035
Sold to New Bedford at the end of this voyage.
GeorgeJohn C. Congdondo.Aug 4, 1834May 12, 18363961255w
Sold to New Bedford.
ClarksonWilliam Plaskettdo.Aug 9, 1834Dec 20, 18372523
StatiraGeorge Cannon 14, 1834Jun 14, 18381201333w
JapanEdwin HillerIndian OceauSep 3, 1834Nov 22, 18372115
PlanterReuben ManterPacific Ocean Oct 31, 1834Aug 6, 18371054828w
LimaWilliam C. Wyerdo.Dec 9, 1834Apr 17, 18381173
SarahJoseph Holleydo.Dec 31, 1834Nov 3, 18372326
Went to New York, freighting after this voyage; returned in 1839 and fitted whaling, again.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
PresidentSeth CathcartPacific OceanJun 24, 1835Jun 8, 18381670
ColumbusPeter Coffindo.Jun 29, 1835Nov 12, 1838139816w
Mary MitchellSamuel Joydo.Jul 14, 1835May 17, 18385961974w
John AdamsObed Luce Jr.Atlantic and Indian OceansJul 15, 1835Jul 9, 18373021570w
Richard MitchellHenry ClevelandPacific OceanJul 20, 1835Dec 27, 18381172937w
CongressWilliam Uphamdo.Jul 23, 1835Nov 20, 18381902
EagleIsaac GardnerAtlantic OceanJul 29, 1835Apr 17, 18376251293w
Broken up after the voyage.
CatharineJoseph M. ChasePacific OceanJul 29, 1835Oct 26, 18383016
MaryThomas Coffin 2ddo.Jul 30, 1835May 12, 18391866515w
BalticWilliam Keendo.Sep 8, 1835Mar 18, 183914201694w
RamblerRobert McCleavedo.Sep 8, 1835Aug 23, 18382246
HowardWilliam Worth 2ddo.Sep 21, 1835Apr 21, 18382312
PeruWilliam Brown 4, 1835Apr 13, 1839676149w
SpartanDavid U. Coffindo.Oct 4, 1835May 4, 18391790
Mount VernonLewis B. Imbertdo.Oct 5, 1835Jul 17, 18392456
ReaperTimothy U. Coffindo.Oct 12, 1835
Probably foundered in a gale off New Zealand, in 1836; all hands lost.
GangesBarzillai T. Folgerdo.Oct 26, 1835May 10, 18391344340w
ConstitutionEdward C. Joydo.Oct 25, 1835Apr 7, 18391630
BarclayReuben Barneydo.Nov 13, 183518391550

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
CatawbaJohn B. ColemanPacific OceanJan 14, 1836Sep 20, 18391698139w
PanamaAlexander D. Bunkerdo.Jan 3, 1836Aug 4, 18391330
Sold to Sag Harbor alter this voyage. Merchantman, bought.
OrbitBenjamin B. Raymonddo.May 1, 1836May 12, 18393952146w
AtlanticThomas Russelldo.Jan 27, 1836Dec 4, 18381701
ThuleJames ColemanAtlantic OceanJul 19, 1836Jul 19, 1838682085w
HarvestWilliam B. CashPacific OceanJul 21, 1836Apr 6, 18402299
KingstonThaddeus Coffindo.Jul 22, 1836Oct 27, 1839753
WashingtonCharles F. Coffindo.Jul 14, 1836Dec 1839,1780
PeruvianDavid Osborndo.Jul 31, 1836Apr 24, 18401590
Young EagleGeorge Crockerdo.Jul 8, 1836May 1, 18402440
Walter ScottBenjamin Coggeshalldo.Aug 11, 1836Sep 2, 18402227
JeffersonObed Swaindo.Aug 11, 1836Mar 14, 18402309
Alexander CoffinJohn C. Congdondo.Aug 25, 1836Jul 10, 18401884
Charles CarrollOwen Chasedo.Aug 30, 1836Feb 14, 18402678
Zenas CoffinHiram Baileydo.Sep 3, 1836Jan 14, 18402259
OceanElijah Parkerdo.Sep 5, 1836Jul 8, 18401847
CyrusBenjamin R. Husseydo.Sep 9, 1836May 1, 18401697
MarinerGeorge W. Gardner 14, 1836Jun 20, 18401925
OrionElihu Coffindo.Oct 2, 1836Feb 21, 18401652
MariaElisha H. Fisherdo.Oct 22, 1836Oct 14, 1839206947w
HenryGeorge G. Chasedo.Oct 23, 1836Jan 16, 18402436
OmegaAlbert C. Gardnerdo.Nov 5, 1836Apr 22, 1840245213w
Capt. Gardner died, and Benjamin Gardner finished the voyage.
EnterpriseGeorge Haggertydo.Nov 22, 1836Jun 29, 18401395
LexingtonAlexander Pollarddo.Nov 27, 1836Jun 10, 18402185
Capt. Pollard died, and Henry W. Davis flnished the voyage.
Charles & HenryGeorge F. Joydo.Dec 1, 1836Oct 12, 18401920
OntarioGeorge G. Cathcartdo.Dec 19, 1836Nov 19, 1839148030w

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
NantucketDavid N. EdwardsPacific OceanJun 12, 1837Feb 1, 18412036465w
Three BrothersHenry Phelondo.Jun 12, 1837Apr 28, 18412719
AnnPeter C. Brockdo.Jul 5, 1837Jun 22, 18412427
Sold to New Bedford. Eventually lost in the Straits of Timor.
OhioCharles W. Coffindo.Jul 12, 1837Apr 19, 18412520
MontanoBenjamin C. Sayerdo.Aug 4, 1837May 30, 1839532716w
HeroReuben Joy 16, 1837May 18, 18411992
Levi StarbuckJohn C. Lincolndo.Aug 27, 1837Nov 29, 18402375 25w
FosterJosiah C. Longdo.Sep 1, 1837Apr 28, 18412101
MarthaJames Alleydo.Sep 6, 1837Mar 31, 18403081112w
Obed MitchellReuben Ray 22, 1837Jun 27, 1841870
RoseBenjamin A. Colemando.Oct 3, 1837May 29, 18411987
FranklinBenjamin F. Riddelldo.Oct 12, 1837Feb 13, 1841171137w
AuroraJohn Hussey 5, 1837Dec 2, 18402036
PhenixIsaac B. Husseydo.Nov 4, 1837Feb 14, 18402419
Elizabeth StarbuckAlexander M. Chasedo.Nov 16, 1837May 2, 184113597w
PlanterEben M. Hinckleydo.Nov 14, 1837May 28, 1841146024w
John AdamsAsa Colemando.Nov 27, 1837Oct 4, 18401050650w
SusanReuben Russelldo.Dec -, 1837May 28, 18411892477w

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
Christopher MitchellCharles A. VeederPacific OceanApr 28, 1838Apr 5, 1841271452w
AlphaJoseph Congdondo.Jun 3, 1838Dec 2, 18412265
JapanJohn Tobeydo.Jun 10, 1838Dec 12, 1841217627w
James LoperObed Cathcartdo.Jun 26, 1838May 11, 18421842
Young HeroGeorge Alleydo.Jun 27, 1838Oct 21, 18412504
AmericanDavid Bakerdo.Jul 4, 1838Jul 26, 184121819w
Sent home 90 barrels sperm.
ClarksonJoseph C. Chasedo.Jul 16, 1838Apr 17, 18421580310w
PhebeGeorge Allen, 2ddo.Jul 18, 1838Apr 2, 18421387
Mary MitchellJoseph McCleavedo.Aug 26, 1838Apr 27, 1842137096w
LimaObed Luce 29, 1838Feb 7, 18421660
NapoleonWilliam Plaskettdo.Sep 9, 1838Sep 13, 18421676512w
HowardWilliam Worth, 2ddo.Oct 19, 1838Jun 1, 18412209
ThuleJames Colemando.Oct 19, 1838Dec 29, 18411526527w
Joseph StarbuckSanford Wilberdo.Nov 15, 1838Apr 3, 18423221
PresidentReuben Starbuckdo.Nov 15, 1838Jul 18, 18421840
RamblerRobert McCleavedo.Dec 12, 1838Nov 10, 18421548
Daniel WebsterJoseph N. Plaskettdo.Dec 16, 1838Oct 15, 18421832

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
CatharineJohn BrownPacific OceanMay 8, 1839Jun 23, 1843650270w
Capt. Brown died in his boat while fast to a whale. Sold to New London.
AtlanticGeorge C. Hoegdo.May 12, 1839May 11, 1843125595w
ZoneEdwin Hillerdo.May 19, 1839May 8, 18432061
ColumbusWilliam B. Gardnerdo.May 25, 1839Apr 28, 18431180
Sold to New London.
PloughboyMoses Browndo.Jun 27, 1839May 15, 1843747700w
Sold to New Bedford. Afterwards lost on the coast of Peru.
SarahWilliam Uphamdo.Jul 14, 1839Jul 15, 18432646
Delivered her cargo at New York.
PeruJoshua Coffindo.Jul 16, 1839Oct 13, 18421340
The first ship taken into the harbor by the camels. Bells were rung, guns flred, and the citizeus turned out in force to greet her arrival.
Richard MitchellWilliam H. Gardnerdo.Jul 17, 1839May 11, 18431078
ConstitutionObed Ramsdelldo.Jul 21, 1839May 31, 1842216720w
MontanoReuben Chasedo.Jul 20, 1839Jul 7, 18412362156w
OrbitIsaac Gardnerdo. Aug 10, 1839
Ran ashore near Payta; a total loss.
BalticJohn J. Gardnerdo.Aug 17, 1839Apr 6, 18432007323w
Sold at Fairhaven. Eventually lost on Kingsmill Group.
CongressJohn Pitmando.Aug 27, 1839Jun 18, 1843129850w
Sold to New Bedford.
MaryThomas Coffin 2ddo.Sep 10, 1839Jul 14, 18431443
SpartanDavid U. Coffindo.Oct 17, 1839Mar 23, 18431903
Mount VernonLewis B. Imbertdo.Oct 31, 1839Jun 23, 18442877
StatiraBarzillai T. Folgerdo.Nov 10, 1839May 29, 18432703
Sold to New Bedford.
BarclayReuben Barneydo.Dec 10, 1839Aug 12, 18438182w
Henry ClayBenjamin C. Sayerdo.Dec 17, 1839Feb 27, 184419465w

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
Henry AstorSeth PinkhamPacific OceanJan 24, 1840May 23, 18441277980w
Capt. Pinkham died at Penambuco, April 17th, 1844; body brought home in bark Nile, of Boston. The ship was bought from Hudson.
CatawbaHenry Peasedo.Feb 2, 1840Oct 21, 1843200940w
MariaElisha H. Fisherdo.Apr 22, 1840Feb 20, 18422413
WashingtonStephen Baileydo.May 14, 1840Sep 24, 1843109558w
OntarioStephen B. Gibbsdo.May 28, 1840Nov 20, 18422073
Sent home 40 barrels sperm.
Charles CarrollThomas S. Andrewsdo.May 29, 1840Dec 6, 18431926
Sent home 250 barrels sperm.
HenryWilliam Browndo.Jun 1, 1840Apr 16, 1844164160w
KingstonWilliam Rawsondo.Jun 12, 1840May 14, 18441067342w
Sold at Fairhaven.
PhenixJosiah Hamblendo.Jun 21, 1840Feb 17, 1844224124w
Zenas CoffinHiram Baileydo.Jul 12, 1840May 25, 18433049177w
FabiusFrederick B. Chacedo.Jul 12, 1840Apr 6, 18442140
Sold to New Bedford.
JeffersonWilliam B. Cashdo.Jul 28, 1840
Lost on Atooi, Sandwich Islands, with 2480 barrels sperm, 80 whale, June 22d, 1842.
PeruvianFrederick Arthurdo.Jul 31, 1840Jun 23, 18441212508w
Sent home 300 barrels sperm.
Young EagleEdward C. Austindo.Sep 1, 1840Jul 19, 18432544
LexingtonHenry W. Davisdo.Aug 29, 1840Mar 14, 184413361334w
Sent home 125 barrels sperm. Capt. Davis left at Rio, sick; Mr. Weeks took charge.
LydiaGeorge G. Cathcartdo.Sep 2, 1840Feb 17, 18451225
Alexander CoffinSamuel C. Wyerdo.Sep 8, 1840Jun 23, 18441953
Sold to New Bedford.
OmegaGeorge Haggertydo.Sep 8, 1840Aug 9, 18441397
MarinerGeorge Palmerdo.Oct 6, 1840May 13, 184416327w
OceanElijah Parkerdo.Oct 18, 1840Oct 3, 18441662
Sold to New Bedford.
HarvestJohn Gardner 2ddo.Sep 17, 1840Aug 5, 18441636
Walter ScottCromwell Bunkerdo.Oct 31, 1840Jul 8, 18441296
CyrusDaniel Emmonsdo.Nov 1, 1840Oct 14, 18441458
EnterpriseGeorge Cannondo.Dec 18, 1840Jun 17, 184410941014w
Charles & HenryJohn B. Colemando.Dec 20, 1840Mar 8, 1845689196w

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
AuroraFrederick W. CoffinPacific OceanMay 13, 1841Dec 9, 18441801
Levi StarbuckJoseph P. Nyedo.May 26, 1841Mar 31, 1845856865w
NantucketGeorge W. Gardnerdo.Jun 16, 1841May 12, 184512791326w
OrionJames Nicholsdo.Jul 5, 1841Nov 14, 18442040169w
Three BrothersJoseph Mitchell 2ddo.Jul 12, 1841Nov 6, 1845215622w
OhioVeranus Smith do.Jul 13, 1841May 3, 1845299480w
Sold to New Bedford.
FosterJohn C. Congdondo.Jul 28, 1841Sep 1, 18451430
GangesGeorge Pitmando.Jul 28, 1841May 20, 1845732475w
Rebuilt and enlarged.
MarthaWilliam Baxterdo.Jul 28, 1841Jun 17, 18451057276w
Captain Baxter left the ship in charge of the mate, and came home.
MonticelloBenjamin Coggeshalldo.Aug 2, 1841Jul 15, 18452430
FranklinShubael Raydo.Aug 11, 1841Apr 3, 1845144016w
Captain Ray died on the voyage, November 8th, 1843.
Elizabeth StarbuckHenry Bigelowdo.Aug 21, 1841Aug 10, 18451225
NavigatorElihu Fisherdo.Aug 21, 1841May 7, 18451737246w
MassachusettsSeth Nickerson 26, 1841Mar 24, 184513521388w
John AdamsIsaac Stockmando.Aug 31, 1841Jun 24, 1845540
Captain Stockman died on the voyage.
ColumbiaGeorge F. Joydo.Sep 4, 1841Dec 10, 18451660
Obed MitchellElihu Coffindo.Sep 4, 1841May 10, 18451183
Sold to New Bedford.
JapanBenjamin F. Riddelldo.Sep 17, 1841Jun 10, 18451890
Edward CaryJohn Tobeydo.Sep 26, 1841Jul 22, 1845155932w
HeroWilliam S. Chasedo.Sep 29, 1841Feb 22, 1846830
David PaddackJohn Hussey 7, 1841Oct 16, 184588217w
Christopher MitchellWilliam Keendo.Oct 25, 1841Jan 24, 18451250
The officers, boatsteerers, and nearly all the crew left the ship at the Bay of Islands. Capt. Keen shipped Capt. William Swain as mate, made up a new crew, and sailed again. Mr. Swain was carried out of the boat by the flrst whale, and lost. The ship took 300 barrels, and put away for home.
HowardAlexander Bunkerdo.Nov 1, 1841Jun 8, 18451963
NarragansettCharles W. Coffindo.Nov 7, 1841Oct 25, 18452251
PotomacIsaac B. Husseydo.Nov 12, 1841May 4, 18452354
United StatesCalvin G. Worth do.Nov 12, 1841Oct 16, 1845151212w
AmericanAlexander H. Coffindo.Dec 1, 1841Jul 10, 18451890
SusanReuben Russelldo.Dec 9, 1841May 27, 18466371405w
MontanoRoswell M. Coondo.Dec 25, 1841Apr 11, 18451488442w

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
RoseWilliam B. SwainPacific OceanFeb 8, 1842Mar 10, 18461650
Young HeroPeter C. Brockdo.Apr 17, 1842Apr 8, 18461429
MariaEdward Jenningsdo.May 11, 1842May 20, 18461796
AlphaJohn B. Rogersdo.May 15, 1842Nov 19, 1845241319w
LimaObed Luce 31, 1842
Was condemned at Rio Janeiro, outward bound.
ThuleCharles N. Coffindo.Jun 17, 1842
Lost on Booby Shoal, lat. 21 S., lon. 159 E., 1845.
Mary MitchellCharles Lawrencedo.Aug 25, 1842Jun 24, 18471176587w
Went to California, sailed from there and was lost in the Arctic.
ClarksonJoseph C. Chasedo.Sep 18, 1842
Condemned at Talcahuano, 1846, and her oil (1825 barrels sperm, 12 whale) was shipped home.
PhebeSamuel W. Harrisdo.Sep 19, 1842
The first attempt to take out a ship by the camels. It failed for want of suitable chains. She obtained 1175 barrels sperm, and 500 whale, and put into Pernambuco, December 24th, 1846, leaking, and was condemned. The whale oil was sold, aud the sperm shipped home.
ConstitutionObed R. Bunkerdo.Sep 23, 1842Feb 12, 1847184241w
First ship taken out by the camels.
NapoleonElisha H. Fisherdo.Oct 24, 1842Nov 25, 1845249519w
James LoperJoseph Congdondo.Oct 30, 1842May 6, 18462358
PresidentJohn C. Brockdo.Dec 20, 1842Apr 8, 18471170
Joseph StarbuckCharles A. Veederdo. 1842
Lost on Nantucket bar, going out.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
Daniel WebsterReuben F. StarbuckPacific OceanMay 18, 1843Nov -, 18471264260w
PeruEdwin Barnard do.May 10, 1843Sep 19, 1846966
OntarioStephen B. Gibbsdo.May 24, 1843May 2, 18462213
RamblerRobert McCleavedo.Jul 13, 1843May 25, 1847157852w
EmpireCharles A. Veederdo.Jul 18, 1843Nov 27, 1847207635w
Zenas CoffinObed Ramsdelldo.Sep 17, 1843May 28, 18481820320w
MaryCharles Pitman 1 1843Apr 16, 184786282w
ZoneObed Starbuckdo.Oct 13, 1843Nov 10, 18461226
Sold to Fairhaven.
Richard MitchellJosiah C. Longdo.Oct 14, 1843Sep 30, 18471808
BarclayEben Bakerdo.Oct 20, 1843Jun 16, 184712803w
AtlanticJames Colemando.Oct 28, 1843Jun 22, 18461965
SpartanNehemiah C. Fisherdo.Nov 19, 1843Jul 2, 18471387
WashingtonStephen Baileydo.Dec 2, 1843Jun 12, 1847161320w
Young EagleBenjamin Lothropdo.Dec 5, 1843
Sunk at sea, homeward boun, 1847.
CatawbaWilliam Colemando.Dec 24, 1843Sep 23, 1847185341w
SarahFrederick W. Myrickdo.Dec 31, 1843
The ship was fitted from New York, obtained 2600 barrels whale on, put into Tahiti and was condemned. The oil was shipped to Bremen.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
Charles CarrollThomas S. AndrewsPacific OceanMay 16, 1844May 29, 18481261473w
Henry ClayEdward C. Austindo.Jun 10, 1844Aug 15, 18472847
LexingtonEdward Weeksdo.Jun 26, 1844Jul 7, 184817801404w
HenryWilliam Browndo.Jul 1, 1844Apr 24, 18481150552w
MarinerAlbert Raydo.Jul 31, 1844Sep 15, 18481236407w
CitizenHiram Baileydo.Aug 25, 1844Jul 17, 184914521600w
Walter ScottCharles Grantdo.Aug 31, 1844Mar 10, 1849186855w
Sold to Edgartown.
PlanterBarzillai T. FolgerdoSep 15, 1844Apr 26, 18471276914w
PhenixPerry Winslowdo.Sep 17, 1844Jun 3, 1848164824w
PeruvianGeorge B. Folgerdo.Oct 1, 1844Jan 29, 18481515
Mount VernonHenry Colemando.Oct 3, 1844
Met with shipwreck, October 6th, and lost boats, spars, &c.; returned, and sailed again November 8th, and arrived October 2d, 1848, 2607 barrels sperm, 10 whale. Sold at Mattapoisett.
Henry AstorThomas Coffin 2ddo.Oct 14, 1844Oct 19, 18481916
HarvestGeorge D. Coffindo.Oct 18, 1844
Lost second mate, ten men, spars, boats, &c., by shipping a sea; returned January 6th, 1845; sailed again February 17th, 1845.
OmegaCharles H. Mortondo.Oct 26, 1844Jul 4, 18481095
Nathaniel Barney and wife sailed as passengers for Madeira.
NiphonJohn Gardner 2ddo.Nov 29, 1844
New. Capt. Gardner left the ship at the Sandwich Islands, sick; ship sunk at sea on the passage home, January 12th, 1849, 36 N., 73 W., Isaac Smith in command, bottom bored by worms.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
HarvestGeorge D. CoffinPacific OceanFeb 17, 1845Jul 4, 1848383
CyrusAlexander M. Myrickdo.May 9, 1845
Condemned at Rio Janeiro, outward bound, December, 1845.
AuroraFrederick W. Coffindo.May 19, 1845Jun 25, 1848198034w
MassachusettsJames Codd do.May 31, 1845Aug 6, 18485611995w
NormanRichard Gardnerdo.May 31, 1845Jul 4, 18482507
New. Sent home 113 sperm, sold 150 whale.
Charles & HenryBenjamin C. Sayerdo.Jun 4, 1845
Lost on Corvo, Western Islands, outward bound, June, 1845; crew saved.
Sarah ParkerThomas Russelldo.Jun 15, 1845May 10, 1849592700w
Sold in California. Merchantman, bought.)
Christopher MitchellEnoch Ackleydo.Jul 18, 1845Jul 4, 1848193666w
Sent home 161 barrels sperm, and sold 118 barrels.
NavigatorGeorge Palmerdo.Jul 3, 1845Jun 5, 1849182530w
FranklinHenry Starbuckdo.Jul 13, 1845May 1, 18491463
GangesJames Nichols. do.Jul 15, 1845Jun 28, 18491910
OrionEdward S. Raydo.Jul 15, 1845
Condemned at New Zealand, but was repaired and sold in California.
Levi StarbuckJoseph P. Nyedo.Jul 16, 1845Apr 19, 18501448136w
Sold to New Bedford. Taken by the pirate Alabama in 1862.
John AdamsWilliam Rawsondo.Aug 12, 1845Jun 30, 18491080290w
NantucketBenjamin C. Gardnerdo.Aug 17, 1845Jan 7, 18502051
MontanoUriah Russelldo.Aug 17, 1845Mar 9, 18492941320w
Sold in California.
PotomacOliver C. Swaindo.Sep 4, 1845May 31, 1849201726w
MarthaHenry B. Folgerdo.Sep 21, 1845Jun 8, 1849166710w
JapanValentine S. Riddelldo.Sep 25, 1845May 2, 18491199456w
Edward CaryBenjamin C. Sayerdo.Oct 9, 1845Mar 28, 18481752232w
MonticelloJohn M. Folgerdo.Oct 13, 1845May 7, 18501671
ScotlandVeranus Smith do.Oct 31, 1845Feb 8, 18512661223w
New. Fitted from Boston. Sold to New Bedford.
AmericanFrederick W. Lucedo.Nov 5, 1845Jul 22, 18491270390w
FosterFrancis C. CoffinIndian OceanNov 18, 1845
Condemned at Seychelle Islands.
HowardAlexander BunkerPacific OceanNov 29, 1845
Condemned at Sydney.
David PaddackCharles B. Swain 2ddo.Dec 8, 1845
Lost in La Perouse Straits, with a full cargo, mostly whale oil.
United StatesCalvin G. Worth do.Dec 8, 1845
Lost in December, 1849, near Tongataboo; crew saved.
EnterpriseSamuel C. Wyerdo.Dec 28, 1845Jan 2, 18502108
Elizabeth StarbuckElijah Parkerdo.Dec 29, 1845
Condemned in Monterey.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
AlabamaBenjamin CoggeshallPacific OceanMay 26, 1846Sep 26, 18501450
New. The oil sold for $1.26 per gallon.
AlphaJoseph W. Folgerdo.Jul 2, 1846Apr 24, 18501182180w
Three BrothersJoseph Mitchell, 2ddo.Jul 7, 1846Jul 15, 18511330170w
ColumbiaJoseph C. Chasedo.Aug 7, 1846Jun 12, 18501689183w
OntarioJohn Horndo.Jul 10, 1846Apr 30, 1850,1205179w
Young HeroWilliam B. Swaindo.Jul 12, 1846May 17, 1850, 2144158w
Capt. Swain was taken sick, left the ship and came home overland.
NarragansettJohn B. Rogersdo.Aug 9, 1846Apr 1, 1851, 2286
Sold some oil on the voyage.
AtlanticJames Colemando.Sep 13, 1846Dec 2, 1849,2081
Sent home 85 barrels sperm.
MariaGeorge A. Coffindo.Sep 20, 1846Jun 27, 185089613w
Capt. Coffin left the ship at Talcahuano. The ship was brought home by Mr. Alley, the second officer.
RoseWilliam Millerdo.Nov 7, 1846
Obtained about 900 barrels of oil, went to California and was sold.
SusanCharles B. Raydo.Nov 16, 1846Aug 16, 1851744
Sold 120 barrels.
James LoperWilliam S. Whippeydo.Dec 10, 1846May 10, 1851126140b
NapoleonStephen B. Gibbsdo.Dec 31, 1846May 16, 1851180913b
Capt. Gibbs came home sick.
HeroSylvanus Swaindo.Nov 2, 1846
Ship returned leaking November 15th; was repaired, and sailed again April 2d, 1847.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
HeroSylvanus SwainPacific OceanApr 2, 1847Jul 7, 1851892
PlanterIsaac B. Husseydo.Jul 4, 1847Dec 7, 18511097
Capt. Hussey shipped as master on board brig William Penn, at Strong's Island, for a whaliug cruise, and was killed November 6th, 1852, by a native, in a mutiny. Joseph Fisher, the mate, brought the ship home.
PeruConsider Fisherdo.Aug 21, 1847Dec 12, 1850750
Sold on the voyage 60 blackflsh. Sperm oil sold at $1.28.
PresidentJoseph Marshalldo.Sep 1, 1847Oct 12, 1850136920w
Got ashore at Galapagos Islands and came home damaged.
ConstitutionObed Bunkerdo.Sep 5, 1847Apr 23, 185255590w
Sold and sent home about 50 barrels.
SpartanCromwell Morselanderdo.Oct 6, 1847Jun 21, 1851868
This ship encountered a gale of wind, losing topmast, boats and sails; she returned and refitted; sailed again and arrived June 21st, 1851, 868 barrels sperm. November 21st,
MaryWilliam B. Harrisdo.Oct 17, 1847Nov 17, 185171730b
Sold 30 barrels sperm on the voyage.
Henry ClaySamuel P. Skinnerdo.Oct 27, 1847Dec 22, 18521280
Ship condemned at Rio Janeiro.
BarclayEben Bakerdo.Oct 29, 1847Oct 15, 18511150
WashingtonStephen Baileydo.Oct 30, 1847
Condemned at Oahu in 1849.
RamblerJames H. Haughtondo.Dec 5, 1847Jul 28, 185118378b
Sold on the voyage, 125 barrels.
Brig KirkwoodCharles Alleydo.Oct 19, 1847
Capt. Alley died at Panama, and the brig was sold there.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
EmpireWilliam UphamPacific OceanJan 2, 1848Jun 7, 18521847
Sold to New Bedford.
CatawbaObed Swain, 2ddo.Apr 28, 1848Jun 17, 1852141529b
Daniel WebsterHenry C. Bunkerdo.May 19, 1848May 17, 1852230660w
HenryBenjamin A. Colemando.Jul 15, 1848Aug 10, 1853600
PeruvianGeorge B. Folgerdo.Jul 16, 1848Aug 10, 185253470b
Sold on the voyage 30 barrels sperm, 40 blackflsh.
NormanJohn J. Gardnerdo.Aug 8, 1848
Went to California.
Richard MitchellRobert McCleavedo.Aug 31, 1848Sep 9, 1852174553w
NauticonCharles A. Veederdo.Sep 12, 1848Mar 27, 18531100144w
New. Sold 200 barrels whale on the voyage. Mrs. Veeder and two children went to sea in the ship. Sold to New Bedford.
HarvestWilliam H. Ticedo.Sep 23, 1848Mar 20, 185214467w
Dismasted three days out, returned, and sailed again October 27th, and arrived March 20th, 1852, 1446 barrels sperm, 7 whale. Sold 150 barrels sperm and 50 blackflsh on the voyage.
PhenixPerry Winslowdo.Nov 7, 1848Feb 3, 1853115810w
Zenas CoffinCharles G. Arthurdo.Nov 9, 1848Jul 12, 185347811w
Capt. Richard Gardner brought the ship home.
LexingtonDavid Bunker, 2ddo.Nov 10, 1848Jan 22, 1853742229w
MassachusettsSeth Nickerson, 16, 1848Apr 22, 1851972412w
Went to San Francisco, and fitted for the Arctic Ocean.
Charles CarrollJosiah C. Longdo.Dec 2, 1848Dec 29, 1852105093w
Sold 35 barrels sperm aud 200 whale on the voyage. Sold in California in 1853.
Christopher MitchellThomas Sullivando.Dec 11 , 1848Nov 9, 18522023
Sold to New Bedford.
Brig QuitoJohn Brockdo.May 10, 1848
Sent home some sperm oil, went to California, and was sold.
Schooner SophiaWilliam Baldwindo.Jun 15, 1848
Sent home some oil and was sold in San Francisco.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
MarinerAlbert RayPacific OceanMay 20, 1849
Returned in July, captain sick, and mate hurt by falling from aloft. Sailed again August 5th, Captain David U. Coffin, obtained 837 barrels sperm, and was condemned at Payta, and the oil shipped home.
OmegaCharles C. Russelldo.Jun 6, 1849Oct 3, 1853696
PotomacCharles Grantdo.Aug 7, 1849May 10, 1853197625w
NavigatorGeorge Palmerdo.Aug 27, 1849Jun 19, 1854837
Sold to Edgartown.
GangesThomas Coffin 2ddo.Sep 12, 1849Jul 21, 18531813
Edward CaryRoland Phinneydo.Oct 8, 1849Nov 12, 1853113350w
Brig TylestonReuben F. StarbuckAtlantic OceanApr 7, 1849Jul 27, 18503080w

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
MohawkOliver C. SwainPacific OceanMay 29, 1850Apr 20, 1854189070w
New. Oil sold at $1.50 per gallon.
NantucketRichard C. Gibbsdo.Jun 8, 1850Aug 31, 1854102263w
Sent home 769 barrels sperm, 100 whale.
AtlanticZenas M. ColemanPacific OceanJun 27, 1850Nov 10, 18531330
Sent home 90 barrels sperm.
EnterpriseCharles B. Swain, 2dArctic OceanJul 10, 1850May 26, 18546741194w
Captain Swain left the ship at Talcahuano, and Capt. Edward McCleave took her home.
Apphia MariaHiram FolgerPacific OceanJul 25, 1850Mar 24, 1854340282w
AmericanFrederick W. Lucedo.Aug 15, 1850Jul 16, 185330622w
Sold to Edgartown.
AlphaJoseph Congdondo.Aug 17, 1850Jul 25, 18541627
MonticelloJohn M. Folgerdo.Sep 10, 1850Sep 6, 18536041004w
Sold 80 barrels whale on the voyage.
OntarioObed Cathcartdo.Sep 12, 1850
Condemned at Callao, and her oil, 700 barrels, shipped to England.
MariaDavid Bakerdo.Sep 15, 1850
Capt. Baker returned home sick early on the voyage, and Mr. Perry, the mate, continued the voyage. Obtained 1326 barrels sperm, and 30 whale, and was condemned at Rio Janeiro, on the passage home, in September, 1854.
ColumbiaWilliam CashArctic OceanOct 3, 1850May 28, 18541634w
Sent home oil and bone worth $22,000.
Young HeroSamuel C. WyerPacific OceanNov 4, 1850Jun 27, 18551275
Sent home 45 barrels sperm.
ParagonThomas Nelsondo.Nov 22, 1850
New. Lost March 20th, 1853, on a reef on Strong's Island. Sent home and sold 210 barrels oil.
Brig TylestonShadrach Gifford Atlantic OceanSep 2, 1850May 4, 185122
Edward Narbeth, mate, died on the voyage.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
PeruCharles E. StarbuckPacific OceanMay 16, 1851May 31, 1855664
Sent home 1080 barrels sperm; sold 200 barrels blackflsh.
PresidentWilliam C. Folger, 2ddo.May 21, 1851May 23, 185560050w
Sold to New Bedford at end of voyage.
AlabamaBenjamin Coggeshalldo.Jun 10, 1851Jan 24, 18551794
Captain Coggeshall left the ship — arrived home November 11th, and died November, 1854.
NarragansettJames Colemando.Jul 6, 1851May 31, 18551757
NapoleonWilliam M. Holleydo.Jul 13, 1851Jul 20, 18544921263w
Sold to New Bedford.
EdwardEdward P. MosherArctic SeaJul 23, 1851Jul 26, 1854
Captaln Mosher obtained 900 barrels oil, went to Sydney and sold it. Captain Edward C. Austin brought the ship home.
James LoperWilliam S. Whippeydo.Sep 6, 1851Apr 9, 1855151559w
Sent home 400 barrels sperm, 800 whale.
MassachusettsSeth Nickersoudo.Sep 20, 1851Mar 12, 18532762585w
Three BrothersJoseph AdamsArctic OceanOct 14, 1851Mar 17, 185418 1/22285w
Sent home 1050 whale, 100 sperm, and 25,000 pounds bone.
CitizenRichard C. Baileydo.Oct 18, 1851Jun 27, 185551891w
RamblerJohn PorterPacific OceanOct 23, 1851
Condemned at Navigator Islands.
HeroJoseph McCleavedo.Nov 1, 1851May 30, 185581023w
NormanJoseph C. ChasePacific OceanOct 21, 1851Aug 4, 1855118020w
SusanVeranus Smith do.Dec 5, 1851
Lost going to Arctic Ocean off Company Island, April 26th, 1853, with 400 barrels sperm oil on board.
SpartanJames Wyerdo.Oct 24, 1851Nov 14, 18536301570w
Bought her whale oil at Navigator Islands, of ship York, at 16 cents per gallon.
Schooner OnecoPeter C. Raymond do.May 10, 1851Oct 15, 185189
Schooner PalmyraBenjamin Raymond Atlantic OceanJul 5, 1851Aug 10, 185267
Sent home 30 barrels.
Brig TylestonEdward Swaindo.Jun 18, 1851Dec 29, 185242w

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
PlanterHenry PeasePacific OceanMay 19, 1852Aug 7, 18561300100w
Burnt on railway at Brant Point, in 1859.
MaryBenjamin C. Sayerdo.Aug 5, 1852May 11, 18563001200w
BarclayDavid Cottle, 2ddo.Jul 13, 1852
Condemned at Tahiti about 1856. Oil shipped home by schooner Heloise, and lost near Rio.
Daniel WebsterHenry Starbuckdo.Aug 28, 1852Jul 15, 1856750
Sold to New Bedford.
PeruvianEdward B. Hussey Jr.Indian OceanDec 6, 1852Oct 19, 18561000
Broken up at New Bedford in 1857.
MemnonJames H. HaughtonPacific OceanOct 2, 1852
New. Was burnt at Payta in October, 1854. Sent home 443 barrels sperm.
ConstitutionJoseph Winslowdo.Sep 2, 1852Jul 14, 18561600130w
Broken up at end of voyage.
GazelleWilliam Uphamdo.Dec 15, 1852Jun 1, 18571060
New. Capt.Upham died, and the mate, Alexander Easton, finished the voyage. Sold to New Bedford.
Richard MitchellThaddeus C. Defriezdo.Dec 22, 1852Jul 14, 1856734
Sent home 350 barrels sperm.
CatawbaObed Swain, 2ddo.Dec 25, 1852May 31, 1857789
Sent home 417 barrels sperm.
Brig HomerJoseph FisherAtlantic OceanJun 6, 1852Sep 12, 185416525w
Schooner OnecoAlexander G. Browndo.May 20, 1852Jul 21, 1853clean.
Schooner PalmyraAbraham Swaindo.Sep 26, 1852Aug 22, 18536030w

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
LexingtonPeter C. BrockAtlantic and Pacific OceansMay 21, 1853Jun 25, 18563101637w
Sold 20 barrels on the voyage.
PhenixIsrael MoreyPacific and Arctic OceansJul 19, 1853May 13, 185672975w
Sent home 90 sperm and 1000 whale.
HarvestBenjamin F. RiddellPacific OceanAug 9, 1853Nov 10, 1857495770w
Sent home 100 barrels sperm, 450 whale, and 22,537 pounds bone. Sold to New Bedford.
MassachusettsHorace NickersonArctic OceanAug 16, 1853Jun 20, 1856301500w
HenryDavid Bunker, 2d.Pacific OceanOct 18, 1853
Sent home 400 barrels sperm. Condemned at Talcahuano in 1858.
GangesJohn B. Nickersondo.Oct 19, 1853
Sent home 249 barrels sperm. Condemned at Sydney.
PotomacEnoch Ackleydo.Oct 27, 1853Jul 9, 1857875
Sent home 300 barrels sperm. This ship was flnally sold to government, and sunk at the mouth of Charleston harbor during the war.
MonticelloEben Bakerdo.Nov 15, 1853Jan 15, 18571182
Sold to New London in 1859.
Zenas CoffinJ. R. RoseArctic OceanNov 17, 1853Feb 21, 18572515 w
Sent home 80 barrels sperm, and $15,000 worth whale oil and bone. Sold to New York.
OmegaWilliam T. Hawesdo.Dec 8, 1853May 7, 18571001900w
Sold to Edgartown.
Brig TylestonWilliam H. TicePacific OceanOct 30, 1853
Got as far as Cape Horn, encountered gales of wind, returned to Pernambuco, and was condemned. No oil.
HamiltonJames McGuireAtlantic OceanApr 8, 1853May 20, 185320w, 25b
William P. DolliverDavid Pattersondo.Apr 19, 1853Jun 5, 185323h
HamiltonJames McGuiredo.Jun 1, 1853Jun 25, 185334b
William P. DolliverDavid Pattersondo.Jun 13, 1853Jul 25, 185329 1/2h
Game CockWilliam Pattersondo.Jun 20, 1853Jul 18, 1853clean
HamiltonJames McGuiredo.Jul 5, 1853Jul 29, 18534b
Game CockWilliam Pattersondo.Jul 19, 1853
and returned in consequence of the death of Mr. John Hall.
William P. DolliverDavid Pattersondo.Aug 3, 1853Aug 26, 1853105h
HamiltonJames McGuiredo.Aug 4, 1853Aug 27, 185318h
OnecoAlexander Browndo.Aug 4, 1853Sep 6, 1853
HamiltonJames McGuiredo.Aug 30, 1853Sep 15, 1853clean
William P. DolliverDavid Pattersondo.Aug 31, 1853Sep 21, 185328h

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
Edward CaryPerry WinslowPacific OceanMay 22, 1854Aug 8, 1858665
Sent home 570 barrels sperm.
AtlanticZenas M. Colemando.Jun 13, 1854Apr 17, 18581038
Sent home 260 barrels sperm, and sold 10 barrels.
SpartanElihu F. Turnerdo.Jul 3, 1854Jun 21, 18581600
The ship came in contact with brig Isabella, Capt. Bowman. The brig was abandoned, but afterwards towed into New York. The crew and passengers arrived in the Spartan.
Three BrothersCharles E. Cleaveland do.Jul 10, 1854Apr 20, 18596000 w
Largest cargo of oil ever taken.
MohawkCharles Grantdo.Aug 14, 1854Aug 23, 18581746
ColumbiaHiram Folgerdo.Dec 9, 1854May 24, 1859600200w
EnterpriseJohn BrownArctic OceanDec 16, 1854May 5, 18582131445w
Sold to New Bedford and broken up.
HamiltonHiram BalleyNorth Atlantic OceanApr 25, 1854Jul 26, 1854136b
William P. DolliverNathan Manterdo.Apr 26, 1854Jun 26, 18541897b
PalmyraBenjamin Raymond do.May 11, 1854Aug 7, 185510022w
William P. DolliverHiram Balleydo.Dec 17, 185432284h
Note: Several other schooners sailed this year but returned clean.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
Apphia MariaCharles H. ChasePacific OceanMay 23, 1855
Condemned at Valparalso in March, 1859.
NantucketRichard C. Gibbsdo.Jun 14, 1855
Lost on Nashawena on her homeward passage, with 736 barrels sperm, 794 whale on board. Ship sold for $950.
AlabamaThomas Coffin, 2ddo.Jun 27, 1855
Sprung a leak and returned in 66 days.
AlabamaThomas Coffin, 2ddo.Sep 24, 1855Sep 28, 18591151
Sent home 54 barrels sperm.
AlphaWilliam H. Caswelldo.Jul 9, 1855Jul 29, 18591281
Ocean RoverCharles A. Veederdo.Jul 11, 1855Oct 26, 18581721
New. Sold to New York.
James LoperObed Ramsdelldo.Sep 18, 1855Aug 14, 186092864w
Sold to New York for $5525.
PeruFrederick A. Eastondo.Oct 4, 1855Aug 1, 1859900
Young HeroValentine C. Longdo.Oct 8, 1855
Burnt at Sandwich Islands in 1858.
NormanCharles C. Raydo.Oct 16, 1855May 12, 1860975
CitizenWilliam Cashdo.Oct 29, 1855Jul 4, 18592012130w
Sold to New York.
NarragansettGeorge W. Gardnerdo.Nov 22, 1855May 20, 1860837
Sold by auction to Z. L. Adams for $5050; then sold at Boston for $6000.
Brig HomerLewis B. ImbertAtlantic OceanAug 12, 1855Oct 30, 185610720w

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
IslanderCharles E. StarbuckPacific OceanAug 19, 1856Jun 9, 1861800
MaryJohn C. Brockdo.Sep 9, 1856Apr 29, 18611170
Sold to New York and fitted for California.
Sea RangerHenry W. Davisdo.Sep 16, 1856Oct 14, 1860171351w
New. Sold to Providence; afterwards purchased by New Bedford parties for a whaler.
LexingtonJames Fisherdo.Sep 19, 1856
Lost on Strong's Island in 1859. Saved 100 barrels whale.
MassachusettsThomas Chatfielddo.Sep 28, 1856
Sold in San Francisco, in 1861, for $8000.
HeroWilliam Holleydo.Oct 11, 1856Jul 11, 18601150250w
PhenixJ. HinckleyPacific and Arctic OceansOct 19, 1856
Totally lost on Elbo Island, Ochotsk Sea.
Brig HomerJames L. FisherAtlantic OceanNov 20, 1856Sep 9, 18577754w
William P. DolliverJames McGuiredo.Jun 24, 1856Aug 15, 185655h
HamiltonDavid Pattersondo.Jul 21, 1856Aug -, 185640h
William P. DolliverJames McGuiredo.Aug 20, 1856Aug 25, 1856clean
WatchmanCharles W. Husseydo.Sep 22, 1856Aug 26th 185841256w
Sent home 130 barrels whale. Obtained 4 barrels ambergris, which sold for $10,000.
William P. DolliverJames Russelldo.Oct 30, 1856Oct 20, 185720
Sent home 66 barrels whale.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
NautilusEdwin M. HardwickIndian OceanJun 22, 1857
Lost at Port Dauphin.
CatawbaIsrael MoreyDesolation IslandSep 3, 1857Apr 9, 1859242827e
Sold to New York.
ConstitutionJoseph WinslowPacific OceanSep 18, 1857Jul 1, 18631600
New. Sold to New York for $24,000.
Schooner Eliza JaneWilliam T. SwainDesolation IslandAug 15, 1857
Tender to the Catawba.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
AtlanticZenas M. ColemanPacific OceanAug 2, 1858Aug 23, 18621316
Sold to New York.
SpartanObed R. Bunkerdo.Oct 19, 1858Aug 23, 1863643557w
Sold to New Bedford.
Edward CaryFrancis M. Gardnerdo.Oct 20, 1858
Sold in San Francisco. Afterwards fitted for a whaler and burned by the privateer Shenandoah.
Brig HomerGeorge HaggertyDesolationJul 6, 1858Oct 4, 1859325e
Schooner Key WestJames McGuireShoalsJul 7, 1858Jul 25, 185814h
Schooner WatchmanCharles W. HusseyAtlantic OceanOct 13, 1858Jul 7, 1859563 w
Note: Four other schooners sailed, but returned clean.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
MohawkGeorge H. SwainPacific OceanMay 12, 1859Jun 29, 18631000
Sold to New York.
PeruEllhu F. Turnerdo.Sep 25, 1859May 7, 1863136012b
Sold at New London in 1863.
Three BrothersCalvin Swaindo.Dec 6, 1859Apr 2, 1865925250w
Sold to New Bedford.
Schooner WatchmanCharles W. HusseyAtlantic OceanSep 6, 1859Sep 23, 186065430w

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
AlphaWilliam H. CaswellPacific OceanApr 26, 1860
Obtained 1000 barrels sperm; went to San Francisco, and was sold there.
ColumbiaJoseph Abbottdo.Apr 30, 1860
Condemned at Upola. Capt. Abbott died at sea, September 5, 1861.
AlabamaAlfred M. Coffindo.May 6, 1860
Sent home 4000 gallons sperm. Ship lost on Chatham Island.
NormanRichard C. Gibbsdo.Aug 20, 1860May 3, 18651200
Sold to New Bedford.
HeroEdward B. Husseydo.Sep 19, 1860
Lost in Algoa Bay in 1861.
Schooner WatchmanCharles W. HusseyAtlantic OceanNov 30, 1860Oct 13, 186120400w
Sold to Provincetown.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
Schooner Samuel ChaseJames McGuireShoalsfive trips, 1861125h
Sold to Dartmouth.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
IslanderWilliam CashPacific OceanJun 13, 1862Jul 13, 18652400560w
Sold to New Bedford.
R. L. BarstowCharles W. HusseyAtlantic OceanMay 6, 1862Jul 25, 1865360556w
Schooner RainbowJames McGuiredo.May 8, 1862Jul 3, 18623556w
Schooner RainbowRobert F. Kentdo.Nov 17, 1862Jun 23, 1863 29
Note: No ship was fltted in 1863.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
Schooner RainbowZenas M. ColemanAtlantic OceanMay 4, 1864Sep 12, 18648020w
Sold to Dartmouth.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
R. L. BarstowCharles W. HusseyAtlantic and Indian OceansNov 19, 1865Sep 20, 1868400400w
Schooner Eunice H. AdamsZenas M. Colemando.Apr 18, 1865Sep 30, 1865230

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
AmyJoseph WinslowPacific OceanMay 30, 1866May 16, 1870135050w
Sold out 1871.
Martha WrightingtonElihu F. Turnerdo.Jul 2, 1866
Sold at Talcahuano.
B. ColcordEdward McCleavedo.Nov 6, 1866
Sold at Talcahuano.
Schooner Eunice H. AdamsZenas M. ColemanAtlantic and Indian OceansMay 8, 1866Sep 27, 1868203
Lost mate, James H. Bunker.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
OakJoshua T. ChadwickAtlantic OceanJun 11, 1867Sep 20, 186957015b
Schooner Abby BradfordJohn Murraydo.Apr 30, 1867Aug 31, 18684518b
Brig Eunice H. AdamsZenas M. Colemando.May 6, 1867Sep 25, 1868170

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
BohioHenry W. DavisPacific OceanJul 12, 1868
Sold at Callao.
R. L. BarstowWilliam Jernegando.Dec 19, 1868
Sold at Callao, February, 1873.

VesselMasterDestinationDepartedReturnedSperm OilOther Oil
Brig Eunice H AdamsZenas M. ColemanAtlantic OceanMar 31, 1869Jun 14, 187055010b
Sold at New Bedford.
Schooner Abby BradfordJohn Murraydo.May 10, 1869Oct 24, 1869500
Sold at New Bedford.
OakWilliam B. ThompsonPacific OceanNov 16, 1869
Sold at Panama. The last Nantucket whaler.



      The following ships, which had put into Talcahuano on account of the war, left that port for Nantucket on the same day, — the latter part of September, 1813: Mary Ann, George Russell, Gardner, Isaiah Ray, Sukey, John Macy, Perseveranda, Thomas Paddack, John & James, Reuben Clasby, Chili, Robert Gardner, Lima, Solomon Swain, President, Solomon Folger, Criterion, William Clark, and Atlas, Obed Joy. The first six of these were taken by English cruisers; the rest arrived safe.

      In addition to the above, the ships Ranger, William Joy, George, Benjamin Worth, Sterling, Jonathan Swain, Monticello, Barzillai Coffin, William Penn, George W. Gardner, Fame, Job Coffin, Lion, Albert Clark, Hope, Reuben Weeks, Edward, Seth Folger, Rebecca, Jethro Coffin, Renown, Zaccheus Barnard, and brig Ocean, Absalom Coffin, were taken by the English; and the Brothers, Benjamin Whippey, Leo, Tristram Folger, Samuel, Prince Coleman, Lady Adams, Elisha Folger, Lydia, David Swain, John Jay, William B. Coffin, Golden Farmer, George Swain, Charles, Grafton Gardner, Minerva, George B. Chase, Industry, Amaziah Gardner, Thomas, Davis Whippey, Ruby, Christopher Wyer, Mars, John Fitch, Belvidere, Reuben Baxter, and Alliance, Hezekiah Pinkham, arrived at home in safety.

      The ship Beaver, Paul Worth, was the flrst whaler that ever went round Cape Horn. She sailed in 1791. The cost of the ship, fitted, was $10,212. The ships Rebecca, Robert Meader, Hector, Thomas Brock, Washington, George Bunker, and Favorite, Obed Barnard, sailed the same year.

      The ship Bedford, William Mooers, was the first ship that displayed the American flag in any British port. She arrived in the Downs February 3d, 1783, passed Gravesend the 4th, and reported at the Custom House the 6th. She was not allowed regular entry until some consultatation had taken place between the commissioner and the Lords of the Council, on account of the many acts of Parliament yet in force against the rebels in America.

      The first American flag displayed on the Spanish coast of South America was by Capt. George Bunker, of the ship Washington, which sailed from here in 1791.

      The flrst whale taken in the Pacific Ocean was killed by a Nantucket man (mate of an English whaler) as early as 1788.

      The first oll taken south of latitude 20° S, was by Uriah Bunker, in the brig Fame, on the 19th of April, 1775.

      The ship Tarquin sailed first on the 28th of June, 1815, and returned early in August, in distress. She sailed the second time August 19th, 1815.

      The first whaler to arrive in Nantucket (and it may be said in the United States) after the war of 1812, was the sloop Mason's Daughter, from a whaling cruise off the Southern coast. She arrived July 9th, 1815, with 100 barrels of oil. Was gone six weeks.


      List of ships owned at Nantucket, and the names of their owners, between the close of the Revolutionary war and the year 1800:

      Maria, Penelope, Falkland, Diana, Canton and Ospray. Owned by William Rotch & Co.

      Swan, Favorite and America. Owned by Shubael Coffin & Co.

      Manilla, Africa, Asia, Leo, Ruby, Favorite, 2d, Olive Branch, Brothers, Active and Hudson. Owned by R. & J. Mitchell & Co.

      Columbia, Alliance, Union, Renown, William and Criterion. Owned hy B. Hussey & Co.

      Lydia, John Jay and Brothers, 2d. Owned by Micajah Coffin.

      Fox, Ranger, Boston and Atlas. Owned by Francis Joy & Co. Washington, Juliana, John & James and Olive. Owned by John Elkins & Co.

      Industry, Beaver and Portland. Owned by Shubael Barnard & Co.

      Warren and Joanna. Owned by S. & 0. Macy & Co.

      Harlequin and Mary Ann. Owned by George Hussey & Co.

      Hector and Cato. Owned by Cartwright, Swain & Co.

      Hero and Mercury. Owned hy G. Drew & Co.

      Commerce. Owned by P. Coggeshall & Co.

      Fame. Owned by John Swain & Co.

      Edward and Rose. Owned by Edward Cary & Co.

      Nancy. Owned by Thomas Delano & Co.

      Harmony. Owned by Josiah Barker & Co.

      Gardner. Owned by Gideon Gardner & Co.

      Hercules. Owned by James Barker & Co.

      Mars. Owned by Nathaniel Russell & Co.

      Caesar. Owned by Uriah Swain & Co.

      Trial. Owned by Thomas Starbuck & Co.

      Eagle and Perseverance. Owned by Joseph Chase & Co.

      Federal. Owned hy Robert Folger & Co.

      Ann. Owned by Mark Coffin & Co.

      Hope. Owned by Seth Bunker & Co.

      Rebecca. Owned by George Folger & Co.

      A number of the ships named in the foregoing list were sent to France, and there employed for account of their American owners. Of them, the Maria, Diana, Swan, Favorite and Canton returned to Nantucket; the Penelope was made a French privateer, and with the Falkland, American and Ospray, was taken by the English in the course of the war with Bonaparte.



      Aurora, Seth M. Swain, January 9th, and arrived at San Francisco, July lst. Finally lost in Oregon.

      Henry Astor, George F. Joy, March 12th, and arrived at San Francisco, September 16th. Ship sold at Panama.

      Montano, Edward C. Austin, May 31st. Broken up at San Francisco.

      George & Martha. Richard Gardner, June 3d. Fitted from Boston. — Lost in Oregon.

      Edward, Shubael Clark, June 5th. Returned.


      Brig Joseph Butler, Francis F. Gardner, July lst. Returned, and was sold in New Bedford.

      Sarah Parker, James Codd, July 7th. Returned.

      Japan, Henry Bigelow, July 29th. Sailed from Boston. Broken up at San Francisco.

      Fanny, Uriah Russell, August 22d, and arrived February 21st, 1850.

      Martha, Eben M. Hinckley, October 16th. Broken up at San Francisco.

      Manchester, Job Coleman, December 6th, and arrived June 16th, 1850. Fitted at New York.

      Citizen, Oliver C. Coffin. December 17th, and arrived June lst, 1850. Returned, and fitted whaling.

      Scotland, Barzillai T. Folger, sailed from Boston, December 27th; put into Rio Janeiro, and Captain Folger and some of the passengers died of fever. The ship was condemned.

      Schooner Two Brothers, Edwin Baldwin, August 14th. Fitted from New York.


      John Adams, Shubael Worth, January 13th. Burnt in San Francisco.

      Franklin, William B. Swain, March 31st. Broken up in San Francisco.

      Bark Oregon, Seth M. Swain, November 14th. Fitted from New York, and returned.

      Schooner Exact, Edward H. Morton, May 2d. Lost in Oregon.


      Manchester, Alexander H. Coffin, April 7th. Lost on Coast of Patagonia, lat. 55 S. The ship struck fifty miles from land, and drifted ashore. The captain's wife and most of the crew were drowned; the captain and all who were saved, with the exception of his son and one sailor, were killed by the natives. The son afterwards arrived home.


      Names of Nantucket men who commanded ships engaged in the whale flshery from French and English ports prior to 1812. The perusal of this list may well excite the honest pride of the descendants of those enterprising men who carried on the whale flshery at the close of the last, and commencement of the present century. All have now passed away; and the memory of their lives will soon likewise perish, unless some Old Mortality shall appear, to snatch their names from oblivion:

Clother AllenPenelopeDunkirk
Nathan'l BarnardBoston Packet"
Jona J. BarnardAnn"
Peter BrookEdward"
Walter BrookLydia"
Jona C. BriggsHarmony"
Elisha BunkerVille de Paris"
Francis BunkerBrutus"
Isaiah BunkerBerceau"
Obed BunkerGreyhound"
Peleg BunkerArdent"
Francis BaxterIndustryL'Orient
Reuben BaxterBaleineHavre
Reub'n R. BunkerBrutus"
Benjamin ClarkPioneerDunkirk
Benj. Clark2dLydia"
George ClarkJuno"
Benj. ColemanJanus"
Prince ColemanResolution"
Alpheus CoffinDiana"
Bartlett CoffinMaria"
Edward CoffinPhebe"
Laban CoffinBedford"
Paul CoffinDauphin"
Richard CoffinMontmorenci"
Shubael CoffinBrothers"
Thaddeus CoffinYoung States"
Jedediah FitchFriends"
George FitchParis"
William FitchYoung States"
Obed FitchWmPenn"
David FolgerFavorite"
Elisha FolgerPenelope"
Seth FolgerThomasHavre
Timothy FolgerSarahDieppe
Shubael GardnerVille de ParisDunkirk
Stephen GardnerStates"
Tristram GardnerAmerica"
Micajah GardnerEdward"
Amaziah GardnerHebe"
Jethro GardnerPenelope"
James GardnerVictoireL'Orient
Shub'l Gardner, 2dCharlesHavre
Benjamin GloverFameDunkirk
Benjamin HusseyStates"
Barzillai HusseySusa"
Ebenezer HusseyFox"
Gorham HusseyMaria"
Isaiah HusseyJudith"
Peleg HusseyFame"
Archil's Hammond Cyrus"
Charles HarraxGanges"
Robert InottHarpoonerHavre
David JoyBoston"
Silas JonesSwanDunkirk
Timothy LongDiana"
William LongSwan"
Francis MacyHebe"
Reuben MacyBrutus"
William MooersLydia"
Benj. PaddockOspray"
Obed PaddockFalkland"
Philip PollardSavageHavre
Stephen RawsonHero"
Abel RawsonFriendsDunkirk
Paul RayJudith"
Matthew StarbuckHudson"
Edward StarbuckHope"
David StarbuckHarmony"
David SwainBrothers"
Thaddeus SwainDiana"
Uriah SwainYoung States"
Valentine SwainSwan"
Val'tine Swain2dDiana"
George WhippeyNecker"
James WhippeySouth Carolina"
Coffin WhippeyCanton"
John WorthPenelope"
Jonathan WorthSeine"
Joseph WyerYoung States"
Timothy WyerLydia"

Jno. M. AllenRangerLondon
Ebenezer BaileyArgoHalifax
Jona. BarnardNancy"
Tristram BarnardPrince Wm. HenryL'nd'n
Fred'k Barnard Rebecca"
Benjamin Baxter Liberty"
Francis Baxter Rover"
David BaxterCharles Milford Haven
Abner Briggs Ch'l'te & Statira Halifax
Andrew Brock Jefferson Milford Haven
Thomas Brock Romulus Halifax
Eber Bunker Pomona London
Chris. BunkerKent"
Tristram Bunker Scorpion"
Owen BunkerBrothers"
Uriel BunkerMaitland Milford Haven
Obed BunkerRomulusHalifax
Zacchary Bunker Africa"
Peleg BunkerFalkland"
Shadrach CaneEndeavor London
William ChadwickColony Halifax
John ChadwickRomulus"
Zimri ChaseNeptune"
Benjamin Clark Fantail London
Tristram ClarkRattler"
Edward ClarkSeringapatam"
Benj. Clark2d Barbary"
Jonathan ClarkLeviathan"
Obed ClarkBetsey"
Joseph Clasby Joseph Halifax
Nathaniel CoffinRoyal George London
Reuben ClevelandDuchess of Portl'nd"
Paul CoffinLucasLondon
Joshua CoffinLondon"
Shubael CoffinWilliam"
Thaddeus CoffinHarriet"
Daniel CoffinVenus"
Zebdiel CoffinWielding"
Jonathan CoffinHibernia"
Jonathan Coffin, 2dLucretiaHalifax
Brown CoffinHarriet"
Solomon CoffinDounahu"
Eber CoffinAurora"
Prince ColemanAnnMilford Haven
Jesse CoffinGrand Sachem"
Frederick CoffinHannah & Eliza"
Stephen ColemanGood IntentLondon
David ColemanArkHalifax
Andrew ColemanDartmouth"
Sol. Coleman, Jr.Nancy"
Simeon ColemanArgo"
Obed CottleMinervaLondon
Benjamin CookPrince of Wales"
Henry DelanoKingston"
Thos. Delano, Jr.Hercules"
Abisha DelanoSea Horse"
John DarlingManilla"
Geo. DunnamanNew ZealanderMilford Haven
Jacob ExtienEmilyLondon
William FitchSpy"
Reuben FitchRecovery"
Jedediah FitchBritish Tar"
George FitchRebecca"
William FolgerWilliam"
Brown FolgerHarpooner"
Nathaniel FolgerLucas"
Thomas FolgerVulture"
Chris. FolgerPerseverance"
Obed FolgerGanges"
Henry FolgerMaryLiverpool
Philip FosdickLucretiaHalifax
Aaron GardnerMentorLondon
Job GardnerAlbion"
Barney GardnerHero"
Caleb GardnerBarbary"
Calvin GardnerIndispensable"
Charles GardnerLondon"
Francis GardnerLiberty"
Franklin GardnerBritish Tar"
George GardnerNimble"
Jethro GardnerBarbary"
Micajah GardnerHann'h & ElizaMilford Haven
Stephen GardnerRomulusHalifax
Nath'l GoodspeedBrittaniaLondon
James GwinnWarehamMilford Haven
Charles HarraxBritish TarLondon
Thomas HillerLucretiaHalifax
Benj. HusseyGreyhoundLondon
Ammiel HusseyDuke of KentMilford Haven
Albert HusseyDartmouthHalifax
Peleg HusseyAurora"
Ransom JonesAfricanHalifax
Daniel KelleyCharlotte & Statira"
John LockGreenwichLondon
Abijah LockMoss"
Nathan LongMercury"
Peleg LongAurora"
Reuben MacyIndustry"
Francis MacyGood Intent"
Steph'n Macy, Jr.Aurora"
Nathaniel MacyAfricanHalifax
Edmund MacyHarriet"
John MarshallRamblerLondon
John MeaderSally"
Jonathan MeaderIndispensable"
William MooersMaria"
Shubael MooersSally"
Andrew MyrickAuroraMilford Haven
Paul PaddockRoyal BountyLondon
Silas PaddockDonnahuHalifax
William PaddockNeptune"
Simon PaulQueen CharlotteLondon
Paul PeaseKent"
Noah PeaseFantail"
Andrew PinkhamEarl St Vincent"
Elisha Pinkham ArkHalifax
John Pinkham Speedy London
Matt. PinkhamRomulusHalifax
Sylvanus PittsGeorgiannaLondon
John RamsdellMercury"
Barney RaySwift"
Daniel RayNeptune"
William Ray, Jr.Fox"
Joseph RussellResolutionLondon
Laban RussellCharlesMilford Haven
Job SmithLucasLondon
John SpragueNancyHalifax
Shubael SquiresLucasLondon
Edward StarbuckGood Intent"
Barnabas SwainDartmouthHalifax
Thaddeus SwainManilla"
Matthew SwainKingstonLondon
Andrew SwainRattler"
Howse SwaiuBoyne"
Zacchary SwainSpy"
William SwainCumberland"
Benjamin SwiftBrook Watson"
William StadeRomulus"
Daniel WatermanSierra LeoneMilford Haven
Charles WestRattlerLondon
Paul WestCyrus"
James WhippeyCanton"
Coffin WhippeyGrand SachemMilford Haven
Joseph WhitteusDuke of Portl'ndLondon
Obed WorthBrook Watson"
Shubael WorthFox"
Paul WorthAuroraHalifax
Obed WyerAtlanticLondon
Timothy WyerNimble"

C O N T E N T S.

The contents page has been created for this transcription.
Catalogue: 1815-1869 [pp.7-49]
1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825
1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836
1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847
1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858
1859 1860 1861 1862 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869
Nantucket ships and owners from end of Revolutionary War to 1800.
Ships Sailed for California.
Nantucket Masters sailing from European Ports before 1812.
        French Ports.
        English Ports.


      Here the "catalogue" section (pp. 7-49) has been rendered in tabular form rather than following the page layout of the original publication. Similarly, pages 51 though 54 are also shown in table form.

Hussey & Robinson (Firm).
      Catalogue of Nantucket Whalers: And Their Voyages from 1815 to 1870.
    Hussey & Robinson, printers and publishers, 1876.
54 pages.

This transcription was made from the volume at Google Books.

Last updated by Tom Tyler, Denver, CO, USA, December 27, 2024

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