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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 107, Sep 9-Oct 14, 1856

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1856 continued

settlement this morning but the wind increasing, the ship was telegraphed to get under way, the Bishop deferring on Mrs. Selwyn's account, their embarking until more settled weather. The Bishop attended at the public school heard some of the classes & inspected the writing of others. Towards evening the weather became more moderate.

Sep 9, 1856

Sept. 9th.
Fair weather wind northwest. The Bishop & Mrs. Selwyn already to embark: at 10 oclock the schooner came to her anchorage and lowered a boat, for it seems [?] slipped her cable yesterday. Our boat was launched & manned, when the Bishop, Mrs. Selwyn, & Mr. Pattieson embarked, & arrived safely on board of the schooner. Our people assisted the crew in getting up her anchor and then she made sail for Auckland, N.Z.

Sep 18, 1856

" 18th
Fair weather. A good deal of sickness of the Influenza

Sep 30, 1856

" 30th
Maria Christian delivered of a still born male child.

Oct 4, 1856

October 4th.
Frederick son of Frederick and Mary Young born

Oct 14, 1856

" 14th.
A most unsettled day as respects weather, and occupied [?] This morning early a sail was reported, in a short time it was ascertained to be Bishop Selwyns vessel bringing us ten tons of potatoes: which with other useful articles his Lordship & other friends in New Zealand had procured for our use, his Lordship left Auckland for the purpose of visiting the out stations around his [?] but previous to doing so, he shaped his course for Norfolk Island, and brought us a most seasonable supply: [?] many thanks to Bishop Selwyn, Mr. Brodie and other friends in our need. Two hours after communicating with the "Southern Cross," another vessel was reported and she proved to be another vessel from Sydney, bringing Bread, Flour, pease, rice & potatoes, So that our prospects are indeed bright. As the weather was rainy and very unsettled both vessels went round to the Cascades

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