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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 106, Sep 7-8, 1856

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1856 continued

and responded. They then in like order and number came to the front of the altar and kneeling there received the imposition of hands. Tis a pleasing sight to see parents kneeling by the side of their children, many of whom are also parents an[d] in one instance a great Grandmother was accompanied by four grand daughters, three of whom had families of their own; the fourth was unmarried it having pleased God to summon hence the young man to whom she had been affianced. Yes, tis a pleasing and gratifying sight to see the aged and the young with earnestness and sincerity renewing and satisfying their christian obligations in the name of the Lord from whom cometh our help. Before the conclusion it became nearly dark in the church and the Bishop was obliged to repair to the outer door, to distinguish the names of the persons on the Certificates of Confirmation, the Bishop himself delivering them; just taking each person by the hand and using the christian name of each, asked Gods blessing on them. And then the members of each family returned to their respective homes well pleased and edifyed. The number of persons confirmed amounted to eighty six, including all ages, from Elizabeth Young (daughter of Mills of the "Bounty") the oldest person in the Community, being about sixty six, to Andrew Christian aged fifteen, great grandson of Fletcher Christian. Three persons only were exceptions to this general assembly to wit, Dorothy Buffett & Mary Christian, who being sick and living over at the Cascades were unable to attend. Esther Quintal eldest daughter of the Rev. Mr. Nobbs was the other, she suffering from the effects of a severe cold, was obliged to keep in bed all day.

Sep 8, 1856

Sept. 8th.
Squally weather. The Bishops vessel anchored off the

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