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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 105, Sep 7, 1856 cont.

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1856 continued

for the day (Text Eh. 3rd chap. 17, 18, 19 verses) it was listened to with breathless attention. The sermon concluded, The Holy Eucharist (it being the first sunday of the month) was administered to sixty six communicants, the Bishop presenting the Bread, the Rev. Mr. Nobbs the wine. At half past three the afternoon service commenced. The candidates for confirmation were first called by [?] and arranged on stools in front of the Chancel, the women on the right hand range or tier the men on the left. It was in truth not only an impressive but a pleasing scene, the men were arrayed in good black or blue cloth coats with white pantaloons & shoes & stockings. The women wore loose white frocks or tunics, with a snowy white kerchief doubled triangularly which without any attempt at adornment was simply placed over the head and tied with a half knot under the chin. The costume assimilated well the occasion, and the subdued demeanor of the congregation was in excellent keeping with the sober light of the [Church?] windows, which by a process of some sort were rendered semi-opaque. In order that certain classes of former congregants might not by signs or otherwise correspond with their former companions in iniquity who were under solitary discipline in the adjoining yard. Every thing being arranged in methodical order by the good Bishop, prayers were read by the Rev. Mr. Pattieson after an excellent sermon by his Lordship illustrating the [?] of Christian professors. The confirmation began by ten [people?] standing in parallel lines of five each without stepping from place where they had been seated, when having listened attentively to the preface and question put by the Bishop and with becoming earnestness answered "I do." By a motion of the Bishops hand they resumed their seats & the others rose, and so in like order until all have been questioned

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