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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 108, Oct 15-Nov 22, 1856

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1856 continued

discharged their valuable cargoes. All day long were we busily engaged, in storing bread, flour, rice, &c.; &c.; The Bishop & Mrs Selwyn landed but by reason of the rain did not come over to the settlement, although horses were provided for them. They remained on shore some hours, & then returned on board & the schooner shaped her course for Nelson one of the New Zealand settlements. This deviation from the Bishops unswerving, and usual routine of annual duties, speaks volumes, as to the interest his Lordship has assumed in behalf of the people.

Oct 15, 1856

Oct 15th.
Busily employed all day in landing the stores from the "Kate Kearney" and before sunset the important business was accomplished and the articles stored in good order and condition.

Nov 2, 1856

Nov 2nd
Weather still fine and dry. The Community busy planting potatoes. Several persons affected with Catarrhal affections, a sort of incipient Influenza. This is already the third time since our arrival.

" [?]th
Beautiful weather and very, almost too dry for planting, still every body is busily employed in digging ground & planting Irish potatoes. Many of the imported potatoes have become rotten although we are using them at the present time as our sole article of vegetable food. Nothing of the farinaceous being dispensed.

Nov 13, 1856

" 13th.
Several persons sick vomiting and violent headaches is the type of the disorder.

Nov 22, 1856

" 22nd.
This morning as little Alice Maud Quintal was attempting to open the back door of her brother C. D. Christians house, the door (having been for some time past unhinged and left standing) fell upon her. Some of the family hearing the noise occasioned by the falling of the door

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