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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 79, Dec 13-14, 1854

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1854 continued

Dec 13, 1854

Dec 13th.
At 8 A.M. A sail was reported coming from the eastward. At 10 our whale boat went on board, she proved to be the "American" of Astoria last from Tahiti. She ran down to the west side of the Island & anchored, presently a shout was heard from the hills, intimating that Reuben & Francis Nobbs were on board & that Reuben is unwell. All the colony was in a ferment & as soon as the boat was observed coming [to?] the landing almost every body went down to Bounty Bay. When the boat landed poor Reuben had to be lifted out like an infant. Francis returned in good health at 3 P.M. The Captain of the ship, the owner & Mr. & Mrs. Meiggs passengers, arrived at the settlement having crossed the lookout ridge from the west side of the Island where the vessel lay at anchor.

Reuben is far gone in pulmonary consumption. Little more than twelvemonth since he left us for Valparaiso full of bright hopes [he?] regarded his worldly prospects: but they have withered in the bud.

Dec 14, 1854

" 14th
The community buisily employed supplying the ship with refreshments. Mr. Seamen sent [on?] shore many articles of comfort for poor Reuben & would not receive any remuneration for them, nor any passage money for either of the lads. The inhabitants offered to supply him with vegetables & fowls gratis but he rigidly insisted on paying for every item he received. Owner, Captain, & passengers are all American

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