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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 80, Dec 20-26, 1854

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1854 continued

& worthy of being so; Such philanthropists are an honor & will shed lustre on any country At four P.M. these kind friends repaired on board & the ship made sail for some part of the south American coast probably Valparaiso to meet the steamer for Panama; Mr. M. & family being on their way to the United States.

Dec 20, 1854

Dec. 20th
Kathleen Laura, daughter of Fletcher & Susan Nobbs, born

Dec 25, 1854

" 25th
Christmas Day public worship twice & the Holy communion administered to 49 persons The day was spent peacefully & happily most of the community eating together. Matilda Quintal improving in health although poor thing she will be permanently lame

Dec 26, 1854

" 26th
Emily Rachel daughter of Frederick & Mary Young born.

Summary of the year

Number of births this year nine 2 males 7 females
Marriages 1. Deaths 0. Nr of ships touching here
  American  English * Food has not been
at all scarce & Mercies, undeserved mercies
have surrounded us on every side

*[Spaces were left for the number of ships, but they are blank.]

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