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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 78, Aug 1-Oct 31, 1854

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1854 continued

Aug 1, 1854

Aug 1st.
The storm is still raging with violence Wind N.E. at sunset the gale had somewhat moderated

Aug 3, 1854

" 3rd
Thick rainy weather. At 7 am. a sail was reported in the S.E. quarter steering for the island but it is not probable we can have any communication with her at present. A boat from the vessel (a schooner) has just landed on the west side of the island she proved to be the "Caroline E. Foote" 115 days from New York bound to Tahiti. She stopped here to procure water

Aug 24, 1854

" 24th
Jonathan Lorenzo son of Jonathan & Phebe Adams born.
Nancy Alice Prudence daughter of John & Dinah Quintall born

[?] 2nd
Laura Agnes daughter of William & Rebecca Evans born

[?] [1/2]4th
William Evans cut his foot severely with an axe, he was brought home bleeding profusely.

Oct 30, 1854
Oct 14, 1854

Oct 30th.
Cap & Mrs Lawrence who have resided with us for three months, left. Their ship having returned on the 14th inst. without obtaining any oil. Capt. & Mrs Lawrence are both much respected by the community & we feel most sorry to part with them May Almighty God preserve them

Oct 31, 1854

" 31st
Charles Richard Holmes son of Benjamin & Eliza Christian born.

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