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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 77, Jun 2-Jul 31, 1854

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1854 continued

Jun 2, 1854

June 2nd
Matilda Quintal, the little sick girl much better, but her knee is swollen & very painful. I applied all my medical knowledge to induce suppuration but have failed hitherto and now with the exception of a dose of Dovers powder at night & occasional doses of Calomel and opium I have desisted from all medical applications

Jul 3, 1854

July 3rd
Angeline Ophelia daughter of Philip & Sarah McCoy born

Jul 22, 1854

" 22nd
A sail reported in the north west quarter

Jul 23, 1854

" 23rd
The vessel reported yesterday close in with the land; early this morning the captain landed, she proves to be the American whaling bark "Annaconda" twenty months from New Bedford, with eight hundred barrels of sperm oil: at 2 P.M. the Captains wife landed Matilda Quintall much better

Jul 28, 1854

" 28th.
At 2 oclock this morning commenced killing harvest hogs. The bark "Annaconda" left for three months cruise under the command of [?] Ray chief officer. Captain Lawrence & Mrs. Lawrence with their little daughter remained on shore

Jul 31, 1854

" 31st.
It blew very fresh last night and is now increased to a hard gale. The surf is very heavy on the shore the spume flying about the houses. At 7 P.M. it was necessary to send the boats further inland the surf having reached the boat houses every appearance of a boisterous night.

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