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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 66, May 16-28, 1853

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1853 continued

humble church was honored[?] with the attendance of the Fatherly Adml. and his officers. The Rev. Mr. Holman preached a farewell sermon to the community which deeply affected them. Text from 13 Chap. 2 Cor. 11 verse.

May 16, 1853

May 16th
The community buisily employed landing the various presents to them from their untiring friend & benefactor Adml Moresby and others in Valparaiso & England to all of whom we feel truly grateful.

May 17, 1853

" 17th
To day the Adml. assembled the people in the school room & addressed them on various subjects principally relating to the internal regulation of the Island

May 18, 1853

" 18th
11 AM. The Adml avowed his intention to sail in the course of the afternoon and in consequence all was bustle and preparation. The Rev. Mr. Holman took an affecting leave of the community at 2 P.M. and embarked in one of the Island boats accompanied by several of the men, at 3 the dear old Adml. embarked after taking leave of his sorrowing friends on Pitcairns Island. He was rowed on board by a crew of the Islanders and after being hospitably entertained by the officers they took a final leave of their generous friends & returned on shore.

May 19, 1853

" 19th
Several of the people attacked with influenza.

May 20, 1853

" 20th
Henry Chads son of Jacob & Nancy Christian born

May 25, 1853

" 25th
The majority of the people very ill and almost unable to help themselves

May 28, 1853

" 28th
Rain & very thick weather, about 10 a ship was reported in sight to the westward. 12 a.m. the ship seen from the village and pronounced to be the "Portland" after some hours, a crew of Invalids put off to her. The gallant

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