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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 65, Jan 27-May 13, 1853

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1853 continued

profit, and if the late visitation does not effect His good purposes He will inflict a still more terrible punishment. May all learn from it the lesson of strict obedience to His will an[d] a more resolute following of His commandments

(Signed)  W.H. Holman
HMS Portland
Jan 27, 1853

Jany 27th.
Augusta Ross daughter of Jonathan and Phebe Adams born

Jan 31, 1853

" 31st
H.B Steamer "Virago" sailed for the Society Islands

Mar 27, 1853

March 27th.
Easter Day. C.D. Christian & W. Evans attended Divine service, both having quite recovered from their wounds.

May 5, 1853

May 5th.
Rebecca Holman Ascension daughter of our lamented late Magistrate M. McCoy and Margaret McCoy born

May 12, 1853

" 12th
Fortescue Moresby son of David & Martha Buffet born

May 13, 1853

" 13th
Light winds from the Northeast. A ship was descried to the eastward bearing down under a crowd of sail for the Island. At 1/2 past 12 she had neared the Island sufficiently to go off to her which was immediately done. The vessel proved to be H.M.S. Portland, and we had once more the satisfaction to welcome the (to us) dear & gallant old Adml. and our worthy pastor, to our Isolated home. She also brought back the son and daughter of our Pastor the former of whom had been absent nearly four years. We are truly rejoiced to see those dear good friends who have done so much to promote our comforts & happiness, and we may hope & trust we may ever deserve their hitherto unmerited kindnesses & regard. Divine service was performed during the evening & our

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