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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 64, Jan 31 cont, 1853

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1853 continued

though very severe, were not considered dangerous several large pieces of wood were from time to time extracted, but the shock to the system was comparatively trifling and he is now doing well. The cause of the accident cannot, satisfactorily be accounted for, the most probable reason is, that there was a nail at the end of the rammer, which from severe friction against the side of the gun produced a spark which caused the explosion. In speaking of the dead it is always wrong to use any language stronger than that of hope but we have every reason to trust that Matthew McCoy is enjoying a foretaste of that happiness which awaits all the true servants of God. So far as human eye could discern he appeared to be a sincere humble minded Christian whose utmost endeavour was to do his duty both to God & man. He was one of the most useful and popular members of this little society and his loss will most severely be felt by all. "Requiescat in pace". I earnestly trust that all will learn to see in this awful visitation the hand of the same Good Providence which is so plainly discernible in every step connected with the history of this community. The same God who preserved to them from the wreck of the "Bounty" a copy of His Holy word & the Prayer Book of His Church and afterwards turned the heart of their father J. Adams from sin and wickedness to His service, has now in a most solemn manner exercised His chastening rod to draw back unto Himself the hearts of those who have erred and strayed from His ways. He chastens us not for His own pleasure but for our

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