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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 67, May 31-Nov 2, 1853

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1853 continued

Adml and is worthy and generous officers when made aware of the condition of the Islanders expressed much concern, and did all in their power to relieve them. The boat did not return untill the following morning, when the Adml. very kindly sent a surgeon on shore, to attend to the sick and with almost unexampled[?] generosity, he with his officers sent a quantity of biscuit, sugar, tea &c. &c. &c. to alleviate as far as was in their power the sufferings of the afflicted Islanders. At sun down the good ship Portland left us we fear for ever— May our Heavenly Father ever preserve her, and her gallant crew from all the assaults of her spiritual & temporal enemies is the earnest wish & prayer[?] of the community at Pitcairn's Island.

May 31, 1853

May 31st.
Elizabeth Holman daughter of John and Caroline Adams born.

Jun 28, 1853

June 28th
John Moresby Acland son of Abraham & Esther Quintal born

Jul 14, 1853

July 14th
Emily Evangeline daughter of John & Betsy Buffett born

Aug 9, 1853

Aug 9th.
William Henry Holman son of Charles & Charlotte Christian born

Aug 13, 1853

" 13th.
Rosalind Amelia daughter of Simon & Mary Young born

Oct 5, 1853

Oct. 5th
Ernest Heywood son of Thursday & Mary Christian born

Sep 19, 1853

Sept. 19th.
Sarah McCoy had a severe fall by which she broke her collar bone and fractured her jaw

Sep 21, 1853

" 21st.
Sarah McCoy suffering much pain

Oct 5, 1853

Oct 5th.
Sarah McCoy almost quite recovered thanks to the [?] attentions paid her by the Rev. G. H. Nobbs.

Oct 16, 1853

" 16th.
George Henry Parkin son of Miriam & Isaac Christian born

Nov 2, 1853

Nov 2nd
At 4 PM. a sail which was immediately pronounced to be a man of war was seen coming from the eastward. The whaleboat was immediately manned & went directly to her. She proved to be HBM ship "Dido" bringing to the community some more tokens of the kind regards of

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