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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 15, Jan 1-Aug 20, 1841

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.


Jan 1, 1841

Jany. 1st.
Arthur Quintall sen. reelected Magistrate
Fletcher Christian & Arthur Quintall jun. Councillors
John Quintal born.

Jan 4, 1841

" 4th.
John son of William & Maria Quintall born

Jun 17, 1841

June 17th
Cornelius son of Arthur & Mary Quintall born

Jul 4, 1841

July 4th
Andrew son of Charles & Charlotte Christian born

Aug 18, 1841

Aug. 18th.
Arrived H. M. Ship Curacoa, Jenkin Jones Esq. captain. 21 days from Callao. A most opportune arrival it was, for there were at least 20 cases of influenza among the inhabitants. Immediately after arriving at the settlement Captain Jones with the Surgeon of the ship (Dr. Gunn) visited the sick. Fortunately a small medicine chest had been [put?] up on board for the use of the islanders and there being also a medicine chest on shore, the surgeon was enabled to prescribe freely and beneficially.

Aug 19, 1841

" 19th..
After breakfast this morning Capt. Jones met such of the inhabitants as were able to attend at the school house and addressed them on various subjects connected with their welfare; after which he read a letter addressed to the inhabitants from Adml. Ross and caused a variety of very useful articles (the gift of the Adml Capt. Jones and Mr. Miller of Valparaiso) to be deposited in the school house for general distribution. Towards evening Capt. Jones went on board but most humanely permitted Dr. Gunn to remain on shore.

Aug 20, 1841

" 20th.
The Surgeon of the Curacoa has been most indefatigable in his attentions to the sick and the result is that some are beginning to mend and all have experienced relief. There is not one resident on Pitcairn Island but who is under weighty

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