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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 14, Jul 23-Dec 13, 1840

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.


Jul 23, 1840

July 23d.
Julia daughter of Thursday & Mary Christian born

Nov 9, 1840

Nov. 9th.
Arrived the Missionary Packet Camden Capt. Morgan. Several of our boats went off to her & About 9 AM. the ships boats landed the Captain and the Rev. Mr. Heath of the London Missionary Society, who brought with him some valuable presents from the Governor of New South Wales, the Lord Bishop and the Rev. Dr. Ross. In the Afternoon Mr. H. preached a most impressive sermon which was listened to with breathless attention. May the effect which it than produced be abiding. Capt. Morgan also addressed the congregation on that most important subject "The care of the Soul." In the evening several persons met at Mr. Nobbs house for religious conversation. Mr. Heath presided

Nov 10, 1840

Nov. 10th..
Early this morning the public school was visited by Messrs. Heath & Morgan and the scholars collectively and individually examined. The result was satisfactory; and both teacher & pupils commended. At noon another exhortation was given by Mr. Heath and toward evening our worthy friends repaired on board & the Camden made sail for the Marquesan Islands carrying with them our best wishes.

Dec 13, 1840

Dec. 13th.
Margaret McCoy delivered of a female child which expired an hour or two after its birth


Number of births this year three, Marriages, one, Deaths, one. The number of ships touching here 10. Fifty one scholars attend the public school, and forty [fifty] eight the Sunday school Number of inhabitants 108, 53 males, 55 females 17 males and 16 females eligible to vote at the magisterial election.

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