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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 13, Jan 1-Jun 7, 1840

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.


Jan 1, 1840

Jany. 1st.
Arthur Quintall sen. elected Magistrate George Adams & Arthur Quintall join Councillors

Jan 19, 1840

" 19th.
A Sunday school commenced

Feb 9, 1840

Feby. 9th..
Mrs Nobbs received a severe contusion on the shoulder by the falling of a cocoanut.

Feb 13, 1840

" 13
Moses Young fell from a cocoanut tree at least 40 feet in height, and was but slightly injured.

Apr 18, 1840
Apr 19, 1840

On the evening between the eighteenth and nineteenth of April, experienced a heavy gale of wind from the N. W. which did considerable damage to the breadfruit trees, plantain, oranges &c. [?] large pieces of the Banian tree were broken off and considerable fears were entertained by some of the inhabitants for the safety of their houses. But through the mercy of Him who "Rideth on the Storm" no accident occurred. At daylight the gale broke. Mem. The wind blew with greater violence that at any other time these twenty years past.

In consequence of the ill health of the teacher no school have been kept for some time past. Mr. Buffett officiating on the Sabbath.

Apr 30, 1840

[April] 30th.
Harriet Augusta, daughter of John & Dinah Quintall born

May 2, 1840

May 2nd
A serious altercation took place between Edward Quintal sen. and John Evans sen. The latter receiving several bruises on the head, back, & throat, & several scratches on the breast.

May 10, 1840

" 10th
Harriet Augusta Quintal baptized.

Jun 7, 1840

June 7th.
William Quintall married to Maria Quintall widow

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