Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 19 2021

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Brodie's Pitcairn's Island
Letter: Consul George Pritchard, Aug 13, 1831


“Tahiti,August 13th, 1831.

“The whole of the people belonging to Pitcairn’s Island having mutually agreed to receive Mr. Nobbs as their sole teacher and minister, we, whose names are undersigned, do hereby testify our approval of this arrangement, and do most sincerely hope that he may prove a great and extensive blessing to the whole of the inhabitants.

“(Signed) G. PRITCHARD, H. B. M. Consul.
“H. NOTT, CHAS. WILLSON, Missionaries.

“I hereby certify that this is a true Copy.

“(Signed.) F. D. BENNETT.”