Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 19 2021

← Letter PritchardHomeBrodieNobbs Petition →

Brodie's Pitcairn's Island
Letter: Heads of Families, Dec, 1832


To all whom it may concern.

“We, the undersigned, heads of families at Pitcairn’s Island, do hereby certify that Mr. George H. Nobbs has conducted himself to our satisfaction ever since be has been on this island; also, we have no fault to find with his manner of keeping school for the space of four years; and the reason why Mr. Nobbs is dismissed from teaching and school-keeping is in consequence of a disagreement between Mr. Nobbs and Mr. Joshua Hill, who has lately come to reside on this island amongst us.

“Pitcairn’s Island, Dec. 1832.

“(Signed.) EDWARD × QUINTAL.

× his mark

“I hereby certify that this is a true copy.

“(Signed.) F. D. BENNETT.”

← Letter PritchardHomeBrodieNobbs Petition →