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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jun 28, 1793

H M Ship Providence from Jamaica towards [England – 1793]

Remarks &c Friday June 28th

 1 pm: Light breeze & cloudy weather with a heavy shower of rain

 3 pm: In steering Sails

 4 pm: Ditto Weather Dolphins seen, Carys Chickens and other Sea birds, with a quantity of weed – Exercised great Guns – worked the Pumps

 6 pm: at 6 made the Assistants Signal to lead a head during the night – at 7 In 1st Reefs – The Assistant and 5 Sail in sight – at 8 moderate breeze and clear weather

12 mid: Light breezes and fine clear weather

 4 am: Ditto Weather

 5 am: At Daylight the Assistant, Antelope & the 2 Guinea Ships in sight – At 5..45 Tacked Ship – Squally with showers of rain & variable weather

 8 am: Moderate breeze and fine weather – cleaned below – Exercised great Guns – Served thick gruel for breakfast

10 am: A Strange Sail in the NE – Opened a Cask of Beef no 1370 contents 66 double pieces – Served Sour Krout – At Noon moderate breezes & fine clear weather – The Assistant, Antelope, & two Guineamen in Company – Broached a Puncehon of Spruce Beer
   Latitude Observed 30°..16′ North

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