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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jun 27, 1793

[H M S Providence from Jamaica towards] England – 1793

Thursday June 27th

 1 pm: Moderate breeze and fair weather – a strange Sail in the NNE

 4 pm: Aired the small Sails – Sailmaker repairing the old Main Top Gallant Sail – at 4 Light Airs with a shower of rain – Exercised great Guns – Let water into the Ship & pumped her out as usual – at 8 moderate breeze and cloudy weather

12 mid: Sounded every ¼ of an hour, no ground from 50 to 60 fathom – at ½ past 10 made the Assistants Signal to lead a head and sound &c &c – at midnight clear weather – seven sail in sight – Passed thru' strong ripplings

 5 am: Light breezes & cloudy weather – at Day Light The Assistant, Antelope, Cleminson & Thomas in Company. The two brigs & schooner to leeward, & a strange schooner about 6 miles astern – Caught a Shark – Served thick gruel for Breakfast Exercised great Guns & small Arms. Got up all wet cloaths to dry. Out 1st Reefs – at 10 Squally with showers of rain

12 noon: At Noon Light Airs & variable weather The Assistant Antelope & two Guinea Ships in Company – 3 Sail about 7 miles distant in the NW
   Latitude Observed 29°..22′ North

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