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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jun 26, 1793

H M S Providence from Jamaica towards [England – 1793]

Remarks June 26th Wednesday 1793

 1 pm: Fresh breezes and squally weather – Caught a Dolphin – Out 2d Reefs Fore & Main Topsail – a strange schooner on the weather quarter – Exercised great Guns – Let water into the Ship and worked the Pumps as usual

 7 pm: at 7 In 2d Reefs

 9 pm: Light Airs and dark cloudy weather with Lightning all round the compasds & claps of thunder from the ESE

11 pm: Light airs, squally & rain – Sounded every ¼ of an hour from 60 to 70 fathom – no ground

12 mid: At midnight a breeze sprung up from ye SE

 4 am: At Day light the Assistant & 7 Sail in Company – at 4..50 Saw Low flat Land (Florida Shore) made ye Signal – answered – at Sun rise the Extremes of the Land from NW½W to SW¾S distant 2 Leagues from the Deck & could not be seen further from the Mast head – Served thick gruel for breakfast – At 8 Extremes of the Land from NWbW to SW¼W 7 or 8 Miles – Light breezes and fair weather – Several black fish seen – Served Krout – Exercised great Guns & small Arms – Washed all the Decks and cleaned below – Sailmaker employed repairing the old Main Top Gallant Sail – At Noon moderate breezes & fine weather – Assistant in company and 7 Sail in sight
Latitude Observed 27°..13′ North

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