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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Feb 3, 1793

H M Ship Providence from St. Vincents towards [Jamaica – 1793]

Remarks Sunday February 3d

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fine weather – Saw a large flock of Birds – People washing and mending their cloaths – at 1 the NE End of the Island Beata N½W 7 or 8 Miles – Altivella N43°W distant 3 Leagues – at 2..14 Center of Altivella NW off shore 6 miles – at 2..45 the Island of Altivella on with the western part of Beata N40°E distance from Altavilla 6 or 7 Miles

 4 pm: at 4 Extremes of Hispaniola in sight N49°E to N31°W distant 8 or 9 Leagues. Altavilla N66E 4 or 5 Leagues – worked the Pumps as usual – at Sunset Altivella EBN½N 7 or 8 Leagues distant – Extremes of Hispaniola in sight from the Mast Head NW½W to NEbE distant off shore 9 or 10 Leagues – at 8 moderate and fair ½ past in steering Sails – AM fine clear weather – at Daylight made all Sail – Extremes of Hispaniola in sight NW½W to NEbE off shore 9 or 10 Leagues – Two sail in sight made the Signal to the Assistant – Served thick portable Soup gruel for Breakfast – at 8 Extremes of Hispaniola from ENE to NWbW. High moutain N42°W – Cleaned below & mustered in divisions – Performed divine Service – at 10..45 point Abacose N½W off shore 6 or 7 Leagues – Western point of Hispaniola N49°W – Moderate breeze and fine weather with haze – Assistant in Company – West End of Hispaniola at Noon N41°W Abacose point N32°E distant off Shore 7 or 8 Leagues – Latitude Observed 17°..50′ North

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