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Revised Sep 7, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Sep 15th, 1791

Log Book &c. of H M Ship Providence from Port Praya in the Island of St. Iago towards the Cape of Good Hope – 1791

Thursday September 15th

 1 pm: Rainy and looking squally in the SE

 2 pm: Made and shortened sail occasionally as the [?] required

 4 pm: Set the Fore Topmast and Lower [Studding?] sails – More clear – People employed making points and gaskets – Opened a Cask of Pork No 1157 Contents 66 Double pieces – Saw a Mother Careys Chicken and several other Sea Birds – at 6 Cloudy with Lightning in the SW – In 1 Reefs and down Studding Sails

 9 pm: Unsettled weather – taken aback

11 pm: Lightning to the Southward

12 mid: Calm

 1 am: A string rippling from South to SW

 4 am: Light Airs and calm at times

 5 am: Dark to the Northward. Got the Chests up and washed the Gun Deck. People employed making mats and points

 7 am: Set the Studding sails and Royals – Saw some Dragon Flies and a Butterfly

10 am: At 10 we passed through some fishes spawn It showed on a Line East and West as far as we could discern

11 am: Light Breezes increasing – Saw several Dragon flies and a Butterfly

12 noon: At Noon the Assistant in Company All Sail set
   Latitude Observed 10°..10′ North

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