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Revised Sep 7, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Sep 14, 1791

[Log Book &c. of H M S Providence from Port Praya in the Island] of St. Iago towards the Cape of Good Hope – 1791

Wednesday September 14th

 1 pm: Moderate and cloudy with showers at times

 5 pm: At ½ past 5 very black in the SE and every appearance of heavy squall coming – Shortened Sail and clued up the Topsails

 6 pm: rainy weather

 7 pm: Made sail again – set Top Top Gallant Sails – got up the wet Cloaths to dry

 9 pm: At 9 passed through several strong ripplings

10 pm: Dark Cloudy weather

 1 am: At 1 out [1st?] reef of the Main Top Sail – Dark in the SE with Lightning – Handed the Top Gallant Sails.

 2 am: Set Top Gallant Sails and out 2d Reef Fore Top Sail

 3 am: Saw several porpoises

 4 am: Moderate Breezes and fair

 6 am: Light Airs and cloudy inclinable to Calm – a strong rippling and showers at times

 9 am: Light Breezes and Showers at times

10 am: Cleaned below dry

12 noon: Employed making points and pointing the Fore Topsail – Carpenter and sailmaker employed as necessary Under Single Reefed Topsails and [?] Assistant in Company
   Latitude Observed 10°..49′ North

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