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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Jan 17-20, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

January 1792

Tuesday 17th  Moderate breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM Saw several Blue Petrils People Employed taking the Turtle Net to pieces & converting it into a Seine Marines cleaning Small Arms & Sailmaker making Coats for the Pumps at 7 Saw a Seal Made & Shortened Sail as necessary AM Fresh breezes & Clear ... Saw a number of Blue Petrils at 11 Smart rain the wind shifted to the SW In Studding Sails People Employed as before At Noon Moderate & Hazey Providence NbW

Wednesday 18th  Light winds & Cloudy PM at ½ past 12 The Providence made the Signal for seeing Land in the NE Quarter Answered Ditto & Saw the extremes of the Land from NNE½E to NbE at 4 the Island of Amsterdam bearing NbE distant 7 Miles Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally at ¾ past 7 the Island of Amsterdam NNW½W 3 Leagues AM Light winds & Variable Employed as before At Noon Moderate with frequent Fogs & Small Rain Providence WbS ½ a Cable Served Barley broth & Sourkrout

Thursday 19th  Moderate breezes & Clear PM People Employed making a Seine & Marines cleaning Small Arms Saw several Blue Petrils & some Albetrosses made & shortened Sail Occasionally to keep in our Station AM Moderate breezes & Hazey Saw a large Whale & several Small Ones set Studding Sails Ringtail & Royal ... Cleaned below ... Employed as before At Noon Ditto Weather Providence SE 1 Cable Served Sour krout

Friday 20th  Fresh breezes & Clear PM Employed as before Saw several Blue Petrils & a Quaker bird In Studding Sails & Ringtail at 1 Squally in Top Gallant Sails & 1st. Reef of the Foresail AM In 1st. Reef of the Fore Topsail at 5 Fresh breezes & Cloudy Set Top Gallant Sails ½ past out Reef of the Fore Topsail Employed as before At Noon Fresh Gales & Cloudy Providence SEbS 2 Cables Served Portable Soup

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