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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Jan 21-25, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

January 1792

Saturday 21  Fresh Gales & Clear PM Employed as before at 5 In Top Gallant Sails at 6 Strong Gales & Cloudy Weather Got down Top Gallant yards In 1st. Reef of the Fore Topsail & Trysail at 7 In 1st & 2nd Reef of the Main Topsail & Close Reefed the Fore Topsail & Trysail & Struck Top Gallant masts at ½ past 10 Squally with Rain the wind shifted suddenly to SW which broke the Boom Guy & Ringtail boom ... Clewed up the Foresail & Main Topsail & Furled the Main Sail ... Shiped much Water on Deck .. Shewed a light Occasionally in Answer to the Commodore at ½ past 11 Set the Main Topsail Middle part Strong Gales & Squally with Rain AM at 6 More moderate set the Foresail Out Reefs of the Topsails Fidded Top Gallant masts Set the Mainsail & out Reef of the Foresail at Noon Fresh breezes & Cloudy Providence EbS 1 Cable lost a log & 2 lines

Sunday 22  Fresh gales & Squally with a following Sea PM Got up the Main Top Gallant yard & set the Sail at 3 Fresh Gales & Squally with Rain in Top Gallant Sail AM Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally in Squalls At Noon Fresh Gales & Squally shiped much water on Deck Providence NNE ½ a Cable

Monday 23  Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM Got up the Fore Top Gallant yard AM Ditto Weather Set Studding Sails on both sides .. Served Sweet Wort to the Ships Company At Noon Light Airs & open Cloudy Weather Providence EbN ½ a Cable

Tuesday 24  Light breezes & Cloudy PM Employed Occasionally Made & Shortened Sail as necessary AM Ditto Weather Unbent the new Main Top Sail & bent the Old At Noon Moderate & fine Weather Providence NE ¼ of a Cable

Wednesday 25  Ditto Weather Employed Occasionally In Studding Sails & handed the Mainsail AM Light winds & fine Weather made & shortened Sail Occasionally Out Reef of the Foresail & Set Studding Sails, got the spare Sails up to Dry At Noon Moderate & fine pleasant Weather Providence ESE ½ a Cable

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