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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Jan 13-16, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

January 1792

Friday 13  Strong Gales & fair PM In Studding Sails & Fore Top Gallant Sail Saw several Petrils Albetrosses & dark Sheerwaters Sailmaker mending the lower Studding Sail at 7 Reefed & handed the Square Main sail In 1st. Reef of the Fore Topsail & Set the Square Mainsail AM Fresh Gales & Cloudy at 2 Set the lower Studding Sail at 6 Set the Fore Top Gallant Sail & Out Reef of the Main Sail & Fore Topsail ... Set Fore Topmast & Top Gallant Studding Sails & Ringtail Sailmaker mending the Fore Topmast Stay sail ... Cleaned below decks & dried with Fires Served Sour krout as usual At Noon Moderate & fair Providence SSW ½ a Cable

Saturday 14  Moderate & Clear PM Aired Ship below with Fires Served Vinegar to the Ships Company Saw several Blue Petrils & some Albetrosses made & shortened Sail Occasionally AM Light breezes & Cloudy cleaned away in the Fore hold & got water up At Noon Close Weather Inclinable to Fog Providence SEbE 3 Cables .. Served Sourkrout

Sunday 15  Moderate & fine Weather PM Employed getting water to hand in the Fore hold Bent the best bower Cable .. unbent the new Jib & bent the Old one AM Moderate & Clear made & Shortened Sail Occasionally At Noon Ditto Weather Providence SE 2 Cables Served Sour krout as usual

Monday 16  Moderate & Hazey Saw some Albetrosses & Blue Petrils Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally AM Clear Weather Marines Employed cleaning Small Arms Seamen overhauling the Sail room & Carpenter converting a broken Topmast Studding Sail boom into a Top Gallant Ditto .. Served Sweet Wort to the Ships Company At Noon Moderate & Hazey Weather Providence SEbE ½ a Mile

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