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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Oct 16-23, 1791

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

October 1791

Sunday 16  Light Airs Inclinable to Calm PM Cleaned the Best bower Tiers & Coiled the Cable below Served Vinegar to the Ships Company AM Ditto Weather Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally Aired the [Ships?] & Served Sourkrout At Noon Moderate & Clear Providence SEbS 1 Cable

Monday 17  Moderate breezes & Cloudy PM Employed Occasionally AM Ditto Weather Employed working up Junk Served Molasses to the Ships Company At Noon Providence ESE ⅓ of a Mile

Tuesday 18  Fresh breezes & Clear PM Employed working up Junk AM Moderate Weather Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally Served Spruce Beer to the Ships Company in lieu of Spirits At Noon Fresh breezes & Squally with a following Sea Providence SbE 1 Cable

Wednesday 19  Ditto Weather Took in & set Sails Occasionally AM Cloudy Weather Employed working up Junk Served Portable Soup & Borecole to the Ships Company At Noon Strong breezes & Hazey Providence EbN 1 Cable

Thursday 20  Fresh breezes & Cloudy Employed working up Junk AM Moderate & Cloudy at 10 Squalls with Rain Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally People Employed as before At Noon Moderate & Cloudy Providence NE ½ a Mile

Friday 21  Light breezes & Cloudy PM People Employed making Points &c Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally AM Ditto Weather at 4 Tacked Ship Slung the Topsail yards & unrove the Ties Employed serving Ditto & working up Junk . . . Rove the Topsail Ties & Unslung the Yards Carpenter making a Top Gallant mast At Noon Light Airs & Clear Providence NEbN 1½ Miles.

Saturday 22  Light breezes & Hazey PM Employed working up Junk Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally AM Light breezes & Cloudy Employed making Spunyarn & upon the Rigging At Noon Fresh breezes & Clear Providence [NbW?] 1 Mile

Sunday 23  Moderate & Cloudy People Employed working up Junk Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally AM Fresh breezes & Cloudy broached the 1st Butt of Water in the Fore Hold Mustered the Ships Company . . . The Spruce Beer that was Brewed being out Served Grog to the Ships Company At Noon Providence SbE 1½ Miles

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