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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Oct 8-15, 1791

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

October 1791

Saturday 8  Fresh breezes & Cloudy PM at ½ past 5 Answered the Signal from the Commodore to come within Hail AM Clear Weather Employed working up Junk Served Sweet Wort to the Ships Company At Noon Providence SSW ½ a Cable

Sunday 9  Moderate breezes & Clear PM Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally AM fresh breezes & Cloudy Read the Articles of War &c to the Ships Company & Mustered them At Noon Ditto Weather Providence SbW½W 1 Mile

Monday 10  Fresh breezes & Open Cloudy Weather PM Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally AM Moderate Weather Employed working up Junk Got up Fore & Main Topmast Preventer Backstays At Noon Ditto Weather Providence SSW 1½ Miles

Tuesday 11  Fresh breezes & Cloudy PM Employed making Robins & Linnett AM Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally Providence SWbW 2½ Miles

Wednesday 12  Moderate & Fair Employed as before AM Fresh breezes & Cloudy Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally Served Cocoa & Sugar to the Ships Company At Noon Providence SWbS 1 Mile

Thursday 13  Moderate & Fair PM Employed as before at [5/6] Answered the Signal from the Commodore to come within Hail [Ventilator?] Employed Sweetning Water AM Ditto Weather Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally Employed making Matts Served Sourkrout to the Ships Company At Noon Providence WbS 1 Cable

Friday 14  Light breezes & Fine Weather PM Variously Employed AM Set up the Fore Topmast & Top Gallant Rigging AM Ditto Weather Served Cocoa & Sugar to the Ships Company At Noon Light breezes Providence SbW ½ a Mile

Saturday 15  Ditto Weather PM Employed Occasionally Set up the Main Main Topmast & Top Gallant Rigging AM Ditto Weather Got the Best bower Cable on Deck, took the rounding off & washed & Scrubed the Cable with Salt Water . . . Fitted a new Jib Stay the Old One being Worne out At Noon Providence WbS 1 Cable

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