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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Oct 24-29, 1791

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

October 1791

Monday 24  Moderate & Fair Weather PM Took in & set Studding Sail Occasionally AM Ditto Weather hauled the Small bower Cable on Deck Took the Rounding off Cleaned the Tier & Coiled the Cable below again People Employed working up Junk & making Spunyarn At Noon Light breezes & Cloudy Providence West ½ a Mile

Tuesday 25  Moderate & Fair PM People Employed making Gaskets AM Light breezes & Dark Cloudy Weather at 3 Squally in Studding Sails & Top Gallant Sails at 4 Fresh breezes & Thick Squally Weather with Lightning ½ past Fresh Gales with Driving Rain In 1st Reef of the Topsails at 8 More Moderate Set the Main Top Gallant Sail People Employed making Gaskets & fitting Travellings to the Topmast Shifting Back Stays & mending the Main Topmast Staysail At Noon Gales & Cloudy Providence WNW ¾ of a Mile.

Wednesday 26  Fresh Gales & Cloudy Weather PM Employed making Gaskets & doing Sundry Jobs at the Rigging Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally AM Light breezes & Cloudy People Employed pointing the Foresail Served Vinegar Portable Soup & Borecole to the Ships Company At Noon Moderate & Cloudy Providence NWbN 1 Mile

Thursday 27  Moderate & Cloudy Weather PM Employed Occasionally Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally AM Fresh Gales & Cloudy Served Spruce Beer in Lieu of Spirits to the Ships Company At Noon Ditto Weather Providence ESE 1 Cable

Friday 28  Fresh Gales & Cloudy PM Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally AM Moderate & Dark Cloudy Weather People Employed Robin & Pointing a Topsail Served Portable Soup & Borecole to the Ships Company At Noon Fresh breezes & Cloudy Providence NNE 1 Cable

Saturday 29  Moderate & Cloudy PM Broached the 2nd Butt of Water in the Forehold at 3 Out Reef of the Main Topsail at 8 in Top Gallant Sails AM Moderate & Dark Cloudy Weather at 9 Tacked Ship at 11 Out Reef of the Fore Topsail Employed making Gaskets At Noon Moderate & Hazey Providence NNW 2 Cables

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