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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Aug 15-19, 1791

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

August 1791

Monday 15  Light Winds & Cloudy with Rain PM at 2 Wore Ship Saw a Sail in the SE .. Shewed Colours to a Portiguese Schooner AM Moderate & Hazey People Employed sewing Hide on different parts of the Rigging At Noon Light breezes & Pleasant Weather In Company with the Providence

Tuesday 16  Light breezes & Clear Weather Employed as before Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally AM Fresh breezes with heavy Squalls & Thunder & Lightning In Top Gallant Sails & 1st Reef of the Topsails at 3 More Moderate out Reefs of the Topsails & Set Studding Sails foreward People Employed working up Junk Carpenter making a Top Gallant mast ... Carried away the Fore Top Gallant Studding Sail boom Providence WbS½S a Mile

Wednesday 17  Moderate & fine Weather PM People Employed about the Rigging Carpenter as before AM Moderate & Clear Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally at 5 Carried away a Studding Sail boom . . . Saw a Sail in the NE . . . [?] the Signal Flags At Noon Providence

Thursday 18  Moderate & Clear PM Employed upon the Rigging Carpenter making a Top Gallant Studding Sail boom Four Sail in sight AM Hauled up the Best bower Cable Seamen Employed painting the Ends of it . . . Several Sail in the SE standing to the Northward Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally At Noon Providence SbW 2 Cables

Friday 19  Fresh breezes & Cloudy with Rain PM Seamen Employed as before Carpenter making a Top Gallant mast at 6 Squally in Top Gallant Sails 1st Reef of the Topsails & Fore & Aft Main Sail got down Top Gallant yards & Struck Top Gallant masts Still Squally in 2nd Reef of the Topsails AM More moderate Out Reefs got up Top Gallant masts & yards & set the Sails At Noon Fresh breezes Providence North 1 Cable Tacked Ship

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