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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Aug 20-25, 1791

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

August 1791

Saturday 20  Moderate & Hazey Weather PM Seamen Employed upon the Rigging AM Ditto Weather with Rain People Employed as before Carpenters making a Companion to the Fore Hatch at 7 Tacked Ship Served Portable Soup to the Ships Company. At Noon Fine Weather Providence SEbE 2 Cables

Sunday 21  Ditto Weather with Rain People Employed about the Rigging Carpenters as before AM Light breezes & Clear Tacked Ship at 4 Lost sight of the Providence & Answered her Signal Guns at 10 Saw the Providence bearing SWbS 1 Mile out Sweeps & Employed rowing towards the Commodore At Noon Providence SEbE ½ a Cable

Monday 22  Light breezes & Clear Weather PM Shortened Sail for the Providence Variation per means of a Sett of Azimuths 25°..24′ West AM Finished painting the Ends of the Best Bower Cable Lost the Log & 2 Lines At Noon Moderate & fine Pleasant Weather Providence WSW 1 Cable.

Tuesday 23  Moderate & Fair Weather PM Seamen Employed about the Rigging & Coiling away the Best bower Cable Carpenters as before AM Fresh breezes People Employed rounding the Small Bower Cable Saw a Sail in the SW. At Noon Providence West 1 Cable

Wednesday 24  Fresh breezes & Cloudy Weather PM People Employed upon the Rigging AM Fresh Gales & Squally Carried away the Larboard Fore Topmast Studding Sail boom at 7 Got up another Studding Sail boom Carpenter Employed making a Top mast At Noon Providence NW 1 Cable.

Thursday 25  Fresh breezes & Hazey PM Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally AM Light breezes Employed Occasionally Carpenter making Studding Sail booms Served Borecole & Portable Soup to the Ships Company At Noon Providence NEbN ½ a Cable.

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