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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Aug 10-14, 1791

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

August 1791

Wednesday 10  All these 24 Hours Light breezes & thick Hazey Weather PM Unbent the Cables Carpenter making a Studding Sail boom AM Shortened Sail for the Providence a heavy Swell from the Eastward At Noon Providence E½S ½ a Cable Latitude Observed 47°..58′ North.

Thursday 11  First part Light Airs Inclinable to Calm Middle & Latter a light breeze & Cloudy Weather PM People Employed sewing hide on the Rigging Carpenter making a Top Gallant yard & Studding Sail booms Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally AM Saw a Sail to the Southward Providence WSW 1 Cable Latitude Observed 47°..34′ North

Friday 12  First part Light breezes & Cloudy Middle Fresh breezes & Squally Latter more moderate PM Seamen Employed upon the Rigging Carpenter about a Top Gallant yard in Royals & [?] sails & Double reefed the Topsails Saw a Sail in the NW. AM In 3rd Reef of the Topsails at 4 a Heavy Sea from the SW. Shiped much Water on deck at 10 Moderate & fair Out Reefs of the Topsails & Set Top Gallant Sails At Noon Providence WNWbW 1 Cable

Saturday 13  Fresh breezes & Cloudy PM Employed fixing a pair of After Gripes to the Launch Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally AM Moderate & Cloudy Saw a Sail in the NW. Put the Ships Company to an Allowance of Water 2 Quarts per Man Exclusive of Water for Pease &c At Noon Providence South 3 Cable.

Sunday 14  Ditto Weather PM Tacked Ship. Saw a Sail in the SW Standing to the NW Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally in Squalls AM Passed a strange Sail standing to the Eastward. The Beer being all Expended Served Grog to the Ships Company At Noon Light Airs & Driving Rain Providence NNE 2 Cables

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