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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Nov 28, 1792

Remarks ☿[Wednesday] November 28th 1792 H.M.S. Providence

 1 pm: Strong Gales and squally Weather with spitting rain at Times – Bent the Fore staysail and set the Main topsail – At 2½ Handed the Main topsail. very heavy Squalls – Some Oceanic Birds about and two Whales seen. – Bent the Storm Mizen staysail, Handed the Mainsail, got in the [Storm?] topsail yard and unbent the Driver – Hard Gales. the Weather fine

 6 pm: At 6:15 Wore Ship per Signal

 8 pm: Hard Gales and squally Weather high Sea going

10 pm: rainy and lightning all round.

12 mid: Heavy rain. Wind very violent in Gusts.

 2 am: Fine clear Night but Wind as strong as ever. Ship rolls deep.

 4 am: Ditto Weather

 5 am: Many Sheerwaters, Pintado's and Albatrosses about – Under Close reefed Fore sail and storm Mizen staysail – Assistant under the same Sail

 8 am: the Wind a little moderated – set the Main topsail

10 am: Set the Main sail – A few Pintado's about

11 am: Set the Fore and Mizen topsails and out 2 reef of the Fore sail –
Hard Gales & fine Weather Heavy Sea going and Ship rolling considerably
Assistant in Company.

12 noon:

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