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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Nov 27, 1792

Remarks ♂[Tuesday] 27th Towards the Cape of Good Hope

 1 pm: Fine Weather some Swell from the SW – Saw a blue Shark about 6 feet long and some very large Pilot fish with him – Tryed for soundings with 248 Fathoms got no Ground – Saw sea Birds.

 4 pm: A light Air sprung up – Made all sail. A Shoal of Spermaceti Whales passed very near the Ship going to the Eastward.

 7 pm: Many brown Albatrosses about.

 8 pm: Light Airs and very fine Night

 9 pm: Clouds passing over the Moon to the South Eastward vivid flashes of Lightning in the NW and all the Appearance of having the Wind from that Quarter.

12 mid: Moderate Breezes & fine Weather In Larboard Studding sails & at 1 took in the Starboard ones & 1st reefs

 2 am: Fresh Gales & heavy Clouds passing over, constant Lightning in the SW. Handed Top Gallant sails – Three reefs in the Fore and Mizen and two in the Main topsail. Lightning in the SE.

 4 am: Strong Gales & Squally Weather – Handed the Fore and Mizen and close reefed the Main topsail. – Got down Top Gallant yards – Many Albatrosses and Sheerwaters about. – a Whale seen

 8 am: At 8 Heavy Squalls of Wind and rain – reefed and handed the Courses & Main topsail Ship under bare Poles. – At 9 Set the Courses and Main topsail. Water covered with spots and Foam. Fore topsail repairing

11 am: At 11 Second reefed the Foresail. Top Gallant Masts struck A Cask of Spruce broached for the People

12 noon: At Noon Fresh Gales & squally Weather
Assistant in Company.

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