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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Mar 20, 1792

Remarks Tuesday March 20th 1792 Providence

 1 pm: Strong Gales & Cloudy Weather – exceedinly hazey about the Horizon – took 3rd Reef in the Fore 2nd in the Main & handed the Mizen topsail

 4 pm: Saw some Albatrosses and Sheerwaters

 5 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual

 6 pm: In 3rd Reef Main topsail

 7 pm: Thick Hazey Weather

 8 pm: Strong gales & Squally – Up Mainsail

11 pm: Close reefed the Main topsail

12 mid: Ditto Weather a Fire kept all Night in the Galley and a Man out at the Bow sprit end as usual

 2 am: Many luminous Blubbers of an oblong Form in the Water – Close reefed the Fore topsail

 4 am: Strong gales & Cloudy Weather

 5 am: At Day break Set the Mainsail

 6 am: Squally with Rain at times

 8 am: Squally unsettled Weather

 9 am: Cleaned below and aired with Fires
Hard Showers of Rain

10 am: More Moderate Out 3rd Reef Fore and Main and set single reefed Mizen topsail Wort as usual – Sailmakers repairing the Fore Topmast staysail

12 noon: Fresh Gale and dark Cloudy Weather a thick Haze about the Horizon
The Assistant in Company

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