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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Mar 21, 1792

Remarks Wednesday 21st Towards Otaheite

 1 pm: Fresh Gale and dark Cloudy Weather a considerable Swell from the Westward – Hazey and Small Rain at Times

 4 pm: Saw several Albatrosses

 5 pm: Shortened Sail for the Assistant – when she came up Set the Foresail & handed the Mainsail

 7 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual

 8 pm: At 8 In 3rd Reef Fore topsail

 9 pm: Fresh Breezes and pleasant fair Weather

12 mid: A pleasant fine Night – A Fire in the Galley

 3 am: Moderate Breezes & fine clear Weather

 4 am: At Day break Out all Reefs, Set Top Gallant Sails and Steering Sails Fore and Aft – A long Swell from the South Westward

 6 am: Saw some Albatrosses and Sheerwaters

 7 am: A hot Breakfast of thick gruel and Portable Soup for the Ships Company as usual – Cleared the Gun Deck for receiving empty Casks out of the Fore Hold where they were getting fresh Water to hand. Sailmakers & part of the People employed as before

11 am: Wort at the usual Time – Unbent the new and bent the old Mizen topsail. A Cask of Spruce Beer broached and given to the Ships Company instead of Wine

12 noon: Light Breezes & fine Weather
The Assistant in Company

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