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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Mar 14, 1792

Remarks Wednesday March 14th 1792 Providence

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and thick misty Weather

 2 pm: A considerable Swell from the Eastward and the Ship pitching considerably

 3 pm: Drizling Rain at times

 4 pm: More clear – Saw several Patches of Rock-weed and a few Albatrosses

 6 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual

 8 pm: Dark cloudy Weather with Haze – Saw a Number of luminous Blubbers in the Water

10 pm: Thick misty Weather and squally with drizling Rain in 2nd Reefs topsails

12 mid: A Fire kept all Night in the Galley – and a Man out on the Jib-boom to look out

 2 am: Constant drizling Rain and heavy head Sea Ship pitching considerably – Down Jib

 4 am: Fresh Gale and thick hazey Weather

 5 am: Sent down the Fore Top gallant yard & in 3rd Reef Foresail

 7 am: The People served with a Hot Breakfast according to the daily Custom

 8 am: Saw several Sheerwaters – Cleaned below and Aired with Fires – Wort at the usual time

 9 am: Fresh Gale & Cloudy Weather In 3rd Reef Main and 4th Fore topsail – Set the Fore and Mizen Storm Stay sails – Handed the Mizen topsail nmd A Puncheon of Spruce Beer served instead of Wine

12 noon: Fresh Gale & cloudy with fiar Intervals, but Hazey
The Assistant in Company

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