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Revised Sep 2 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Jul 23, 1792

Remarks &c towards Timor 23rd July 1792

 1 pm: Light breezes and fair weather Shifted ye ship's company's Hammocks – Saw a Tropic bird and several Flying fish

 8 pm: Moderate and clear weather in lower steering sails and larboard Fore Top & Top Gallant steering sails.

12 mid: Cloudy weather in starboard Fore Top Mast steering sail

 4 am: Light airs – scrubbed 1st Division of Hammocks and Hammock Cloths. Saw 2 Tropic birds.

 8 am: Light Airs and fair weather – roused up the Best Bower Cables and coiled away a remnant of the small Bower – shifted the [?] Best Bower Cable on the small Bower anchor – Employed pointing the Best Bower Cable

11 am: Served fresh Pork and Plantains

12 noon: Light Airs and fair weather Assistant in company
   Latitude Observed 18°:45′ South

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