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Revised Aug 28 2021

Providence Logbook Aug 1, 1793

Remarks Thursday 1st August 1793 Beachy Head

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and fine Weather. At 1 The Needles bore true North.

 4 pm: Dunnose NbE distant 5 Leagues. Exercised Great Guns

 6 pm: St. Catherines NW½W Benbride Point NNW½W about 6 Leagues Worked the Pumps.

 7 pm: At ½ past 7 Beachy head from the Mast head EbN Dunnose N47°W Rocky Soundings

11 pm: Stony Soundings

12 mid: Ditto

 1 am: Ditto

 2 am: Ditto

 3 am: Ditto

 4 am: Beachy Head NbE off shore 4 Leagues

 8 am: Light Winds and fine Weather. Beachy head NW. Point of Fareleigh N31°E about 5 leagues off shore. Soundings Sand and Shells. Hot Breakfast as usual.

10 am: Washed and Cleaned Ship below & aired with fires

12 noon: Ditto Weather. Soundings Sand and small pieces of Shells. Beachy head N59W 5 Leagues, Outermost land in sight EbN½N, High Land of Fareleigh North.
  Assistant in Company. Few Vessels seen

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