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Revised Aug 28 2021

Providence Logbook Aug 2, 1793

Remarks Friday August 2nd, 1793 Downs

[The following is in a different hand.]

 1 pm: Moderate and fair Weather

 4 pm: Dunjyness N30E Highland of Fairleigh N45°W off shore 2 leagues.

 8 pm: Dunjyness W5N 9 or 10 Miles south Foreland N67°E off shore 5 or 6 Miles. Sounded 17 fathoms fine sand & stones.

12 mid: Calm. Came to an Anchor in 13 fathoms Clay bottom. Dunjyness Light WbS Folkstone North 2 Miles.

 5 am: Came on Board Mr. Blake (Pilot) from Dover.
Weighed & worked up for the Downs.

11 am: At 11 Salute The Flag, (Admiral Peyton) with 15 Guns, returned by [Her?]. Came too an Anchor in 8¼ fathoms. Veered half Cable. Deal Castle S80°W 2 Miles North Foreland N24°E South Foreland S42°W. Found riding here HM Ships Alfred & Invincible.

   I waited on the Admiral.

12 noon: Fair Weather. Assistant in Company

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