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Revised Aug 28 2021

Providence Logbook Jul 30, 1793

Remarks Tuesday 30th July 1793 Scilly & Lizard

 1 pm: Fine Weather. Spoke the Agreeable a Privateer Guinea Man bound to the Coast of Africa.
Sounded 65 fathoms fine Sand with black specks

 2 pm: At 2 Saw a Fleet from the Mast Head from SSW to WSW

 5 pm: At 5 hour An Advanced Ship drawing upon us I made The Assistants Signal to Chase her

 7 pm: The Assistant made the Signal for the Chase being a Friend. A Convoy from the Windward Islands His M Ship Charon having a Broad Pennant and the Centurion and Scorpion in Company. The Sailed from Tortola with 142 Sail, nearly, on the [blank] June. Yesterday HMS Winchester was sent off with 60 Sail for Liverpool and Bristol.

 8 pm: At 8 Sounded 60 fathoms Gravel. I went on Board the Commodore. I had permition to proceed on. Commodore Dodd.

 6 am: At 6½ Saw Scilly NEbE

 8 am: Squally Weather. Scilly NbE to NNW 5 Leagues.

10 am: The Lands End NEbE. At 11 it bore NNE. HM Packet left us.

12 noon: Fresh Gales and Fair. Lands End North and the Lizard Light Houses NEbE½E 6 Leagues. Fleet in sight WNW. Saw a Danish Man of War 28 Guns and several other Ships bound up Channel.

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