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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Feb 15, 1793

Remarks Friday 15th February 1793 Towards Port Morant

 1 pm: Fair Weather. Working to Windward for Port Morant.

 4 pm: Westermost White Horse N26°W 3 Miles.

 8 pm: The High Land of Yellows NbE½E 4 or 5 Miles off Shore.

 6 am: Yellows point NWbW & Eastermost White Horse N16°W 5 or 6 Miles

 8 am: Washed Ship and Aired with Fires

 9 am: Served fresh Beef to the Ships Company

12 noon: Fair Weather and Hazy. Eastermost White Horse NWbW and Extremes of the land WbN to NE½E off Shore 5 or 6 Miles

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