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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Feb 14, 1793

Remarks Thursday 14 February 1793 Towards Port Morant

 1 pm: Light Breezes and fine Weather. Weighed the Stream and laid in the fair Way. Port Royal point SbE ¾ Mile. 9 fathoms Water

 2 pm: Received 25 pounds fresh Beef.
Ships draught of Water forward 15 feet..3 Inches, Aft 15..3

 5 am: Weighed and Steered through the South Channel.

 6 am: Assistant Sailed for Savannah la Mar.

 8 am: Port Royal N15°W 9 or 10 Miles & the Yellows Point N81°E

 9 am: Served fresh Beef

12 noon: Fair Weather. Port Royal N55°W 4 Leagues, Rock Fort N5°W, Portland SWbW and Yellows N82°E.

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